81 research outputs found


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    Postpartum blues (PPB) atau sering juga disebut Maternity blues atau Baby blues dimengerti sebagai suatu sindroma gangguan efek ringan yang sering tampak dalam minggu pertama setelah persalinan dan memuncak pada hari ke tiga sampai kelima dan menyerang dalam rentang waktu 14 hari terhitung setelah persalinan. Untuk mengantisipasi ibu postpartum yang mengalami post partum blues perlu diadakan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektifitas Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) terhadap kadar hormon kortisol pada ibu postpartum blues di Wilayah Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Quasi Experimental atau eksperimental semu dengan rancangan penelitian Pre and post test with control group design. Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di wilayah Kota Semarang. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Desember 2015- Juni 2016. Sampel penelitian ibu postpartum baik primipara maupun multipara yang mengalami postpartum blues berada di wilayah kerja kota Semarang yang terbagi menjadi 3 bagian, yaitu kelompok kontrol, kelompok musik alam, dan kelompok musik Kenny G dengan masing-masing terdiri atas 12 responden dengan total 36 responden. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji one way anova dan analisis regresi linier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan paritas (p value = 0,441), pendidikan (p value = 0,586), pekerjaan (p value = 0,837), dan dukungan sosial (p value = 0,877) antara kelompok intervensi musik GIM (Guided Imagey and Music) di BPM Wilayah Kota Semarang. Terapi musik GIM Kenny G adalah yang paling efektif menurunkan hormon kortisol. kelompok GIM Kenny G dapat menurunkan skor EPDS sebesar 2,37 dan menurunkan skor post kortisol sebesar 28,95 dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Sedangkan setiap kenaikan 1 poin skor EPDS maka akan meningkatkan 0,53 skor post EPDS. Selain itu setiap kenaikan 1 skor pre kortisol maka akan meningkatkan 0,75 skor post kortisol. Untuk pre kortisol dan pre EPDS menjadi tidak bermakna terhadap post kortisol dan post EPDS. Kata kunci : paritas, pekerjaan, pendidikan, dukungan sosial, Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) Postpartum blues (PPB) or Maternity Baby blues known as a mild syndrome disorder effects that sometime appears in the first week after delivery and peaked on third or fifth day, and the symptom occur in the span of 14 days after delivery. Based on number of postpartum mothers who experienced post partum blues, there need a study to identify the effectiveness of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) toward cortisol hormone levels of postpartum blues mother in the city of Semarang. The study used Quasi Experimental or quasi-experimental research design with pre and post-test with control group design. the research conducted in the city of Semarang, on December 2015 to June 2016. The research samples are postpartum mothers both primiparous and multiparous who experienced postpartum blues in BPM Region Semarang and divided into 3 groups, namely a control group, a group of natural music, and music groups Kenny G. Each group consists of 12 respondents with 36 respondents totaly. The results of the study was analyzed using one-way anova test and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was no difference in parity (p value = 0.441), education (p value = 0.586), occupation (p value = 0.837), and social support (p value = 0.877) between the intervention group music GIM (Guided Imagey and Music ) in BPM Region Semarang. The GIM - Kenny G Music therapy was the most effective lowering cortisol hormone level. The GIM – Kenny G can lowered EPDS score of 2.37 and lowered cortisol post a score of 28.95 compared with the control group. While every increasing of 1 point EPDS score will increase post EPDS score of 0.53. Moreover, any increasing in of 1 point of pre cortisol will increase cortisol post score of 0.75. The pre cortisol and pre EPDS is meaningless towads post cortisol and post EPDS. Keywords : parity, employment, education, social support, Guided Imagery and Music (GIM


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    LatarBelakang :Data balita mengalami keterlambatan perkembangan di Kudus sebanyak 186 kasus (0,2 %). Banyaknya faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keterlambatan perkembangan anak perlu analisis agar sumber daya manusia di Indonesia lebih berkualitas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membuktikan faktor pranatal, perinatal dan pascanatal merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya keterlambatan perkembangan anak balita. Metode :Jenis penelitian observasional dengan rancangan kasus kontrol. Populasi semua balita usia 36-60 bulan yang mengalami keterlambatan perkembangan, Populasi kontrol semua balita usia 36-60 bulan yang perkembangannya normal, jumlah sampel 35 kasus dan35 kontrol. Faktor risiko yang diteliti riwayat status umur ibu risiko tinggi saat hamil, riwayat status gizi ibu dengan KEK saat hamil, riwayat frekuensi kunjungan ANC yang = 4x, riwayat masa gestasi = 37 minggu dan = 42 minggu, riwayat persalinan dengan tindakan,riwayat berat badan lahir tidak normal, riwayat status gizi balita kurang, riwayat tidak diberikannya ASI eksklusif. Pengumpulan data dengan pengisian kuesioner, penilaian perkembangan balita dengan KPSP. Data dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil :Faktor risiko yang bermakna adalah riwayat status umur risiko tinggi ibu saat hamil (p-value = 0,05) dengan nilai OR 11,8, dan riwayat tidak diberikan ASI eksklusif dengan nilai p 0,016 dan OR= 3,3. Sedangkan analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa faktor riwayat umur ibu risiko tinggi saat hamil dengan B 2,137 Adjusted OR 8,476, CI 0,53 dan p-value 0,969-74,177. Kesimpulan : Faktor risiko riwayat umur ibu risiko tinggi saat hamil dan riwayat tidak diberikannya ASI eksklusif adalah yang terbukti merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya keterlambatan perkembangan balita di Kabupaten Kudus. Saran kepada ibu perlu mempersiapkan diri dari mulai kehamilan dan memperhatikan perkembangan anaknya dengan memeriksakan ke tenaga kesehatan secara rutin, sehingga deteksi dini pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balitanya dapat terpantau. Kata Kunci : Faktor risiko, keterlambatan perkembangan balita Background :Based on the data found from the survey of Central Public Health in Kudus Regency, there are 186 problems (0.2 percent) related to the growth retardation of children under five years old. It caused the decreasing of human resources quality. There are many factors influenced the children growth retardation, that is classified into the factors of prenatal, perinatal and pascanatal risk. The factors that caused the growth retardation of children under five years old should be studied for further.This study is aimed at proving some factors of prenatal, perinatal, and pascanatal risk as the factors which are influenced on the growth retardation of children under five years in Kudus Regency. Methods:It is a kind of observational study with the control case plan. The population of the study is all the children under five years old around 3660 months who got the children growth retardation. Meanwhile, the control population is all the children under five years old around 36-60 months who got the normal children growth. There are 35 cases and 36 control population. The independent variables are the history of mother’s age with the high risk, the history of mother’s nutrient with KEK when pregnant, the history of ANC frequency more than four times, the history of gestation more than 37 weeks and less than 42 weeks, the history of delivery with special treatment, the history of abnormal weight, the history of non exclusive ASI given to the baby. The dependent variable is the children growth retardation under five years old. The data is collected through questionnaire and the children growth using KPSP. The data is analyzed by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. Results :The bivariate analysis showed that the factors that related to the children growth retardation under five years old in Kudus regency was the history of the high risk pregnant mother, (p-value more than 0.05) with OR 11.8 and the history of non exclusive ASI given to the baby, (p-value 0.016 and OR 3.3. Conclusion :The society had to know the factors influenced on the children growth retardation under five years old so it can reduce the case. Key words: risk factor, the children growth retardati

    Pengaruh Pijat Oksitosin oleh Suami terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Asi pada Ibu Nifas

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    The purpose of this study was to prove and verify the effect of oxytocin massage by the husband on increasing milk production in postpartum mothers. The method in this study uses a quasy experimental method with a non equivalent control group design approach. The results of the study, the administration of oxytocin massage by the husband affected the increased production of breast milk (ASI) with indicators of infant weight (p <0.05), frequency of breastfeeding (p <0.05), length of sleep of infants (p <0.05), frequency of discharges baby defecate (BAB) (p <0.05), frequency of urination of infants (BAK) (p <0.05), and resting mother's sleep (p <0.05). Conclusion, giving oxytocin massage by the husband can increase the production of Breast Milk (ASI) in postpartum mothers seen by the weight of the baby today, frequency of breastfeeding, length of sleep of infants, frequency of defecation of infants (BAB), frequency of defecation of infants (BAK) ), and resting mother's sleep.   Keywords: Postpartum Mother, Oxytocin Massage by Husband, Breast Milk Production (ASI


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    Latar belakang: Salah satu peran dan fungsi bidan adalah sebagai pelaksana, dimana Bidan merupakan petugas kesehatan yang membantu pertolongan persalinan, dan mempunyai peranan penting untuk memfasilitasi ibu dalam keberhasilan pelaksanaan IMD. Pertolongan persalinan di wilayah Kabupaten Brebes sebesar 98,30 % dilakukan oleh bidan. Presentase inisiasi menyusui dini di Brebes 40,39%. Tujuan penelitian: Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis faktor determinan pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusui dini (IMD) oleh bidan di Puskesmas wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Brebes. Metode penelitian: Jenis penelitian observasional dengan metode survey dan pendekatan cross sectional. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Menggunakan analisis bivariat dengan uji chi square dan analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik. Jumlah sampel 213 orang responden yaitu bidan desa di wilayah Kabupaten Brebes. Hasil penelitian: Hasil uji regresi logistik menunjukan variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusu dini adalah usia bidan (OR 0.026 CI 95% 0.0050-0.14), pelatihan (OR 2.77 CI 95% 1.29-5.97) dan lama kerja (OR 9.63 CI 95% 3.85-24.1). Sedangkan faktor yang tidak berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan IMD adalah sikap, refreshing pelatihan, dukungan, dan kebijakan atasan. Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusu dini adalah lama kerja (OR 9.63 CI 95% 3.85-24.1). Kata Kunci : Faktor Determinan, Pelaksanaan IMD, Bidan Background: One of the roles and functions of being a midwife is as an implementer, in which of being a health worker assisting in delivery assistance and has an important role to facilitate the mother in the successful implementation of Early Breastfeeding Initiation (Inisiasi Menyusui Dini or IMD). Delivery aids are performed by health personnel who possess midwifery competencies in Brebes Regency for about 98.30%. The percentage of early breastfeeding initiation in Brebes was 40.39%. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the determinant factors early breastfeeding initiation (IMD) implemented by midwives working for Public Health Center (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat or Puskesmas) in the working area of Brebes Regency Health Office. Methods: This type of research is observational research with survey method and cross sectional approach. The research instrument uses a structured questionnaire that has been tested for its validity and reliability. The research also uses bivariate analysis with chi-square test and multivariate analysis with logistic regression test. The sample is 213 respondents of village midwives in Brebes Regency. Results: The results of logistic regression test showed that the variables affecting the implementation of early breastfeeding initiation were midwife age (OR 0.026 CI 95% 0,0050-0,14), training (OR 2.77 CI 95% 1,29-5,97 ) and duration of work (OR 9.63 CI 95% 3.85-24.1). While the factors that are not related to the implementation of IMD is the attitude, refreshing training, support, and policy superiors. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the most influential variable on initiation of early breastfeeding is length of work (OR 9.63 CI 95% 3,85-24,1). Keywords : Determinant Factors, Implementation of IMD, Midwife

    Efektifitas Edukasi Gizi Dengan Media E-Booklet Pencegahan Obesitas Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Serta Penurunan Berat Badan Pada Remaja

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    Latar Belakang : Obesitas pada masa remaja merupakan faktor risiko penyebab penyakit kronis yang akan berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko obesitas saat usia dewasa. Data hasil penjaringan kesehatan peserta didik Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang tahun 2018 menunjukkan prevalensi gizi lebih pada remaja di kota semarang sebesar 5,36%. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui efektifitas edukasi gizi dengan media e-booklet tentang upaya pencegahan obesitas terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap serta penurunan berat badan pada remaja. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian gizi masyarakat dengan jenis penelitian True experiment dan rancangan randomized pre end post test control group design. Jumlah responden sebanyak 15 perlakuan dan 15 kontrol. Data yang dikumpulkan yaitu  pengetahuan, sikap, dan berat badan. Analisis statistik menggunakan Independent t-test, Mann-Whitney Test dan Regresi Linier. Hasil : Ada pengaruh pemberian edukasi gizi dengan media e-booklet terhadap pengetahuan (p=0.000), sikap (p=0.001), dan berat badan (p=0.000). Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian edukasi gizi dengan e-booklet efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan (22,67%), rata-rata sikap (0.26) dan menurunkan berat badan (1,45 kg)

    The Current Use Contraception in Indonesia

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    In this report married couple tend to use modern contraception rather than traditional. The objective of the research was to describe the contraceptives methods of family planning among marriage couple. Methods was used nationally representative data from the Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) 2017. This was cross-sectional household survey data, designed to be representative at the national, rural-urban, and provincial level. There were 47,963 households respondents targeted, from 33 provinces and 497 districts/cities. The data were selected from all households with currently married women age 15-49 years.  The descriptive analyze was used in this research. Results showed 53.95% of married women were currently using the modern methods of contraception and 6.64% traditional method while 39.42% were not using any method. Among women they prefer to using pill, implants, injections, and IUD than sterilization 11.62%, 5.02%, 4.18%, 4.17% and 3.74% respectively. Additionally, among men prefer used Male condom (2.33%) rather than Male sterilization (0.14%). In conclusion the unmet need of contraception is reducing and people are moving towards modern contraception instead of permanent methods, which in turn accelerates the improvement in women’s health

    Hubungan Antara Pola Makan Dan Aktivitas Sedentari Dengan Status Gizi Remaja Pada Saat Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Latar Belakang: Pemenuhan gizi seimbang sangat penting dikonsumsi dalam upaya meningkatkan dan mencapai status gizi optimal. Adanya kebijakan dari pemerintah dalam mencegah penyebaran virus COVID-19 dengan membatasi pergerakan manusia melalui social distance dan Physical Distancing, menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan gaya hidup remaja seperti peningkatan aktivitas sedentary dan perubahan pola makan yang dapat mempengaruhi perubahan status gizi. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan pola makan dan aktivitas sedentary dengan status gizi remaja pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional dengan desain case control. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak sehingga diperoleh 48 sampel. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data identitas, status gizi menggunakan z-score hasil perhitungan BMI/U dengan pengukuran, pola makan menggunakan formulir Food Frekwensi Questionnaire (FFQ) dengan wawancara dan aktivitas sedentary menggunakan Adolescent Sedentary Activity Questionnaire (ASAQ) formulir dengan wawancara melalui link google form. Hasil analisis diuji dengan uji Chi square. Hasil: Responden kelompok kasus sebagian besar berjenis kelamin laki-laki (72,7%), sedangkan kelompok kontrol berjenis kelamin perempuan (72,7%). Diet tinggi ditemukan pada kelompok kasus (58,3%). Aktivitas sedentary yang tinggi terdapat pada kelompok kasus (52,4%), aktivitas tertinggi pada aktivitas duduk dan bersantai dengan rata-rata 131 menit/hari. Berdasarkan uji chi square ditemukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pola makan (p=0,392), dan aktivitas sedentary (p=1,000) dengan status gizi remaja. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan pola makan dan aktivitas sedentary terhadap status gizi remaja pada masa pandemi COVID-19


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    Background : Essential hypertension is the hypertension that is often experienced by adolescents (aged 13-18 years). Food sources of potassium has excellent potential to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. One of them is a soybean that has a potassium content of 1797 mg / 100 g which can be processed into cookies . Objectives : To determine the effectiveness of soy bean cookies to blood pressure in senior high school students of class X State 10 Semarang Method : The types of research is a true experimental Pre and Post Test Control Group Design. Number of subjects in the study of 20 persons. 10 persons the treatment group and 10 persons control group with a blood pressure of students who otherwise hypertension if ≥90 percentile according to age. This type of treatment given is the provision of a cookie soybean 100g a day , for 7 days. Statistical analysis used is anova repeated measure test. Result : In the treatment group there is a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure before and after treatment has been controlled with potassium intake (p=0.000). A decrease in blood pressure after the administration of cookies soybeans is systolic blood pressure of 6.7 mmHg from 135.7 ± 5.16 mmHg to be 129± 4.94 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 5 mmHg mmHg of 79.00±8.472 to be 75.00 ± 79.475 mmHg in the treatment group. Conclusion : There is a decrease in the effectiveness of blood pressure with soybean cookies s were statistically significant in Senior High School State 10 Semarang students hypertension. As an alternative choice of functional foods and effective in lowering blood pressure

    Analisis Determinan Kejadian Stunting Anak Balita Di Pedesaan Demak

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    Background: Prevalence of stunting in Demak district 2015 was 29%, higher than central java prevalence. Stunting have will inhibit the development of cognitive and motoricamong children with negative impact in the next life. This study aims to determine risk of stunting of children under five year.Methods: We used data from the need assesment project from the Nutrion of Departement Health of Polytechnic Semarang. We used 420 children wich selected using simple random sampling. Risk factor for child stunting included factor from nutrition, physiological, illness, parenting, health behavior and socioeconomic incidence. Variable intake of energy and protein obtained by Food Recall 2 x 24 hours, the variable gender, maternal age, height mothers, diarrhea, respiratory infection, a child's weight, parenting, attitudes, knowledge, the use of iodized salt, vitamin A, large families, education, employment and pendapatan diperoleh using a questionnaire with interview method. Logistic regression was use to determine the risk factors.Results: We found 33,1% children was stunting. From the best model factors, the risk factor for the children in stunting is maternal high ≤ 145 cm (OR = 2,5; CI = 1,057 to 5,022), maternal knowledge of 80% (OR = 2; CI = 1,070 to 2,776), family do not use any of iodized salt in the household (OR = 8,5; CI = 4,979 to 13,541) and maternal education less than primary school (OR = 3,5; CI = 1,022 to 11,275).Conclusion: Determinan Factors that make children at risk for stunting is maternal high, maternal knowledge, families who do not use iodized salt in the household and maternal education less than primary school. There is a need to take height measurements regularly in health pos to monitor child stunting
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