166 research outputs found

    Evolutionary design of a full–envelope flight control system for an unstable fighter aircraft

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    The use of an evolutionary algorithm in the framework of H∞ control theory is being considered as a means for synthesizing controller gains that minimize a weighted combination of the infinite-norm of the sensitivity function (for disturbance attenuation requirements) and complementary sensitivity function (for robust stability requirements) at the same time. The case study deals with the stability and control augmentation of an unstable high-performance jet aircraft. Constraints on closed-loop response are also enforced, that represent typical requirements on airplane handling qualities, that makes the control law synthesis process more demanding. Gain scheduling is required, in order to obtain satisfactory performance over the whole flight envelope, so that the synthesis is performed at different reference trim conditions, for several values of the dynamic pressure, Q, used as the scheduling parameter. Nonetheless, the dynamic behaviour of the aircraft may exhibit significant variations when flying at different altitudes h, even for the same value of the dynamic pressure, so that a trade-off is required between different feasible controllers synthesized for a given value of Q, but different h. A multi-objective search is thus considered for the determination of the best suited solution to be introduced in the scheduling of the control law. The obtained results are then tested on a longitudinal nonlinear model of the aircraft

    Multi-objective design of robust flight control systems

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    The aim of this work is to demonstrate the capabilities of evolutionary methods in the design of robust controllers for unstable fighter aircraft in the framework of H1 control theory. A multi–objective evolutionary algorithm is used to find the controller gains that minimize a weighted combination of the infinite–norm of the sensitivity function (for disturbance attenuation requirements) and complementary sensitivity function (for robust stability requirements). After considering a single operating point for a level flight trim condition of a F-16 fighter aircraft model, two different approaches will then be considered to extend the domain of validity of the control law: 1) the controller is designed for different operating points and gain scheduling is adopted; 2) a single control law is designed for all the considered operating points by multiobjective minimisation. The two approaches will be analysed and compared in terms of efficacy and required human and computational resources

    Direct transcription of low-thrust trajectories with finite trajectory elements

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    This paper presents a novel approach to the design of Low-Thrust trajectories, based on a first order approximated analytical solution of Gauss planetary equations. This analytical solution is shown to have a better accuracy than a second-order explicit numerical integrator and at a lower computational cost. Hence, it can be employed for the fast propagation of perturbed Keplerian motion when moderate accuracy is required. The analytical solution was integrated in a direct transcription method based on a decomposition of the trajectory into direct finite perturbative elements (DFPET). DFPET were applied to the solution of two-point boundary transfer problems. Furthermore the paper presents an example of the use of DFPET for the solution of a multiobjective trajectory optimisation problem in which both the total ∆V and transfer time are minimized with respect to departure and arrival dates. Two transfer problems were used as test cases: a direct transfer from Earth to Mars and a spiral from a low Earth orbit to the International Space Station

    Model predictive control architecture for rotorcraft inverse simulation

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    A novel inverse simulation scheme is proposed for applications to rotorcraft dynamic models. The algorithm adopts an architecture that closely resembles that of a model predictive control scheme, where the controlled plant is represented by a high-order helicopter model. A fast solution of the inverse simulation step is obtained on the basis of a lower-order, simplified model. The resulting control action is then propagated forward in time using the more complex one. The algorithm compensates for discrepancies between the models by updating initial conditions for the inverse simulation step and introducing a simple guidance scheme in the definition of the tracked output variables. The proposed approach allows for the assessment of handling quality potential on the basis of the most sophisticated model, while keeping model complexity to a minimum for the computationally more demanding inverse simulation algorithm. The reported results, for an articulated blade, single main rotor helicopter model, demonstrate the validity of the approach

    Spacecraft dynamics under the action of Y-dot magnetic control law

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    The paper investigates the dynamic behavior of a spacecraft when a single magnetic torque-rod is used for achieving a pure spin condition by means of the so-called Y-dot control law. Global asymptotic convergence to a pure spin condition is proven on analytical grounds when the dipole moment is proportional to the rate of variation of the component of the magnetic field along the desired spin axis. Convergence of the spin axis towards the orbit normal is then explained by estimating the average magnetic control torque over one orbit. The validity of the analytical results, based on some simplifying assumptions and approximations, is finally investigated by means of numerical simulation for a fully non-linear attitude dynamic model, featuring a tilted dipole model for Earth׳s magnetic field. The analysis aims to support, in the framework of a sound mathematical basis, the development of effective control laws in realistic mission scenarios. Results are presented and discussed for relevant test cases

    Spazzatura spaziale: origine, pericoli, che fare

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    L'accumulo dei residui delle attività spaziali, particolarmente densi nelle orbite più utili dal punto di vista operativo, costituisce una seria minaccia al futuro sviluppo delle missioni spaziali. Il rischio che un effetto domino porti alla successiva frammentazione di un numero crescente di satelliti, molti dei quali inoperativi da anni, è concreto e comporterebbe un ostacolo di fatto insormontabile a qualunque futura missione spaziale, abitata o meno. Come si è arrivati a questo punto? Quali sono le prospettive realistiche per il futuro? Possiamo solo limitare i danni o è possibile ripiulire lo spazio? Sono queste alcune delle (difficili) domande cui si tenterà di dare una risposta tecnicamente motivata nella pagine che seguono

    Spazzatura spaziale: origine, pericoli, che fare

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    L'accumulo dei residui delle attività spaziali, particolarmente densi nelle orbite più utili dal punto di vista operativo, costituisce una seria minaccia al futuro sviluppo delle missioni spaziali. Il rischio che un effetto domino porti alla successiva frammentazione di un numero crescente di satelliti, molti dei quali inoperativi da anni, è concreto e comporterebbe un ostacolo di fatto insormontabile a qualunque futura missione spaziale, abitata o meno. Come si è arrivati a questo punto? Quali sono le prospettive realistiche per il futuro? Possiamo solo limitare i danni o è possibile ripiulire lo spazio? Sono queste alcune delle (difficili) domande cui si tenterà di dare una risposta tecnicamente motivata nella pagine che seguono

    Solution of Low-Thrust Lambert Problem with Perturbative Expansions of Equinoctial Elements

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    A method for solving the so-called low-thrust Lambert problem is proposed. After formulating it as a two-point boundary value problem, where initial and final positions are provided in terms of equinoctial variables, a first-order perturbative approach is used for investigating the variation of orbital elements generated by the low-thrust propulsion system, which acts as a perturbing parameter with respect to the zero-order Keplerian motion. An implicit algebraic problem is obtained, which allows for the determination of the low-thrust transfer trajectory that drives the equinoctial parameters from the initial to the final values in a prescribed time. Three test cases are presented, which demonstrate the flexibility of the method for different mission scenarios: an interplanetary transfer from Earth to Mars, a spiral multirevolution transfer from low Earth orbit to the International Space Station, and a maneuver to a highly elliptical orbit with large plane change

    Analysis and optimization of hybrid powertrains for rotocraft applications

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    The use of a hybrid powertrain for a conventional single main rotor helicopter is investigated, with the objective of assessing its feasibility and its potential impact on improving safety, especially for single-engine rotorcraft. The study is focused on the characteristics of the powertrain and required battery pack. It is based on a simple analysis of power required in forward flight and the estimate of the total energy required for a powered landing maneuver after thermal engine failure. Current technologies are considered as well as expected improvements, especially as far as energy density and power density of the battery are concerned. The latter analysis is based on current trends for battery and motors technologies, in order to determine the technological breakthrough limit

    Evolutionary Optimization for Active Debris Removal Mission Planning

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    Active debris removal missions require an accurate planning for maximizing mission payout, by reaching the maximum number of potential orbiting targets in a given region of space. Such a problem is known to be computationally demanding and the present paper provides a technique for preliminary mission planning based on a novel evolutionary optimization algorithm, which identifies the best sequence of debris to be captured and/or deorbited. A permutation-based encoding is introduced, which may handle multiple spacecraft trajectories. An original archipelago structure is also adopted for improving algorithm capabilities to explore the search space. As a further contribution, several crossover and mutation operators and migration schemes are tested in order to identify the best set of algorithm parameters for the considered class of optimization problems. The algorithm is numerically tested for a fictitious cloud of debris in the neighborhood of Sun-synchronous orbits, including cases with multiple chasers