64 research outputs found

    Usages sociaux de la ripisylve, ou quand la marge rejoint la norme.

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    La ripisylve est avant tout un espace récréatif. S'y côtoient à la fois des activités reconnues : pêche, chasse, promenade... et des activités marginales : malveillance, prostitution... Bien qu'antagonistes, ces usages s'accordent sur un point : la nature sauvage et peu accessible de la ripisylve, que chacun veille scrupuleusement à conserver

    La naturalité entre profunda scientia et esthétique verte : l'exemple de la forêt

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    La question environnementale est apparue comme question sociale dans les pays industrialisés à la fin des années 1960. De question marginale contestataire du modèle de développement, elle s'est depuis lors répandue comme question centrale de la modernité. Au c ur de cette question, sont posés les rapports entre nature et société. Paradoxalement, rares sont parmi les très nombreux groupes scientifiques et universitaires consacrés à la sociologie, ceux qui ont jeté un regard sur les espaces naturels et forestiers méditerranéens. Chantal Aspe est de ceux-là

    De l’approche patrimoniale à la gestion durable des forêts : l’entrée « biodiversité » comme nouveau canon d’appréhension du réel

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    A travers l’analyse de la gestion contemporaine des forêts, cet article analyse la manière dont se transforme aujourd’hui le regard social sur les choses de la nature. Elles acquièrent progressivement le statut de choses fragiles, vulnérables que l’homme, compte tenu du principe de responsabilité qui lui échoit, doit comprendre et accompagner dans sa bienveillance pour leur durabilité. Ce registre émotionnel est mobilisé parallèlement à une rhétorique scientifique sur la diversité du vivant, la biodiversité, composée de multiples éléments en interactions formant un tout écosystémique qu’il convient d’envisager dans sa totalité pour respecter l’ensemble du vivant forestier, du microorganisme au vieil arbre bicentenaire. Nous montrerons comment ce nouveau système de valeurs s’institutionnalise à travers diverses actions de formation et d’éducation à l’environnement pour former une nouvelle normativité éthique, qui conduit à la divulgation des nouvelles « bonnes pratiques » sylvicoles

    Introduction de l'ouvrage : "Le retour des paysans ?"

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    Cet article est le texte introductif de l'ouvrage « Le retour des paysans ? », lui-même issu d'un colloque tenu à Marseille les 11 et 12 décembre 2003. Cette manifestation avait permis de réunir de nombreux chercheurs et doctorants représentant la plupart des disciplines en sciences sociales et analysant des situations très diverses, au Nord et au Sud. Cet ouvrage collectif est en partie le fruit de cette rencontre interdisciplinaire sur un terrain chargé de passions : les paysans et l'environnement

    Protein retention in the endoplasmic reticulum rescues Aβ toxicity in Drosophila

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    Amyloid β (Aβ) accumulation is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. In adult Drosophila brains, human Aβ overexpression harms climbing and lifespan. It's uncertain whether Aβ is intrinsically toxic or activates downstream neurodegeneration pathways. Our study uncovers a novel protective role against Aβ toxicity: intra-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein accumulation with a focus on laminin and collagen subunits. Despite high Aβ, laminin B1 (LanB1) overexpression robustly counters toxicity, suggesting a potential Aβ resistance mechanism. Other laminin subunits and collagen IV also alleviate Aβ toxicity; combining them with LanB1 augments the effect. Imaging reveals ER retention of LanB1 without altering Aβ secretion. LanB1's rescue function operates independently of the IRE1α/XBP1 ER stress response. ER-targeted GFP overexpression also mitigates Aβ toxicity, highlighting broader ER protein retention advantages. Proof-of-principle tests in murine hippocampal slices using mouse Lamb1 demonstrate ER retention in transduced cells, indicating a conserved mechanism. Though ER protein retention generally harms, it could paradoxically counter neuronal Aβ toxicity, offering a new therapeutic avenue for Alzheimer's disease

    Ogni Pensiero Vola: the embodied psyche in Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life

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    The Tree of Lifetouches on embodiment of the soul in an early sequence covering courtship, marriage and the first pregnancy of a young couple. In a delicate formal scene, Mrs O'Brien, nearing full term, treads gently along a river's edge summoning infant souls luminous in white linen. She opens a minute book of life to one of them, preparing his entry through the iron gates that open on embodied life. Presently, the infant soul rises up from his underwater home beyond the reach of conscious awareness: Mrs O'Brien gives birth to her first son, Jack. This is the boy who will eventually become a middle-aged man in crisis. Ravaged then by grief for his long-dead younger brother and his own inability to live at peace with his family or himself, his memories, visions and reflections accumulate in a way that makes him a suffering Hermes for the early twenty-first century. The initiating episode of the infant's birth complements the embodied and affective experiences of those in the audience who accept the film's sensual invitation to steep themselves in the immense scale of its gorgeous sounds and images. They then discover on the pulse that, more than the history of one Texan family, it attempts nothing less than the necessary re-creation of the godhead for the early twenty-first century. Contrary to the rigid medieval dogmas of so many orthodox religions,The Tree of Lifeassures us not of a changeless eternity but rather the sacred and ceaseless metamorphosis of numinous energy

    Étayer les relations parents–enfants en groupe de jeux quand l’enfant souffre d’autisme ou de troubles envahissants du développement

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    International audienceLe groupe de jeux "Peter Pan", pour enfants autistes ou souffrant de troubles envahissants du développement et leurs parents s'inscrit au sein de l'Hôpital de Jour du Centre Psychothérapique pour Enfants et Adolescents de Mulhouse (France), rattaché au secteur de psychiatrie infanto-juvénile 68I02 de l'hôpital de Rouffach. Le projet, adaptation à notre public du concept Calimusette et Pirouli (lieu d'accueil parents-enfants autour du jeu corporel et sensoriel), vise à étayer la relation parent-enfant, en restaurant plaisir partagé et estime de soi dans ces interactions parent-enfant meurtries. Le Modèle d'Observation Structurée des Interactions Parents-Enfants (MOSIPE), d'inspiration systémique, est l'un de nos outils. Le groupe est devenu groupe d'entraide. Etayé ainsi, chaque parent a été rétabli dans sa fonction parentale, et confirmé dans son expertise

    Protein retention in the endoplasmic reticulum rescues Aβ toxicity in Drosophila

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    Amyloid β (Aβ) accumulation is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. In adult Drosophila brains, human Aβ overexpression harms climbing and lifespan. It’s uncertain whether Aβ is intrinsically toxic or activates downstream neurodegeneration pathways. Our study uncovers a novel protective role against Aβ toxicity: intra-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein accumulation with a focus on laminin and collagen subunits. Despite high Aβ, laminin B1 (LanB1) overexpression robustly counters toxicity, suggesting a potential Aβ resistance mechanism. Other laminin subunits and collagen IV also alleviate Aβ toxicity; combining them with LanB1 augments the effect. Imaging reveals ER retention of LanB1 without altering Aβ secretion. LanB1’s rescue function operates independently of the IRE1α/XBP1 ER stress response. ER-targeted GFP overexpression also mitigates Aβ toxicity, highlighting broader ER protein retention advantages. Proof-of-principle tests in murine hippocampal slices using mouse Lamb1 demonstrate ER retention in transduced cells, indicating a conserved mechanism. Though ER protein retention generally harms, it could paradoxically counter neuronal Aβ toxicity, offering a new therapeutic avenue for Alzheimer’s disease

    Extracellular, cell-permeable survivin inhibits apoptosis while promoting proliferative and metastatic potential

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    The tumour microenvironment is believed to be involved in development, growth, metastasis, and therapy resistance of many cancers. Here we show survivin, a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family, implicated in apoptosis inhibition and the regulation of mitosis in cancer cells, exists in a novel extracellular pool in tumour cells. Furthermore, we have constructed stable cell lines that provide the extracellular pool with either wild-type survivin (Surv-WT) or the previously described dominant-negative mutant survivin (Surv-T34A), which has proven pro-apoptotic effects in cancer cells but not in normal proliferating cells. Cancer cells grown in conditioned medium (CM) taken from Surv-WT cells absorbed survivin and experienced enhanced protection against genotoxic stresses. These cells also exhibited an increased replicative and metastatic potential, suggesting that survivin in the tumour microenvironment may be directly associated with malignant progression, further supporting survivin's function in tumourigenesis. Alternatively, cancer cells grown in CM taken from the Surv-T34A cells began to apoptose through a caspase-2- and caspase-9-dependent pathway that was further enhanced by the addition of other chemo- and radiotherapeutic modalities. Together our findings suggest a novel microenvironmental function for survivin in the control of cancer aggressiveness and spread, and should result in the genesis of additional cancer treatment modalities

    Autoregulation in resistance training : addressing the inconsistencies

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    Autoregulation is a process that is used to manipulate training based primarily on the measurement of an individual's performance or their perceived capability to perform. Despite being established as a training framework since the 1940s, there has been limited systematic research investigating its broad utility. Instead, researchers have focused on disparate practices that can be considered specific examples of the broader autoregulation training framework. A primary limitation of previous research includes inconsistent use of key terminology (e.g., adaptation, readiness, fatigue, and response) and associated ambiguity of how to implement different autoregulation strategies. Crucially, this ambiguity in terminology and failure to provide a holistic overview of autoregulation limits the synthesis of existing research findings and their dissemination to practitioners working in both performance and health contexts. Therefore, the purpose of the current review was threefold: first, we provide a broad overview of various autoregulation strategies and their development in both research and practice whilst highlighting the inconsistencies in definitions and terminology that currently exist. Second, we present an overarching conceptual framework that can be used to generate operational definitions and contextualise autoregulation within broader training theory. Finally, we show how previous definitions of autoregulation fit within the proposed framework and provide specific examples of how common practices may be viewed, highlighting their individual subtleties
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