27,792 research outputs found

    Transitions to Nematic states in homogeneous suspensions of high aspect ratio magnetic rods

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    Isotropic-Nematic and Nematic-Nematic transitions from a homogeneous base state of a suspension of high aspect ratio, rod-like magnetic particles are studied for both Maier-Saupe and the Onsager excluded volume potentials. A combination of classical linear stability and asymptotic analyses provides insight into possible nematic states emanating from both the isotropic and nematic non-polarized equilibrium states. Local analytical results close to critical points in conjunction with global numerical results (Bhandar, 2002) yields a unified picture of the bifurcation diagram and provides a convenient base state to study effects of external orienting fields.Comment: 3 Figure

    Analysis and testing of two-dimensional vented Coanda ejectors with asymmetric variable area mixing sections

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    The analysis of asymmetric, curved (Coanda) ejector flow has been completed using a finite difference technique and a quasi-orthogonal streamline coordinate system. The boundary layer type jet mixing analysis accounts for the effect of streamline curvature in pressure gradients normal to the streamlines and on eddy viscosities. The analysis assured perfect gases, free of pressure discontinuities and flow separation and treated three compound flows of supersonic and subsonic streams. Flow parameters and ejector performance were measured in a vented Coanda flow geometry for the verification of the computer analysis. A primary converging nozzle with a discharge geometry of 0.003175 m x 0.2032 m was supplied with 0.283 cu m/sec of air at about 241.3 KPa absolute stagnation pressure and 82 C stagnation temperature. One mixing section geometry was used with a 0.127 m constant radius Coanda surface. Eight tests were run at spacing between the Coanda surface and primary nozzle 0.01915 m and 0.318 m and at three angles of Coanda turning: 22.5 deg, 45.0 deg, and 75.0 deg. The wall static pressures, the loci of maximum stagnation pressures, and the stagnation pressure profiles agree well between analytical and experimental results

    Geochemistry and metallogeny of Neoproterozoic pyrite in oxic and anoxic sediments

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    The Neoproterozoic Dalradian Supergroup contains widespread diagenetic sulphides present as pyrite. The sulphides occur in both carbonaceous shales and glacial diamictites, that were deposited in relatively reducing and oxidising conditions respectively. The trace element compositions of the pyrite, and consequently the whole rock compositions, contrast between the two lithologies. The highest concentrations of selenium, tellurium and gold are all found in diamictite-hosted pyrite. The data suggest that increased mobility of these elements in oxidising conditions led to greater uptake when pyrite was precipitated. As one model for the formation of orogenic gold ore deposits assumes a sulphide-rich protolith, pyrite ultimately formed during relatively oxidising conditions could make a contribution, including the widespread pyrite precipitated during the Neoproterozoic ‘Snowball Earth’ glaciations

    Survey of thermodynamic properties of the compounds of the elements CHNOPS Sixth preliminary report, 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1965

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    Heat capacity data on polyhydroxy compounds, water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia and vapor pressure data on methane, ammonia, and amino acid

    A black shale protolith for gold-tellurium mineralisation in the Dalradian Supergroup (Neoproterozoic) of Britain and Ireland

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    The Dalradian Supergroup of Britain and Ireland is mineralised by gold-tellurium vein deposits. The host succession includes carbonaceous, pyritic shales (pelites) which were a source of trace elements, including gold and tellurium. LA-ICP-MS mapping of pyrite crystals shows that late stages are enriched in gold, tellurium and lead, representing concentration of these elements during metamorphism and related hydrothermal activity. The sulphur isotope composition of the pyrite varies with stratigraphic position, reflecting an origin for the pyrite in the depositional environment through microbial sulphate reduction. Where pyrite was converted to pyrrhotite, trace element contents are much lower, indicating element liberation during metamorphism. These observations are consistent with a model of black shale protoliths for orogenic gold deposits

    A survey of thermodynamic properties of the compounds of the elements CHNOPS Fifth preliminary report, 1 Jul. - 30 Sep. 1965

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    Literature survey of heat capacity, enthalpy, and entropy properties of ammonia, carbon dioxide, and wate