178 research outputs found

    Initiation of Cracks in Dental Amalgam

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    The force required to initiate cracks in dental amalgam beams was measured and related to the microstructure. The force measured was dependent on age and on the distribution of phases on the tension side of the beam. The Ag-Cu phase is most resistant to failure in Dispersalloy and an experimental alloy.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67365/2/10.1177_00220345750540060601.pd

    A New Dental Superalloy System: IV. X-Ray Diffraction Analysis

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    X-ray diffraction analysis of the alloy system Co-Ni-Cr-Ta showed that the ternary alloy base consisted of three phases (a, β, and σ). Addition of Ta caused a decrease in the intensity of the β lines. Further Ta additions caused diffraction lines characteristic of the intermetallic compound α-Co3Ta. At higher Ta concentrations, the intensity of the lines characteristic of the σ phase increased and lines characteristic of Co2Ta appeared.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66588/2/10.1177_00220345730520041701.pd

    Effect of Casting Conditions on Some Mechanical Properties of Cobalt-Base Alloys

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67983/2/10.1177_00220345610400012601.pd

    A review on the management of postharvest anthracnose in dragon fruits caused by Colletotrichum spp

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    none5Colletotrichum spp is one of the major cosmopolitan phytopathogens that cause postharvest anthracnose in dragon fruits. The pathogen attacks fruits on the field, during long-distance transport, and cold storage, leading to shorter shelf life. Traditionally, the plants are sprayed with synthetic fungicides, which is a strategic approach to control diseases in general and anthracnose in particular for dragon fruit production. Due to the demand for safe storage methods for consumers and the concerns about the use of synthetic fungicides, their use is restricted to control dragon fruits anthracnose after harvest. Despite "Umikai" (natural Calcium) is the commonly used preservative by some exporters of dragon fruits in Vietnam, recent reports indicated that Sodium nitroprusside (a Nitric oxide donor) markedly controlled anthracnose in dragon fruit at recommended levels. However, due to detrimental effect of these nitric oxide donors and other synthetic chemicals on human health, concerns are raised by the governments and other stakeholders to abolish, if not regulate the use of these synthetic chemicals in pre- and postharvest management of anthracnose. Consequently, several alternative methods have been developed to control postharvest decay, but with little success. This review summarizes the findings published within the last decade on current management practices on postharvest anthracnose in dragon fruit. We conclude that hot air/vapor heat treatment, water treatment, modified and controlled atmosphere packaging are commercially practiced and effective in reducing postharvest decay in dragon fruits while, X-ray irradiation is still under experimentation, Additionally, natural products (propolis and chitosan) shows promising effect without leaving residual harmful effect and could be adopted on a commercial scale to reduce postharvest losses after further commercial trials.Paa K. Bordoh; Asgar Ali; Matthew Dickinson; Yasmeen Siddiqui; Gianfranco RomanazziBordoh, Paa K.; Ali, Asgar; Dickinson, Matthew; Siddiqui, Yasmeen; Romanazzi, Gianfranc

    Food texture as affected by ohmic heating: Mechanisms involved, recent findings, benefits, and limitations

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    peer-reviewedBackground: Food texture is an important quality characteristic that affects sensory perception and consumer satisfaction. Thermal processing applies to food material for several reasons including palatability improvement and shelf life extension. Ohmic heating is an energy- and time-saving technique that was previously proposed as an alternative to conventional heating methods in the food industry. Scope and approach: Investigating the effects of ohmic processes on food quality parameters, such as texture, is an important step towards the industrial adaptation of ohmic heating technology. This review focuses specifically on the effects of ohmic heating on food texture and tries to elucidate the mechanisms behind the changes in textural attributes during an ohmic process as compared to the classical heating method. Key findings and conclusions: Achieving a predefined product texture in a shorter time and the uniformity of product texture are among the benefits of ohmic heating. However, several challenges (e.g. the possibility of negative effects on the chemical composition of the product and high capital investment) should be addressed for the industrial adoption of this emerging technology

    Uji Kualitas Umbi Beberapa Klon Kentang Untuk Keripik

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    Penelitian bertujuan menguji komponen kualitas dari beberapa klon kentang hasil seleksi untuk keripik. Penelitian dilakukan mulai bulan Juli sampai dengan September 2010 menggunakan metode eksperimen di laboratorium. Rancangan yang digunakan ialah acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diuji terdiri atas 10 klon kentang yaitu (1) 385524.9 x 392639.34, (2) 393077.54 x 391011.17, (3) 393077.54 x 391011.17, (4) 391011.17 x 391580.30, (5) 391011.17 x 385524.9, (6) 393077.54 x 391011.17, (7) 391011.17 x 385524.9, (8) 391011.17 x 385524.9, (9) 393033.54 x 391580.30, dan (10) Granola (kontrol). Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa keripik kentang yang memiliki skor antara 2,00-2,36 (kuning merata) untuk chips kentang ialah klon 7 (391011.17 x 385524.9) dan klon 8 (391011.17 x 385524.9). Kandungan gula reduksi dari kedua klon tersebut, yaitu masing-masing 0,029 dan 0,023% lebih rendah daripada kandungan gula reduksi pada klon-klon lainnya yang keripiknya berwarna gelap. Klon-klon tersebut memenuhi persyaratan kualitas dan berpeluang untuk digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri pengolahan keripik kentang. The objective of the research was to determine the quality of potato clones resulted from selection for potato chips. Quality test of 10 selective clones was determined. The research was conducted from July to September 2010, and was arranged in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Treatments consisted of (1) 385524.9 x 392639.34, (2) 393077.54 x 391011.17, (3) 393077.54 x 391011.17, (4) 391011.17 x 391580.30, (5) 391011.17 x 385524.9, (6) 393077.54 x 391011.17, (7) 391011.17 x 385524.9, (8) 391011.17 x 385524.9, (9) 393033.54 x 391580.30, and (10) Granola (control). The results showed that chips which had a score value between 2.00 to 2.36 (yellow uniform) for potato chips were clone 7 (391011.17 x 385524.9) and clone 8 (391011.17 x 385524.9). The reducted sugar content of these clones was lower (0.029 and 0.023% respectively) than the reducted sugar content of the other potato clones which had dark color. The potato clones had good quality and fulfilled conditions for potato chips processing

    Observation of multiple doubly degenerate bands in Tl-195

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    The High-spin states in 195Tl, populated through the 185,187Re(13C, xn) fusion evaporation reaction at the beam energy of 75 MeV, were studied using the Indian National Gamma Array (INGA). More than 50 new γ transitions have been placed in the proposed level scheme which is extended up to the excitation energy of ≈ 5.6 MeV and spin. Two pairs of degenerate bands based on two different quasi-particle configurations have been identified in this nucleus indicating the first observation of such bands in an odd-A nucleus in region and signify the first evidence of multiple chiral bands in a nucleus in this region. The total Routhian surface calculations predict triaxial shapes for both the configurations and thereby, support the experimental observation. The importance of multiple neutron holes in the orbital and the stability of shapes for these two configurations have been discussed.Financial support of Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India for clover detectors of INGA (Grant No. IR/S2/PF-03/2003-II) is greatfully acknowledged. One of the authors (S. Bhattacharya) acknowledges with thanks the financial support received as Raja Ramanna Fellowship from the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India. T.R and Md. A.A acknowledge with thanks the financial support received as research fellows from the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India

    Clinical characteristics, sepsis interventions and outcomes in the obese patients with septic shock: an international multicenter cohort study

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    La calidad educativa de los centros de hoy depende del nivel de competencias adquirido por sus educadores (Perrenoud, 2002). En este sentido, debemos apostar por un equipo humano formado por sujetos que sepan superarse permanentemente, aptos para ejercer tareas dinámicas y cambiantes y que compartan alternativas para crecer en todos los sentidos. Más todavía, debemos apostar por profesionales capaces de identificar y dominar los procesos que se deben realizar actuando con decisión y responsabilidad. La adquisición de competencias comporta aptitud y actitud para utilizar conocimientos, más concretamente, habilidades y valores, de manera interdisciplinaria, transversal e interactiva en contextos y situaciones que requieren la intervención de contenidos vinculados a las diferentes áreas del currículum (Lleixà, 2007), sin exclusividad, en este caso, del área de Educación Física. Presentamos una propuesta metodológica, el «Paradigma Estratégico para el desarrollo de habilidades competenciales», cuya ejecución implica comprensión, reflexión y discernimiento, teniendo en cuenta la dimensión social de cada situación. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en la Universidad de Lleida con 40 alumnos de tercer curso de la asignatura «Educación Física y su didáctica». Se pretende valorar el impacto que provoca la implementación del programa «Paradigma estratégico para la adquisición de habilidades competenciales» sobre sus propias percepciones competenciales intrapersonales, antes y después de la aplicación de dicho programa