6,943 research outputs found

    A ansiedade, medo e stress nos Profissionais de Saude Oral durante o primeiro ano de pandemia por Covid-19

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    Objetivos: Caracterizar o impacto da atual pandemia de COVID-19 na ansiedade, medo e stress nos profissionais de saude oral. Metodos: Utilizou-se um questionario autoaplicado online que foi enviado, via email, para tres associacoes na area da Medicina Dentaria. As variaveis categoricas foram descritas atraves de frequencias absolutas e relativas. As variaveis continuas foram descritas utilizando a media e o desvio-padrao. Utilizou-se um modelo de regressao linear multipla para selecio-nar preditores da ansiedade avaliados no questionario. Resultados: Obteve-se uma taxa de participacao de 21,1%. A maioria dos participantes era do sexo feminino (67,2%). Atraves da escala GAD-7 apuramos que 18,3% dos profissionais apresentaram uma perturbacao de ansiedade moderada e grave. A maioria dos participan-tes (86,7%) referiu ter medo de infetar os familiares e amigos. Verificamos que ser do sexo feminino, o medo de infetar a familia e amigos, a possibilidade de a pandemia afetar nega-tivamente a profissao, a perda de rendimentos e as novas condicoes de trabalho eram pre-ditores estaticamente significativos para o aumento da ansiedade (p < 0,05). Pelo contrario, a medida que o numero de anos de pratica clinica aumenta, a ansiedade diminui significa-tivamente (p.0,006). Conclusoes: A pandemia de COVID-19 afetou negativamente os profissionais de saude oral. As medidas de prevencao e os protocolos de controlo de infecao devem ser rigorosamente cumpridos, para que haja diminuicao da transmissao do virus e, consequentemente, dimi-nua a ansiedade, o stress e o medo sentidos por estes profissionais. (Rev Port Estomatol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac. 2023;64(2):84-92) & COPY; 2023 Sociedade Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Medicina Dentaria. Publicado por SPEMD. Este e um artigo Open Access sob uma licenca CC BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Geochemistry and geobarometry of Eocene dykes intruding the Ladakh Batholith

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    We present further distinguishing characteristics among Eocene dykes found along the Southern margin of the Ladakh batholith (NW-India). Coupled evidence from field structures and Nd-Sr isotope data showed that there are two broad dyke provinces extending over 50 km: between Leh and Tunglung, an 'eastern', ENE-trending family with higher crustal assimilation; between Tunglung and Hemis Shugpachan, the ...postprin

    Editor's Choice - Delays to Surgery and Procedural Risks Following Carotid Endarterectomy in the UK National Vascular Registry.

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    OBJECTIVE: Guidelines recommend that patients suffering an ischaemic transient ischaemic attack (TIA) or stroke caused by carotid artery stenosis should undergo carotid endarterectomy (CEA) within 14 days. METHOD: The degree to which UK vascular units met this standard was examined and whether rapid interventions were associated with procedural risks. The study analysed patients undergoing CEA between January 2009 and December 2014 from 100 UK NHS hospitals. Data were collected on patient characteristics, intervals of time from symptoms to surgery, and 30-day postoperative outcomes. The relationship between outcomes and time from symptom to surgery was evaluated using multilevel multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: In 23,235 patients, the median time from TIA/stroke to CEA decreased over time, from 22 days (IQR 10-56) in 2009 to 12 days (IQR 7-26) in 2014. The proportion of patients treated within 14 days increased from 37% to 58%. This improvement was produced by shorter times across the care pathway: symptoms to referral, from medical review to being seen by a vascular surgeon, and then to surgery. The spread of the median time from symptom to surgery among NHS hospitals shrank between 2009 and 2013 but then grew slightly. Low-, medium-, and high-volume NHS hospitals all improved their performance similarly. Performing CEA within 48 h of symptom onset was associated with a small increase in the 30-day stroke and death rate: 3.1% (0-2 days) compared with 2.0% (3-7 days); adjusted odds ratio 1.64 (95% CI 1.04-2.59) but not with longer delays. CONCLUSIONS: The delay from symptom to CEA in symptomatic patients with ipsilateral 50-99% carotid stenoses has reduced substantially, although 42% of patients underwent CEA after the recommended 14 days. The risk of stroke after CEA was low, but there may be a small increase in risk during the first 48 h after symptoms

    The effect of windspeed on sea surface temperature retrieval from space

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    The effect of windspeed on water emissivity, whilst being negligible around normal incidence, becomes significant above angles of about 50-degrees. We calculate the effect of windspeed On retrieved sea surface temperature and show that errors become significant for the potentially very accurate Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR, carried on board ESA's first remote sensing satellite, ERS-1) since brightness temperatures measured at almost-equal-to 56-degrees, as well as those measured at nadir, are used to provide improved atmospheric correction. We show that when an SST retrieval algorithm generated assuming zero windspeed is applied to brightness temperatures calculated for windspeeds of 5, 10 and 15 m/s, a potential error of up to 0.4 K is introduced. Since coincident windspeed data can be obtained from the ERS-1 radar altimeter, accurate correction can be made for this effect and we Provide a Preliminary algorithm for the correction of ATSR SST data

    Modified collection methods and quality of semen in Nigerian local turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo)

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    Semen collection in birds was initially achieved either via post-mortem drainage of the vas deferens or by cloacal retrieval after natural mating. Current techniques do not exclude stress and risk of injury during restraint or milking, especially in domestic turkeys. The present study was designed to develop more convenient methods of semen collection in turkeys. It involved five (n = 5) matured turkey toms weighing approximately 12 – 15 kg and two (n = 2) turkey hens. In the improved collection method, toms were stimulated by exposing them to hens, covered using a locally constructed wooden box. They were allowed to mount until there was evidence of ejaculatory response, demonstrated by increased abdominal pressure and cloacal contraction. After mounting, the tail feathers were lifted, and a collection vial was placed immediately below the cloaca to collect the ejaculates. In the modified abdominal massage, the turkey toms were restrained on sterna recumbency while the ejaculatory response was initiated by gently massaging the soft part of the abdomen and backward massage of the tail feathers. This is continued by rubbing either side of the cloaca till erection is achieved and semen is milked into a collection vial by gently squeezing the cloaca. Collections were made twice a week for four weeks using each method independently. The mean semen volume in the improved collection method was significantly (p &lt; 0.05) higher than the modified abdominal massage. There was no significant (p &gt; 0.05) difference in motility, abnormalities and concentration between both methods. The results from this study suggest that both collection methods were satisfactory for practical use and may offset some challenges associated with the most widely used abdominal massage technique of semen collection in turkeys

    Single-base substitutions in the CHM promoter as a cause of choroideremia

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    Although over 150 unique mutations affecting the coding sequence of CHM have been identified in patients with the X-linked chorioretinal disease choroideremia (CHM), no regulatory mutations have been reported, and indeed the promoter has not been defined. Here, we describe two independent families affected by CHM bearing a mutation outside the gene's coding region at position c.-98: C>A and C>T, which segregated with the disease. The male proband of family 1 was found to lack CHM mRNA and its gene product Rab escort protein 1, whereas whole-genome sequencing of an affected male in family 2 excluded the involvement of any other known retinal genes. Both mutations abrogated luciferase activity when inserted into a reporter construct, and by further employing the luciferase reporter system to assay sequences 5′ to the gene, we identified the CHM promoter as the region encompassing nucleotides c.-119 to c.-76. These findings suggest that the CHM promoter region should be examined in patients with CHM who lack coding sequence mutations, and reveals, for the first time, features of the gene's regulation

    Single event upset studies for the ATLAS SCT and pixel optical links

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    Optical data transmission has been chosen for the ATLAS Pixel and SemiConductor Tracker to deliver both timing and control information to the detector modules and transmit tracking data to the remote computer room. Radiation hardness of individuals optical components and their ASICs drivers have been reported in previous papers. We will report here the Single Event Upset studies carried out on a customised optopackage using a high-energy pion beam. It will be shown that the system is sufficiently robust to SEU at the ATLAS SCT level