33 research outputs found

    Investigating the Potential of High-Density Polyethylene and Nano Clay Asphalt-Modified Binders to Enhance the Rutting Resistance of Asphalt Mixture

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    This study investigates the potential of two bitumen modifiers, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and nano clay (NC), to enhance the rutting resistance of asphalt mixture. Four HDPE asphalt binders were prepared by mixing the HDPE at percentages of 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% with the virgin binder, while four NC asphalt binders were produced by mixing the NC at percentages of 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4%. The consistency and flow of virgin binder, HDPE binders, and NC binders were evaluated by penetration, softening point, and viscosity tests. The results show a gradual increment in the binder stiffness by increasing the percentage of both modifiers. The static creep test was conducted at a temperature of 40 °C to evaluate the rutting resistance. The results confirm that both modifiers can greatly improve the rutting resistance of the asphalt mixture, where 8% HDPE and 3% NC modifications reduce the strains provoked in the asphalt mixture under loading by about 50%. According to the correlation analysis, the mixture rutting performance is highly attributed to the binder stiffness, where the lower the penetration value of the asphalt binder, the lower the strains in the asphalt mixture and the higher the stiffness modulus of the asphalt mixture

    Elite capture of local participatory governance

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    Elite capture is a major barrier to citizen engagement in local governance processes in many developing countries. Data from six case studies of development initiatives in Bangladesh show that, in spite of attempts by aid donors and others to ensure citizen participation, programmes are dominated by a nexus of local elites including MPs and bureaucrats. Local stakeholders do not understand the value that direct citizen participation can bring, and citizens are unaware of their rights and wary of challenging elites. Monitoring of requirements for citizen participation is weak, and the management of some programmes deters participation. Representatives are sometimes selected by elites and legal frameworks are not sufficiently strong or enforced consistently. We conclude that a range of additional and effectively implemented policy measures are required to reduce the extent and effects of elite capture in developing countries

    Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) deaneorum: a new species in the albitarsis complex (Diptera: culicidae) Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) deaneorum: uma nova espécie no complexo albitarsis (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) deaneorum sp. n. is described from specimens collected in Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia state and Rio Branco, Acre state, Brazil, on human and animal baits, inside dwellings and from the progenies of engorged females. A detailed description of the shape of egg, external appearance of adult female and male, genitalias, female cibarial armature and complete chaetotaxy of pupa and larva show that it can be distinguished from Anopheles albitarsis from the type-locality and other areas by the paler general external appearance of the adult, the posterolateral tufts of scales, on the female abdominal terga and the branching of the outer anterior clypeal seta (3-C) of the fourth instar larva (as shown in illustrations). If species can also be distinguished from An. albitarsis from the type locality by the allele frequencies at 11 enzymic loci as represented by Nei's Genetic Distance.<br>Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) deaneorum sp. n. é descrito a partir de exemplares coletados em capturas comparativas no intradomicílio e no peridomicílio usando isca humana e animal e progênies de fêmeas ingurgitadas, em Guarajá-Mirim, Rondônia e Rio Branco, Acre. A descrição detalhada do ovo, dos adultos fêmea e macho, inclusive cibário da fêmea, genitália, quetotaxia da pupa e da larva e seu perfil isoenzimático, mostram que esse mosquito pode ser distinguido do Anopheles albitarsis na fase adulta pelo aspecto geral mais claro, pela presença de tufos laterais de escamas escuras somente a partir do quarto ou quinto tergitos abdominais, enquanto em albitarsis começam no terceiro e, na fase larvária, pela ramificação das cerdas clipeais anteriores externas, que em albitarsis são aciculadas (como mostram as ilustrações), bem como pelo padrão isoenzimático

    Dynamic Treatment Regimes

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    In recent years, treatment and intervention scientists increasingly realize that individual heterogeneity in disorder severity, background characteristics and co-occurring problems translates into heterogeneity in response to various aspects of any treatment program. Accordingly, research in this area is shifting from the traditional “one-size-fits-all ” treatment to dynamic treatment regimes, which allow greater individualization in programming over time. A dynamic treatment regime is a sequence of decision rules that specify how the dosage and/or type of treatment should be adjusted through time in response to an individual’s changing needs, aiming to optimize the effectiveness of the program. In the chapter we review the Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials (SMART), which is an experimental design useful for the development of dynamic treatment regimes. We compare the SMART approach with other experimental approaches and discuss data analyses methods for constructing a high quality dynamic treatment regime as well as other secondary analyses. 1