152 research outputs found

    Ishrana i asketizam: mjera u hrani

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    In the history of monasticism the attention given to food and discipline in diet is central to eremitical and coenobitical experience in both the East and West. The types of food and the quantities and timing of repasts are abundantly evident in precepts, rules and customs. While no dish or beverage is absolutely prohibited – not even wine or meat – nutritional choices had to be justified on biblical and religious grounds and above all medical and dietetic ones. The present article will show that consideration of these themes – with reference in particular to the medieval period and the Rule of St. Benedict (Regula Benedicti) – sheds light on our understanding of the norms of observance which for centuries have characterised the Christian ascetical tradition.U povijesti monaštva pažnja koja se pridavala hrani i prehrambenoj stezi je središnja za pustinjačko i cenobitsko iskustvo i na Istoku i na Zapadu. Vrste hrane, te količina kao i vrijeme obroka u velikom broju su vidljivi u propisima, pravilima i običajima. Iako nijedno jelo ili piće nije apsolutno zabranjeno – čak ni vino ili meso – izbor prehrane morao je biti opravdan biblijskim i vjerskim razlozima, a prije svega medicinskim i dijetetskim. Ovaj članak pokazuje da razmatranje ovih tema – posebno s osvrtom na srednjovjekovno razdoblje i Pravilo svetog Benedikta (Regula Benedicti) – baca svjetlo na naše razumijevanje normi koje se opslužuju, a koje su stoljećima obilježavale kršćansku asketsku tradiciju

    “Honor, bonum et magnum averum”. La mobilità medievale in un caso processuale del XII secolo

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    The short, medium and long-range mobility is a characteristic feature of the Middle Ages. The examination of the evidence of the witnesses of a lawsuit for hereditary possession, instituted in the second half of the twelfth century in the Lombard context, offers an interesting and unpublished cross-section on a personal and territorially circumscribed story and on the dynamism of men and women to move for the most disparate causes from one place to another. In particular, the events, recorded inside an aristocratic family of “milites”, point out the family ties, the dynamics for the control of power, the intrigues of all kinds to get the paternal heritage and the consequent patrilineage development, the relationships with the ecclesiastical and civil institutions, the constant trips on foot, on horseback or through waterway both locally and regionally than international, to arrive to the big centres of the Communes of northern Italy, to the heart of Christianity, in Rome, and to the capital of the Eastern empire, in Constantinople

    Il contributo della storia alla formazione agraria

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    Il monachesimo nell’Europa altomedievale

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    Among medieval institutions, the development of monasticism represents one of the main innovations, both in the east as well as in the west, that marked the formation of european civilization. It was originated as a spontaneous movement within Christianity, it developed over the centuries responding to the social needs of spiritual and religious renewal; a process occurred in accordance with the canonical norms indicated by the Church authorities. The influence of the Regula Benedicti in particular, and together with it the progressive disciplinary orientation of the papacy, estalished a fundamental turning point and this direction, starting from the eighth century, was not only assumed by the Carolingian reform of the synods of Aachen, but became the reference of any subsequent cloistered reform of european monasticism.Tra le istituzioni medievali, lo sviluppo del monachesimo rappresenta una delle maggiori novità, in Oriente come in Occidente, che ha segnato la formazione della civiltà europea. Nato come movimento spontaneo in seno alla cristianità, si è articolato nel corso dei secoli rispondendo alle esigenze sociali di rinnovamento spirituale e religioso; un processo avvenuto uniformandosi alle norme canoniche indicate dalle autorità della Chiesa. L’influsso della Regula Benedicti in particolare, e con essa il progressivo orientamento disciplinare del papato, costituirono una svolta fondamentale e tale indirizzo, a partire dall’VIII secolo, non fu recepito solo dalla riforma carolingia dei sinodi di Aquisgrana, ma costituì il riferimento di ogni successiva riforma claustrale del monachesimo europeo

    Da Rovato a Castel Gandolfo. Ricordo di Emilio Bonomelli a 40 anni dalla scomparsa

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    Si introducono gli atti del convegno su Emilio Bonomelli, mettendo in evidenza il contributo delle testimonianze dato alla conoscenza della sua personalit\ue0, ma anche all'importanza del suo archivio di famiglia, ora conservato presso l'Istituto Paolo VI di Concesio (Brescia).The essay introduces the proceedings of the conference about the figure of Emilio Bonomelli, highlighting the contribution of the testimonies given to the knowledge of his personality, but also given to the importance of his family archives, now preserved at the Paul VI Institute of Concesio (Brescia - Italy)

    La Sicilia nei secoli VI-X. Dinamiche di poteri e culture tra Oriente e Occidente

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    Curatela del volume degli atti del convegno internazionale di studio del Centro studi longobardi, "La Sicilia nei secoli VI-X. Dinamiche di poteri e culture tra Oriente e Occidente", tenutosi all'UniversitĂ  degli studi di Catania dal 14 al 16 novembre 201

    De mensura potus. Il vino dei monaci nel Medioevo

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