135 research outputs found

    Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Accurate number densities and environments of massive ultracompact galaxies at 0.02 < z < 0.3

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    Massive Ultracompact Galaxies (MUGs) are common at z=2-3, but very rare in the nearby Universe. Simulations predict that the few surviving MUGs should reside in galaxy clusters, whose large relative velocities prevent them from merging, thus maintaining their original properties (namely stellar populations, masses, sizes and dynamical state). We take advantage of the high-completeness, large-area spectroscopic GAMA survey, complementing it with deeper imaging from the KiDS and VIKING surveys. We find a set of 22 bona-fide MUGs, defined as having high stellar mass (>8x10^10 M_Sun) and compact size (R_e ~ 10^10 M_Sun Kpc^-2). Interestingly, a large fraction feature close companions -- at least in projection -- suggesting that many (but not all) live in the central regions of groups. Halo masses show these galaxies inhabit average-mass groups. As MUGs are found to be almost equally distributed among environments of different masses, their relative fraction is higher in more massive overdensities, matching the expectations that some of these galaxies fell in these regions at early times. However, there must be another channel leading some of these galaxies to an abnormally low merger history because our sample shows a number of objects that do not inhabit particularly dense environments. (abridged

    Assessing Inflammation in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage with PK11195 PET and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Studies in animal models suggest that inflammation is a major contributor to secondary injury after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Direct, noninvasive monitoring of inflammation in the human brain after ICH will facilitate early-phase development of anti-inflammatory treatments. We sought to investigate the feasibility of multimodality brain imaging in subacute ICH. METHODS: Acute ICH patients were recruited to undergo multiparametric MRI (including dynamic contrast-enhanced measurement of blood-brain barrier transfer constant (Ktrans ) and PET with [11 C]-(R)-PK11195). [11 C]-(R)-PK11195 binds to the translocator protein 18 kDa (TSPO), which is rapidly upregulated in activated microglia. Circulating inflammatory markers were measured at the time of PET. RESULTS: Five patients were recruited to this feasibility study with imaging between 5 and 16 days after onset. Etiologies included hypertension-related small vessel disease, cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), cavernoma, and arteriovenous malformation (AVM). [11 C]-(R)-PK11195 binding was low in all hematomas and 2 (patient 2 [probable CAA] and 4 [AVM]) cases showed widespread increase in binding in the perihematomal region versus contralateral. All had increased Ktrans in the perihematomal region (mean difference = 2.2 × 10-3 minute-1 ; SD = 1.6 × 10-3 minute-1 ) versus contralateral. Two cases (patients 1 [cavernoma] and 4 [AVM]) had delayed surgery (3 and 12 months post-onset, respectively) with biopsies showing intense microglial activation in perilesional tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates for the first time the feasibility of performing complex multimodality brain imaging for noninvasive monitoring of neuroinflammation for this severe stroke subtype

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): refining the local galaxy merger rate using morphological information

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    We use the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey to measure the local Universe mass dependent merger fraction and merger rate using galaxy pairs and the CAS structural method, which identifies highly asymmetric merger candidate galaxies. Our goals are to determine which types of mergers produce highly asymmetrical galaxies, and to provide a new measurement of the local galaxy major merger rate. We examine galaxy pairs at stellar mass limits down to M∗ = 108M⊙ with mass ratios of 4:1) the lower mass companion becomes highly asymmetric, while the larger galaxy is much less affected. The fraction of highly asymmetric paired galaxies which have a major merger companion is highest for the most massive galaxies and drops progressively with decreasing mass. We calculate that the mass dependent major merger fraction is fairly constant at _ 1.3 − 2% between 109.5 < M∗ < 1011.5M⊙, and increases to _ 4% at lower masses. When the observability time scales are taken into consideration, the major merger rate is found to approximately triple over the mass range we consider. The total co-moving volume major merger rate over the range 108.0 < M∗ < 1011.5M⊙ is (1.2 ± 0.5) × 10−3 h3 70 Mpc−3 Gyr−1

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): refining the local galaxy merger rate using morphological information

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    We use the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey to measure the local Universe mass dependent merger fraction and merger rate using galaxy pairs and the CAS structural method, which identifies highly asymmetric merger candidate galaxies. Our goals are to determine which types of mergers produce highly asymmetrical galaxies, and to provide a new measurement of the local galaxy major merger rate. We examine galaxy pairs at stellar mass limits down to M∗ = 108M⊙ with mass ratios of 4:1) the lower mass companion becomes highly asymmetric, while the larger galaxy is much less affected. The fraction of highly asymmetric paired galaxies which have a major merger companion is highest for the most massive galaxies and drops progressively with decreasing mass. We calculate that the mass dependent major merger fraction is fairly constant at _ 1.3 − 2% between 109.5 < M∗ < 1011.5M⊙, and increases to _ 4% at lower masses. When the observability time scales are taken into consideration, the major merger rate is found to approximately triple over the mass range we consider. The total co-moving volume major merger rate over the range 108.0 < M∗ < 1011.5M⊙ is (1.2 ± 0.5) × 10−3 h3 70 Mpc−3 Gyr−1

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): mass-size relations of z < 0.1 galaxies subdivided by Sersic index, colour and morphology

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    We use data from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey in the redshift range 0.01 < z < 0.1 (8399 galaxies in g to Ks bands) to derive the stellar mass–half-light radius relations for various divisions of ‘early’- and ‘late’-type samples. We find that the choice of division between early and late (i.e. colour, shape, morphology) is not particularly critical; however, the adopted mass limits and sample selections (i.e. the careful rejection of outliers and use of robust fitting methods) are important. In particular, we note that for samples extending to low stellar mass limits (<10 10 M ⊙ ) the SĂ©rsic index bimodality, evident for high-mass systems, becomes less distinct and no-longer acts as a reliable separator of early- and late-type systems. The final set of stellar mass–half-light radius relations are reported for a variety of galaxy population subsets in 10 bands (ugrizZY JHKs) and are intended to provide a comprehensive low-z benchmark for the many ongoing high-z studies. Exploring the variation of the stellar mass–half-light radius relations with wavelength, we confirm earlier findings that galaxies appear more compact at longer wavelengths albeit at a smaller level than previously noted: at 10 10 M ⊙ both spiral systems and ellipticals show a decrease in size of 13 per cent from g to Ks (which is near linear in log wavelength). Finally, we note that the sizes used in this work are derived from 2D SĂ©rsic light profile fitting (using galfit3), i.e. elliptical semimajor half-light radii, improving on earlier low-z benchmarks based on circular apertures

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): mass-size relations of z < 0.1 galaxies subdivided by Sersic index, colour and morphology

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    We use data from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey in the redshift range 0.01 < z < 0.1 (8399 galaxies in g to Ks bands) to derive the stellar mass–half-light radius relations for various divisions of ‘early’- and ‘late’-type samples. We find that the choice of division between early and late (i.e. colour, shape, morphology) is not particularly critical; however, the adopted mass limits and sample selections (i.e. the careful rejection of outliers and use of robust fitting methods) are important. In particular, we note that for samples extending to low stellar mass limits (<10 10 M ⊙ ) the SĂ©rsic index bimodality, evident for high-mass systems, becomes less distinct and no-longer acts as a reliable separator of early- and late-type systems. The final set of stellar mass–half-light radius relations are reported for a variety of galaxy population subsets in 10 bands (ugrizZY JHKs) and are intended to provide a comprehensive low-z benchmark for the many ongoing high-z studies. Exploring the variation of the stellar mass–half-light radius relations with wavelength, we confirm earlier findings that galaxies appear more compact at longer wavelengths albeit at a smaller level than previously noted: at 10 10 M ⊙ both spiral systems and ellipticals show a decrease in size of 13 per cent from g to Ks (which is near linear in log wavelength). Finally, we note that the sizes used in this work are derived from 2D SĂ©rsic light profile fitting (using galfit3), i.e. elliptical semimajor half-light radii, improving on earlier low-z benchmarks based on circular apertures

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The Bright Void Galaxy Population in the Optical and Mid-IR

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    We examine the properties of galaxies in the Galaxies and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey located in voids with radii >10 h−1>10~h^{-1} Mpc. Utilising the GAMA equatorial survey, 592 void galaxies are identified out to z~0.1 brighter than Mr=−18.4M_{r} = -18.4, our magnitude completeness limit. Using the WHαW_{\rm{H\alpha}} vs. [NII]/Hα\alpha (WHAN) line strength diagnostic diagram, we classify their spectra as star forming, AGN, or dominated by old stellar populations. For objects more massive than 5×1095\times10^{9} M⊙_{\odot}, we identify a sample of 26 void galaxies with old stellar populations classed as passive and retired galaxies in the WHAN diagnostic diagram, else they lack any emission lines in their spectra. When matched to WISE mid-IR photometry, these passive and retired galaxies exhibit a range of mid-IR colour, with a number of void galaxies exhibiting [4.6]-[12] colours inconsistent with completely quenched stellar populations, with a similar spread in colour seen for a randomly drawn non-void comparison sample. We hypothesise that a number of these galaxies host obscured star formation, else they are star forming outside of their central regions targeted for single fibre spectroscopy. When matched to a randomly drawn sample of non-void galaxies, the void and non-void galaxies exhibit similar properties in terms of optical and mid-IR colour, morphology, and star formation activity, suggesting comparable mass assembly and quenching histories. A trend in mid-IR [4.6]-[12] colour is seen, such that both void and non-void galaxies with quenched/passive colours <1.5 typically have masses higher than 101010^{10} M⊙_{\odot}, where internally driven processes play an increasingly important role in galaxy evolution

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The Bright Void Galaxy Population in the Optical and Mid-IR

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    We examine the properties of galaxies in the Galaxies and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey located in voids with radii >10 h−1>10~h^{-1} Mpc. Utilising the GAMA equatorial survey, 592 void galaxies are identified out to z~0.1 brighter than Mr=−18.4M_{r} = -18.4, our magnitude completeness limit. Using the WHαW_{\rm{H\alpha}} vs. [NII]/Hα\alpha (WHAN) line strength diagnostic diagram, we classify their spectra as star forming, AGN, or dominated by old stellar populations. For objects more massive than 5×1095\times10^{9} M⊙_{\odot}, we identify a sample of 26 void galaxies with old stellar populations classed as passive and retired galaxies in the WHAN diagnostic diagram, else they lack any emission lines in their spectra. When matched to WISE mid-IR photometry, these passive and retired galaxies exhibit a range of mid-IR colour, with a number of void galaxies exhibiting [4.6]-[12] colours inconsistent with completely quenched stellar populations, with a similar spread in colour seen for a randomly drawn non-void comparison sample. We hypothesise that a number of these galaxies host obscured star formation, else they are star forming outside of their central regions targeted for single fibre spectroscopy. When matched to a randomly drawn sample of non-void galaxies, the void and non-void galaxies exhibit similar properties in terms of optical and mid-IR colour, morphology, and star formation activity, suggesting comparable mass assembly and quenching histories. A trend in mid-IR [4.6]-[12] colour is seen, such that both void and non-void galaxies with quenched/passive colours <1.5 typically have masses higher than 101010^{10} M⊙_{\odot}, where internally driven processes play an increasingly important role in galaxy evolution
