221 research outputs found

    Determinación del índice de calidad del suelo en el delta de Batumi, Georgia

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    The soil quality index is a quantitative assessment concept and it is used in the evaluation of ecosystem components. Because of the high potential for agriculture and biodiversity, deltas are the most valuable parts of the ecosystem. This study aimed to determine the soil quality index (SQI) in the Batumi Delta, Georgia. For this purpose, the study area was divided into five plots due to their morphological positions (L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5). A total of 125 soil samples were taken for analysis including clay content (CC), silt content (SC), sand content (SaC), mean weight diameter (MWD), aggregate stability (AS), amount of water retained under -33 kPa (FC) and -1500 kPa (WP) pressures and organic matter content (OM). These properties were used as the main criteria, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Factor Analysis were used for weighting them. Sub-criteria were scored using expert opinion and the linear score functions, such as “more is better” and “optimum value”. For determining SQI, the additive method (SQIA), the weighted method with AHP (SQIAHP), and the weighted method with factor analysis (SQIFA) were used. The resulting SQI scores of the three methods were ordered as SQIAHP>SQIA>SQIFA, but these differences were not significant. However, the SQI scores of the plots (p£0.01) showed statistically significant differences and were ordered as L5>L4>L3>L2>L1.El índice de calidad del suelo es un concepto de evaluación cuantitativa y se utiliza en la evaluación de los componentes del ecosistema. Debido a su potencial alto para la agricultura y la biodiversidad, los deltas son las partes más valiosas del ecosistema. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el índice de calidad del suelo (SQI) en el delta de Batumi, Georgia. Es por ello que el área de estudio se dividió en cinco parcelas con base en sus posiciones morfológicas (L1 , L2 , L3 , L4 y L5 ). Un total de 125 muestras de suelo se tomaron para su análisis, e incluyeron contenido de arcilla (CC), contenido de limo (SC), contenido de arena (SaC), diámetro medio ponderado (MWD), estabilidad de agregados (AS), cantidad de agua retenida de presiones por debajo de -33 kPa (FC) y -1500 kPa (WP) y contenido de materia orgánica (OM). Estas propiedades se utilizaron como criterios principales, y para ponderarlas usamos el Proceso analítico jerárquico (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) y el Análisis de factores. Los subcriterios se calificaron de acuerdo con la opinión de expertos y con las funciones de calificación lineal, como “más es mejor” y “valor óptimo”. Para determinar el SQI, se utilizó el método aditivo (SQIA), el método ponderado con AHP (SQIAHP) y el método ponderado con análisis de factores (SQIFA). Los valores resultantes de SQI de los tres métodos se ordenaron como SQIAHP> SQIA> SQIFA, pero estas diferencias no fueron significativas. Sin embargo, los valores de SQI de las parcelas (p£0.01) mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas y se ordenaron como L5 > L4 > L3 > L2 > L

    Serum ghrelin levels in inflammatory bowel disease with relation to disease activity and nutritional status

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    Ghrelin possesses various biological activities-it stimulates growth hormone (GH) release, plays a major role in energy metabolism, and is one of the hormones that affects body composition. It also plays a role in modulating immune response and inflammatory processes. In this study we aimed to determine whether serum ghrelin levels had correlation with markers associated with disease activation. We also investigated any probable relationship between serum ghrelin level and nutritional status. Serum levels of ghrelin and its relationship with disease activity and nutritional status were evaluated in 34 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), 25 patients with Crohn's disease (CD), and 30 healthy controls. Serum ghrelin levels, serum IGF-1 and GH levels, and markers of disease activity (sedimentation, C-reactive protein, and fibrinogen) were measured in all subjects. Body composition and nutritional status was assessed by both direct (by anthropometry) and indirect (by bioimpedance) methods. Serum ghrelin levels were significantly higher in patients with active UC and CD than in those in remission (108 +/- 11 pg/ml vs. 71 +/- 13 pg/ml for UC patients, P < 0.001; 110 +/- 10 pg/ml vs. 75 +/- 15 pg/ml for CD patients, P < 0.001). Circulating ghrelin levels in UC and CD patients were positively correlated with sedimentation fibrinogen and CRP and was negatively correlated with IGF-1, BMI, TSFT, MAC, fat mass (%), and fat free mass (%). This study demonstrates that patients with active IBD have higher serum ghrelin levels than patients in remission and high levels of circulating ghrelin correlate with the severity of disease and the activity markers. Ghrelin levels in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients show an appositive correlation with IGF-1 and bioelectrical impedance analysis, body composition, and anthropometric assessments. Finally, we arrived at the conclusion that ghrelin level may be important in determination of the activity in IBD patients and evaluation of nutritional status

    Effects of tamoxifen on plasma tissue factor levels

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    Cancer patients have a high risk of thromboembolic disease. Although the increased levels of tissue factor (TF) in cancer patients have been reported in various studies, the effect of hormonal therapy i.e. tamoxifen on this manner has not been illuminated yet. In this pilot study, ten patients with localized breast cancer receiving adjuvant tamoxifen were studied for plasma tissue factor levels by the ELISA method, and test results were compared with the results of ten patients with localized breast cancer who not receiving adjuvant tamoxifen treatment. There was a slightly increase of plasma tissue factor levels in tamoxifen terated group compared with control group, but this increase was not statistically significant. Mean plasma TF level of the tamoxifen treated group was 63,87 pg/ml SEM23,63) (range 12,59 to 267,11) and of the control group was 42,83 pg/ml SEM7,56) (range 5,43 to 78,88).Nothrombotic complications were observed in both groups. According to these results, it is not possible to say that tamoxifen treatment can lead to the increase in plasma tissue factor levels and thereby hypercoagulability in patients with breast cancer. Further studies including more patients are needed to show the difference between two arms.Kanser hastaları tromboembolik olaylar açısından yüksek riske sahiptir. Kanserli hastalarda artmış doku faktörü düzeyleri rapor edilmesine rağmen tamoksifen gibi hormonal tedavilerin bu konudaki etkisi henüz netleştirilememiştir. Bu pilot çalışmada, adjuvan hormonal tedavi olarak tamoksifen alan erken evre meme kanserli 10 hastada prospektif olarak, ELISA yöntemiyle plazma doku faktörü düzeyleri ölçülmüş ve tamoksifen almayan erken evrememekanserli 10 hastanın plazma doku faktörü düzeyleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında, tamoksifen ile tedavi edilen grupta plazma doku faktörü düzeylerinde hafif yükseklik gözlendi. Ancak bu yükseklik istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (p=0.5). Tamoksifen ile tedavi edilen grupta ortalama plazma doku faktörü düzeyi 63,87 pg/ml ± SEM 23,63 (12,59- 267,11) iken kontrol grubunda 42,83 pg/ml ± SEM 7,56 ( 5,43-78,88) idi. Grupta hiçbir hastada trombotik komplikasyon gözlenmedi. Mevcut sonuçlarla tamoksifen alan erken evre meme kanserli hastalarda izlenebilen trombotik komplikasyonların gelişiminde doku faktörünün de rolü olabilir demek mümkün değildir, daha fazla hasta içeren çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardı

    Contribution of real-time elastography in diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to assess the feasibility and reproducibility of real-time elastography (RTE) for displaying the effects of morphological changes in the ovary in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).METHODSForty-eight patients diagnosed with PCOS and 48 healthy women were enrolled in the study. Ultrasonography and RTE were performed on the 3rd day of the menstrual cycle. Evaluations were performed independently by two radiologists. Ovarian volume, number of follicles, elasticity pattern, and strain ratio were measured. Elasticity patterns were assessed as hard (type 1; blue or blue-green), moderate (type 2; green or green-yellow) or soft (type 3; red or orange-red).RESULTSBoth radiologists determined the elasticity pattern as mostly type 1 in the PCOS group and type 3 in the control group (P < 0.01). The mean strain ratios obtained by the first and second radiologist were 6.1±1.8 (2.7–10.1) and 6.0±1.5 (3.0–9.0) in PCOS and 3.3±1.2 (1.7–7.2) and 3.2±0.9 (1.7–6.8) in the control group, respectively (P < 0.001). Interobserver agreement was moderate for the elasticity pattern (κ=0.48) and good for the strain ratio (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.77). A strain ratio of 3.8 was determined as the optimized cutoff point by receiver operating curve analysis. Strain ratio was correlated with the ovarian volume and the number of detected follicles (P < 0.001).CONCLUSIONElasticity pattern and strain ratio can help identify morphological changes that make PCOS ovaries stiffer than normal ovaries

    Non penetran glokom cerrahilerine felsefi bakış açısı

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    Trabekülektomi günümüzde glokom cerrahisinde standart filtrasyon yöntemidir. Dış trabekülumun soyulduğu viskokanalostomi ve derin sklerektomi gibi non-penetran cerrahi yöntemleri ile konvansiyonel filtran cerrahilerin güvenliğinin artırılması amaçlanmıştır. Non-penetran glokom cerrahisi günümüzde devamlı gelişim göstermektedir. Bu makalede non-penetran glokom cerrahisinin endikasyonları, kontrendikasyonları ve cerrahi tekniklerini tartışacağız.Trabeculectomy is currently the standard filtration procedure for glaucoma surgical treatment. Non-penetrating glaucoma surgeries, viscocanalostomy and deep sclerectomy with external trabeculectomy, have been developed in recent years in order to improve the safety of conventional filtering procedures. Non-penetrating glaucoma surgery continues to evolve and improve. In this Article we will discuss indications, contraindications and surgical techniques for non-penetrating glaucoma surgery

    Design verification tests simulation in virtual environment and verification of vehicle components

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    Günümüzde bilgisayar teknolojisinin gelişmesi ile birlikte otomotiv sektöründe bilgisayar destekli mühendisliğin kullanılması yaygınlaşmıştır. Sonlu elemanlar yönteminin kullanılması ile prototip çalışmaları daha verimli hale gelmiştir.Fakat sonlu eleman modeli oluşturulma aşamasında yapılan kabul ve yaklaşımlar nedeniyle, sonlu eleman modeli, gerçek modeli temsil edemeyebilmektedir. Bu sebeple sonlu elemanlar yöntemi ile gerçek modele ait deneysel modal analiz sonuçları birbiriyle karşılaştırılır. Yapılacak korelasyon çalışması ile farklılıklar ortaya çıkarılır ve model güncelleme çalışması yapılarak gerçek modele en yakın sonlu eleman modeli elde edilir. Bu şekilde sonlu elemanlar yöntemi kullanılarak yapılacak dinamik analiz sonuçları, gerçek modelin gösterdiği dinamik davranışlara en yakın şekilde elde edilmektedir.Bu çalışmada bir egzoz üzerinde bu çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Sonlu eleman modellemesi HyperMesh 10 programı, test uygulamaları LMS Test.Lab 11 B ve LMS Scadas Mobile veri toplama sistemi, PCB firmasına ait sensörler ve korelasyon çalışmaları da LMS Virtual.Lab 10 yazılımı kullanılmıştır.Nowadays,use of computer-aided engineering in automotive industry has grown up with the develeopment of computer technology. Prototype studies have become more efficient with use of finite element method.But because of the finite element model creation process and approaches adepted in the finite element model, representing the real model. Therefore finite element method and real model of experimental modal analysis results compare with each others. Correlation study revealed differences to do with the work done and the model updatethe model closest to the actual finite element model are obtained. In this way, the dynamic analysis results using the finite element method, show the real dynamic behavior of the model most closely are obtained.In this study, these studies were performed on an exhaust.Finite element modeling,Hyper Mesh 10 program element modeling, testing applications, the LMS and LMS Test.Lab 11 B SCADAS mobile data collection system, sensors and correlation studies of in the company, the LMS Virtual.Lab 10 software was used

    The expression of early embryonic stem cell transcription factors in leukemic stem cells

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    Oct-4, Nanog ve Rex-1 gibi transkripsiyonel faktörler embriyonik kök hücrelerde self-renewal (kendini yenileme), differansiyasyon ve pluripotensi yönünden önemli rol oynamaktadır. Fenotipik olarak kanser hücreleri kendini yenileme, sınırsız çoğalma, farklılaşma ve yayılma özellikleri bakımından embriyonik kök hücreler (EKH) ile benzerlikler göstermektedir. Bu benzerlikler, bazı erken EKH transkripsiyon faktörlerinin kanser hücrelerinde yeniden eksprese edilebileceğini akla getirmektedir. Yapılan çalışmalarda, normal erişkin kök hücreler ile bazı insan tümör hücrelerinde bu transkripsiyon faktörlerinin eksprese edildiği gösterilmiştir. Ancak hematopoietik kök hücre ve myeloid lösemilerde ekspresyonları bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmada sağlıklı kontrollere ait kök hücrelerde, akut myeloid lösemi (AML) ve kronik myeloid lösemili (KML) hasta örneklerinde erken embriyonik transkripsiyon faktörlerinin ekspresyonları gerçek zamanlı revers transkriptaz polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (RT-PCR) ve akım sitometrik analiz yöntemleri kullanılarak araştırıldı. Sonuçlarımız gerek kontrollerde ve gerekse de lösemi örneklerine ait CD34+ hücre fraksiyonunda RT-PCR aracılıklı Oct-4, Nanog ve Rex-1 amplifikasyonları bazı vakalarda negatiflik göstermektedir. Ancak CD34- hücre fraksiyonunda ise tüm örneklerde amplifikasyon gözlenmiştir. CD34- hücre fraksiyonunda ekspresyon seviyesi kıyaslamalarında AML ve KML gruplarında ekspresyonların kontrollere göre daha düşük olduğu saptandı. Bununla birlikte AML grubunda FAB (Fransız-Amerikan-İngiliz hematolog grubu) sınıflamasına göre tüm M1 fenotipindeki örneklerde Oct-4 ve Nanog ekspresyonlarının hem kontrollere göre hem de diğer AML FAB alt gruplarına göre daha yüksek ekspresyon gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Akım sitometrik analiz sonuçlarında da benzer şekilde CD34- hücre fraksiyonunda ekspresyon düzeylerinin kısmen yüksek olduğu gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, bu öncü çalışmada biz erken EKH transkripsiyon faktörlerinin gerek sağlıklı kontrollerde gerekse de lösemik hücrelerde eksprese edildiğini gösterdik. Bu ekspresyon ilginç bir şekilde kök hücrelerden çok CD34- kompartımandadır (hematopoietik dışı kök hücreler). En dikkat çekici bulgu, maturasyon özelliği göstermeyen M1 fenotipindeki AML hastalarının CD34- hücrelerinde Oct-4 ve Nanog transkript seviyelerinin yüksek olmasıydı. İleriye yönelik olarak bu transkripsiyon faktörlerinin prognostik öneminin araştırılması uygun bir yaklaşım olacaktır. Yine ekspresyon düzeyinin yüksek olduğu hücre serilerinde bu faktörlere karşı geliştirilmiş inhibitörlerin etkinliği de tedavide bu ekspresyonların önemini ortaya koyacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Oct-4, Nanog, Rex-1, SSEA.4, Lösemik kök hücre, AML, KML Transcriptional factors such Oct-4, Nanog and Rex-1 have pivotal role in self-renewal, differentiation and pluripotency of the embryonic stem cells (ESC). In terms of self reneval, unlimited proliferation, differentiation and invasion, cancer cells and embryonic stem cells display similar phenotypic properties. This analogy implies that cancer cells may re-express some of the early ESC transcriptional factors. A couple of studies have revealed expression of early embryonic transcriptional factors on normal adult stem cells and some human cancer cell types. However, expression of early embryonic transcriptional factors has not studied in hematopoietic stem cells and myeloid leukemia cell lines, yet. In this study, we was carried out to investigate the expression of early embryonic transcriptional factors in stem cells of healthy controls, acute myeloid leukemia (AML), chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) by real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and flow cytometric analysis. Our results showed that some samples of CD34 positive cell fractions from cases of both control and leukemic groups were negative for RT-PCR mediated Oct-4, Nanog and Rex-1 amplification. However, positive amplification was observed in all CD34 negative cells obtained from healthy volunteers and patients with AML or CML. Nonetheless, relative quantitative expression levels of these factors in these patient groups were lower than healthy volunteers. On the other hand, subgroup analysis revealed that Oct-4 and Nanog expressions were higher in patients with minimally differentiated AML (M1 phenotype according to FAB classification) than healthy controls and those patients with other leukemia types. Flow cytometric analysis of the CD34 negative cell fraction was also revealed moderately high expression levels. This finding was concordant with molecular studies. In conclusion, in this pioneering study we have demonstrated that early ESC transcriptional factors were expressed by different cell fractions obtained from healthy controls and leukemic cells to some extend. The expression is interestingly founded in the CD34 negative compartment of the stem cells (non-hematopoietic stem cells). The most remarkable finding was the high Oct-4 and Nanog transcript levels of cell fractions of patients with acute myeloid leukemia without maturation (AML FAB M1) as indicating immaturity. Regarding our results, investigation of these embryonic transcription factors may help to determine the leukemic transformation step. Moreover, development of targeted therapies against these transcriptional factors may be a therapeutic approach in the near future. Keywords: Oct-4, Nanog, Rex-1, SSEA.4, Leukemic stem cell, AML, CM

    Su dağıtım şebekelerinin sezgisel yaklaşımla tasarımı.

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    This study aims to design pipe diameters of a water distribution network using a heuristic approach algorithm. The heuristic approach algorithm aims to maximize the reliability of the network while minimizing the total cost of the water distribution network, which is a multi-objective optimization problem. In a water distribution network, the resilience index is defined as network reliability (Todini, 2000). The cost of the water distribution network is the total cost of the network pipes. In this heuristic approach, the minimum required pressure limit, water flow velocity upper limit and reliability index are considered. In this study, the heuristic approach algorithm developed by Todini (2000) is coded as a computer software by the integration of hydraulic network solution software (EPANET) calculate engine and C#. A case study is performed in a DMA of N8.3 pressure zone of Ankara network. In this study, the effect of the change in resilience index on Yayla network pipe diameters is surveyed. As a result, it is observed that network reliability can be increased by 7%, increasing the network cost by only 3.5%. The resilience index value of the current Yayla District network is 0.95 and it can be said that existing Yayla District network is overdesigned.Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Civil Engineering