62 research outputs found

    Does Selective Migration Explain the Hispanic Paradox?: A Comparative Analysis of Mexicans in the U.S. and Mexico

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    Latino immigrants, particularly Mexican, have some health advantages over U.S.-born Mexicans and Whites. Because of their lower socioeconomic status, this phenomenon has been called the epidemiologic “Hispanic Paradox.” While cultural theories have dominated explanations for the Paradox, the role of selective migration has been inadequately addressed. This study is among the few to combine Mexican and U.S. data to examine health selectivity in activity limitation, self-rated health, and chronic conditions among Mexican immigrants, ages 18 and over. Drawing on theories of selective migration, this study tested the “healthy migrant” and “salmon-bias” hypotheses by comparing the health of Mexican immigrants in the U.S. to non-migrants in Mexico, and to return migrants in Mexico. Results suggest that there are both healthy migrant and salmon-bias effects in activity limitation, but not other health aspects. In fact, consistent with prior research, immigrants are negatively selected on self-rated health. Future research should consider the complexities of migrants’ health profiles and examine selection mechanisms alongside other factors such as acculturation

    High expression of antiviral proteins in mucosa from individuals exhibiting resistance to human immunodeficiency virus

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    ABSTARCT: Several soluble factors have been reported to have the capacity of inhibiting HIV replication at different steps of the virus life cycle, without eliminating infected cells and through enhancement of specific cellular mechanisms. Yet, it is unclear if these antiviral factors play a role in the protection from HIV infection or in the control of viral replication. Here we evaluated two cohorts: i) one of 58 HIV-exposed seronegative individuals (HESNs) who were compared with 59 healthy controls (HCs), and ii) another of 13 HIV-controllers who were compared with 20 HIV-progressors. Peripheral blood, oral and genital mucosa and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) samples were obtained to analyze the mRNA expression of ELAFIN, APOBEC3G, SAMHD1, TRIM5α, RNase 7 and SerpinA1 using real-time PCR. RESULTS: HESNs exhibited higher expression of all antiviral factors in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), oral or genital mucosa when compared with HCs. Furthermore, HIV-controllers exhibited higher levels of SerpinA1 in GALT. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the activity of these factors is compartmentalized and that these proteins have a predominant role depending on the tissue to avoid the infection, reduce the viral load and modulate the susceptibility to HIV infection

    Comparison of Vacuum Treatments and Traditional Cooking Using Instrumental and Sensory Analysis

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    The purpose of this work was to compare carrots with similar firmness cooked by traditional cooking and two vacuum treatments: sous-vide (SV) and cook-vide (CV). As a first step, consumers determined the preferred level of firmness for carrots cooked by traditional cooking (boiling). This level corresponded to instrumental firmness of 2.8 N in phloem tissue and 4.1 N in xylem tissue. Response surface methodology (RSM) established the pairing conditions of time (22 to 78 min) and temperature (78 to 92 °C) to study the effect of both factors on the firmness of carrots with sous-vide and cook-vide treatments. In both treatments, the instrumental firmness of phloem and xylem samples was measured and modeled. No significant differences were found in firmness values between phloem and xylem tissue of samples cooked by vacuum treatments (CVand SV). For CV treatment, firmness decreased linearly with time and temperature, while for SV treatment it followed a second-order model. Based on the model, conditions of time and temperature to achieve the preferred firmness (2.8 N) were selected for both treatments. Finally, consumers compared the sensory properties of carrots cooked by traditional cooking, sous-vide, and cook-vide with paired comparison tests evaluating three pairs of samples. Carrots cooked by cook-vide were considered less tasty than sous-vide and traditional cooking carrots. Carrots using traditional cooking were firmer than those obtained with SV and CV treatments. Carrots cooked by traditional and sous-vide treatments were preferred to cook-vide ones for the taste.Consuelo Iborra- Bernad has received research grant from the Generalitat Valenciana. Amparo Tarrega was financially supported by the Juan de la Cierva program. Purificacion Garcia-Segovia declares that she has no conflict of interest. Javier Martinez-Monzo declares that he has no conflict of interest. This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects.Iborra Bernad, MDC.; Tarrega, A.; GarcĂ­a Segovia, P.; MartĂ­nez MonzĂł, J. (2014). Comparison of Vacuum Treatments and Traditional Cooking Using Instrumental and Sensory Analysis. Food Analytical Methods. 7(2):400-408. doi:10.1007/s12161-013-9638-0S40040872Alasalvar C, Grigor J, Quantick P (1999) Method for the static headspace analysis of carrot volatiles. Food Chem 65:391Arcia P, Costell E, TĂĄrrega A (2010) Thickness suitability of prebiotic dairy desserts: Relationship with rheological properties. Food Res Int 43:2409Baldwin DE (2012) Sous vide cooking: A review. Int J Gastronomy Food Sci 1:15Bourne MC (2002) Food texture and viscosity: concept and measurement. Academic, San DiegoDauchet L, Amouyel P, Hercberg S, Dallongeville J (2006) Fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. J Nutr 136:2588Fan L, Zhang M, Xiao G, Sun J, Tao Q (2005) The optimization of vacuum frying to dehydrate carrot chips. Int J Food Sci Tech 40:911Furfaro M, Marigheto N, Moates G, Cross K, Parker M, Waldron K, Hills B (2009) Multidimensional NMR cross-correlation relaxation study of carrot phloem and xylem. Part II: Thermal and high-pressure processing. Appl Magn Reson 35:537Gacula JRM, Rutenbeck S, Pollack L, Resurreccion AVA, Moskowitz HR (2007) The Just‐About‐Right intensity scale: functional analyses and relation to hedonics. J Sens Stud 22:194Gan HE, Karim R, Muhammad SKS, Bakar JA, Hashim DM, Rahman RA (2007) Optimization of the basic formulation of a traditional baked cassava cake using response surface methodology. LWT- Food Sci Technol 40:611GarcĂ­a-Segovia P, AndrĂ©s-Bello A, MartĂ­nez-MonzĂł J (2008) Textural properties of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Monalisa) as affected by different cooking processes. J Food Eng 88:28GarcĂ­a-Segovia P, Barreto-Palacios V, Iborra-Bernad C, AndrĂ©s-Bello A, GonzĂĄlez-Carrascosa R, BretĂłn J, MartĂ­nez-MonzĂł J (2012) Improvement of a culinary recipe by applying sensory analysis: Design of the New Tarte Tatin. Int J Gastronomy Food Sci 1:54Greve LC, Mcardle RN, Gohlke JR, Labavitch JM (1994a) Impact of heating on carrot firmness: changes in cell wall components. J Agric Food Chem 42:2900Greve LC, Shackel KA, Ahmadi H, Mcardle RN, Gohlke JR, Labavitch JM (1994b) Impact of heating on carrot firmness: contribution of cellular turgor. J Agric Food Chem 42:2896Hudson BT (1993) Industrial cuisine. Cornell Hotel Restaur Adm Q 34:73Hui YH, Chen F, Nollet LML et al (2010) Handbook of fruit and vegetable flavors. Wiley, HonokenIborra-Bernad C, Philippon D, GarcĂ­a-Segovia P, Martinez-Monzo J (2013) Optimizing the texture and color of sous-vide and cook-vide green bean pods. LWT- Food Sci Technol 51:507ISO (2005) Sensory analysis. Methodology. Paired comparison test. Standard No. 5495. International Organization for Standardization. Geneva, SwitzerlandKjeldsen F, Christensen LP, Edelenbos M (2001) Quantitative analysis of aroma compounds in carrot (Daucus carota L.) cultivars by capillary gas chromatography using large-volume injection technique. J Agric Food Chem 49:4342Kuehl RO (2000) Design of experiments: statistical principles of research design and analysis. Duxbury, New YorkLeskova E (2006) Vitamin losses: retention during heat treatment and continual changes expressed by mathematical models. J Food Compos Anal 19:252MartĂ­nez-HernĂĄndez GB, ArtĂ©s-HernĂĄndez F, Colares-Souza F, GĂłmez PA, GarcĂ­a-GĂłmez P, ArtĂ©s F (2013) Innovative cooking techniques for improving the overall quality of a Kailan-hybrid broccoli. Food Bioprocess Tech 1:1. doi: 10.1007/S11947-012-0871-0Mckenna BM, Kilcast D (2004) Texture in food: solid foods. WoodheadMente A, De Koning L, Shannon HS, Anand SS (2009) A systematic review of the evidence supporting a causal link between dietary factors and coronary heart disease. Arch Intern Med 169(659)Montgomery DC, Runger GC (2010) Applied statistics and probability for engineers. Wiley, United States of AmericaMyers RH, Montgomery DC (2002) Response surface methodology: process and product optimization using designed experiments. Wiley, New YorkRiboli E, Norat T (2003) Epidemiologic evidence of the protective effect of fruit and vegetables on cancer risk. Am J Clin Nutr 78:559sRinaldi M, Dall'asta C, Meli F, Morini E, Pellegrini N, Gatti M, Chiavaro E (2012) Physicochemical and Microbiological Quality of Sous-Vide-Processed Carrots and Brussels Sprouts. Food Bioprocess Tech 1Sanchez H, Osella C, De La Torre M (2004) Use of response surface methodology to optimize glutenfree bread fortified with soy flour and dry milk. Food Sci Technol Int 10:5Schellekens M (1996) New research issues in sous-vide cooking. Trends Food Sci Technol 7:256Van Buggenhout S, Sila DN, Duvetter T, Van Loey A, Hendrickx M (2009) Pectins 58 in processed fruits. Compr Rev Food Sci F 8:105Villegas B, TĂĄrrega A, Carbonell I, Costell E (2010) Optimising acceptability o 39 f new prebiotic low-fat milk beverages. Food Qual Prefer 21:23

    Factors Associated with Overweight and Obesity among Children of Mexican Descent: Results of a Binational Study

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    The prevalence of childhood obesity is high among young children of Mexican origin in the United States, however, the determinants are poorly understood. We conducted a binational study with a sample from California (CA) and Mexico (MX), to identify and compare the most important factors associated with overweight and obesity among children of Mexican descent. Significantly more children were classified as overweight or obese in CA compared to MX (53.3 vs. 14.9%, P < 0.01). In CA and MX, having an obese mother was significantly associated with being overweight or obese. In MX, male gender, high socioeconomic status and very low food insecurity were associated with being overweight or obese. These data offer hypotheses for how migration may influence the high prevalence of overweight among the Mexican children in California
