221 research outputs found

    Sensation and entertainment in Nedunalvaadai

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    All the actions of man are based on his moods and feelings, but the emotion that emerges from the human being arises from the mind. Based on the time and environment emotion appears and it results as a person's behaviour. It is said that emotions are the actions that appear and perform not only for the human species, but the living things that appeared in the world also emotional feelings and emotions are manifested according to the weather and climate. Focusing on emotions, this article explains the feeling of animals, the feeling of worship, the feeling of the time, the loneliness of the heroine, the sense of duty and the sense of personality of the hero


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     Objectives:The aim of our study is to measure the urine albumin excretion in apparently  healthy adults, to find out the prevalence of elevated urine albumin excretion and to correlate  urine albumin excretion with anthropometric  parameters.Methods: For this, Cross sectional study was conducted where healthy adults of age group   35-50 years were taken. Systolic, diastolic blood pressures, fasting plasma glucose, 2hr  post  prandial glucose, serum urea, serum creatinine, serum cholesterol, serum HDL cholesterol, serum LDL cholesterol, estimated creatinine clearance, body mass index, body surface  area, mid arm circumference, waist circumference, hip circumference, wasit:hip ratio, mid thigh  circumference, mid calf circumference,  urine albumin, urine creatinine, urine albumin  creatinine ratio were measured. The relationship between urine albumin creatinine ratio and  the individual anthropometric measures were studied using spearman rank correlation  analysis.Results: Two out of fifty four participants had a urine albumin creatinine ratio in excess of  30microg/mg which signifies microalbuminuria. This corresponds  to a prevalence of  3.7%.Urine albumin creatinine ratio correlated positively with the waist circumference and  waist hip ratio. The relationship with other anthropometric measures were negative. None  of  them found to be significant

    Awareness About Various Disinfecting Agents Against Coronavirus in Chennai Population

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    To evaluate the awareness about various disinfectants used against the corona virus among the Chennai population. The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has infected and killed lots of people around the world. This led to the broad use of various types of disinfectants in order to control the public spread of the highly contagious virus. coronavirus can be inactivated by washing hands with soap and water and alcohol based hand rub. The transmission could not be prevented by the usual standards of hand hygiene, practised in the household this must be improved by the use of liquid soap dispensers and alcohol based hand-wash. A cross-sectional descriptive survey was prepared, and circulated through an online survey link, among the Chennai population within the age group of 25-30 years.The results were analysed using statistical analysis. Demographic information,Knowledge, attitude, practice were the output variables. The data analysis was done using SPSS software. From the cross-sectional study conducted among the Chennai population it is evident that most of the people are aware about COVID-19, and the various disinfectants used against it. Most of them find alcohol based hand rubs more effective than washing hands with soap and water. The increased awareness about the disinfectants and methods used will help to contain the spread of the virus

    Modified LSB Watermarking for Image Authentication

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    This paper mainly aims at developing an authentication scheme for digital images. The LSB scheme is chosen base for our proposed work. Through literature survey it is found that conventional LSB scheme provides low embedding rat low distortion and is irreversible. Because of its irreversibility, the conventional LSB scheme cannot be used for critic applications where reversibility is mandatory. Through this literature survey, we learnt that this conventional LSB scheme us only one bit in every pixel for embedding. Our proposed scheme presents a modified LSB embedding strategy that satisfies th reversibility and improves the embedding rate by using two bits in every pixel for embedding

    Lithium Knowledge among Patients with Bipolar Disorder: A Structured Assessment

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    INTRODUCTION : Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic and recurrent illness. Lithium is the main treatment for bipolar disorder prophylaxis. Median prevalence of lithium non-adherence is 44.7%. Incidence Lithium toxicity is 5.4 cases /100,000 per year .Higher the knowledge level, the higher the adherence and the lower the toxicity risks. Lithium Knowledge Test (LKT) identifies patients' practical and pharmacologic knowledge. Hence, we decided to use validated Lithium Knowledge Test (LKT)-Tamil version on bipolar disorder patients who were on lithium and their relatives, to estimate their knowledge about Lithium therapy. AIM : To assess the Knowledge about Lithium therapy among Bipolar Disorder patients and their care givers. METHODOLOGY : Patients and care givers were assessed for knowledge about lithium using validated Lithium knowledge questionnaire (Tamil version) and scores were obtained. RESULT : Out of 39 patients, 36 participants were getting treatment for manic episode and 3 participants were getting treatment for depressive episode. The mean LKT scores of patient and relatives were 9.52 (SD=4.32) and 8.53 (SD=4.65) respectively. Negative Pearson’s correlation was found between lithium knowledge score and age of the patient (p=0.033). Positive spearman’s rho correlation was found between patient’s knowledge and number of years of education (p=0.005). Negative spearman’s rho correlation was found between patient’s knowledge and age of onset of illness (p=0.039).Positive correlation was found between patient’s lithium knowledge and number of episodes of illness (p=0.026).Positive correlation was also found between patient’s knowledge and their care givers knowledge (p=0.013). Others factors like socioeconomic status, duration of illness, duration of lithium treatment and number of hospitalization had no influence on knowledge. CONCLUSION : Knowledge about lithium therapy was inadequate among patients and care givers. Age of patient, number of years of education, age of onset of illness and number of episodes had correlation with patient’s lithium knowledge. Good knowledge about lithium in care givers tends to influence knowledge of their patients

    Failure analysis of hybrid strengthened RC square column

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja analitičko i eksperimentalno ispitivanje armiranobetonskih (AB) stupova ojačanih kombiniranim sustavom cementnog materijala ojačanog vlaknima (engl. fibre-reinforced cementitious material - FRCM) i vanjski povezan vlaknima ojačan polimer (engl. externally bonded fibre-reinforced plastics - EB-FRP). Predložena tehnika iskorištava ove prednosti za povećanje čvrstoće i smanjenje preranog sloma AB stupova. Izliveno je sedam kvadratnih AB stupova: jedan obični stup, četiri stupa ojačana FRCM-om i dva hibridno ojačana stupa. Upotrijebljene su dvije vrste vlakana: ugljična i staklena vlakna. Stupovi su ispitani pod aksijalnim tlačnim opterećenjem u okviru za opterećenje. Razmatrana je granična čvrstoća, opterećenje u odnosu na deformaciju, slom i duktilnost kako bi se ispitala faza očvršćivanja i sloma. Predložena metoda omogućila je veći utjecaj ovijenosti i povećani kapacitet s manjim brojem FRCM-a s EB-FRP-om u odnosu na ostale metode. Napravljena su analitička predviđanja vršnog opterećenja te su korelirana s eksperimentalnim rezultatima.This paper presents an analytical and experimental examination of reinforced concrete (RC) columns strengthened with a combined system of fibre-reinforced cementitious material (FRCM) and externally bonded fibre-reinforced plastics (EB-FRP). The proposed technique makes use of these advantages in enhancing the strength and minimising the premature failure of RC columns. Seven square RC columns were cast: one control column, four FRCM-strengthened columns, and two hybrid-strengthened columns. Two fibres, namely, carbon and glass fibres, were used. The columns were tested under an axial compression load in a loading frame. The ultimate strength, load vs. deformation, failure, and ductility were discussed to examine the failure and strengthening behaviour. The proposed method provided a higher confinement effect and increased capacity with fewer FRCM with EB-FRP than the other methods. Analytical predictions of the peak load were made and correlated with the experimental results

    Case of placental insufficiency and premature delivery in a Fontan pregnancy:physiological insights and considerations on risk stratification

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    Objectives The coexistence of two complex physiologies such as Fontan and pregnancy is still not fully understood. We aim to add a unique and essential knowledge to help our colleagues in the management of Fontan patients that undergo pregnancy as well as the fetus and the placenta perfusion.Methods and results We analyse the coexistence of Fontan and pregnancy physiology on a complex case of a woman with hypoplastic left heart syndrome palliated with a univentricular repair who became pregnant, delivered very prematurely and had atypical placental findings.Conclusion Histopathological analysis of the placenta could help us to refine the understanding of Fontan physiology adaptation during pregnancy, predict women and fetal outcomes as well as to plan a better pre-pregnancy status. However, further evidence is needed in order to reach a more solid and unified conclusion

    mTORC2 signaling drives the development and progression of pancreatic cancer

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    mTOR signaling controls several critical cellular functions and is deregulated in many cancers, including pancreatic cancer. To date, most efforts have focused on inhibiting the mTORC1 complex. However, clinical trials of mTORC1 inhibitors in pancreatic cancer have failed, raising questions about this therapeutic approach. We employed a genetic approach to delete the obligate mTORC2 subunit Rictor and identified the critical times during which tumorigenesis requires mTORC2 signaling. Rictor deletion resulted in profoundly delayed tumorigenesis. Whereas previous studies showed most pancreatic tumors were insensitive to rapamycin, treatment with a dual mTORC1/2 inhibitor strongly suppressed tumorigenesis. In late-stage tumor-bearing mice, combined mTORC1/2 and PI3K inhibition significantly increased survival. Thus, targeting mTOR may be a potential therapeutic strategy in pancreatic cancer

    Layered, Tunable Graphene Oxide-Nylon Heterostructures for Wearable Electrocardiogram Sensors

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    Nanoscale engineered materials combined with wearable wireless technologies can deliver a new level of health monitoring. A reduced graphene oxide-nylon composite material is developed and tested, demonstrating its usefulness as a material for sensors in wearable, long-term electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring via a comparison to one of the widely used ECG sensors. The structural analysis by scanning electron (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) shows a limited number of defects on a macroscopic scale. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy confirm the presence of rGOx, and the ratio of D- and G-features as a function of thickness correlates with the resistivity analysis. The negligible effect of the defects and the tunability of electrical and optical properties, together with live ECG data, demonstrate its signal transduction capability.Comment: 7 main text and 4 supporting figures, under revie
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