16 research outputs found

    Teaching with Lecture or Debate? Testing the Effectiveness of Traditional versus Active Learning Methods of Instruction

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    Defending Women's Rights in Europe

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    Comparative analysis of gender equality reforms enacted in ten post-communist states who became members of the European Union.Between 2004 and 2007, ten post-communist Eastern European states became members of the European Union (EU). To do so, these nations had to meet certain EU accession requirements, including antidiscrimination reforms. While attaining EU membership was an incredible achievement, many scholars and experts doubted the sustainability of accession-linked reforms. Would these nations comply with EU directives on gender equality? To explore this question, Defending Women’s Rights in Europe presents a unique analysis of detailed original comparative data on state compliance with EU gender equality requirements. It features a comprehensive quantitative analysis combined with rigorous insightful case studies of reforms in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania. Olga A. Avdeyeva reveals that policy and institutional reforms developed furthest in those states where women’s advocacy NGOs managed to form coalitions with governing political parties. After becoming members of the EU, the governments did not abolish these policies and institutions despite the costs and lack of popular support. Reputational concerns prevented state elites from policy dismantling, but gender equality policies and institutions became marginalized on the state agenda after accession.Olga A. Avdeyeva is Associate Professor of Political Science at Loyola University Chicago

    Gender equality and European Union enlargement: What explains government compliance with EU requirements?

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    This dissertation explores government compliance with international pressures as a complex two-stage process that consists of formal response, policy adoption, and change in domestic practice, policy implementation. The research demonstrates that government compliance is characterized by a persisting decoupling between policy adoption and policy implementation. The dissertation develops the models for explaining the variation in speed and scope of government adoption and implementation of policies on gender equality in the workplace promoted by the EU in ten Enlargement countries. I argue that government compliance with international requirements is determined by the domestic political system and depends on the configuration of political actors mobilized in support of and in opposition to new policies. Legislative reform is facilitated by strong women\u27s movements, established state offices on gender equality, and mobilized female parliamentarians. Policy implementation depends on mobilization capacities of women\u27s movements and their ability to form coalitions with political actors within government elites, most importantly governing parties. I argue that the effect of women\u27s movements\u27 actors on the implementation of policies on gender equality in the workplace is moderated by the ideology of political parties in power

    Defending Women\u27s Rights in Europe: Gender Equality and EU Enlargement

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    Defending Women's Rights in Europe

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    Comparative analysis of gender equality reforms enacted in ten post-communist states who became members of the European Union.Between 2004 and 2007, ten post-communist Eastern European states became members of the European Union (EU). To do so, these nations had to meet certain EU accession requirements, including antidiscrimination reforms. While attaining EU membership was an incredible achievement, many scholars and experts doubted the sustainability of accession-linked reforms. Would these nations comply with EU directives on gender equality? To explore this question, Defending Women’s Rights in Europe presents a unique analysis of detailed original comparative data on state compliance with EU gender equality requirements. It features a comprehensive quantitative analysis combined with rigorous insightful case studies of reforms in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania. Olga A. Avdeyeva reveals that policy and institutional reforms developed furthest in those states where women’s advocacy NGOs managed to form coalitions with governing political parties. After becoming members of the EU, the governments did not abolish these policies and institutions despite the costs and lack of popular support. Reputational concerns prevented state elites from policy dismantling, but gender equality policies and institutions became marginalized on the state agenda after accession.Olga A. Avdeyeva is Associate Professor of Political Science at Loyola University Chicago

    Біодоступність забруднюючих речовин у водному середовищі та грунті

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     The problem of xenobiotics bioavailability in soil and water medium is currently the object of considerable attention of scientists, environment activists, and policy makers. The concept of xenobiotics bioavailability is seldom defined precisely. Every branch of science explains it in its own way. In present publication we are trying to reveal the idea of bioavailability concept and to connect bioavailability definitions to the concept of water and soil system pollution. Рассмотрена проблема биодоступности ксенобиотиков в почве и водной среде, которой уделяется много внимания ученых, защитников природы и политиков. Концепция биодоступности имеет несколько подходов - каждая научная отрасль имеет свое объяснение термина. Приведены принцип и механизм биодоступности. Определена связь между уровнем загрязнения водной среды и почвы и биодоступностью ксенобиотиков в них. Розглянуто проблему біодоступності ксенобіотиків у ґрунті і водному середовищі, якій приділяється багато уваги вчених, захисників природи та політиків. Концепція біодоступності має декілька підходів - кожна наукова галузь має своє пояснення терміну. Наведено принцип та механізм біодоступності. Визначено зв’язок між рівнем забруднення водного середовища і ґрунту та біодоступністю ксенобіотиків у них