17 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Umur Pohon Induk Terhadap Perakaran Stek Nyamplung (Calophyllum Inophyllum L.)

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    Tanaman nyamplung ( L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang dapat menghasilkan buah sebagai bahan minyak nabati kualitas tinggi. Selain itu, kayunya dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan perahu dan keperluan lainnya. Pohon ini tumbuh alami di pesisir pantai dan tidakmenggugurkandaun.Benihnyatergolongrekalsitransehinggabenihnyatidakdapatdisimpanlama. Perbanyakan vegetatif merupakan salah satu teknik untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perakaran dari tiga kelompok umur bahan stek yaitu: (a) anakan, (b) pancang (belum berbuah), (c) pohon dewasa. Bahan stek nyamplung asal anakan dapat menghasilkan stek berakar sebanyak 75% dengan panjang akar 14,54cm, jumlah akar 15 buah perstek dan bio masa akar0,132gram per stek. Bahan stek nyamplung asal pancang dapat menghasilkan stek berakar sebanyak 25% dengan panjang akar 9,67 cm, jumlah akar 10 buah per stek, dan biomasa akar 0,094 gram per stek. Bahan stek nyamplung asal pohon dewasa dapat menghasilkan stek berakar 16,11% dengan panjang akar 8,54 cm, jumlah akar 9 buah per stek, biomasa akar 0,10 gram per stek. Perbedaan persentase perakaran antara bahan stek disebabkan kandungan auksin dan nisbah C/N. Bahan stek yang lebih muda cenderung mengandung auksin yang tinggi(96,86ppm)dengan nisbahC/Nse besar63,73

    Vegetative Propagation of Peat Forest Tree’s Geronggang (Cratoxylon arborescens (Vahl) Blume.) By Shoots Cutting

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    Sistem stek merupakan sistem perbanyakan tanaman yang relatif sederhana dan menghasilkan bahan tanaman yang berkualitas baik dengan karakteristik yang sama dengan induknya dan membutuhkan waktu yang lebih singkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan persentase stek hidup Cratoxylon arborescens dan mempelajari pengaruh zat pengatur tumbuh IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm dan IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm terhadap pertumbuhan stek pucuk Cratoxylon arborescens. Materi yang digunakan adalah pucuk bibit Cratoxylon arborescens dengan tinggi <1–1,5 m, IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm, IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm, dan alkohol 70% dengan media berupa cocopeat, sekam dan vermikulit. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan yaitu IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm, IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm, dan kontrol. Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 3 ulangan (masing-masing 50 stek). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase pertumbuhan stek hidup Cratoxylon arborescens berkisar antara 51,11–70,37%. Perlakuan tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap lima parameter yaitu persentase stek hidup, panjang stek, berat basah akar, berat kering akar, dan berat kering pucuk. Namun pengaruh nyata ditunjukkan pada jumlah akar dan berat basah pucuk. Uji jarak berganda Duncan yang dilakukan untuk jumlah akar dan NAA 100 ppm menunjukkan pengaruh yang lebih baik daripada kontrol, sedangkan untuk berat basah pucuk pada IBA 100 ppm memiliki pengaruh yang sama dengan kontrol. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah persentase hidup stek Cratoxylon arborescens mencapai 70,37% dan penggunaan NAA 100 ppm dapat meningkatkan jumlah akar. Kata kunci: Cratoxylon arborescens (Vahl) Blume.), IBA, NAA, perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetative, sistem pemotonganCuttings system is a plant propagation system which relatively simple and produces good quality’s plant material with the similar characteristics as its parent and takes less time. The aims of this research are to get the percentage of live cuttings of Cratoxylon arborescens and study the effect of growth regulator IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm and IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm against shoots cutting Cratoxylon arborescens growth. The material used are seedlings shoots of Cratoxylon arborescens with height <1–1,5 m, IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm, IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm, and alcohol 70% with media including cocopeat, husks and vermiculite. This research using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments consist of IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm, IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm, and control. Every treatment consists of 3 repettition (each 50 cuttings). The study showed that growth percentage of live cuttings Cratoxylon arborescens was between 51.11–70.37%. The treatment not showed significant effect against five parameters i.e percentage of live cuttings, length of cuttings, root fresh weight, root dry weight, and shoots dry weight. However, significant effect showed on number of roots and shoot fresh weight. Duncan multiple range test was done for number of roots NAA 100 ppm, showed a better effect than control, while for weight wetness shoots IBA 100 ppm have similar effect with control. The conclusion of this research is percentage of live of Cratoxylon arborescens cuttings reach 70.37% and the use of NAA 100 ppm can increase the number of roots. Keywords: Cratoxylon arborescens (Vahl) Blume.), cutting system, IBA, NAA, plant vegetative propagatio

    Pengaruh Asal Bahan Dan Media Stek Terhadap Keberhasilan Stek Pucuk Tembesu Fagraea Fragrans (Roxb.) [Effect of Origin Material and Cutting Media on Successful of Shoot Cutting Tembesu Fagraea Fragrans (Roxb.)]

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    Fagraea fragrans known as tembesu is a tree species used for panel wood (MDF, medium density fiberboard), particle board, veneer and furniture. The aim of this experiment was to know successful growth origin of shoot cutting F. fragrans and to study the effect of combination treatment the origin of cutting material and media F. fragrans. The shoot cutting was done with KOFFCO system. The results showedthat the cutting material from seedling juvenile shoot provided 61.56% of shoot formation, 91.42% of survivorship and 76.33% root formed.In addition, origin material from seedling juvenile gave a significantly effect on root length and wet root weight, wet shoot weight, dry root weight and significant on dry shoot weight parameter. The increasing age of the parent tree, diminishing cuttings success. The cuttings media cocopeat (coir dust) with paddy husk gives very significant effect on root length parameter, significant on wet root weight and gave very significant effect on root dry wet. There is an interaction between the cuttings material with cutting media, for root length parameter,wet root weight and dry root weight

    Vegetative Propagation of PeatT Forest Tree Combretocarpus rotundatus (TUMIH (.Miq) Dancer) with Apical Cutting Methods

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    Cutting  is  plant  propagation  system which  relatively  easy  and  produces  seeds with good  quality with the similar characteristics as its parent and takes less time. Until now, the success rooted cuttings of tumih still not known certainly. The research aim is determine the effect of giving the hormone IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm and combination of IBA 50 ppm  and  NAA 50  ppm  on the growth  of  Tumih  shoots  cuttings  (Combretocarpus  rotundatus  (.Miq)  Danser).  The conclusion  that can be  taken on the basis of this research was the addition of plant growth regulators  (IBA, NAA, and IBA + NAA) has no significant effect on the growth of shoots cuttings Tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus (.Miq) Danser) so  that  the  use  of  growth  regulators  is  not  needed  in  breeding  of  Tumih  shoots  cuttings  (Combretocarpus  rotundatus (. Miq) Danser)


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    Fagraea fragrans known as tembesu is a tree species used for panel wood (MDF, medium density fiberboard), particle board, veneer and furniture. The aim of this experiment was to know successful growth origin of shoot cutting F. fragrans and to study the effect of combination treatment the origin of cutting material and media F. fragrans. The shoot cutting was done with KOFFCO system. The results showedthat the cutting material from seedling juvenile shoot provided 61.56% of shoot formation, 91.42% of survivorship and 76.33% root formed.In addition, origin material from seedling juvenile gave a significantly effect on root length and wet root weight, wet shoot weight, dry root weight and significant on dry shoot weight parameter. The increasing age of the parent tree, diminishing cuttings success. The cuttings media cocopeat (coir dust) with paddy husk gives very significant effect on root length parameter, significant on wet root weight and gave very significant effect on root dry wet. There is an interaction between the cuttings material with cutting media, for root length parameter,wet root weight and dry root weight

    Propagation Technique of Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack) Via Shoot Cutting

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    Pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) is a treelet growing wildly in the forests of Southeast Asia and widely used throughout the region because of its medicinal properties. Uncontrolled harvesting of wild-grown trees has led to rapid decrease of natural populations. The objective of this research was to get information about propagation technique of pasak bumi by shoot cutting and its adventitous root formation. Cutting materials were originated from 7 month aged seedling propagated by seed. Media used were combination of cocodust : ricehusk (1:1 v/v), cocodust : ricehusk (1:1v/v) and cocodust : ricehusk (2:1 v/v). Research showed that medium significantly improved secondary root length, while rooting percentage, primary root length and the number of root significantly was affected by Rootone F treatment. The microtechnique result showed that roots were first developed from the mesristematic cambium cells

    Laju Pertumbuhan Mantangan (Merremia peltata L. Merr.) Yang Tumbuh Melalui Regenerasi Vegetatif

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    Resaerch was conducted on July until December 2013 in the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park to observe the growth rate of M. peltata by vegetative regeneration and its survival by stem cuttings. Growth rate was measured by shoots length, diameter accretion, and leaves accretion. The highest survival is 3 cm diameter stem (46.67%). The growth rate of M. peltata was relatively similar. Of three planting months, the highest survival was 20%. Keywords : Merremia peltata, growth rate, surviva

    Genetic Variation and Genetic Structure of Two Closely Related Dipterocarp Species, Dryobalanops aromatica C.F. Gaertn. and D. beccarii Dyer

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    Large-scale genetic structure revealed in tree populations in SE Asia, as well as in many temperate forests, has been shaped by climatic fluctuation in the late Pleistocene, most importantly by that in the last glacial period. In a comparative study of the phylogeographic patterns of two closely related dipterocarp species, Dryobalanops aromatica C.F.Gaertn. and D. beccarii Dyer, we investigated how changes in land area associated with changes in climate affected large-scale genetic structure. We examined the genetic variation of D. aromatica, collected from nine populations throughout the Sundaic region, and of D. beccarii, collected from 16 populations mainly in Borneo, using seven polymorphic microsatellite markers. The two species were clearly distinguishable in the STRUCTURE analysis, although hybridisation probably occurred in sympatric populations and also in several other populations. The D. aromatica populations were divided into two main groups by the STRUCTURE analysis: Malay–Sumatra and Borneo. Mixing of the Sumatra and Borneo clusters occurred on the Malay Peninsula, supporting the hypothesis that tropical rainforests expanded over a dried Sunda Shelf during the last glacial period. The two main genetic clusters might have been formed by repeated cycles of fluctuation in land area. The D. beccarii populations in Borneo were divided into four geographically distinct groups: western Sarawak, central inland Sarawak, central coastal Sarawak and Sabah. The population on the Malay Peninsula (Gunung Panti) was an admixture of the four Bornean clusters. This suggests that this population is a relic of the recent range expansion of D. beccarii during the last glacial period

    Population Genetic Diversity in The Genus Dryobalanops Gaertn. f. (Dipterocarpaceae) Based on Nuclear Microsatellite Markers

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    Abstract The genus Dryobalanops Gaertn. f. is a small but important genus that contains seven species and is found in the Southeast Asian tropical rain forests. Seven polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers were analyzed in 46 natural populations of six extant Dryobalanops species (N = 700 individuals) covering the distribution range in Western Malesia. The mean gene diversity at the species level ranged from 0.392 in D. rappa to 0.635 in D. aromatica. The F ST value ranged from 0.156 in D. keithii to 0.283 in D. beccarii and all F ST values were highly significantly greater than zero. These results suggest that gene flow between populations has been limited and intensive genetic drift has occurred in all of the species. Plants with narrowly distributed species such as D. keithii and D. rappa, which are endemic to Borneo, tend to have lower levels of genetic diversity compared with widespread species such as D. aromatica. STRUCTURE analysis revealed that at least two of the six species could be effectively discriminated each other. The results of this study will be helpful for building effective conservation schemes as well as for providing basic data for future provenance trials of Dryobalanops species