12 research outputs found


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    Lengan robot telah banyak diaplikasikan pada dunia industri terutama untuk membantu meningkatkan produktivitas. Embedded ethernet memiliki keunggulan dalam mengatasi persoalan jarak pada sistem embedded. Sedangkan, website telah banyak digunakan oleh banyak orang untuk mencari berbagai informasi. Berangkat dari manfaat yang ditawarkan oleh masing-masing produk diatas, penulis ingin melakukan interfacing terhadap ketiga komponen diatas.Dalam Tugas Akhir ini dibuat sebuah website yang dapat menyediakan fasilitas untuk menggerakkan lengan robot. Website mempunyai 2 hak akses, hak akses umum dan hak akses user untuk dapat menggerakkan lengan robot. Halaman akses umum berisi halaman utama, halaman login, dan halaman contact person. Halaman utama website berisi mengenai overview system yang akan dibuat dalam Tugas Akhir ini. Halaman login berisi fasilitas untuk masuk ke halaman ke hak akses user. Untuk dapat mengakses hak akses user, user harus memasukkan username dan password telah disediakan dalam halaman utama. Jika user telah masuk ke dalam hak akses user, terdapat tambahan 2 halaman yang dapat berkomunikasi dengan lengan robot yaitu halaman sudut dan halaman koordinat. Di dalam halaman sudut, user dapat memasukkan derajat sudut masing-masing motor. Di halaman koordiant, user dapat memasukan titik koordinat yang akan dituju oleh lengan robot. Untuk mempermudah proses pengendalian lengan robot di dalam halaman koordinat dan sudut terdapat gambar yang menampilkan keadaan dari lengan robot selama proses pengendalian. Selain itu hak akses user hanya dapat di akses oleh 1 (satu) orang user sehingga tidak terjadi perebutan proses pengendalian lengan robot antar user.Pengujian pada LAN skenario diperoleh delay sebesar 0.322970121 detik dan throughput sebesar 4,764 byte/sec. Pada LAN real dengan delay sebesar 0.323009027 detik dan throughput sebesar 20,764 byte/sec. lengan robot, embedded ethernet, website, dan motor servo Dynamixel AX-12

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Produk S-LUCY(Smart Light Ultimate Control By Website) Untuk Smart Switch Menggunakan Sensor PIR dan Sensor LDR

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    Abstrak—Teknologi yang efisien diharapkan mampu menjadi sistem kendali dan keamanan yang dapat meminimalisir terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan pada rumah pribadi maka muncul ide untuk menggunakan alat S-LUCY Smart Switch yang merupakan alat yang berguna untuk mempermudah user untuk mengatur nyala atau matinya lampu secara otomatis dan manual. Penambahan sensor PIR dan sensor LDR yang ada bertujuan untuk mendeteksi keadaan lingkungan agar lampu bisa menyala otomatis sesuai dengan masukan dari sensor. Alat SLUCY smart switch ini mempunyai konsep Internet of Things (IoT). Dengan system ini, penggunaan lampu lebih efisien karena lampu akan menyala dan mati sesuai waktu yang telah ditentukan. Dari hasil pengukuran, didapat bahwa smart switch bekerja secara efisien dengan pengujian fungsionalitas didapatkan bahwa lampu dapat menyala dalam beberapa kondisi, pengujian power supply didapatkan tegangan output cukup stabil dengan error 1,00% tanpa beban dan 0,20% dengan beban, pengujian sensor dilakukan pada sensor PIR yang menyatakan sensor dapat mendeteksi gerakan manusia dengan jarak kurang lebih sama dengan spesifikasi sensor yaitu 0-5 meter dan sensor LDR dengan perbandingan menggunakan lux meter menghasilkan error sebesar 2,10%, pengujian sistem manual dan otomatis yang sesuai dengan keadaan lingkungan, dan pengujian subjektif didapatkan rata-rata penggunaan smart switch sudah efisien. Dengan hasil pengujian yang didapatkan dapat disimpulkan bahwa S-LUCY smart switch merupakan teknologi yang cukup efisien saat penggunaannya karena bekerja secara tepat dan meminimalisir penggunaan listrik berlebih. &nbsp

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Produk S-LUCY(Smart Light Ultimate Control By Website) Untuk Smart Switch Menggunakan Sensor PIR dan Sensor LDR

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    Teknologi yang  efisien diharapkan mampu menjadi sistem kendali dan keamanan yang dapat meminimalisir terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan pada rumah pribadi maka muncul ide untuk menggunakan alat S-LUCY Smart Switch yang merupakan alat yang berguna untuk mempermudah user untuk mengatur nyala atau matinya lampu secara otomatis dan manual. Penambahan sensor PIR dan sensor LDR yang ada bertujuan untuk mendeteksi keadaan lingkungan agar lampu bisa menyala otomatis sesuai dengan masukan dari sensor. Alat S-LUCY smart switch  ini mempunyai konsep Internet of Things (IoT), Dengan system ini, penggunaan lampu lebih efisien karena lampu akan menyala pada saat yang ditentukan. Dari hasil pengukuran, didapat bahwa smart switch bekerja secara efisien dengan pengujian fungsionalitas didapatkan bahwa lampu dapat menyala dalam beberapa kondisi, pengujian power supply didapatkan tegangan output cukup stabil dengan error 1,00% tanpa beban dan 0,20% dengan beban, pengujian sensor dilakukan pada sensor PIR yang menyatakan sensor dapat mendeteksi gerakan manusia dengan jarak kurang lebih sama dengan spesifikasi sensor yaitu 0-5 meter dan sensor LDR dengan perbandingan menggunakan lux meter menghasilkan error sebesar 2,10%, pengujian sistem manual dan otomatis yang sesuai dengan keadaan lingkungan, dan pengujian subjektif didapatkan rata-rata penggunaan smart switch sudah efisie

    Design of IoT-based System for Smart Temporary Waste Shelter

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept where all products can interact with each other to help human activities by utilizing the internet. The IoT system can help solve problems such as the schedule-based retrieval system at a temporary shelter in Indonesia. This paper creates a web-based geographic information system along with the IoT-based waste temporary shelter prototype. The prototype also integrated with an Arduino Microcontroller so that it can sort the waste automatically into three types of waste, then record data in the form of height and weight, and send the results of the data to the database so that the geographic information system can display the results of the data. Node-RED serves as an Application Programming Interface (API) that sends data from the server to the database belonging to a web-based geographic information system. The results of the performance analysis are that the prototype has sorted waste well, and the system also produced good QoS by ETSI standards when looking at the network traffic from the MQTT server to the database, and from the end-user to the web. As for the QoE results for tools and systems have produced good results according to the ITU-T standard

    Effect Of Price Sensitivity And Green Knowledge On The Interest In Buying Organik Vegetables In Bengkulu Province

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    Organic agricultural products in the current era are very attractive to farmers and consumers because there is no use of synthetic chemicals that can pose a danger to the health of the human body and the environment. Awareness of a healthy lifestyle makes the demand for organicproducts increasing for most consumers. Prices that are too high will make consumers switch to other similar products but with lower price offers make consumers doubt the quality of the product, thereby reducing buying interest in the product. . Green knowledge is defined as the knowledge that an individual has about knowing an issue or phenomenon that has a significant impact on the decision-making process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of price sensitivity and Green knowledge on the interest of organik sayuaran buyers in Bengkulu Province. This study was an associative study, using a sample of 100 respondents. Testing the research hypothesis using multiple regression, previously the data obtained must pass the validity and reability test. The results of the study stated that the variables of price sensitivity and green knowledge partially had an influence on the interest in buying organic vegetables in Bengkulu Province. Meanwhile, price and green knowledge together affect consumers' buying interest in organic vegetables. The value of the research determinant coefficient is 0.345, which means that the independent variable used only affects 34.5% of the variables tied to buying interest, while the remaining 65.5% is influenced by other variables outside the study

    Advanced detection Denial of Service attack in the Internet of Things network based on MQTT protocol using fuzzy logic

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    Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is one of the popular protocols used on the Internet of Things (IoT) networks because of its lightweight nature. With the increasing number of devices connected to the internet, the number of cybercrimes on IoT networks will increase. One of the most popular attacks is the Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Standard security on MQTT uses SSL/TLS, but SSL/TLS is computationally wasteful for low-powered devices. The use of fuzzy logic algorithms with the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) scheme is suitable for detecting DoS because of its simple nature. This paper uses a fuzzy logic algorithm embedded in a node to detect DoS in the MQTT protocol with feature selection nodes. This paper's contribution is that the nodes feature selection used will monitor SUBSCRIBE and SUBACK traffic and provide this information to fuzzy input nodes to detect DoS attacks. Fuzzy performance evaluation is measured against changes in the number of nodes and attack intervals. The results obtained are that the more the number of nodes and the higher the traffic intensity, the fuzzy performance will decrease, and vice versa. However, the number of nodes and traffic intensity will affect fuzzy performance

    Pengembangan Sistem Presensi Menggunakan Quick Response Code Dinamis untuk Madrasah Aliyah Al Mukhlisin Bandung

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    QR Code is the development of barcode technology that is able to store various kinds of information such as URLs, telephone numbers, SMS messages or other texts. At first, this technology was used for tracking vehicle parts in automotive industry. This study aims to develop an automatic presence system by utilizing QR Code technology, so that the presence process is more effective when compared to the presence manually since it was using digital technology. The implementation of the presence system with a QR Code was carried out at the Madrasah Aliyah Al Mukhlisin Bandung, to help solving some problems in school administration. The system was built in the form of an application installed on each teacher’s smartphone. Every student tapped their QR code image to confirm their attendance before the lesson begins. The advantage of this application was that it has an advantage on generated image of QR Code changed every user login. The results of development and testing showed that the developed system can be a solution for the presence process through the application of ICT technology with a QR Code. Testing of Quality of Service (QoS) on developed system was appropriate with ITU recommendation. Survey of users was applied to check the properness of application

    Potensi Pemberian Probiotik Bifidobacterium sp., Lactococcus lactis, dan Lactobacillus sp. Terhadap Performa Produksi Ayam Petelur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian probiotik Bifidobacterium sp., Lactococcus lactis, dan Lactobacillus sp. terhadap efisiensi pakan dan massa telur ayam Isa Brown. Penelitian ini menggunakan ayam petelur strain Isa Brown sebanyak 36 ekor umur 30 minggu. Konsentrasi probiotik yang digunakan yaitu 1.2x109 CFU/ml. Tiga perlakuan dalam penelitian yaitu P0 (tanpa diberi probiotik), P1 (diberi probiotik sebanyak 1 ml/liter air minum), dan P2 (diberi probiotik sebanyak 2 ml/liter air minum). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai massa telur pada P2 berbeda nyata (p0.05) dengan P0. Berdasarkan hasil efisiensi pakan, probiotik dapat memberikan perbedaan yang nyata (p<0.05) antar perlakuan baik P0, P1, maupun P2. Probiotik sebanyak 2 ml/liter air minum (P2) menunjukkan nilai efisiensi pakan tertinggi (73.88 ± 4.06), sedangkan nilai efisiensi pakan terendah terjadi pada perlakuan P0. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pemberian probiotik Bifidobacterium sp., L. lactis, dan Lactobacillus sp. dosis 1 ml/liter air minum maupun dosis 2 ml/liter air minum dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pakan namun tidak pada massa telur ayam Isa Brown

    Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Sensor Jarak HC-SR04 dan GP2Y0A21YK Dengan Menggunakan Thingspeak dan Wireshark

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    Until now, Internet of Things (IoT) is a very interesting topic to research. This is due to the wide role that IoT can play in human life. This study aims to compare the performance of two sensors in an IoT-based distance detection system with the focus of the parameters being tested: sensor readings, Qos of data transmission, and power requirements. The two sensors that are the subject of comparison are HC-SR04 and GP2YA21YK. As an analytical tool, this research uses two tools, namely Thingspeak and Wireshak. The performance test results show that in terms of accuracy in determining distance, the HC-SR04 has a much better performance than the GP2YA21YK. On HC SR04, the average reading error is 0.82 cm, while on GP2YA21YK it is 14.40 cm. Meanwhile, in terms of QoS parameters, the two sensor systems show almost commensurate performance, the packet loss is both 0%, the throughput value is 37.01 kbps on HC-SR04 and 38.12 kbps on GP2YA21YK. As for the delay, the HC-SR04 sensor gives a value of 33.55 ms, and on GP2YA21YK it is 26.1 ms. Furthermore, based on power requirements, sensor systems using the HC-SR04 consume 14.36% less power than the system that use GP2YA21YK. By referring to the results of measurements and visualizations using Wireshark and Thingspeak, it can be concluded that the distance detection system using the HC-SR04 sensor is better than the system with the GP2YA21YK

    Implementation of QR Code Attendance Security System Using RSA and Hash Algorithms

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    The quick response (QR) code-based attendance application contributes to reducing paper usage and attendance input errors. However, in its implementation process, the QR-code-based attendance at a Bandung school demonstrates weaknesses. Absent students can fake their attendance for themselves or friends. This type of attack is known as fake QR code generation. This research proposes a security authentication system using the Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) encryption algorithm and the secure hash algorithm 1 (SHA-1) to secure QR code-based attendance applications from fake QR code generation attacks. The RSA algorithm encrypts QR code data to maintain privacy, while the SHA-1 algorithm ensures data integrity. Based on this method, the mutual authentication process between the QR code data generated by the student and the attendance reading application by the teacher can be established. The results obtained from a series of tests showed that the security system in the student attendance recording application that had been implemented at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Al-Mukhlishin could detect and prevent fake QR code generation attacks. The test was conducted by changing the impact of the key length on RSA-1024 bits and RSA-2048 bits. The results showed that in RSA-1024 bits, energy consumption of 0.14 J and time of 1.66 s is more efficient than that in RSA-2048 bits, with energy consumption of 0.19 J and time of 2.09 s. Interestingly, if a higher level of security is required, the key length should be increased at the expense of some energy and time efficiency