544 research outputs found

    Postural assessment of patients with non-conventional knee endoprosthesis

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    Objective:To investigate the correlation between the sagittal and frontal alignment and possible postural asymmetries found in patients submitted to total knee stent placement for osteosarcoma.Methods:Twenty two individuals were divided into two groups according to tumor location: femur group (13 patients) and tibia group (nine patients), who were evaluated through postural analysis software (SAPO).Results:No statistically significant difference was found between groups, supporting previous result showing that both groups present the same postural asymmetries.Conclusion:We conclude that both groups have the same postural imbalances, especially the knee of the affected limb that presents hyperextension and center of gravity shifted anteriorly and laterally to the non-affected limb, indicating changes in weight bearing and influencing the gait pattern and balance. Level of Evidence II, Prospective Comparative Study.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Instituto de Oncologia PediátricaUNIFESP, Instituto de Oncologia PediátricaSciEL

    Efeitos da suplementação de Waxy Maize e placebo em medidas psicofisiológicas em lutadores de Jiu-Jitsu: Estudo duplo cego, crossover, placebo controlado

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    Introdução: O aumento do metabolismo dos carboidratos é diretamente proporcional à intensidade do exercício e o Jiu Jitsu é um bom exemplo de atividade intensa como predominância de força muscular. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as respostas psicofisiológicas de lutadores de Jiu Jitsu em função da suplementação do Waxy Maize (WM) e Placebo (PL). Materiais e Métodos: Foram selecionados 18 lutadores de jiu jitsu de diferentes academias da cidade de Natal-RN, para receberem uma suplementação de WM e PL (duplo cego) previamente a uma série de combates sucessivos de cinco minutos com intervalo de um minuto entre eles, até a exaustão auto reportada. O estudo aconteceu em duas etapas como cruzamento do suplemento ofertado em cada uma delas. Foi dado uma semana de intervalo entre elas para whashout. Nas comparações intergrupos e intragrupos foi usado o teste t de Student e ANOVA respectivamente. Resultados: A PSE não apresentou diferenças significativas intergrupos, mas os valores do grupo WM foram ligeiramente mais baixos. Em ambos os grupos a glicemia periférica não aumentou significativamente 10min depois da suplementação. Não encontramos diferenças significativas nos valores de glicemia final obtidos pelo grupo WM e PL. Conclusão: A oferta de WM não foi efetiva para diminuir a PSE quando comparado com o PL, o que aponta para o fato de que os mecanismos de fadiga possam estar mais intimamente ligados aos processos de absorção e utilização do substrato do que à sua biodisponibilidade. ABSTRACTEffects of supplementation waxy maize and placebo on psychophysiological measures in fighters jiu-jitsu: Test Double Blind, Crossover, Placebo ControlledIntroduction: The increase of carbohydrate metabolism is directly proportional to the intensity of exercise and Jiu Jitsu can is a good example of intense activity as a predominance of muscle strength. The aim of this study was to evaluate psychophysiological responses Jiu Jitsu due to the supplementation of Waxy Maize (WM) and Placebo (PL). Materials and Methods: A total of 18 Jiu Jitsu different academies of Natal-RN, were selected to receive supplemental WM and PL (double blind) prior to a series of successive combats five minutes with one minute interval between them until exhaustion self-reported. The study took place in two steps as crossing offered in each supplement. It was given an interval of a week between them. Intragroup and intergroup comparisons, it was used the Student t test and ANOVA, respectively. Results: The PSE showed no significant differences between groups but the values of the WM group were slightly lower. In both groups, no significant increase in peripheral blood sugar 10 minutes after supplementation. We found no significant differences in final glucose values obtained by the WM and PL group. Conclusion: The availability of WM was not effective to decrease the PSE compared with PL, which points to the fact that the mechanisms of fatigue may be more closely linked to the processes of absorption and utilization of the substrate than to their bioavailability

    Back to Basics: Pitting Edema and the Optimization of Hypertension Treatment in Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients (BRAZPD)

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    Systemic arterial hypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease that is frequently observed in populations with declining renal function. Initiation of renal replacement therapy at least partially decreases signs of fluid overload; however, high blood pressure levels persist in the majority of patients after dialysis initiation. Hypervolemia due to water retention predisposes peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients to hypertension and can clinically manifest in several forms, including peripheral edema. The approaches to detect edema, which include methods such as bioimpedance, inferior vena cava diameter and biomarkers, are not always available to physicians worldwide. For clinical examinations, the presence of pitting located in the lower extremities and/or over the sacrum to diagnose the presence of peripheral edema in their patients are frequently utulized. We evaluated the impact of edema on the control of blood pressure of incident PD patients during the first year of dialysis treatment. Patients were recruited from 114 Brazilian dialysis centers that were participating in the BRAZPD study for a total of 1089 incident patients. Peripheral edema was diagnosed by the presence of pitting after finger pressure was applied to the edematous area. Patients were divided into 2 groups: those with and without edema according to the monthly medical evaluation. Blood arterial pressure, body mass index, the number of antihypertensive drugs and comorbidities were analyzed. We observed an initial BP reduction in the first five months and a stabilization of blood pressure levels from five to twelve months. The edematous group exhibited higher blood pressure levels than the group without edema during the follow-up. The results strongly indicate that the presence of a simple and easily detectable clinical sign of peripheral edema is a very relevant tool that could be used to re-evaluate not only the patient's clinical hypertensive status but also the PD prescription and patient compliance

    A carnosina diminui os efeitos da acidose muscular durante o exercício

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    A carnosina é um dipeptídeo composto pelos aminoácidos beta-alanina e histidina encontrado em maior parte no tecido muscular. Sua síntese ocorre através da enzima carnosina sintase tendo a beta alanina como precursor limitante. Estudos tem mostrado que o aumento nos níveis de carnosina melhora o desempenho esportivo, devido a redução da diminuição do pH intramuscular durante o exercício, proporcionando maior capacidade de tamponamento de íons de hidrogênio (H+). O objetivo da presente revisão foi analisar estudos relacionados aos efeitos da suplementação crônica de beta-alanina no desempenho esportivo nos últimos anos. A estratégia de busca foi realizada através de consulta às bases de dados PubMed e Trip database, utilizando os descritores “carnosineâ€, “beta-alanine†e “exercise†de forma combinada em artigos publicados entre janeiro de 2007 e dezembro de 2013. Foram incluídos na análise apenas artigos originais e foram excluídos artigos que avaliaram amostra não saudável, suplementação de beta-alanina associada a outras substâncias, além de teses, dissertações e trabalhos de revisão. Com base na reunião de informações acreditamos que a suplementação de beta alanina pode ser considerada uma estratégia eficaz no aumento dos níveis de carnosina, refletindo em melhoria de desempenho através de aumento do tempo de exaustão e atraso no limiar de fadiga neuromuscular, apresentando melhores efeitos em atividades de alta intensidade. ABSTRACTDoes carnosine reduce the effects of muscle acidosis during exercise?Carnosine is a dipeptide of beta-alanine and histidine amino acids, being found in most of the muscle tissue. Its synthesis occurs through carnosine synthase enzyme having the beta alanine as a limiting precursor. The most recent works have shown that increased levels of carnosine improves sports performance due to reducing of decrease in pH intramuscular during exercise, providing greater buffering capacity of hydrogen ions (H +). The aim of this review was to analyze works related to the effects of chronic beta-alanine supplementation on exercise performance recent years. The search strategy was done through consultation with PubMed and Trip Database data using the combined descriptors “carnosineâ€, “beta-alanine†and “exercise†in articles published between January 2007 and December 2013. We included in this analysis just original articles and articles that evaluated unhealthy sample, beta-alanine supplementation associated with other substances, as well as these, dissertations and reviews were excluded. Based on information meeting, we believe that beta-alanine supplementation can be considered an effective strategy in increasing carnosine levels, reflecting improved performance through increased time to exhaustion and delayed on neuromuscular fatigue threshold, presenting better effects in high intensity activities

    Cytotoxic effects of dillapiole on MDA-MB-231 cells involve the induction of apoptosis through the mitochondrial pathway by inducing an oxidative stress while altering the cytoskeleton network

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    Breast cancer is the world's leading cause of death among women. This situation imposes an urgent development of more selective and less toxic agents. The use of natural molecular fingerprints as sources for new bioactive chemical entities has proven to be a quite promising and efficient method. Here, we have demonstrated for the first time that dillapiole has broad cytotoxic effects against a variety tumor cells. For instance, we found that it can act as a pro-oxidant compound through the induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) release in MDA-MB-231 cells. We also demonstrated that dillapiole exhibits anti-proliferative properties, arresting cells at the G0/G1 phase and its antimigration effects can be associated with the disruption of actin filaments, which in turn can prevent tumor cell proliferation. Molecular modeling studies corroborated the biological findings and suggested that dillapiole may present a good pharmacokinetic profile, mainly because its hydrophobic character, which can facilitate its diffusion through tumor cell membranes. All these findings support the fact that dillapiole is a promising anticancer agent