70 research outputs found

    Self-adaptive grids for noise mapping refinement

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    Noise maps are usually represented as contour or isolines maps describing the sound levels in a region. Using this kind of representation the user can easily find the noise level assigned to every location in the map. But the acoustic calculations behind the map are not performed for every single location on it; they are only performed in a grid of receivers. The results in this calculation grid are interpolated to draw the isolines or contours. Therefore, the resolution of the calculation grid and the way it was created (rectangular, triangulated, random…) have an effect on the resulting map. In this paper we describe a smart iterative procedure to optimize the quality of the map at a really low additional computational cost, using self-adaptive grids for the acoustic calculations. These self-adaptive grids add new receivers to the sampling grid in those locations where they are expected to be more useful, so that the performance at the output of the interpolator is enhanced. Self-adaptive sampling grids can be used for minimizing the overall error of the map (improving its quality), or for reducing calculation times, and can be also applied selectively to target areas or contour lines. This can be done by the user customizing the maximum number of iterations, the number of new receivers for each iteration, the target isolines, the target quality

    Preliminary test to characterize the soundscape of the Plaza Mayor in Madrid

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    This paper is a first step of a research about the analysis of the richness of the existing sounds in the Plaza Mayor, due to the old and traditional shops and bars under its porticoes together with the huge daily affluence of people. In this paper we study the sound preferences of the salesmen and bar tenders at those traditional shops. These sound preferences include particular sounds, time of occurrence and date of specific annoying and pleasant sounds perceived at the square and the shops surrounding it. To carry out this study, several noise level measurements and socio-acoustic surveys were held. We will also try to correlate sound preferences and annoyance with noise levels of specific events existing at this particular square

    Nuclear DNA fragmentation in boar spermatozoa: measurement methods and reproductive performance implications

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    The aim of this research was to compare the different techniques to measure sperm nuclear DNA fragmentation (sDF) and to check its relations to boar reproductive value, classical spermiogram parameters, and reproductive results of the doses in sows. Sperm chromatin stability assay (SCSA), terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay, and sperm chromatin dispersion test (SCD, Halomax®) results were compared, finding a statistically significant correlation only between SCSA and TUNEL results. The fertility direct boar effect (DBE) index, calculated from the whole productive life of the boar, was not correlated (p > 0.05) with sDF (measured by any technique). Total or progressive sperm motility was not correlated with sDF, while it found a positive correlation between TUNEL measure and abnormal acrosomes (%) and between SCD measure and total sperm morphological abnormalities (%). No significant correlations were obtained between fertility or prolificacy results and sDF results with the different techniques. However, in the case of total born and SCSA measure, the correlation was close to significance (r partial = -0.095; p = 0.066), appointing to a tendency; as SCSA increases, the number of total piglets born decreases. In conclusion, although the different techniques for the sDF seem not to target exactly the same DNA events and the relationship between their values and the reproductive results and the classical spermiogram results is still to be elucidated, the studied sDF techniques may offer extra information that could be useful for the management of AI studs. Copyright © 2022 Ausejo, Martínez, Mendoza, Bolarin, Tejedor and Falceto

    Compounds from multilayer plastic bags cause reproductive failures in artificial insemination

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    High levels of reproductive failure were detected in some Spanish sow farms in the Spring of 2010. Regular returns to estrus and variable reductions in litter size were observed. The problem started suddenly and did not appear to be related to the quality of the ejaculates, disease, alterations of body condition or any other apparent reasons. Subsequent studies determined that the problem was the origin of the plastic bags used for semen storage. Chemical analysis of the suspicious bags identified unexpected compounds such as BADGE, a cyclic lactone and an unknown phthalate that leached into the semen at concentrations of 0.2 to 2.5 mg/L. Spermatozoa preserved in these bags passed all of the routine quality control tests, and no differences were observed between storage in the control and suspicious bags (p . 0.05). In vitro fecundation tests and endocrine profiler panel analysis (EPP) did not show any alterations, whereas the in vivo tests confirmed the described failure. This is the first described relationship between reproductive failure and toxic compounds released from plastic bags

    Characterization of microring filters for differential group delay applications

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    The longitudinal offset technique permits to improve the accuracy of the coupling coefficients of integrated directional couplers and provides designs that can be easily implemented with current fabrication tolerances. In this work, we address the additional degree of freedom offered by this technology in order to tailor the differential group delay in coupled-resonator optical filters. We present the characterization of several devices exploiting this feature and we discuss their potential applicationsThis work has been founded by MINECO (Spanish Government), project numbers TEC2010-21303-C01, 02, 03 and 04, and JCyL Project No. VA089U16. F. J. F.-P. has also been partly supported by the ERDF and by the Galician Regional Government under project GRC2015/018 and under agreement for funding AtlantTI

    A nationwide pilot study on breast cancer screening in Peru

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    "Introduction: A high prevalence of advanced breast cancer (BC) is a common scenario in Latin America. In Peru, the frequency of BC at Stages III/IV is ≈50% despite implementation of a programme for breast cancer screening (BCS) along the country. We carried out a study to assess the feasibility and develop an instrument to evaluate the knowledge, barriers and perception about BCS in a nationwide pilot study in Peru among candidates for BCS. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of 2,558 reports indexed in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Medline-Ovid and EMBASE, regarding to our study theme. In total, 111 were selected and a 51-items survey was developed (eight items about sociodemographic characteristics). Patients were recruited in public hospitals or private clinics, in rural and urban areas of nine departments of Peru. Results: We surveyed 488 women from: Lima (150), Cajamarca (93), Ica (59), Arequipa (56), Loreto (48), Ancash (38), Junín (15), Puerto Maldonado (15) and Huancavelica (14); 27.9% of them were from rural areas. The mean of age was 53.3 years (standard deviation ± 9.1). Regarding education level, 29.8% had primary, 33.2% secondary and 37.0% higher education. In total, 28.7% of women did not know the term ‘mammogram’ and 47.1% reported never receiving a BCS (36.9% from urban and 73.5% from rural population). In women that underwent BCS, only 67% knew it is for healthy women. In total, 54.1% of patients had low levels of knowledge about risk factors for BC (i.e. 87.5% of women respond that injuries in the breast produce cancer). Cultural, economic and geographic barriers were significantly associated with having a mammogram where 56.9% of participants considered a cost ≤ 7 USD as appropriate. Mammogram was perceived as too painful for 54.9% of women. In addition, women with a self-perception of low-risk for BC and a fatalistic perception of cancer were less likely to have a BCS. Conclusion: We found that it is feasible to conduct a large-scale study in Peru. The results of this pilot study highlight an urgent need of extensive education and awareness about BCS in Peru.

    Single cell-type transcriptome profiling reveals genes that promote nitrogen fixation in the infected and uninfected cells of legume nodules

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    2 Pags.- 1 Fig. © 2022 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers has inevitably resultedin environmental problems. The symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) that occurs in the root nodules of leguminous plants provides asustainable source of reduced nitrogen in agricultural ecosystems. More than 200 genes have been reported to regulate SNF, including rhizobial infection, nodule organogenesis and senescence (Royet al., 2020). Mature nodules consist mainly of twocell types: infected cells (IC) that contain nitrogen-fixing bac-teroids and uninfected cells (UC) that mediate active metabolismand nutrient transport. Although it is well known that SNFrequires functional specialization, the specific genes responsiblefor transcriptional regulation and carbon/nitrogen metabolismand transport in IC and UC remain largely unexplored.Single-cell transcriptomics has emerged as a powerful tech-nique for investigating spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31870220, 32000192), the China Post-doctoral Science Foundation (2020M680103), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities 2662020SKPY007 and MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (grant PID2020-113985GB-I00)Peer reviewe