111 research outputs found

    Coverage of the October war of 1973 in four Norwegian newspapers – From Israeli sympathizers to neutral newsagents?

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    Sammendrag Dekning av oktoberkrigen i 1973 i fire norske aviser – Fra israelsympatisører til nøytrale nyhetsformidlere? I denne masteroppgaven har jeg sett på fire norske avisers dekning av oktoberkrigen mellom 8. – 26. oktober i 1973. Norge var i lang tid et israelvennlig land. Både vennlig innstilt overfor staten Israel og det jødiske folk. I kjølvannet av Andre verdenskrig fulgte en bølge av sympati overfor det jødiske folket, og i dette tidsrommet ble staten Israel dannet. Det norske arbeiderpartiet og dets søsterparti i Israel knyttet nær bånd. Begge arbeiderpartiene var de ledende parti i sine respektive land fra slutten av andre verdenskrig til langt utpå 1960-tallet, dermed formet også dette opinionen, som altså favoriserte Israel i Norge. Da den israelsk-libanesiske krigen brøt ut i 1982 var opinionen definitivt snudd i Israels disfavør, og det norske folk, og de fleste avisene sympatiserte mer med araberne – og spesielt palestinerne. Var dette stemningsskiftet tydelig allerede under oktoberkrigen i 1973? I denne masteroppgaven har jeg funnet frem til alle artikler, notiser, reportasjer og ledere/utenrikskommentarer Jeg har katalogisert dem i enten pro-israelske, pro-arabiske eller nøytral. I tillegg til at jeg tolket innholdet i tekstene, har jeg sett nærmere på bruk av enkelte nøkkelord. Jeg har sett på i hvilket antall er de forskjellige ordene dukket opp. Var det for eksempel forskjell på hvor ofte ordene Israel og Egypt ble brukt, og betydde det noe for det meningsbærende innholdet? I 1995 skrev Morten Ivarsen sin hovedoppgave med et lignende tema, men han forsket på seksdagerskrigen i 1967. Han analyserte VG, BT, Aftenposten og Arbeiderbladet, fire av de største avisene på den tiden, i kraft av abonnenter og lesere. For sammenligningens skyld valgte jeg de samme fire avisene, slik at det var mulig å spore eventuelle endringer fra 1967 til 1973.Abstract Coverage of the October war of 1973 in four Norwegian newspapers – From Israeli sympathizers to neutral newsagents? In this master thesis I’ve looked at four different Norwegian newspapers and their coverage of the October War from 8th October – 26th October 1973. Norway was for a long time very sympathetic towards Israel as a whole, and the Jewish people. The end of The second world war brought with it a wave of sympathy across the world, for the suffering of the Jewish people, and in the wake of this the state of Israel was formed. The Norwegian labour party had close ties to their sister-party in Israel, and as in Norway, the Israeli labour party was at the head of government during most of the 1950s and 1960s. This affected public opinion in Norway, and most Norwegians favoured Israel to its neighbouring countries in that time. By the time of the Israeli - Libaneese war of 1982, the mood had changed, and most Norwegians, including most newspapers, were by then infavourable towards Israel, and favourable towards the Arabs – particulary the Palestinian people. Was this shift in favourability noticable in the covering of the October War of 1973? In this thesis I’ve found all the new articles, the editorials, the comments and notices. I’ve categorized into pro-Israeli, pro-Arab or neutral. In addition to make sence of them, reading meaning into the text itself, I have also searched for key words, and the use of these. I’ve looked at in what numbers did they show up. Was there a balance in the use of for example the words Egyptian and Israeli, and did it matter? In 1995 Morten Ivarsen wrote his master thesis on a similar subject, but his research was on the Six-Day War of 1967. He analyzed VG, Bergens Tidende, Aftenposten and Arbeiderbladet, four of the biggest newspapers in Norway in 1967 in terms of subscribers and sales circulation. I chose to look at the same four newspapers in my research to make a comparison, and look for any differences from 1967 to 1973.Historie mastergradsoppgaveHIS350MAHF-LÆHRMAHF-HI

    ELISA-basert deteksjon av biomarkørar i serumprøver ved Giardia-indusert kronisk utmattingssyndrom og funksjonelle gastrointestinale lidingar - Nivå av B-cell activating factor og antistoff mot cytolethal distending toxin B og flagellin hjå personar med langvarige plager etter Giardia-utbrotet i Bergen

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    Bakgrunn: Parasitten Giardia lamblia forureina drikkevasskjelda Svartediket i Bergen hausten 2004, og var årsaka til eit stort utbrot av giardiasis i menneske. Denne gastrointestinale infeksjonen blei for mange starten på langvarige mageplager og utmatting. Seinare innfridde mange av desse pasientane Roma II-kriteria for irritabel tarmsyndrom (IBS) og nokre fekk også klinisk påvist kronisk utmattingssyndrom (CFS). Desse lidingane manglar biomarkørar i diagnostiseringa, og blir omtalte som funksjonelle lidingar. Pasientane må ofte gjennom ei rekkje undersøkingar for å ekskludere andre organiske sjukdomar. Det vil vere ein stor fordel, både for samfunnet og pasientane, om ei enklare diagnostisering ved bruk av ein biomarkør blir funnen. Markørane «B-cell activating factor» (BAFF), antistoff mot «cytolethal distending toxin B» (anti-CdtB) og antistoff mot flagellin (anti-flagellin) er tidlegare sett på i liknande sjukdomsgrupper, men treng vidare undersøking. Hensikt: Undersøke nivået av BAFF, anti-CdtB og anti-flagellin og deira potensial som biomarkørar i pasientar med kronisk utmattingssyndrom/ideopatisk kronisk utmatting (CFS/ICF), funksjonelle gastrointestinale lidingar (FGID), irritabel tarmsyndrom (IBS) og diaré-dominerande irritabel tarmsyndrom (IBS-D) etter Giardia-infeksjon. I tillegg ønskjer ein å undersøke korleis fryse-tine-syklusar påverkar konsentrasjonen av BAFF i serumprøver. Metode: Ein studiepopulasjon på totalt 102 personar med dei ulike sjukdomane CFS/ICF, FGID, IBS og IBS-D, samt kontrollar eksponerte og ueksponerte for Giardia, er undersøkte opp mot kvarandre. Nivået av markørane er analysert ved bruk av «enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay» (ELISA), der direkte OD-verdiar (optisk tettleik) er oppgitt som resultat for anti-CdtB og anti-flagellin, medan det for BAFF er oppgitt utrekna konsentrasjon. BAFF-degradering blei òg analysert med ELISA, etter at serumprøvene var fryst-tint éin, tre og seks gonger. Resultat: Der var ingen signifikante forskjellar for dei tre markørane mellom sjukdoms-gruppene og kontrollgruppene. Undersøking av BAFF-konsentrasjonen i serumprøver fryst-tint fleire gonger viste signifikante forskjellar mellom prøver fryst-tint éin gong og tre gonger, samt mellom éin gong og seks gonger. Konklusjon: Resultata i prosjektet gjev ikkje grunnlag til å tru at dei tre undersøkte biomarkørane kan nyttast for å skilje pasientar med FGID eller CFS frå friske personar. Vi diskuterer svakheiter i metoden som kan ha bidrege til at vi fekk eit anna resultat enn publikasjonane vi tok utgangspunkt i. Resultata for undersøking av BAFF i serum etter gjentekne fryse-tine-syklusar tyder på at ei degradering av cytokinet skjer.Masteroppgåve i FarmasiFARM399/05HMATF-FAR

    No difference in serum levels of B-cell activating receptor and antibodies against cytolethal distending toxin B and flagellin in post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome after Giardia infection

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    Background and Aim Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) frequently occur as comorbid conditions to each other. A shared etiology of these syndromes has been proposed because of their shared symptomatology and triggering by infections. Antibodies against the bacterial antigens cytolethal distending toxin B (CdtB) and flagellin have been proposed to be biomarkers of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), especially diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-D). It is unknown if they may also be associated with comorbid conditions such as CFS. On the other hand, elevated level of B-cell activating factor (BAFF) has been associated with CFS and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and subjective food intolerance. Methods We evaluated serum levels of anti-flagellin and anti-CdtB using an in-house enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and BAFF with a commercially available ELISA kit in a cohort of patients who developed fatigue syndromes and/or FGIDs after Giardia infection, by comparing them with healthy controls without these conditions. Results We did not find significant differences in circulating BAFF, anti-CdtB, or anti-flagellin antibody levels in these patient groups compared to healthy controls. Therefore, our results do not support a role for BAFF, anti-CdtB, or anti-flagellin antibodies as universal biomarkers for IBS or CFS. Conclusion BAFF, anti-CdtB, or anti-flagellin antibodies cannot be considered as universal biomarkers for IBS or CFS.publishedVersio

    Sonification and Music as Support to the Communication of Alcohol-Related Health Risks to Young People : Study design and results

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    Excessive consumption of alcohol has been recognised as a significant risk factor impacting the health of young people. Effective communication of such risk is considered to be one key step to improve behaviour. We evaluated an innovative multimedia intervention that utilised audio (sonification—using sound to display data—and music) and interactivity to support the visual communication of alcohol health risk data. A 3-arm pilot experiment was undertaken. The trial measures included health knowledge, alcohol risk perception and user experience of the intervention. Ninety-six subjects participated in the experiment. At 1 month follow-up, alcohol knowledge and alcohol risk perception improved significantly in the whole sample. However, there was no difference between the intervention groups that experienced (1) visual presentation with interactivity (VI-Exp group) and, (2) visual presentation with audio (sonification and music) and interactivity (VAI-Exp group), when compared to the control group which experienced a (3) visual only presentation (V-Cont group). Participants reported enjoying the presentations and found them educational. The majority of participants indicated that the audio, music and sonification helped to convey the information well, and, although a larger sample size is needed to fully establish the effectiveness of the different interventions, this study provides a useful model for future similar studies

    Tertiary Survey Performance in a Regional Trauma Hospital Without a Dedicated Trauma Service

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    Background: Initial management of trauma patients is focused on identifying life- and limb-threatening injuries and may lead to missed injuries. A tertiary survey can minimise the number and effect of missed injuries and involves a physical re-examination and review of all investigations within 24 h of admission. There is little information on current practice of tertiary survey performance in hospitals without a dedicated trauma service. We aimed to determine the rate of tertiary survey performance and the detail of documentation as well as the baseline rate of missed injuries. Methods: We performed a retrospective, descriptive study of all multitrauma patients who presented to an Australian level II regional trauma centre without a dedicated trauma service between May 2008 and February 2009. A medical records review was conducted to determine tertiary survey performance and missed injury rate. Results: Of 252 included trauma patients, 20% (n = 51) had a tertiary survey performed. A total of nine missed injuries were detected in eight patients (3.2%). Of the multiple components of the tertiary survey, most were poorly documented. Documentation was more comprehensive in the subgroup of patients who did have a formal tertiary survey. Conclusions: Tertiary survey performance was poor, as indicated by low documentation rates. The baseline missed injury rate was comparable to previous that of retrospective studies, although in this study an underestimation of true missed injury rates is likely. Implementing a formal, institutional tertiary survey may lead to improved tertiary survey performance and documentation and therefore improved trauma care in hospitals without a dedicated trauma service

    Laura Oster-Aaland Collection

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    Collection of materials related to Martha Heihn. Includes transcribed interview with Mrs. Heihn, a biography, a newspaper article about her, and three photographic prints.Collection of materials related to Martha Heihn; includes transcribed interview with Mrs. Heihn, a biography, a newspaper article about her, and two photographs. Also included in the collection are several textiles and the book "Flegel-Pflugrath Kinship" by Arthur Flegel