639 research outputs found


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    Parliament has three functions which are consisted of legislation, budgets, and oversight These three functions are stated on the Constitution, the Act and the Rules of Procedure of Parliament. This study is aimed to examine the development of regulation related to Parliament oversight. The examination would be focused on legal politics which underly on its formation and implementation. This is a normative law research which uses a descriptive explorative method. The emphasis would be addressed on aspects of legal history and comparative law. In further, it would compare all the regulation which is applied now and which has been applied before. According to this research, the oversight regulation of the Parliament has been changed (amendement) since the new order until now. Substantial changes of oversight regulations impact on oversight functions. The change occurred for four times in 1969, 1999, 2003, and 2009. It could be happened because of the amendment of Organization and the Position of Representative Institutions Act. In every amendment, the acts strengthen the oversight functions, such as add the duties, authority, and the rights. It also adds obligations to the Parliament to strengthen its oversight function. All of these acts rule the Parliament to oversight the executive regarding to the implementation of acts, budget and government policy. These development, indicate a legal political trends which strengthening of the Parliament oversight function. It can be seen from the extension of oversight right, such as sub poena rights, reduction of the president\u27s prerogative, addition of parliament body, strengthen of the individual members rights. Indeed, all of these trends rise after the amendment of the 1945 Constitution


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    Mapping disparities in education across low- and middle-income countries

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    Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationpublishedVersio

    Economic growth, the financial system and institutions.

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    Dada a import?ncia do crescimento econ?mico para a melhora no padr?o de vida da sociedade, muitas pol?ticas que propiciam esse resultado s?o debatidas e empreendidas, entretanto, dado o fracasso de muitas na??es em incrementar o produto, o tema se torna relevante e atual. O sistema financeiro ? uma parte do sistema econ?mico que auxilia no crescimento do produto, por?m, haja vista as crises financeiras das ?ltimas d?cadas, torna-se necess?rio compreender a rela??o sistema financeiro e crescimento econ?mico. Todavia, percebe-se que um importante canal que liga essas duas vari?veis tem estado afastado do debate: as institui??es. Esse artigo ? um survey que explora a conex?o entre crescimento econ?mico, sistema financeiro e institui??es.Given the importance of economic growth to improve the standard of living of society, many policies that favor this result are discussed and undertaken, however, given the failure of many nations to increase their products, the topic is relevant and current. The financial system is a part of the economic system that assists output growth, however, given the financial crises in recent decades, it is necessary to understand the relationship financial system and economic growth. However, it is noticed that an important channel connecting these two variables have been far from the debate: the institutions. This article is a survey that explores the connection between economic growth, financial system and institutions

    Restrictions on economic growth: analysis of supply and demand factors

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    Esse artigo investiga restri??es ao crescimento econ?mico brasileiro pelas ?ticas da oferta e da demanda entre os anos 1996 e 2016. A primeira restri??o ? concernente ? demanda agregada: exporta??es de manufaturados. Nesse caso, utilizou-se o modelo de Thirlwall (1979) e estimou-se uma fun??o relativa a esse componente. Por meio do VEC obteve-se rela??es de longo prazo da taxa de c?mbio e da taxa de juros com as exporta??es. As estimativas sugerem que um c?mbio apreciado e uma taxa de juros elevada prejudicam a expans?o das exporta??es de manufaturados. A segunda restri??o ? pela ?tica da oferta: estoque de capital f?sico. Para analis?-lo, recorreu-se ao modelo de Solow (1956), estimando uma fun??o de investimento em capital f?sico. Tamb?m por meio do VEC obteve-se rela??es de longo prazo que apontam para o efeito negativo do pagamento de juros da d?vida p?blica sobre o investimento. Conclui-se que essas restri??es s?o estruturais e que, mesmo que pol?ticas cambial e monet?ria sejam gerenciadas para superar tais restri??es, os efeitos seriam percebidos somente no longo prazo.This article investigates restrictions on Brazilian economic growth through supply and demand perspectives between 1996 and 2016. The first restriction concerns the aggregate demand: exports of manufactured goods. In this case, we use the Thirlwall model (1979) and estimate a function relative to this component. Through VEC we obtain long-term relations of the exchange rate and the interest rate with exports. Estimates suggest that an appreciated exchange rate and a high interest rate hinder the expansion of manufactured goods. The second restriction is from the supply side: physical capital stock. To analyze it, we use the Solow model (1956), estimating an investment function in physical capital. Also through the VEC we obtain long-term relationships that point to the negative effect of the payment of interest of the public debt on the investment. We conclude that these constraints are structural and that even if exchange and monetary policies are managed to overcome such constraints, the effects would only be perceived in the long run

    Liberdade econ?mica e crescimento (1970?2014).

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    Relaciona-se a liberdade econ?mica com o crescimento entre os anos 1970 e 2014 para uma amostra de 107 pa?ses. A proxy para a liberdade econ?mica, o ?ndice de liberdade econ?mica, se mostrou significativa e positiva na maior parte das regress?es. Na an?lise de converg?ncia de renda, ao n?o controlar para o n?vel inicial de renda, as estimativas indicaram que o n?vel inicial de liberdade acarretava em maior crescimento. Todavia, ao incluir o controle da renda inicial esse resultado n?o se manteve. Conclui-se que a liberdade econ?mica ? associada de forma positiva e persistente com o crescimento econ?mico de longo prazo

    Financial liberalization, economic growth and total factor productivity.

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    Esse artigo investiga o impacto do fluxo de capital de portf?lio sobre o desempenho econ?mico brasileiro entre os anos 1995 e 2014. Utiliza-se o VEC para construir fun??es impulso resposta e verificar o comportamento de vari?veis macroecon?micas em decorr?ncia de choques. Os resultados indicam que esse fluxo exerce efeito negativo sobre o produto per capita e sobre a produtividade total dos fatores. Resultados secund?rios tamb?m apontam para uma rela??o negativa do fluxo de capital sobre o investimento.This paper investigates the impact of portfolio capital flows on the Brazilian economic performance between 1995 and 2014. We use the VEC to build impulse response functions and verify the behavior of macroeconomic variables to shocks. The results indicate that this flow has a negative effect on product per capita and total factor productivity. Secondary outcomes also point to a negative relation of capital flows to the investment

    The influence of financialization on the Brazilian real interest rate.

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    Esse artigo analisa a taxa de juros real do Brasil. Em primeiro lugar, definimos financeiriza??o como a maior influ?ncia do sistema financeiro sobre a pol?tica dom?stica. Utilizamos a proxy propor??o do estoque da d?vida p?blica federal detida por agentes do mercado financeiro para representar a financeiriza??o. Posteriormente, e investigando o per?odo compreendido entre os anos 2007 e 2017, adotamos a metodologia VEC, realizando an?lises por meio da cointegra??o e de fun??es impulso resposta. Os resultados sugerem que a financeiriza??o exerce um efeito positivo sobre o patamar da taxa de juros real.This paper analyzes the real interest rate in Brazil. First, we define financialization as the major influence of the financial system on domestic politics. We use the proportion of the stock of federal public debt held by financial market agents as a proxy for financialization. Subsequently, we adopted the VEC methodology to perform cointegration and impulse-response analyses for the period 2007-2017. The results suggest that financialization had a positive effect on the real interest rate level

    Reflex?es sobre banco central independente e regime de metas de infla??o.

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    Os bancos centrais ap?s a Segunda Guerra Mundial at? os anos de 1970 funcionavam como agentes ativos na economia tanto no instrumental utilizado quanto nos objetivos perseguidos; entretanto, com o advento do neoliberalismo essa conduta se modificou, passando a ser defendida a independ?ncia do banco central, seguindo o regime de metas de infla??o. O foco no combate ? infla??o passou a ser a regra para muitas autoridades monet?rias, contrastando com o papel realizado na Era de Ouro. Desse modo, este artigo prop?e investigar esse novo direcionamento no funcionamento dos bancos centrais, analisando os seus pontos te?ricos, bem como a nova guinada de suas pol?ticas, ap?s a crise financeira de 2007 e o per?odo recessivo na Europa em 2010, que se assemelharam com antigas pr?ticas utilizadas ap?s a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Por fim, defende-se uma maior flexibilidade na atua??o dessa institui??o, n?o restringindo-a, a priori, a seguir determinada conduta preestabelecida, mas se adequar aos desafios que surgirem.Central Banks, following the Second World War and up until the 1970s, worked as agents actively involved in the economy, both in terms of the tools used and in terms of the goals pursued. However, with the advent of neoliberalism, their behaviour changed, in favour of their own independence and the adoption of an inflation targeting policy. A focus on fighting inflation became the rule for many monetary authorities, in stark contrast with their role during the Golden Era. This article, therefore, means to take a closer look at this new direction of central bank operations. It analyses their theoretical points, as well as the new shift in their policies following the financial crisis of 2007 and the period of recession in Europe in 2010, which have certain similarities to past practices used after the Second World War. Finally, the article argues in favour of greater flexibility in terms of central bank activities, which should not be restricted, a priori, to specific pre-established behaviour, but rather to be adaptable to different challenges as they present themselves

    Effect of financialization on labor productivity.

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    Nesse artigo investiga-se o impacto da financeiriza??o sobre a produtividade do trabalho em uma amostra de 71 economias em desenvolvimento entre os anos 1993 e 2016. Utiliza-se a defini??o de financeiriza??o relativa ?s empresas, na qual as firmas estariam adotando a estrat?gia de maximizing shareholder value. Dois importantes fatos s?o vistos na amostra: em primeiro lugar, observa-se uma desacelera??o no crescimento da produtividade do trabalho ao longo dos anos. Posteriormente, percebe-se que o valor de mercado das empresas em propor??o com o PIB ? proxy da financeiriza??o - se elevou no mesmo per?odo. Por meio de dados em painel, evidencia-se a influ?ncia negativa da financeiriza??o sobre a produtividade da m?o-de-obra.In this paper we investigate the impact of financialization on labor productivity in a sample of 71 developing economies between 1993 and 2016. We use the definition of financialization for companies, in which firms are adopting the strategy of maximizing shareholder value. Two important facts are seen in the sample: first, there is a slowdown in labor productivity growth over the years. Subsequently, we realized that the market value of the companies in proportion to the GDP - proxy for financialization - rose during the same period. Through panel data, it is presented the negative influence of financialization on labor productivity