521 research outputs found

    Combustion noise

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    Combustion noise is becoming increasingly important as a major noise source in aeroengines and ground based gas turbines. This is partially because advances in design have reduced the other noise sources, and partially because next generation combustion modes burn more unsteadily, resulting in increased external noise from the combustion. This review reports recent progress made in understanding combustion noise by theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations. We first discuss the fundamentals of the sound emission from a combustion region. Then the noise of open turbulent flames is summarized. We subsequently address the effects of confinement on combustion noise. In this case not only is the sound generated by the combustion influenced by its transmission through the boundaries of the combustion chamber, there is also the possibility of a significant additional source, the so-called ‘indirect’ combustion noise. This involves hot spots (entropy fluctuations) or vorticity perturbations produced by temporal variations in combustion, which generate pressure waves (sound) as they accelerate through any restriction at the exit of the combustor. We describe the general characteristics of direct and indirect noise. To gain further insight into the physical phenomena of direct and indirect sound, we investigate a simple configuration consisting of a cylindrical or annular combustor with a low Mach number flow in which a flame zone burns unsteadily. Using a low Mach number approximation, algebraic exact solutions are developed so that the parameters controlling the generation of acoustic, entropic and vortical waves can be investigated. The validity of the low Mach number approximation is then verified by solving the linearized Euler equations numerically for a wide range of inlet Mach numbers, stagnation temperature ratios, frequency and mode number of heat release fluctuations. The effects of these parameters on the magnitude of the waves produced by the unsteady combustion are investigated. In particular the magnitude of the indirect and direct noise generated in a model combustor with a choked outlet is analysed for a wide range of frequencies, inlet Mach numbers and stagnation temperature ratios. Finally, we summarize some of the unsolved questions that need to be the focus of future research.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2014.08.01

    Assessment of the Contribution of Surface Roughness to Airframe Noise

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    The generation of sound by turbulent boundary-layer flow at low Mach number over a rough wall is investigated by applying a theoretical model that describes the scattering of the turbulence near field into sound by roughness elements. Attention is focused on the numerical method to approximately quantify the absolute level of far-field radiated roughness noise. Models for the source statistics are obtained by scaling smooth-wall data by the increased skin friction velocity and boundary-layer thickness for a rough surface. Numerical integration is performed to determine the roughness noise, and it reproduces the spectral characteristics of the available empirical formula and experimental data. Experiments are conducted to measure the radiated sound from two rough plates in an open jet. The measured noise spectra of the rough plates are above that of a smooth plate in 1–2.5 kHz frequency and exhibit reasonable agreement with the predicted level. Estimates of the roughness noise for a Boeing 757 sized aircraft wing with idealized levels of surface roughness show that in the high-frequency region the sound radiated from surface roughness may exceed that from the trailing edge, and higher overall sound pressure levels are observed for the roughness noise. The trailing edge noise is also enhanced by surface roughness somewhat. A parametric study indicates that roughness height and roughness density significantly affect the roughness noise with roughness height having the dominant effect. The roughness noise directivity varies with different levels of surface roughness

    Acoustic and entropy waves in nozzles in combustion noise framework

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    A low-order model is presented to study the propagation and interaction of acoustic and entropic perturbations through a convergent-divergent nozzle. The calculations deal with choked, unchoked, as well as compact and noncompact nozzles. In the choked case, a normal shock exists in the divergent section of the nozzle. First, for circumferential waves and for a compact choked nozzle, it is shown that the pressure, entropy, and vorticity perturbations at the nozzle outlet can be obtained directly from the perturbations at the nozzle inlet. Thus, for the choked case, there is no need to model either the linear waves or the mean flow within the nozzle. Then, to validate the models developed, cylindrical configurations corresponding to the so-called Entropy Wave Generator and Hot Acoustic Testrig are studied. For the Entropy Wave Generator, an entropy wave is generated upstream of a nozzle by an electrical heating device, and for the Hot Acoustic Testrig, a speaker is used to generate pressure waves. In these two configurations and for the choked case, the supersonic region between the nozzle throat and the normal shock is assumed to be acoustically compact. The results of the low-order model are found to give excellent agreement with the experimental results of the Entropy Wave Generator and Hot Acoustic Testrig. To give insight into the physics, the model is used to undertake a parametric study for a range of nozzle lengths and shock strengths. The low-order model is finally used to calculate the direct to indirect (entropy and vorticity) combustion noise ratio for an idealized thin annular combustor. For this model combustor, the direct acoustic noise is found to dominate within the combustor, whereas the entropy indirect noise is found to be the main source of noise downstream of the choked nozzle. The indirect vorticity noise has a negligible contribution

    G-equation modelling of thermo-acoustic oscillations of partially-premixed flames

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    Numerical simulations aid combustor design to avoid and reduce thermo-acoustic oscillations. Non-linear heat release rate estimation and its modelling are essential for the prediction of saturation amplitudes of limit cycles. The heat release dynamics of flames can be approximated by a Flame Describing Function (FDF). To calculate an FDF, a wide range of forcing amplitudes and frequencies needs to be considered. For this reason, we present a computationally inexpensive level-set approach, which accounts for equivalence ratio perturbations on flames with arbitrarily-complex shapes. The influence of flame parameters and modelling approaches on flame describing functions and time delay coefficient distributions are discussed in detail. The numerically-obtained flame describing functions are compared with experimental data and used in an acoustic network model for limit cycle prediction. A reasonable agreement of the heat release gain and limit cycle frequency is achieved even with a simplistic, analytical velocity fluctuation model. However, the phase decay is over-predicted. For sophisticated flame shapes, only the realistic modelling of large-scale flow structures allows the correct phase decay predictions of the heat release rate response.This work was conducted within the EU 7th Framework Project Joint Technology Initiatives - Clean Sky (AMEL- Advanced Methods for the Prediction of Lean-burn Combustor Unsteady Phenomena), project number: JTI-CS-2013-3-SAGE- 06-009 / 641453. This work was performed using the Darwin Supercomputer of the University of Cambridge High Performance Computing Service (http://www.hpc.cam.ac.uk/), provided by Dell Inc. using Strategic Research Infrastructure Funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England and funding from the Science and Technology Facilities Council

    Low-Order Modeling of Combustion Noise in an Aero-Engine: The Effect of Entropy Dispersion

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    The present work studies the effect of entropy dispersion on the level of combustion noise at the turbine outlet of the Rolls-Royce ANTLE aero-engine. A new model for the decay of entropy waves, based on modeling dispersion effects, is developed and utilized in a low-order network model of the combustor (i.e., LOTAN code that solves the unsteady Euler equations). The proposed model for the dispersion of entropy waves only requires the mean velocity field as an input, obtained by Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) computations of the demonstrator combustor. LOTAN is then coupled with a low-order model code (LINEARB) based on the semi-actuator disk model that studies propagation of combustion noise through turbine blades. Thus, by combining LOTAN and LINERAB, the combustion noise and its counterparts, direct and indirect noise, generated at the turbine exit are predicted. In comparison with experimental data, it is found that without the inclusion of entropy dispersion, the level of combustion noise at the turbine exit is overpredicted by almost 2 orders of magnitude. The introduction of entropy dispersion in LOTAN results in a much better agreement with the experimental data, highlighting the importance of entropy wave dispersion for the prediction of combustion noise in real engines. In more detail, the agreement with the experiment for high and low frequencies was very good. At intermediate frequencies, the experimental measurements are still overpredicted; however, the predicted noise is much smaller compared to the case without entropy dispersion. This discrepancy is attributed to (i) the role of turbulent mixing in the overall decay of the entropy fluctuations inside the combustor, not considered in the model developed for the decay of entropy waves, and (ii) the absence of a proper model in LINEARB for the decay of entropy waves as they pass through the turbine blade rows. These are areas that still need further development to improve the prediction of low-order network codes.</jats:p

    Experimental validation of the hybrid scattering model of installed jet noise

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    Jet installation causes jet noise to be amplified significantly at low frequencies and its physical mechanism must be understood to develop effective aircraft noise reduction strategies. A hybrid semi-empirical prediction model has recently been developed based on the instability-wave-scattering mechanism. However, its validity and accuracy remain to be tested. To do so, in this paper we carry out a systematic installed jet-noise experiment in the laboratory using a flat plate instead of an aircraft wing. We show that reducing HH (the separation distance between the flat plate and jet centreline) causes stronger low-frequency noise enhancement while resulting in little change to the noise shielding and enhancement at high frequencies. Decreasing LL (the axial distance between the jet exit plane and the trailing edge of the plate) results in reduced noise amplification at low frequencies and also weakens both the shielding and enhancement at high frequencies. Increasing the jet Mach number abates the installation effects. It is shown that the hybrid model developed in the earlier work agrees with experimental measurements and can capture the effects of varying HH, LL and jet Mach number extremely well. It is concluded that the model captures the correct physics and can serve as an accurate and robust prediction tool. This new physical understanding provides insights into innovative strategies for suppressing installed jet noise.Cambridge Commonweath European and Internatinoal Trust and the China Scholarship Counci
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