312 research outputs found

    Hard X-ray stereographic microscopy for single-shot differential phase imaging

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    The characterisation of fast phenomena at the microscopic scale is required for the understanding of catastrophic responses of materials to loads and shocks, the processing of materials by optical or mechanical means, the processes involved in many key technologies such as additive manufacturing and microfluidics, and the mixing of fuels in combustion. Such processes are usually stochastic in nature and occur within the opaque interior volumes of materials or samples, with complex dynamics that evolve in all three dimensions at speeds exceeding many meters per second. There is therefore a need for the ability to record three-dimensional X-ray movies of irreversible processes with resolutions of micrometers and frame rates of microseconds. Here we demonstrate a method to achieve this by recording a stereo phase-contrast image pair in a single exposure. The two images are combined computationally to reconstruct a 3D model of the object. The method is extendable to more than two simultaneous views. When combined with megahertz pulse trains of X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) it will be possible to create movies able to resolve 3D trajectories with velocities of kilometers per second

    TAp73 is one of the genes responsible for the lack of response to chemotherapy depending on B-Raf mutational status

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although there have been many studies on the p73 gene, some of its functions still remain unclear. There is little research on the relationship between p73 gene transcription and its protein expression and the response to certain drugs such as oxaliplatin and cetuximab, which are drugs currently used in colorectal cancer.</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of TAp73 expression on oxaliplatin and cetuximab-based chemotherapy in colorectal cancer cell lines with different K-Ras and B-Raf mutational status.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>TAp73 was analyzed in three colorectal tumor cell lines HT-29, SW-480 and Caco-2. mRNA TAp73 was determined using Real time PCR; TAp73 protein by immunoblotting and cell viability was analyzed by the MTT method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that mRNA and TAp73 protein were decreased in cells treated with oxaliplatin (in monotherapy or combined with cetuximab) when B-Raf is mutated. This was statistically significant and was also associated with higher cell viability after the treatment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Here, for the first time we report, that there is a signaling loop between B-Raf activation and p73 function.</p> <p>Low expression of TAp73 in colorectal cancer cell lines with mutated B-Raf may be involved in the lack of response to oxaliplatin in monotherapy or combined with cetuximab.</p

    Silencing of Kruppel-like factor 2 by the histone methyltransferase EZH2 in human cancer

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    The Kruppel-like factor (KLF) proteins are multitasked transcriptional regulators with an expanding tumor suppressor function. KLF2 is one of the prominent members of the family because of its diminished expression in malignancies and its growth-inhibitory, pro-apoptotic and anti-angiogenic roles. In this study, we show that epigenetic silencing of KLF2 occurs in cancer cells through direct transcriptional repression mediated by the Polycomb group protein Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 (EZH2). Binding of EZH2 to the 5ā€²-end of KLF2 is also associated with a gain of trimethylated lysine 27 histone H3 and a depletion of phosphorylated serine 2 of RNA polymerase. Upon depletion of EZH2 by RNA interference, short hairpin RNA or use of the small molecule 3-Deazaneplanocin A, the expression of KLF2 was restored. The transfection of KLF2 in cells with EZH2-associated silencing showed a significant anti-tumoral effect, both in culture and in xenografted nude mice. In this last setting, KLF2 transfection was also associated with decreased dissemination and lower mortality rate. In EZH2-depleted cells, which characteristically have lower tumorigenicity, the induction of KLF2 depletion ā€˜rescued' partially the oncogenic phenotype, suggesting that KLF2 repression has an important role in EZH2 oncogenesis. Most importantly, the translation of the described results to human primary samples demonstrated that patients with prostate or breast tumors with low levels of KLF2 and high expression of EZH2 had a shorter overall survival

    Conservation of the role of INNER NO OUTER in development of unitegmic ovules of the Solanaceae despite a divergence in protein function

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    The P-SlINO::SlINO-GFP transgene continues to be expressed after fertilization during the onset of fruit development. A-C: Ovules from P-SlINO::SlINO-GFP plants. D, E: Ovules from control plants. Images A (confocal) and B (DIC overlaid with GFP channel) show expression in the outer cell layer in an ovule post-anthesis. C-E are images of the surface cells of the integument of ovules taken from 3ā€“4Ā mm fruits. C and D are images taken on an epifluorescence microscope (Axioplan) using a Chroma GFP filter set 41017 (Chroma, Bellows Falls, VT). E is a dark-field image of the same ovule in D. These images show expression is present in developing fruit. Scale bar in B represents 20Ā Ī¼m, scale bar in E represents 20Ā Ī¼m in C-E. (TIF 4435Ā kb

    The functional cancer map: A systems-level synopsis of genetic deregulation in cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cancer cells are characterized by massive dysegulation of physiological cell functions with considerable disruption of transcriptional regulation. Genome-wide transcriptome profiling can be utilized for early detection and molecular classification of cancers. Accurate discrimination of functionally different tumor types may help to guide selection of targeted therapy in translational research. Concise grouping of tumor types in cancer maps according to their molecular profile may further be helpful for the development of new therapeutic modalities or open new avenues for already established therapies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Complete available human tumor data of the Stanford Microarray Database was downloaded and filtered for relevance, adequacy and reliability. A total of 649 tumor samples from more than 1400 experiments and 58 different tissues were analyzed. Next, a method to score deregulation of KEGG pathway maps in different tumor entities was established, which was then used to convert hundreds of gene expression profiles into corresponding tumor-specific pathway activity profiles. Based on the latter, we defined a measure for functional similarity between tumor entities, which yielded to phylogeny of tumors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We provide a comprehensive, easy-to-interpret functional cancer map that characterizes tumor types with respect to their biological and functional behavior. Consistently, multiple pathways commonly associated with tumor progression were revealed as common features in the majority of the tumors. However, several pathways previously not linked to carcinogenesis were identified in multiple cancers suggesting an essential role of these pathways in cancer biology. Among these pathways were 'ECM-receptor interaction', 'Complement and Coagulation cascades', and 'PPAR signaling pathway'.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The functional cancer map provides a systematic view on molecular similarities across different cancers by comparing tumors on the level of pathway activity. This work resulted in identification of novel superimposed functional pathways potentially linked to cancer biology. Therefore, our work may serve as a starting point for rationalizing combination of tumor therapeutics as well as for expanding the application of well-established targeted tumor therapies.</p
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