139 research outputs found

    Use of a Natural Isotopic Signature in Otoliths to Evaluate Scale-Based Age Determination for American Shad

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    We used delta O-18 signatures in otoliths as a natural tag for hatch year to evaluate the scale-based age determination method used for adult American shad Alosa sapidissima in the York River, Virginia. Juveniles of the 2002 year-class exhibited high delta O-18 values in otolith cores that identified adult members of the cohort as they returned to spawn. Recruitment of the 2002 cohort was monitored for three consecutive years, identifying age-4, age-5, and age-6 individuals of the York River stock. The scale-based age determination method was not suitable for aging age-4, age-5, or age-6 American shad in the York River. On average, 50% of the individuals from the 2002 year-class were aged incorrectly using the scale-based method. These results suggest that the standard age determination method used for American shad is not applicable to the York River stock. Scientists and managers should use caution when applying scale-based age estimates to stock assessments for American shad in the York River and throughout their range, as the applicability of the scale-based method likely varies for each stock. This study highlights a promising new direction for otolith geochemistry to provide cohort-specific markers, and it identifies several factors that should be considered when applying the technique in the future

    Evaluating the Current Status of American Shad Stocks in Three Virginia Rivers

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    Directed commercial fisheries for American shad Alosa sapidissima in the primary Virginia tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay have been under moratorium since 1994. Monitoring of adult American shad within these rivers has been ongoing since 1998 through a cooperative program involving commercial fishers. The monitoring program is designed to mimic traditional commercial fishing practices so that stock status can be inferred by comparing contemporary catch-per-unit-effort levels with those derived from historic logbooks. In this paper, we present analyses of the available monitoring and historic catch rate data along with updated stock status information for American shad in the James, York, and Rappahannock rivers. Two analytical methods were used to derive annual indices of relative abundance; both methods yielded very similar patterns for each river system. Comparisons of contemporary and historic indices of relative abundance suggest that American shad in the James and York rivers continue to persist at low levels of abundance. Measures of stock abundance in the Rappahannock River have been higher than the logbook reference value for much of the monitoring period. However, current moratoria and restoration strategies, which include hatchery releases of fry, the removal of obstructions blocking spawning and nursery habitat, and reductions in bycatch from other fisheries, should continue into the foreseeable future

    Changes in zooplankton community, and seston and zooplankton fatty acid profiles at the freshwater/saltwater interface of the Chowan River, North Carolina

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    The variability in zooplankton fatty acid composition may be an indicator of larval fish habitat quality as fatty acids are linked to fish larval growth and survival. We sampled an anadromous fish nursery, the Chowan River, during spring of 2013 in order to determine how the seston fatty acid composition varied in comparison with the zooplankton community composition and fatty acid composition during the period of anadromous larval fish residency. The seston fatty acid profiles showed no distinct pattern in relation to sampling time or location. The mesozooplankton community composition varied spatially and the fatty acid profiles were typical of freshwater species in April. The Chowan River experienced a saltwater intrusion event during May, which resulted in brackish water species dominating the zooplankton community and the fatty acid profile showed an increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), in particular eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The saltwater intrusion event was followed by an influx of freshwater due to high precipitation levels in June. The zooplankton community composition once again became dominated by freshwater species and the fatty acid profiles shifted to reflect this change; however, EPA levels remained high, particularly in the lower river. We found correlations between the seston, microzooplankton and mesozooplankton fatty acid compositions. Salinity was the main factor correlated to the observed pattern in species composition, and fatty acid changes in the mesozooplankton. These data suggest that anadromous fish nursery habitat likely experiences considerable spatial variability in fatty acid profiles of zooplankton prey and that are correlated to seston community composition and hydrodynamic changes. Our results also suggest that sufficient prey density as well as a diverse fatty acid composition is present in the Chowan River to support larval fish production