9 research outputs found

    The Impact of Growing China-GCC Cultural, Education, and Research Relations on Gulf Society

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    Over the past 15 years Gulf China relations have grown exponentially and involved all manner of business, energy, trade, political, and cultural relations. As these two regions of major economic power draw away from traditional Western financial and political centers of power, and increasingly develop networks with each other across Asia, various cultural projects are playing an increasingly important role. From major Chinese art exhibits in Qatar, to the UAE's recent decision to offer Chinese language lessons in K-12 schools across the country, cultural relations are developing in a range of unprecedented and influential ways.This project will focus on the ways in which the three major GCC countries, Qatar, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia, have each taken the lead in different dimensions of cultural relations with China: Qatar, with regard to art and museums; the UAE with regard to primary and secondary school Chinese language initiatives; and Saudi with regard to higher education projects in the kingdom, as well as sending Saudi students to complete their university training in China.In addition, all three of these countries have also developed a range of major joint scientific research projects with China, in fields ranging from alternative forms of energy, to the development of salt- water rice hybrid crops, and the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat some of the most common health problems facing Gulf residents. These diverse cultural initiatives are indicative of both the increasingly important economic and strategic ties between China and the Gulf, as well as efforts to shift the perennial East-West gaze to an East-East gaze. This research project also seeks to shed light on both the breadth and potential impact, both long-term and short-term, on the growing range of Sino-Gulf cultural and education projects on Gulf society and the outlooks of Gulf citizens

    Presencia de Entorococcus faecalis en dientes con diagnóstico de periodontitis apical asintomática

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    Trabajo de Investigación Requisito para optar al Título de Cirujano DentistaIntroducción: E. faecalis es un microorganismo anaerobio facultativo, Gram positivo, que forma parte de la microbiota normal de la cavidad oral y del tracto gastrointestinal, forma biofilm, presenta resistencia a factores del sistema inmune y antimicrobianos. Se aísla con mayor frecuencia en fracasos endodónticos y ocasionalmente en infecciones endodónticas primarias como la Periodontitis Apical Asintomática (PAA). Su característica principal es la sobrevivencia en ecosistemas empobrecidos. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la presencia de E.faecalis en dientes con diagnóstico de PAA. Material y Método: La muestra en estudio se conformó por 30 pacientes con un diente unirradicular con diagnóstico de PAA. De cada uno de ellos se obtuvo una muestra microbiológica con el método de Schimauchi H en condiciones de aislamiento absoluto. La muestra fue depositada en un vial con 1ml de RTF a 4°C y fue llevada al laboratorio para su procesamiento antes de dos horas. La identificación de E. faecalis se realizó mediante cultivo microbiológico clásico y biología molecular mediante la Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa. Resultados: E.faecalis se identificó en el 63,33% (19 individuos) de las muestras microbiológicas obtenidas de dientes diagnosticados con PAA. Conclusión: El alto porcentaje de aislamiento de E. faecalis en la población estudiada, confirma que este patógeno forma parte de la microbiota habitual en la PAA

    White Matter Diffusion Properties in Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders: An Exploratory Analysis

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    Objective: To determine differences in diffusion metrics in key white matter (WM) tracts between women with chronic temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) and age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Design: Cross sectional study compared diffusion metrics between groups and explored their associations with clinical variables in subjects with TMDs. Methods: In a total of 33 subjects with TMDs and 33 healthy controls, we performed tractography to obtain diffusion metrics (fractional anisotropy [FA], mean diffusivity [MD], radial diffusivity [RD], and axial diffusivity [AD]) from the cingulum near the cingulate gyrus (CGC), the cingulum near the hippocampus (CGH), the fornix, the anterior limb of the internal capsule (ALIC), the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC), and the uncinate fasciculus (UF). We compared diffusion metrics across groups and explored the relationships between diffusion metrics and clinical measures (pain chronicity and intensity, central sensitization, somatization, depression, orofacial behavior severity, jaw function limitations, disability, and interference due to pain) in subjects with TMDs. Results: We observed differences in diffusion metrics between groups, primarily in the right side of the brain, with the right CGC having lower FA and the right UF having lower FA and higher MD and RD in subjects with TMDs compared to healthy controls. No clinical measures were consistently associated with diffusion metrics in subjects with TMDs. Conclusion: The UF showed potential microstructural damage in subjects with TMDs, but further studies are needed to confirm any associations between diffusion changes and clinical measures

    South–South cooperation and the rise of the Global South

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    In this introductory article we examine the recent resurgence of South–South cooperation, which has moved once again onto the centre stage of world politics and economics, leading to a renewed interest in its historic promise to transform world order. We provide an overview of contemporary debates surrounding this resurgence, noting in particular the division between those who are optimistic with regard to the potential of Southern economic development and the project of liberation from Northern domination, and the more pessimistic critics, who see this very success of the South as being subsumed within the existing global capitalist development paradigm