209 research outputs found

    Relativistic Wind Bubbles and Afterglow Signatures

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    Highly magnetized, rapidly rotating compact objects are widely argued as central energy sources of Îł\gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). After the GRB, such a magnetar-like object may directly lose its rotational energy through some magnetically-driven processes, which produce an ultrarelativistic wind dominated possibly by the energy flux of electron-positron pairs. The interaction of such a wind with an outward-expanding fireball leads to a relativistic wind bubble, being regarded as a relativistic version of the well-studied Crab Nebula. We here explore the dynamics of this wind bubble and its emission signatures. We find that when the injection energy significantly exceeds the initial energy of the fireball, the bulk Lorentz factor of the wind bubble decays more slowly than before, and more importantly, the reverse-shock emission could dominate the afterglow emission, which yields a bump in afterglow light curves. In addition, high polarization of the bump emission would be expected if a toroidal magnetic field in the shocked wind dominates over the random component.Comment: 7 pages including 1 figure, emulateapj style, expanded version accepted for publication in Ap

    TeV Emission from the Galactic Center Black-Hole Plerion

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    The HESS collaboration recently reported highly significant detection of TeV gamma-rays coincident with Sgr A*. In the context of other Galactic Center (GC) observations, this points to the following scenario: In the extreme advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) regime of the GC black hole (BH), synchrotron radio/sub-mm emission of 100 MeV electrons emanates from an inefficiently radiating turbulent magnetized corona within 20 Schwarzschild radii of the GCBH. These electrons are accelerated through second-order Fermi processes by MHD turbulence. Closer to the innermost stable orbit of the ADAF, instabilities and shocks within the flow inject power-law electrons through first-order Fermi acceleration to make synchrotron X-ray flares observed with Chandra, XMM, and INTEGRAL. A subrelativistic MHD wind subtending a 1sr cone with power > 10^{37} erg/s is driven by the ADAF from the vicinity of the GCBH. As in pulsar powered plerions, electrons are accelerated at the wind termination shock, at > 10^{16.5} cm from the GCBH, and Compton-scatter the ADAF and the far infra-red (FIR) dust radiation to TeV energies. The synchrotron radiation of these electrons forms the quiescent X-ray source resolved by Chandra. The radio counterpart of this TeV/X-ray plerion, formed when the injected electrons cool on timescales 10^4 yrs, could explain the origin of nonthermal radio emission in the pc-scale bar of the radio nebula Sgr A West.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, minor revison

    Implications of a Nonthermal Origin of the Excess EUV Emission from the Coma Cluster of Galaxies

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    The inverse Compton (IC) interpretation of the excess EUV emission, that was recently reported from several clusters of galaxies, suggests that the amount of relativistic electrons in the intracluster medium is highly significant, W_e>10^{61} erg. Considering Coma as the prototype galaxy cluster of nonthermal radiation, we discuss implications of the inverse Compton origin of the excess EUV fluxes in the case of low intracluster magnetic fields of order 0.1 muG, as required for the IC interpretation of the observed excess hard X-ray flux, and in the case of high fields of order 1 muG as suggested by Faraday rotation measurements. Although for such high intracluster fields the excess hard X-rays will require an explanation other than by the IC effect, we show that the excess EUV flux can be explained by the IC emission of a `relic' population of electrons driven into the incipient intracluster medium at the epoch of starburst activity by galactic winds, and later on reenergized by adiabatic compression and/or large-scale shocks transmitted through the cluster as the consequence of more recent merger events. For high magnetic fields B > 1 muG the interpretation of the radio fluxes of Coma requires a second population of electrons injected recently. They can be explained as secondaries produced by a population of relativistic protons. We calculate the fluxes of gamma-rays to be expected in both the low and high magnetic field scenarios, and discuss possibilities to distinguish between these two principal options by future gamma-ray observations.Comment: LaTeX, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    High Energy Cosmic Rays from Local GRBs

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    We have developed a model that explains cosmic rays with energies E between \~0.3 PeV and the energy of the second knee at E_2 ~ 3*10^{17} eV as originating from a recent Galactic gamma-ray burst (GRB) that occurred ~1 Myr ago within 1 kpc from Earth. Relativistic shocks from GRBs are assumed to inject power-law distributions of cosmic rays (CRs) to the highest energies. Diffusive propagation of CRs from the local GRB explains the CR spectrum near and above the first knee at E_1 ~ 3*10^{15} eV. The first and the second knees are explained as being directly connected with the injection of plasma turbulence in the interstellar medium on a ~1 pc and ~100 pc scales, respectively. Transition to CRs from extragalactic GRBs occurs at E > E_2. The origin of the ankle in the CR spectrum at E ~ 4*10^{18} eV is due to photopair energy losses of UHECRs on cosmological timescales, as also suggested by Berezinsky and collaborators. Any significant excess flux of extremely high energy CRs deviating from the exponential cutoff behavior at E> E_{GZK} = 6*10^{19} eV would imply a significant contribution due to recent GRB activity on timescales t < 10^8 yrs from local extragalactic sources within ~10 Mpc.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; to appear in the Proceedings of the Aspen2005 Workshop ``Physics at the End of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Spectrum'' (Aspen, April 2005

    Locating the VHE source in the Galactic Centre with milli-arcsecond accuracy

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    Very high-energy gamma-rays (VHE; E>100 GeV) have been detected from the direction of the Galactic Centre up to energies E>10 TeV. Up to now, the origin of this emission is unknown due to the limited positional accuracy of the observing instruments. One of the counterpart candidates is the super-massive black hole (SMBH) Sgr A*. If the VHE emission is produced within ~10^{15} cm ~1000 r_G (r_G=G M/c^2 is the Schwarzschild radius) of the SMBH, a decrease of the VHE photon flux in the energy range 100--300 GeV is expected whenever an early type or giant star approaches the line of sight within ~ milli-arcseconds (mas). The dimming of the flux is due to absorption by pair-production of the VHE photons in the soft photon field of the star, an effect we refer to as pair-production eclipse (PPE). Based upon the currently known orbits of stars in the inner arcsecond of the Galaxy we find that PPEs lead to a systematic dimming in the 100--300 GeV band at the level of a few per cent and lasts for several weeks. Since the PPE affects only a narrow energy band and is well correlated with the passage of the star, it can be clearly discriminated against other systematic or even source-intrinsic effects. While the effect is too small to be observable with the current generation of VHE detectors, upcoming high count-rate experiments like the Cherenkov telescope array (CTA) will be sufficiently sensitive. Measuring the temporal signature of the PPE bears the potential to locate the position and size of the VHE emitting region within the inner 1000 r_G or in the case of a non-detection exclude the immediate environment of the SMBH as the site of gamma-ray production altogether.Comment: 7 pages, published in MNRAS 402, pg. 1342-134

    Near-Infrared Synchrotron Emission from Cas A

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    High energy observations of Cas A suggested the presence of synchrotron radiation, implying acceleration of cosmic rays by young supernova remnants. We detect synchrotron emission from Cas A in the near-infrared using Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) and Palomar 200 inch PFIRCAM observations. The remnant is detected in J, H, and Ks bands, with Ks band brightest and J faint. In the J and H bands, bright [Fe II] lines (1.24um and 1.64um) are detected spectroscopically. The Palomar observations include Ks continuum, narrow-band 1.64um (centered on [Fe II]) and 2.12um (centered on H2(1-0)) images. While the narrow-band 1.64um image shows filamentary and knotty structures, similar to the optical image, the Ks image shows a relatively smooth, diffuse shell, remarkably similar to the radio image. The broad-band near-infrared fluxes of Cas A are generally consistent with, but a few tens of percent higher than, an extrapolation of the radio fluxes. The hardening to higher frequencies is possibly due to nonlinear shock acceleration and/or spectral index variation across the remnant. We show evidence of spectral index variation. The presence of near-infrared synchrotron radiation requires the roll-off frequency to be higher than 1.5e14 Hz, implying that electrons are accelerated to energies of at least 0.2 TeV. The morphological similarity in diffuse emission between the radio and Ks band images implies that synchrotron losses are not dominant. Our observations show unambiguous evidence that the near-infrared Ks band emission of Cas A is from synchrotron emission by accelerated cosmic-ray electrons.Comment: accepted by Ap

    Pulsar Jets: Implications for Neutron Star Kicks and Initial Spins

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    We study implications for the apparent alignment of the spin axes, proper-motions, and polarization vectors of the Crab and Vela pulsars. The spin axes are deduced from recent Chandra X-ray Observatory images that reveal jets and nebular structure having definite symmetry axes. The alignments indicate these pulsars were born either in isolation or with negligible velocity contributions from binary motions. We examine the effects of rotation and the conditions under which spin-kick alignment is produced for various models of neutron star kicks. If the kick is generated when the neutron star first forms by asymmetric mass ejection or/and neutrino emission, then the alignment requires that the protoneutron star possesses an original spin with period PsP_s much less than the kick timescale, thus spin-averaging the kick forces. The kick timescale ranges from 100 ms to 10 s depending on whether the kick is hydrodynamically driven or neutrino-magnetic field driven. For hydrodynamical models, spin-kick alignment further requires the rotation period of an asymmetry pattern at the radius near shock breakout (>100 km) to be much less than ~100 ms; this is difficult to satisfy unless rotation plays a dynamically important role in the core collapse and explosion (P_s\lo 1 ms). Aligned kick and spin vectors are inherent to the slow process of asymmetric electromagnetic radiation from an off-centered magnetic dipole. We reassess the viability of this effect, correcting a factor of 4 error in Harrison and Tademaru's calculation that increases the size of the effect. To produce a kick velocity of order a few hundred km/s requires that the neutron star be born with an initial spin close to 1 ms and that spindown due to r-mode driven gravitational radiation be inefficient compared to standard magnetic braking.Comment: Small changes/additions; final version to be published in ApJ, Vol.549 (March 10, 2001
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