131 research outputs found

    Orexinergic Input to Dopaminergic Neurons of the Human Ventral Tegmental Area

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    The mesolimbic reward pathway arising from dopaminergic (DA) neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) has been strongly implicated in reward processing and drug abuse. In rodents, behaviors associated with this projection are profoundly influenced by an orexinergic input from the lateral hypothalamus to the VTA. Because the existence and significance of an analogous orexigenic regulatory mechanism acting in the human VTA have been elusive, here we addressed the possibility that orexinergic neurons provide direct input to DA neurons of the human VTA. Dual-label immunohistochemistry was used and orexinergic projections to the VTA and to DA neurons of the neighboring substantia nigra (SN) were analyzed comparatively in adult male humans and rats. Orexin B-immunoreactive (IR) axons apposed to tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-IR DA and to non-DA neurons were scarce in the VTA and SN of both species. In the VTA, 15.062.8% of TH-IR perikarya in humans and 3.260.3% in rats received orexin B-IR afferent contacts. On average, 0.2460.05 and 0.0560.005 orexinergic appositions per TH-IR perikaryon were detected in humans and rats, respectively. The majority(86–88%) of randomly encountered orexinergic contacts targeted the dendritic compartment of DA neurons. Finally, DA neurons of the SN also received orexinergic innervation in both species. Based on the observation of five times heavierorexinergic input to TH-IR neurons of the human, compared with the rat, VTA, we propose that orexinergic mechanism acting in the VTA may play just as important roles in reward processing and drug abuse in humans, as already established well in rodents

    Development of a food frequency questionnaire to estimate habitual dietary intake in Japanese children

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) are used for epidemiological studies. Because of the wide variations in dietary habits within different populations, a FFQ must be developed to suit the specific group. To date, no FFQ has been developed for Japanese children. In this study, we developed a FFQ to assess the regular dietary intake of Japanese children. The FFQ included questions regarding both individual food items and mixed dishes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Children (3-11 years of age, n = 621) were recruited as subjects. Their parents or guardians completed a weighed dietary record (WDR) for each subject in one day. We defined FOOD to be not only as a single food item but also as a mixed dish. The dieticians conceptually grouped similar FOODs as FOOD types. We used a contribution analysis and a multiple regression analysis to select FOOD types.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We obtained a total of 586 children's dietary data (297 boys and 289 girls). In addition, we obtained 1,043 FOODs. Dieticians grouped into similar FOODs, yielding 275 FOOD types. A total of 115 FOOD types were chosen using a contribution analysis and a multiple regression analysis, then we excluded overlapping items. FOOD types that were eaten by fewer than 15 subjects were excluded; 74 FOOD types remained. We also added liver-based dishes that provided a high amount of retinol. A total of 75 FOOD types were finally determined for the FFQ. The frequency response formats were classified into four type categories: seven, eight, nine and eleven, according to the general intake frequency of each FOOD type. Information on portion size was obtained from the photographs of each listed FOOD type in real scale size, which was the average amount of the children's portion sizes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Using both a contribution analysis and a multiple regression analysis, we developed a 75-food item questionnaire from the study involving 586 children. The next step will involve the verification of FFQ reproducibility and validity.</p

    Utilisation of an operative difficulty grading scale for laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Background A reliable system for grading operative difficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy would standardise description of findings and reporting of outcomes. The aim of this study was to validate a difficulty grading system (Nassar scale), testing its applicability and consistency in two large prospective datasets. Methods Patient and disease-related variables and 30-day outcomes were identified in two prospective cholecystectomy databases: the multi-centre prospective cohort of 8820 patients from the recent CholeS Study and the single-surgeon series containing 4089 patients. Operative data and patient outcomes were correlated with Nassar operative difficultly scale, using Kendall’s tau for dichotomous variables, or Jonckheere–Terpstra tests for continuous variables. A ROC curve analysis was performed, to quantify the predictive accuracy of the scale for each outcome, with continuous outcomes dichotomised, prior to analysis. Results A higher operative difficulty grade was consistently associated with worse outcomes for the patients in both the reference and CholeS cohorts. The median length of stay increased from 0 to 4 days, and the 30-day complication rate from 7.6 to 24.4% as the difficulty grade increased from 1 to 4/5 (both p < 0.001). In the CholeS cohort, a higher difficulty grade was found to be most strongly associated with conversion to open and 30-day mortality (AUROC = 0.903, 0.822, respectively). On multivariable analysis, the Nassar operative difficultly scale was found to be a significant independent predictor of operative duration, conversion to open surgery, 30-day complications and 30-day reintervention (all p < 0.001). Conclusion We have shown that an operative difficulty scale can standardise the description of operative findings by multiple grades of surgeons to facilitate audit, training assessment and research. It provides a tool for reporting operative findings, disease severity and technical difficulty and can be utilised in future research to reliably compare outcomes according to case mix and intra-operative difficulty

    Economic burden of neural tube defects and impact of prevention with folic acid: a literature review

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    Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the second most common group of serious birth defects. Although folic acid has been shown to reduce effectively the risk of NTDs and measures have been taken to increase the awareness, knowledge, and consumption of folic acid, the full potential of folic acid to reduce the risk of NTDs has not been realized in most countries. To understand the economic burden of NTDs and the economic impact of preventing NTDs with folic acid, a systematic review was performed on relevant studies. A total of 14 cost of illness studies and 10 economic evaluations on prevention of NTDs with folic acid were identified. Consistent findings were reported across all of the cost of illness studies. The lifetime direct medical cost for patients with NTDs is significant, with the majority of cost being for inpatient care, for treatment at initial diagnosis in childhood, and for comorbidities in adult life. The lifetime indirect cost for patients with spina bifida is even greater due to increased morbidity and premature mortality. Caregiver time costs are also significant. The results from the economic evaluations demonstrate that folic acid fortification in food and preconception folic acid consumption are cost-effective ways to reduce the incidence and prevalence of NTDs. This review highlights the significant cost burden that NTDs pose to healthcare systems, various healthcare payers, and society and concludes that the benefits of prevention of NTDs with folic acid far outweigh the cost. Further intervention with folic acid is justified in countries where the full potential of folic acid to reduce the risk of NTDs has not been realized

    Subcellular peptide localization in single identified neurons by capillary microsampling mass spectrometry

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    Single cell mass spectrometry (MS) is uniquely positioned for the sequencing and identification of peptides in rare cells. Small peptides can take on different roles in subcellular compartments. Whereas some peptides serve as neurotransmitters in the cytoplasm, they can also function as transcription factors in the nucleus. Thus, there is a need to analyze the subcellular peptide compositions in identified single cells. Here, we apply capillary microsampling MS with ion mobility separation for the sequencing of peptides in single neurons of the mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis, and the analysis of peptide distributions between the cytoplasm and nucleus of identified single neurons that are known to express cardioactive Phe-Met-Arg-Phe amide-like (FMRFamide-like) neuropeptides. Nuclei and cytoplasm of Type 1 and Type 2 F group (Fgp) neurons were analyzed for neuropeptides cleaved from the protein precursors encoded by alternative splicing products of the FMRFamide gene. Relative abundances of nine neuropeptides were determined in the cytoplasm. The nuclei contained six of these peptides at different abundances. Enabled by its relative enrichment in Fgp neurons, a new 28-residue neuropeptide was sequenced by tandem MS

    Beam gas curtain monitor: Vacuum studies for LHC integration and operation

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    A beam gas curtain (BGC) monitor has been designed to obtain information about the relative position between the LHC proton beam and the hollow electron lens electron beam through a minimally invasive process. Its working principle relies on intersecting the path of both beams with a supersonic gas curtain, introduced transversely into the LHC beamline, to produce a fluorescence signal. As an intermediate project stage (phase II), a preliminary version of the BGC monitor has been installed into the LHC beamline. To ensure the successful integration of the monitor and subsequent operation under LHC ultrahigh vacuum conditions, a series of vacuum studies have been performed. These can be classified as follows: An off-line laboratory test campaign, to assess BGC behavior during pump down and gas injections; simulations and analytical calculations, to evaluate BGC behavior and estimate the impact of its installation and operation in the LHC. This document will briefly present the off-line tests campaign, followed by a more extensive description of the simulations performed

    Comparative Genomics of Cell Envelope Components in Mycobacteria

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    Mycobacterial cell envelope components have been a major focus of research due to their unique features that confer intrinsic resistance to antibiotics and chemicals apart from serving as a low-permeability barrier. The complex lipids secreted by Mycobacteria are known to evoke/repress host-immune response and thus contribute to its pathogenicity. This study focuses on the comparative genomics of the biosynthetic machinery of cell wall components across 21-mycobacterial genomes available in GenBank release 179.0. An insight into survival in varied environments could be attributed to its variation in the biosynthetic machinery. Gene-specific motifs like ‘DLLAQPTPAW’ of ufaA1 gene, novel functional linkages such as involvement of Rv0227c in mycolate biosynthesis; Rv2613c in LAM biosynthesis and Rv1209 in arabinogalactan peptidoglycan biosynthesis were detected in this study. These predictions correlate well with the available mutant and coexpression data from TBDB. It also helped to arrive at a minimal functional gene set for these biosynthetic pathways that complements findings using TraSH