351 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Reverse 9-1-1 System in Santa Clara County: Does the Process Work?

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    In times of crises, emergency first responders need an effective system of communication to notify the public, to organize evacuation, and to direct evacuees to shelters and hospitals around the affected areas. This research focuses on the “Reverse 911” alert system used by Santa Clara County and asks key questions about its efficiency: ‘Is it the only alert system used to communicate with the public during crises?’ ‘Is it a reliable tool?’ ‘Should Santa Clara County improve its emergency communication?’ ‘Can we be sure the community is notified on time and well directed to safety?’ The legislative intent of Reverse 911 was to notify County residents whenever they are at risk, from disaster, emergencies and crime, and to advise them of appropriate protective measures. Hence, the research question is: Does the process used for operating the Santa Clara County Reverse 911 System achieve the goal of providing timely and effective emergency notification to all members of the community? If not, what changes could enhance its operation

    Decision Support Markets: An Innovative Business Intelligence Tools

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    The spirit of business intelligence lies at the heart of information markets. This paper advocates the use of information markets as business intelligence tools for decision support. It highlights the market promising potentials, and the business need for collective intelligence in decision making. Market forecasts can reduce uncertainty surrounding business decisions and improve the quality of input into the decision making process, and thus allow managers to make better informed decisions. Further, this paper presents a heuristic for traders’ forecasts of events probabilities. This heuristic extracts additional information from market transactions by incorporating posted, but not yet executed trades. Utilizing pending transactions is hypothesized to generate a more accurate representation of traders’ beliefs than other commonly used measures. It might also boost decision makers’ confidence in the market forecasts, and as a result, encourages them to embrace it, and make the best out of this invaluable tool


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    Among non-communicable diseases, cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. In Jordan, it is the second leading cause of death. Fatigue is the most reported symptom among cancer patients. The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to explore the prevalence of fatigue as a side effect of cancer chemotherapy (2) to examine the impact of chemotherapy on fatigue, and (3) to investigate psychological factors (depression and anxiety) that correlate with fatigue. A one group before and after quasi-experimental design was used to conduct this study. The Integrated Fatigue Model (IFM) was used to guide the study. A Convenience sampling technique was used to recriut78 participants diagnosed with cancer and treated with chemotherapy as the primary treatment. The sample was collected from two well-known Jordanian hospitals. Fatigue was measured using Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS) and the psychological variables (depression and anxiety) were measured using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Findings revealed an increase incidence of fatigue after a chemotherapy course. Also revealed was a statistically significant difference between pre and post chemotherapy fatigue mean total scores as well as behavioral, affective, sensory and cognitive dimensions. It was found that depression and anxiety have a positive relationship with fatigue. Depression explained 46% of fatigue score variance. Furthermore, anxiety explains 3.6% of the variance in fatigue scores. It could be concluded that fatigue is a prevalent symptom among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Depression and anxiety were identified as possible predictors of fatigue among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy

    Grafting eco-diasporic identity in Randa Abdel-Fattah’s selected novels

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    This paper is based on three selected novels entitled Does My Head Look Big In This? (2005), Ten Things I Hate About Me (2006), and Where The Streets Had A Name (2008) written by Randa Abdel-Fattah (1979), a Palestinian-Egyptian Australian Muslim diasporic writer. In this article, we examine the manifestations of grafting eco-diasporic identity by Abdel-Fattah in order to address how identity graft is operated by interacting with ideology, culture and nature in the contexts of the host land and the homeland as represented in the three selected novels. Using Colin Richards’ theory of graft as a framework, we explore identity contestations of Muslim young adults in the novels from an ecocritical and diasporic perspectives. In the novel Does My Head Look Big In This?, the images of Amal’s sense of being marginalised in the semiosphere of the host land and the sense of self-respect of her Muslim rootedness and heritage of the homeland semiosphere frame the fractured graft of identity. The character of Jamilah, in Ten Things I Hate About Me displays genuine manifestations of the collective emblem of the grafted identity. Finally, the symbol of the iconic jar of the homeland soil and its potentiality of regenerating Hayaat’s identity in Where the Streets Had A Name exhibits the ecological semiosphere in which the grafted identity is shaped. The current discussion, therefore, offers fresh insights into allowing a new horizon for identity grafting in Abdel-Fattah’s works as well as other writers within the tradition of Muslim Diasporic Literature

    Algebraic Verification Algorithm

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    Authentication over insecure public networks or with untrusted servers raises more concerns in privacy and security.Modern algebra is one of the significantfields of mathematics. It is a combination of techniques used for a variety of applications including the process of the manipulation of the mathematical categories. In addition,modern algebra deals in depth with the study of abstractions such as groups, rings and fields,the main objective of this article is to provide a novel algebraic verification protocol using ring theory. The protocol is blind, meaning that it detects only the identity, and no additional information will be known anything about the prover (the biometric) to the authenticating server or vice-versa. More officially a blind authentication scheme is a cryptographic protocol that comprises of two parties, a user (the prover) that wants to achieve having signs on her messages, and a signer (the verifier) that is in ownership of his secret signing key. In this paper, we employ the algebraic structure called central Armendariz rings to design a neoteric algorithm for zero knowledge proof. The proposed protocol is established and illustrated through numerical example, and its soundness and completeness are proved.This method gave two important properties for the central Armendariz zero knowledge protocol compared with other known protocols

    Fully - P – Stable Rings

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    M.S.Abbas [1] introduced and studied the concept of fully stable Rmodulesand called a ring R is fully stable ( pseudo - stable ) if it is fullystable ( pseudo - stable ) R-module . And A.M.Abdul-Daim [2] introduced andstudied the concept of fully – stable rings as a generalization of fully stablerings .The purpose of this paper is to generalize the concept of fullypseudo – stable rings to fully – pseudo - stable rings . Some properties andcharacterizations of fully – pseudo – stable rings are obtained . A condition isgiven such that a fully – pseudo – stable ring is fully – stabl

    In Vitro Cytotoxic Effect of Aqueous Extract of Origanum Marjoram on AMN-3 Cell Line

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    The genus Origanum consist of different aromatic and medicinal plants some of which are used in folk medicine and as food additives since ancient time. This study amid to evaluate the potential anticancer activity of Origanum majorana (marjoram) (O. marjorana) on the cancer cell lines AMN-3. This study shows that O.marjorana aqueous extract has anticancer potential and can be explored futher for active component isolation, identifaction  and characterization. Keywords: Origanum marjorana, Anticancer, Cytotoxic

    Trivial Extension of π-Regular Rings

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    In this paper we investigate if it is possible that the trivial extension ring T(R,R) inherit the properties of the ring R and present the relationship between the trivial extension T(R,M) of a ring R by an R-module M and theπ-regularity of Rby taking new concepts asπ-coherent rings and C-π-regular rings whichintroducedas extensions of the concept of π-regularrings. Moreover we studied the possibility of being the trivial extensionT(R,M) itselfπ-regular ring according to specific conditions. Thus we proved that if R is an Artinian ring, then the trivial extension T(R,R) is a π-regular ring. As well as ifthe trivial extension T(R,R) is a Noetherian π-regularring, then R is a π-regular ring. On the other hand we showed that if F is a field and M is an F-vector space with infinite dimension, then the trivial extension ring T(F,M) of F by M is C-π-regular ring

    A Sociolinguistic Investigation of Two Hƍrāni Features in SĆ«f, Jordan

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    This study investigates sociolinguistic variation in the traditional dialect of SĆ«f, a Hƍrāni town in northern Jordan. Two variables are examined: (k): depalatalization of /k/; and (l): develarization of /l/, according to internal linguistic constrains and two external social factors: namely age and sex. Conditioned palatlalization of /k/ and the presence of a dark allophone of /l/ are two of the most salient phonological features of the dialects of Hƍrān in general. The present study provides a quantitative analysis within the framework of Variationist Theory, using the multiple logistic regression program Rbrul. Palatalization of /k/ is treated at two levels and thus involves two variables: 1. Phonological variable (k); the pool of data for this variable includes tokens of /k/ in the stem of the word. 2. Morphophonemic variable (–ik); the pool of data includes tokens of /k/ in the feminine suffix -ik. Analysis of the data shows that the rate of palatalization in the stem is relatively low (11%), and the palatalized variant [ʧ] may be disappearing, constrained by preceding and following linguistic environments, age and gender. By contrast, the palatalized variant in the suffix shows a relatively high rate of maintenance (70%), and variation in its use in the suffix is constrained by the social variables only. With respect to (l), the study found that dark /l/ is used only in (12%), and Rbrul analysis returned preceding and following linguistic environments, and gender as constraining factors. Overall, the results show that women are more conservative with respect to the usage of both of these traditional features, thus indicating that women preserve the local way of speech more consistently. The thesis adopts a method of interpretation of the results that focuses on local issues, including the social structure of the community, space, the local mode of production and gender roles

    Design Principles of Sustainable Website Powered by Solar Energy

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    The present paper addresses the design of a sustainable green hosting website powered by solar energy as a type of renewable energy. Two websites are designed: a static website with a carbon dioxide-free address and a dynamic website with an organic address. The server used in the design process uses solar energy as a source of electricity
