174 research outputs found

    Effects of Ocean Acidification on Chlorophyll Content

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    Airborne pollutants contribute to ocean acidification and hence to the associated chlorophyll content level. Previous work showed that falling aerosols causing ocean acidification would in turn result in bleaching and productivity loss in coral reef builders. Chlorophyll content has been used as a measure of the concentration of the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll a (the most common green chlorophyll) in the ocean. In our work we have monitored the change in chlorophyll content obtained from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor on board Terra/Aqua satellites from 2000-2009 over selected pilot areas. Moreover, we have used the Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) NASA chemical model to simulate sulfate, dust, black carbon (BC), organic carbon (OC), and sea-salt aerosols content over the urban centers close to the areas where chlorophyll content is showing a significant decline. These parameters would reflect the natural versus anthropogenic origin of the aerosols falling over ocean waters. We expect to observe an overall decrease in chlorophyll content on the surface of the ocean. Hence, our findings may suggest that the effects of falling air pollutants in the ocean will be so detrimental as to gradually cause a decrease in photosynthetic producing material over several years

    Transport of dust and anthropogenic aerosols across Alexandria, Egypt

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    The flow of pollutants from Europe and desert dust to Europe from the Sahara desert both affects the air quality of the coastal regions of Egypt. As such, measurements from both ground and satellite observations assume great importance to ascertain the conditions and flow affecting the Nile Delta and the large city of Alexandria. We note that special weather conditions prevailing in the Mediterranean Sea result in a westerly wind flow pattern during spring and from North to South during the summer. Such flow patterns transport dust-loaded and polluted air masses from the Sahara desert and Europe, respectively, through Alexandria, and the Nile Delta in Egypt. We have carried out measurements acquired with a ground- based portable sun photometer (Microtops II) and the satellite-borne TERRA/Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor during the periods of October 1999–August 2001 and July 2002–September 2003. These measurements show a seasonal variability in aerosol optical depth (AOD) following these flow patterns. Maximum aerosol loadings accompanied by total precipitable water vapor (W) enhancements are observed during the spring and summer seasons. Pronounced changes have been observed in the Ångström exponent (α) derived from ground-based measurements over Alexandria (31.14° N, 29.59° E) during both dust and pollution periods. We have followed up the observations with a 3-day back-trajectories model to trace the probable sources and pathways of the air masses causing the observed aerosol loadings. We have also used other NASA model outputs to estimate the sea salt, dust, sulfates and black carbon AOD spatial distributions during different seasons. Our results reveal the probable source regions of these aerosol types, showing agreement with the trajectory and Ångström exponent analysis results. It is confirmed that Alexandria is subjected to different atmospheric conditions involving dust, pollution, mixed aerosols and clean sky

    Place Energy in Urban Drama Scene (River Transport in Shatt al-Arab)

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    The city of Basra is one of the most important cities in Iraq and most of the possessions of the potential, making it the most appropriate option for the subject of research, which depends on the energy of the place as a basis for him. The Shatt Al Arab was chosen for the river represents the spiritual and material value of the population of the city but for Iraq as a whole in terms of social, This river consists of the confluence of the Tigris and the Euphrates and is an important and vital gateway to the Arabian Gulf, so the discussion deal with the relationship between place energy and dramatic situation through the presentation of the research problem, namely: (There is no clear perception of the dramatic situation of the urban scene of Shatt al-Arab and resolve the research problem has been selected research hypothesis, which states: (The construction of the dramatic situation of the urban scene of Shatt al-Arab is based on activating the concept of place energy, the Research objective (constructing the dramatic situation of the urban scene of Shatt al-Arab by activating the concept of place energy using the possibility of river transport). As determined pursuant to the theoretical framework of the research problem and hypothesis, as theoretical part discusses the definition of place (place theory and place energy), river and river transport, urban scene drama(dramatic situation and perception). The research gives number of conclusions and final recommendations the most important conclusions(There is awareness of the energies of place and material potential, but there is a neglect of the spiritual side, which is an important andvital aspect in the process of building the dramatic situation), one of the main recommendations of the research(Adopting a mechanism to study and activate river transport in the Shatt al-Arab so that people can understand the urban scene of the Shatt al-Arab and thus create memories associated with the place for the purpose of building its own dramatic situation)

    Susceptibility of Aphidius nigripes (Hym.: Aphididae) adults to entomopathogen Lecanicillium muscarium (Deut.: Moniliales)

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    Susceptibility of Aphidius nigripes Ashmead adults to entomopathogen Lecanicillium muscarium (Petch) Zare & Gams was evaluated with different inoculation methods. Fungus concentrations including 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 spores/ml and control (distilled water with 0/04% triton x-100) were applied by spraying or dipping method on males, females and pupa of parasitoid and mortality was counted daily during 8 days. Both A. nigripes males and females were infected by L. muscarium concentrations. Minimum mortality was observed in 104 spores/ml treatment on the males and females after 8 days. Positive correlation was observed between concentrations and parasitoid mortality. Direct infection method with 108 spores/ml showed the maximum mortality of 97/9% and 100% for females and males, respectively. Estimated LC50 for females was approximately three times more than that of males. LT50 for each concentration indicated more susceptibility of males than the females. Adult wasps were also infected by fungus spores of inoculated plants; however, the mortality of parasitoid was less than that of direct infection (sprayed on adults). Estimated LC50 and LT50 were also greater than those obtained by direct infection of adults. Mummified aphids were infected by L. muscarium, however, the development of fungus mycelium was observed on mummies, and the mortality of parasitoid pupae within mummies was significantly low. A few parasitoids emerged from infected mummies suffered mortality. Further results demonstrated that the adult infection had come in touch with the infected mummies

    On the Detection and Monitoring of the Transport of an Asian Dust Storm Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Remote Sensing

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    Dynamical and physical features of a long range transported dust event originating in China affecting Korea early March 2008 are examined using an integrative multi-sensor and multi-algorithm approach. Aerosol loadings and their size mode were analyzed over both ocean and land surfaces using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol optical depth (AOD), employing standard dark target (DT) and deep blue (DB) algorithms, and the Ångström exponent (AE). Anthropogenic absorbing aerosols and smoke were found to be significant over the Indochina Peninsula, the Philippines and southern China, while a mixture of dust and pollution were predominant over central to northern China, as identified by the AE analysis and the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) spherecitiy and plume height. Remarkable aerosol absorptions in both the near ultraviolet (UV) and the visible were spread over central, central western and northern China, probably due to aerosol mixtures including desert dust and industrial pollution as well as smoke from biomass burning as evidenced from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). Long range transport is validated as dust storm reached up to 4–5 km vertically and a mixed cloud layer was identified over the Yellow Sea as disclosed by the vertical structure of dust aerosols as well as observed aerosols subtypes from Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO). The real time detection and monitoring of the dust outbreak and its subsequent evolution are available through the infrared optical depth index (IODI), developed from the MTSAT-1R geostationary satellite imager

    Aerosol Climatology Over Nile Delta Based on MODIS, MISR and OMI Satellite Data

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    Since 1999 Cairo and the Nile delta region have suffered from air pollution episodes called the “black cloud” during the fall season. These have been attributed to either burning of agriculture waste or long-range transport of desert dust. Here we present a detailed analysis of the optical and microphysical aerosol properties, based on satellite data. Monthly mean values of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550 nm were examined for the 10 yr period from 2000–2009. Significant monthly variability is observed in the AOD with maxima in April or May (_0.5) and October (_0.45), and a minimum in December and January (_0.2). Monthly mean values of UV Aerosol Index (UVAI) retrieved by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) for 4 yr (2005–2008) exhibit the same AOD pattern. The carbonaceous aerosols during the black cloud periods are confined to the planetary boundary layer (PBL), while dust aerosols exist over a wider range of altitudes, as shown by Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) aerosol profiles. The monthly climatology of Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR) data show that the aerosols during the black cloud periods are spherical with a higher percentage of small and medium size particles, whereas the spring aerosols are mostly large non-spherical particles. All of the results show that the air quality in Cairo and the Nile delta region is subject to a complex mixture of air pollution types, especially in the fall season, when biomass burning contributes to a background of urban pollution and desert dust

    Biocompatibility of Newly Prepared Nanocalcium Oxide Based Root Canal Sealer (In Vivo study)

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    Aims: To evaluate in vivo the biocompatibility of newly prepared calcium oxide-based nanosealer. Materials and Methods: Twenty albino healthy male rabbits were used, each received three polyethylene tubes; one filled with BioRoot sealer (+ve control), one received the newly prepared nanosealer, and the last left empty served as (-ve control) were implanted in the corresponding skin pockets made at the dorsal skin of the anesthetized rabbits. Then the rabbits divided into four equal groups according to the observation periods. Tissue biopsies were collected at (3, 7, 14, and 28) day after the implantation. The specimens were processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and examined microscopically. Statistical analysis was performed by Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests for analyses the inflammatory tissues response of each group at observation times. Results: Histopathologically; at 3 days (-ve) and (+ve) control groups revealed sever inflammatory reaction, while the experimental group represented moderate tissues inflammation. These inflammatory tissues reactions were reduced over times for all group until subsided completely at 28 days but still faster for experimental sealer. All groups revealed thin full organized fibrous capsule at 28 days representing the tissues tolerance of implanted materials. Statistically the experimental nanosealer represented the least inflammatory tissue reaction among groups. There were no statistically significance differences in fibrous capsule thickness among the groups. Conclusions: The prepared nanosealer represented high biocompatibility than other groups

    Laboratory investigation on virulence of three entomopathogenic fungi against the larvae of Aeolesthes sarta (Col.: Cerambycidae)

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    Sart longhorn beetle, Aeolesthes sarta Solsky (Col.: Cerambycidae) is one of the most destructive borers attacking many tree species in Iran and some Asian countries. Despite its high economic importance, little information is available on its biological control agents. In this research, pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi Lecanicillium muscarium (strain DAOM 198499), Metarhizium anisopliae (strain DEMI-001) and Beauveria bassiana (strain PTCC5197) were tested in the laboratory for the pathogenicity to A. sarta larvae. The survey was conducted to determine the efficacy of various treatments (105, 106, 107, 108 spore/ml) against the larvae of A. sarta. Larvae of the same age were individually treated with conidial concentrations of fungi for 30 sec. and placed in hand-made grooves (diameter of 1.5 cm and length of 10 cm) in the sapwood of poplar trunks (Populus nigra, Colon 56/32). After 15 days, the trunks were chopped and the mortality of larvae was determined. Furthermore, Probit analyses were conducted calculate LC50 and LC90 values for each fungus. The results indicated significant differences between treated and untreated individuals (p < 0.01). Estimated LC50 for L. muscarium, B. bassiana and M. anisopliae were 8.53 à 106, 3.65 à 107, and 8.7 à 104 spore/ml, respectively. There were significant differences among the mortalities of fungi and concentrations (p < 0.01). M. anisopliae with the mean of 50.99% and B. bassiana with the mean of 30.41% had the highest and the lowest mortality, respectively (p < 0.05). Also, the treatments 108 and 105 spore/ml caused the highest (68.57%) and lowest (38.64%) mortality, respectively. Finally, the comparison of means of interaction (treatment à fungus) showed that M. anisopliae treatment (108 spore/ml) with 78.9% had the highest and B. bassiana treatment (105 spore/ml) with 16.66% had the lowest mortality

    Study on potential of some solid natural substances in production of Beauveria bassiana (Ascomycota, Cordycipitaceae) conidia

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    In this study, two fungus isolates, Beauveria bassiana EUT105 and B. bassiana EUT116, were evaluated for production of aerial conidia on wheat, wheat flour, wheat bran, rice flour, rice bran, rice paddy, millet and corn flour using two phasic liquid-solid system. Data analysis showed that there are significant differences among treatments (simple media) in both isolates. In B. bassiana EUT105, the maximum and minimum productions were achieved on wheat bran, 2.3 Ã 1010 conidia/g and on rice paddy, 1.5 Ã 109 conidia/g of medium, respectively. In B. bassiana EUT116, wheat bran with 6.1 Ã 109 conidia/g and millet with 8 Ã 108 conidia/g had the maximum and minimum productions, respectively. Effect of adding nutritional complementary compounds to the growth media was significant in increasing of conidial yield. Related results showed that adding permeate increased the production but molasses did not it in comparison with control in both isolates. Wheat bran plus permeate had the maximum production, 5 Ã 1010 and 4.6 Ã 1010 conidia/g in B. bassiana EUT105 and EUT116, respectively and minimum production was obtained with rice flour plus molasses, 1.5 Ã 108 and 6 Ã 108 conidia/g in B. bassiana EUT105 and EUT116, respectively

    A survey on the response of the last instar larvae of acorn weevil, Curculio glandium (Col.: Curculionidae), to entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema bicornutum and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in the laboratory

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    The acorn weevil, Curculio glandium Marsham, is an important forest pest of oak trees in most of countries as well as Iran. The pest disturbs regeneration of host trees by feeding on their acorn. The necessitate to control the pest as well as limitations of chemical pesticide application in natural resources, different indigenous entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs): Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema bicornutum were tested under laboratory conditions upon the fifth instar larvae of acorn weevil collected from Arasbaran forest. In the first experiment, penetration assay was conducted using a suspension of 4000 IJs of the EPNs per 1 ml distilled water in multi-well plates. The plates were incubated for 40 h at 25ÂÂșC and dead larvae were dissected. Penetration percentage was %1.6 for H. bacteriophora and %0.55 for S. bicornutum. In the second experiment, H. bacteriophora and S. bicornutum were applied at different concentrations (0, 150, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 IJs per 1ml of distilled water) in the 9 cm Petri plates lined with filter papers in order to test their capability of parasitization of the fifth instar larvae of C. glandium. The experiments were conducted at two temperature ranges (21-24ÂÂșC and 25-28ÂÂșC). Maximum mortality caused by H. bacteriophora and S. bicornutum were %58.3, %25 (at 21-24ÂÂșC) and %63.5, %30.5 (at 25-28ÂÂșC), respectively. Therefore, H. bacteriophora caused higher larval mortality comparing to S. bicornutum at both temperature ranges. Analysis of variance revealed significant nematode species and concentration as well as temperature effects on larval mortality. By increasing of concentration of nematode and temperature, larval mortality was raised. The highest penetration in larva and the highest mortality of fifth instar larvae of C. glandium was observed for H. bacteriophora under the both temperature ranges. Based on probit analysis, the LC50 of H. bacteriophora at two temperature ranges of 21-24ÂÂșC and 25-28ÂÂșC were determined 1331 and 1037 IJs/ml, respectively. Regression analysis showed significant relationship between concentrations and larval mortality in both nematodes and both temperature ranges. Therefore, H. bacteriophora comparing to S. bicornutum is more effective and can be suggested for complementary studies toward finding a suitable biocontrol agent of the pest
