50 research outputs found

    A new species of Boehlkea (Characiformes: Characidae: Stevardiinae) from the rio Japurá, Amazon basin, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT A new species of Boehlkea is described from rio Japurá, Amazon basin. The new species differs from B. fredcochui by the presence of a vertically elongate humeral spot (vs. absence), complete lateral line (vs. incomplete), four rows of scales below lateral line (vs. three), and lower number of branched anal-fin rays (17-21 vs. 22-25), and from B. orcesi by the higher number of maxillary teeth (13-14 vs. 5-12), greater head length (27.9-29.9% vs. 24.3-27.5% of SL), and by the color pattern (basal half of dorsal-fin, distal portion of pelvic-fin, lower caudal-fin lobe and anal-fin with black chromatophores vs. absence of black chromatophores in the fins)

    Ontogenetic changes in mouth morphology triggers conflicting hypotheses of relationships in characid fishes (Ostariophysi: Characiformes)

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    ABSTRACT Bryconamericus lethostigmus is the type-species of the monotypic genus Odontostoechus, diagnosed in part based on the presence of a unique tooth series in the premaxilla. Recently a new proposal of classification of the Stevardiinae placed Odontostoechus as a junior synonym of a monophyletic genus Bryconamericus sensu stricto, a genus characterized by the presence of two tooth series. Bryconamericus lethostigmus is redescribed herein and the single tooth series in the premaxilla is demonstrated to originate from merging of the external tooth row with the inner row during ontogeny refuting primary hypothesis of homology between the mouth morphology of B. lethostigmus and the genera Bryconacidnus, Ceratobranchia, Monotocheirodon, Othonocheirodus, Rhinopetitia and Rhinobrycon. A phylogeographic analysis indicated that the pattern described for the sympatric species Diapoma itaimbe is not mirrored by B. lethostigmus. The results also do not support the hypothesis of a new species in the rio Araranguá drainage

    Histopathologic alterations observed in fish gills as a tool in environmental monitoring

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    The gills of fish have a great external contact surface and are particularly sensitive to chemical and physical changes in the aquatic environment. The aim of this study was to examine the histopathologic alterations in the gills of Astyanax fasciatus and Cyanocharax alburnus and to determine if there is a correlation between the severity of the alterations and environmental degradation and if this biological system can be used as a tool for evaluating water quality in monitoring programmes. The gills of 107 specimens of Astyanax fasciatus and 116 of Cyanocharax alburnus were collected seasonally and processed using routine histologic techniques for fixing and embedding in paraffin and staining of sections with haematoxylin and eosin. The main alterations observed in both species were alteration of the structure of the epithelium, vacuolisation, hyperplasia of the epithelium of the primary lamella, epithelial lifting, and alteration of the structure and occurrence of aneurysms in the secondary lamella. The locations Gasometer and F. do Celupa were the ones that showed the highest frequencies of moderate and severe alterations as the highest "histopathologic alterations index" means. The most severe alterations were found to be related to the most impacted environment, indicating the presence of stressors in the water

    Assessment of environmental quality through analysis of frequency of the black spot disease in an assemblage of fish, Gua\uedba lake, RS, Brazil

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    The frequency of the black spot disease caused by digenetic trematodes in fish was tested as an indicator of the quality of water in the watershed of Lake Guaíba. Samples were standardised and quarterly made using a seine net at eleven sites in the basin. A total of 53,408 individuals of 66 specimens pertaining to 22 families and 8 orders were collected and analysed. The highest frequency of the disease was found in Astyanax fasciatus. The simple Chi-Squared test applied to the species showed statistically significant frequency of occurrence for three sampled sites. Two of these sites showed the highest frequencies for two consecutive sampling periods of one year and the best levels of water quality. Results of this study suggest that the association between high frequency of infestation by a parasite that causes the black spot disease in fish, and environments with less degradation in water quality, recorded from physical, chemicals and microbiological variables, could be used as an indicator of water quality in these environments

    How consumer digital signals are reshaping the customer journey

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    Marketers are adopting increasingly sophisticated ways to engage with customers throughout their journeys. We extend prior perspectives on the customer journey by introducing the role of digital signals that consumers emit throughout their activities. We argue that the ability to detect and act on consumer digital signals is a source of competitive advantage for firms. Technology enables firms to collect, interpret, and act on these signals to better manage the customer journey. While some consumers' desire for privacy can restrict the opportunities technology provides marketers, other consumers' desire for personalization can encourage the use of technology to inform marketing efforts. We posit that this difference in consumers' willingness to emit observable signals may hinge on the strength of their relationship with the firm. We next discuss factors that may shift consumer preferences and consequently affect the technology-enabled opportunities available to firms. We conclude with a research agenda that focuses on consumers, firms, and regulators