3,323 research outputs found

    Modeling the input history of programs for improved instruction-memory performance

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    When a program is loaded into memory for execution, the relative position of its basic blocks is crucial, since loading basic blocks that are unlikely to be executed first places them high in the instruction-memory hierarchy only to be dislodged as the execution goes on. In this paper we study the use of Bayesian networks as models of the input history of a program. The main point is the creation of a probabilistic model that persists as the program is run on different inputs and at each new input refines its own parameters in order to reflect the program's input history more accurately. As the model is thus tuned, it causes basic blocks to be reordered so that, upon arrival of the next input for execution, loading the basic blocks into memory automatically takes into account the input history of the program. We report on extensive experiments, whose results demonstrate the efficacy of the overall approach in progressively lowering the execution times of a program on identical inputs placed randomly in a sequence of varied inputs. We provide results on selected SPEC CINT2000 programs and also evaluate our approach as compared to the gcc level-3 optimization and to Pettis-Hansen reordering

    Local roughness exponent in the nonlinear molecular-beam-epitaxy universality class in one-dimension

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    We report local roughness exponents, αloc\alpha_{\text{loc}}, for three interface growth models in one dimension which are believed to belong the non-linear molecular-beam-epitaxy (nMBE) universality class represented by the Villain-Lais-Das Sarma (VLDS) stochastic equation. We applied an optimum detrended fluctuation analysis (ODFA) [Luis et al., Phys. Rev. E 95, 042801 (2017)] and compared the outcomes with standard detrending methods. We observe in all investigated models that ODFA outperforms the standard methods providing exponents in the narrow interval αloc[0.96,0.98]\alpha_{\text{loc}}\in[0.96,0.98] consistent with renormalization group predictions for the VLDS equation. In particular, these exponent values are calculated for the Clarke-Vvdensky and Das Sarma-Tamborenea models characterized by very strong corrections to the scaling, for which large deviations of these values had been reported. Our results strongly support the absence of anomalous scaling in the nMBE universality class and the existence of corrections in the form αloc=1ϵ\alpha_{\text{loc}}=1-\epsilon of the one-loop renormalization group analysis of the VLDS equation

    Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians of Lie algebraic type

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    We analyse a class of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, which can be expressed bilinearly in terms of generators of a sl(2,R)-Lie algebra or their isomorphic su(1,1)-counterparts. The Hamlitonians are prototypes for solvable models of Lie algebraic type. Demanding a real spectrum and the existence of a well defined metric, we systematically investigate the constraints these requirements impose on the coupling constants of the model and the parameters in the metric operator. We compute isospectral Hermitian counterparts for some of the original non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. Alternatively we employ a generalized Bogoliubov transformation, which allows to compute explicitly real energy eigenvalue spectra for these type of Hamiltonians, together with their eigenstates. We compare the two approaches.Comment: 27 page

    Políticas ambientais aplicadas à questão do aquecimento global.

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    O problema ambiental: aquecimento global; As controvérsias; Dificuldades de tratamento das questões ambientais globais; Soluções propostas; As políticas ambientais.bitstream/item/81988/1/Politica-ambientais-aplicada.pd

    Metric operators for non-Hermitian quadratic su(2) Hamiltonians

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    A class of non-Hermitian quadratic su(2) Hamiltonians having an anti-linear symmetry is constructed. This is achieved by analysing the possible symmetries of such systems in terms of automorphisms of the algebra. In fact, different realisations for this type of symmetry are obtained, including the natural occurrence of charge conjugation together with parity and time reversal. Once specified the underlying anti-linear symmetry of the Hamiltonian, the former, if unbroken, leads to a purely real spectrum and the latter can be mapped to a Hermitian counterpart by, amongst other possibilities, a similarity transformation. Here, Lie-algebraic methods which were used to investigate the generalised Swanson Hamiltonian are employed to identify the class of quadratic Hamiltonians that allow for such a mapping to the Hermitian counterpart. Whereas for the linear su(2) system every Hamiltonian of this type can be mapped to a Hermitian counterpart by a transformation which is itself an exponential of a linear combination of su(2) generators, the situation is more complicated for quadratic Hamiltonians. Therefore, the possibility of more elaborate similarity transformations, including quadratic exponents, is also explored in detail. The existence of finite dimensional representations for the su(2) Hamiltonian, as opposed to the su(1,1) studied before, allows for comparison with explicit diagonalisation results for finite matrices. Finally, the similarity transformations constructed are compared with the analogue of Swanson's method for exact diagonalsation of the problem, establishing a simple relation between both approaches.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Condutividade hidráulica e Índice S em solo sob Integração-Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da conversão de uma pastagem convencional para iLPF.Pôster - pós-graduação

    A spin chain model with non-Hermitian interaction: the Ising quantum spin chain in an imaginary field

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    We investigate a lattice version of the Yang-Lee model which is characterized by a non-Hermitian quantum spin chain Hamiltonian. We propose a new way to implement PT-symmetry on the lattice, which serves to guarantee the reality of the spectrum in certain regions of values of the coupling constants. In that region of unbroken PT-symmetry we construct a Dyson map, a metric operator and find the Hermitian counterpart of the Hamiltonian for small values of the number of sites, both exactly and perturbatively. Besides the standard perturbation theory about the Hermitian part of the Hamiltonian, we also carry out an expansion in the second coupling constant of the model. Our constructions turns out to be unique with the sole assumption that the Dyson map is Hermitian. Finally we compute the magnetization of the chain in the z and x direction

    Indicadores de risco do desenvolvimento das nanotecnologias: uma ferramenta de apoio à decisão.

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    Resumo: A nanotecnologia representa atualmente um negócio mundial que movimenta mais de 100 bilhões de dólares e atrai cada vez mais recursos humanos e financeiros, devido ao seu enorme potencial de aplicação. Assim, metodologias que permitam avaliar a segurança dos nanoprodutos, especialmente aqueles que já encontram-se no mercado, são de fundamental importância. No entanto, a área do conhecimento que envolve as avaliações de riscos das nanotecnologias encontra-se ainda bastante incipiente no Brasil. A criação de uma metodologia para a Avaliação dos Riscos das nanotecnologias representa uma medida mitigatória eficaz para enfrentar os desafios cada vez maiores identificados pelos cientistas e legisladores, podendo atuar em três momentos: prevenindo, monitorando e restaurando. Desta forma, são apresentados nesse trabalho 14 indicadores para a avaliar o potencial de risco. Esses foram validados pelos especialistas da área de nanotecnologia por meio da Técnica Delphi de consulta aos especialistas. Segundo eles, esses indicadores representam de modo mais completo os aspectos mais críticos relacionados ao desenvolvimento da Nanotecnologia. Estes indicadores, de modo geral, têm a finalidade de auxiliar os desenvolvedores desta tecnologia para que reavaliem as metodologias empregadas para o desenvolvimento das nanotecnologias com a finalidade de mitigar um provável risco

    Influência da altura de corte da folhagem e do tipo de cura na qualidade pós-colheita de cebola.

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da altura de corte e do tipo de cura na qualidade e na duração do tempo de cura de bulbos de cebola IPA11. Os tratamentos consistiram de três alturas de corte e dois tipos de cura. Para as alturas de corte da folhagem, estipulou-se três alturas: bulbos com folhagem inteira (sem corte), bulbos com folhagem cortada pela metade e corte total da folhagem. Com relação ao tipo de cura, realizou-se a cura natural (ao sol) conforme praticada nas regiões secas e a cura com ventilação forçada. Os bulbos recémcolhidos e submetidos à determinação da altura de corte, no processo de cura natural, foram dispostos sobre uma bancada de madeira a pleno sol e aqueles curados com ventilação forçada foram dispostos sobre uma bancada e submetidos a um ventilador doméstico com velocidade média de 3,8 m/s por quatro horas diárias. Foram realizadas avaliações de perda de massa do bulbo durante o processo de cura e avaliações físicas e físicoquímicas dos bulbos, após o período de armazenamento por 45 dias. Determinou-se a perda de massa ao final do período do armazenamento, além da firmeza dos bulbos, os teores de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável e pH da polpa. Diante dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que o processo de cura por ventilação forçada proporcionou uma maior perda de massa dos bulbos após a cura, e que, a altura de corte 3 proporciona características indesejáveis a qualidade pós-colheita dos bulbos. Palavras-chave: Hortaliça. Perda de Massa. Qualidade Pós- Colheita