9 research outputs found

    Tanaman Berperawakan Sedang Dan Tinggi Di Pekarangan Teluknaga, Citeureup Dan Pacet

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    S. ATMOWIDJOJO & Z. FACHRUROZI. 1985. Plants with medium and tall statures in the kitchen gardens in Teluknaga, Citeureup and Pacet. Berita Biologi 3(2): 37 - 48. Analyses on plants of kitchen gardens showed the presence of 25 species of middle-stratum and 23 species of higher stratum in three studied localities. For the middle-stratum, only 28% were found in common, while the higher stratum 21.73%. Bananas were the most common middle-stratum found in 3 localities, coconut and mango tiees were the most common in Teluknaga, and rarnbutans in Citeureup. Fertilizers were used only at the most 25%, but for clove and citrus trees in Citeureup and Pacet by more than 50% growers. Most of the fertilizer used was manure, but for higher stratum plants in Teluknaga synthetic fertilizers were used more. Pest management was not commonly practiced. If done, synthetic insecticides were generally used

    Komunitas Serangga Air Di Sungai Hutan Ketambe, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser, Aceh.

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    S. WIRJOATMODJO & ANITA HANNA ATMOWIDJOJO. 1985. Insect community of stream ecosystem of Ketambe forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Aceh, Berita Biologi 3.(3) : 111 -115.Non-strictly seasonal study on the insect community of stream ecosystem at Ketambe forest, Gunung Leuser National Park,Aceh was undertaken from September 1980 to February 1983,with the aim of providing base line data of the local stream ecosystem. Thirty two species of benthic insects were recorded from the depth between 5--30 cm.They belong to the orders of Diptera, Odonata, Kphemeroptera, Coleoptera, Plecoptera, Hemiptera, Megaloptera and Trichoptera. The number of species found was higher during the beginning of the dry than that of the rainy season (96,9% vs 59,4% of the total). Diptera and Odonata showed the highest number of species (8) among the orders, whereas Trichoptera was the lowest (one species). However, in term of frequency of occurence and abundance, the Trichoptera species, Hydropsyche sp,, was the highest, followed by Neoperla sp. (Flecoptera). There was a tendency of seasonal fluctuation in species number and life cycle in several species. Bottom structures containing pebbles, boulders of various sizes and leaf litter for shelter and feeding site, appeared to be the best habitat. Species composition or number varied with stations. However, diversity indexes among stations were more or less similar, and all of them were low

    Serangga-serangga Berkemampuan Merusak Pada Tanaman Pekarangan Di Teluknaga, Citeureup Dan Pacet

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    ANITA H. ATMOWIDJOJO, S. ADISOEMARTO & M. AMIR. 1985. Potential insect pests on vegetations of home gardens in Teluknaga, Citeureup and Pacet. Berita Biologi 3 (2) : 55 - 65. A total of 60 species of insects were recorded associated with 78 species of plants in three research localities. However, not all of these species were distributed equally, either in space or time. Many were found specific on certain host plants for the localities. On the other hand, there were host plants that harboured specific insect pests. It was also found that the seriousness of damage was not related to the specificity (in either way). A serious pest on certain host was not necessarily a serious pest on other host plants


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    S. WIRJOATMODJO & ANITA HANNA ATMOWIDJOJO. 1985. Insect community of stream ecosystem of Ketambe forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Aceh, Berita Biologi 3.(3) : 111 -115.Non-strictly seasonal study on the insect community of stream ecosystem at Ketambe forest, Gunung Leuser National Park,Aceh was undertaken from September 1980 to February 1983,with the aim of providing base line data of the local stream ecosystem. Thirty two species of benthic insects were recorded from the depth between 5--30 cm.They belong to the orders of Diptera, Odonata, Kphemeroptera, Coleoptera, Plecoptera, Hemiptera, Megaloptera and Trichoptera. The number of species found was higher during the beginning of the dry than that of the rainy season (96,9% vs 59,4% of the total). Diptera and Odonata showed the highest number of species (8) among the orders, whereas Trichoptera was the lowest (one species). However, in term of frequency of occurence and abundance, the Trichoptera species, Hydropsyche sp,, was the highest, followed by Neoperla sp. (Flecoptera). There was a tendency of seasonal fluctuation in species number and life cycle in several species. Bottom structures containing pebbles, boulders of various sizes and leaf litter for shelter and feeding site, appeared to be the best habitat. Species composition or number varied with stations. However, diversity indexes among stations were more or less similar, and all of them were low


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    S. ATMOWIDJOJO & Z. FACHRUROZI. 1985. Plants with medium and tall statures in the kitchen gardens in Teluknaga, Citeureup and Pacet. Berita Biologi 3(2): 37 - 48. Analyses on plants of kitchen gardens showed the presence of 25 species of middle-stratum and 23 species of higher stratum in three studied localities. For the middle-stratum, only 28% were found in common, while the higher stratum 21.73%. Bananas were the most common middle-stratum found in 3 localities, coconut and mango tiees were the most common in Teluknaga, and rarnbutans in Citeureup. Fertilizers were used only at the most 25%, but for clove and citrus trees in Citeureup and Pacet by more than 50% growers. Most of the fertilizer used was manure, but for higher stratum plants in Teluknaga synthetic fertilizers were used more. Pest management was not commonly practiced. If done, synthetic insecticides were generally used


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    ANITA H. ATMOWIDJOJO, S. ADISOEMARTO & M. AMIR. 1985. Potential insect pests on vegetations of home gardens in Teluknaga, Citeureup and Pacet. Berita Biologi 3 (2) : 55 - 65. A total of 60 species of insects were recorded associated with 78 species of plants in three research localities. However, not all of these species were distributed equally, either in space or time. Many were found specific on certain host plants for the localities. On the other hand, there were host plants that harboured specific insect pests. It was also found that the seriousness of damage was not related to the specificity (in either way). A serious pest on certain host was not necessarily a serious pest on other host plants

    Supporting Clean Energy in the ASEAN: Policy Opportunities from Sustainable Aviation Fuels Initiatives in Indonesia and Malaysia

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    Sustainable aviation fuels is a strategic long-term solution for zero-carbon aviation industry by 2050, thus underscoring the need to accelerate the deployment through reforms in the relevant key areas. Aligned to the agenda, this paper aims to study the policy opportunities for drop-in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) deployment in the ASEAN by considering the initiatives undertaken. by Indonesia and Malaysia. Four areas are used as coding framework to assess the current status, challenges, and policy opportunities, namely (1) policy, strategy, and reforms; (2) standards and certification system; (3) economic instruments; and (4) international integration. First, the current status and challenges within each country is assessed. Indonesia has shown a more command-and-control approach with an upfront SAF blending mandate. However, it needs to be supported by several compliance measures. Malaysia, on the other hand, has conducted country assessments but no SAF-specific policy has been issued yet. Both countries still lack the economic instruments, while international integration is still relatively under-explored with only limited inter-regional partnerships. As the biggest palm-oil producing countries, Indonesia and Malaysia possess enormous potentials to lead the region in deploying SAF, thus more initiatives are urged