3,116 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Enzim Tanase Terhadap Sifat Kimia Sirup Buah Semu Jambu Mete (Anacardium Occidentale Linn)

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    : We previously produced tannase from Aspergillus Niger using solid state medium. In the present study the enzyme used cashew apple juice. The aim this research was to know effect of tannase on chemical parameters of cashew apple juice. The concentration of tannase used was 0%;0.02%; 0.04%; 0.06%; 0.08% and 0.1% (v/v) and this result compared with high temperature treatment (100 oC). Cashew apple juice with tannase treatment resulted in reduced of tannin and increased of glucose and the best result was obtained at the concentration tannase 0,01% (v/v). Tannase treatment not affect ascorbic acid, pH, and protein but high temperature treatment can reduce ascorbic acid content and protein

    Pengaruh Bubur Buah Jambu Mete(anacardium Occidentale L) Terhadap Angka Peroksida Minyak Kelapa

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    .This study was aimed at knowing the influence of a cashew apple fruit pulp on peroxide value in coconut oil. The concentrations of fruit pulp varied at 0, 5, 10 and 15% with storage period of coconut oil at 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 days. The results showed that the addition of cashew apple fruit pulp had a significant influence on peroxide value of coconut oil. The lowest peroxide value was yielded at a 10% cashew apple fruit addition

    The Interplay of Hypoxia and Autophagy in Epithelial-Derived Ameloblastoma Cell Survival: A Pilot Study

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    Ameloblastoma is the most clinically-significant benign odontogenic jaw tumor with a locally-aggressive growth pattern and high malignant transformation rate. Epithelial-derived ameloblastoma cells (EPAMCs) demonstrate enhanced basal autophagy but the etiopathogenesis of ameloblastoma and the roles of hypoxia and autophagy in EPAMCs survival and recurrence are still unknown. The goals of this study were to assess expression of ameloblastoma-specific markers and the roles of hypoxia and autophagy on EPAMC survival. Primary and recurrent ameloblastoma tissues from two patients were immunostained with pan-cytokeratin, vimentin and SQSTM1/p62. Additionally, EPAMCs were subjected to severe hypoxia (0.1% O2) to define responsiveness to hypoxia based on expression of hypoxic and autophagic markers. Human odontoma-derived cells (HODCs) served as control. Both primary and recurrent tissue samples stained positive for pan-cytokeratin. Vimentin and SQSTM1/p62 were undetectable but the connective tissue stained positive for vimentin. Phosphorylated-40S ribosomal protein S6 (pS6) levels were decreased in EPAMC in both hypoxia and post-hypoxia. There were no significant changes among the remainder markers or between the EPAMC and HODCs. While the small sample size of this pilot study limited the statistical power several interesting trends were observed. In EPAMCs, canonical autophagy tended to be active at baseline, hypoxia, and re-oxygenation but did not increase when cells were subjected to hypoxia. Cells displayed reduced levels of pS6 and elevated levels of LC3ABII/LC3ABI and p62 24 hours following hypoxia. The vimentin expression and pan-cytokeratin pattern are consistent with an epithelial origin of ameloblastoma. Our data also suggests EPAMCs are using autophagy to survive severe hypoxia

    Tinjauan Ulang Sistem Pemindaian Termal Tubuh Manusia dengan Sensor Suhu Pyroelectric

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    Elemen sensor pyroelectric sangat sensitif terhadap jangkauan lebar radiasi dan sudut jatuh incoming radiasi panas badan manusia pada panjang gelombang 5-15 µm [1]. Signal respon sensor pyroelectric dapat didekatkan oleh dua buah grafik exponensial sebagai akibat Perubahan kapasitansi dalam amplifier. Waktu naik dan turun dari signal tegangan dapat ditentukan oleh (tetapan waktu elektrik) dan (tetapan waktu termal) yang sebelumnya telah melewati bandpass filter. Dalam tulisan ini, akan dijelaskan secara rinci semua aspek yang menyangkut sistem pemindaian termal tubuh manusia dengan sensor suhu pyroelectric. Pyroelectric sensor element is very sensitive to a wide range of incoming radiation and heat radiation angles of the human body at 5-15 μm wavelength [1]. The response signal of the pyroelectric shown by two exponential graph as a result of changes capacitance in the amplifier. Rise and fall time of the voltage signal can be determined by the (electric time constant) and (thermal time constant) through a bandpass filter. In this paper, will be explained in detail how Infrared motion detector components work

    Pembelajaran Kooperatif Berkirim Salam Dan Soal Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika Fkip Unram Pada Mata Kuliah Kimia Dasar

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    : The research has been done to improve activity and academic achievement of second semesterstudents of mathematics education program FKIP University of Mataram academic year 2008/2009 in general chemistry subject through cooperative learning exchanging greetings and questions. There were two cycles of learning in the research. The criteria of the success of the research are student activities were active and misconception student on low level. The results indicated that cooperative learning berkirim salam dan soal can improve activity and academic achievement students. In the first cycle was 52,10% students has misconception and in the second cycle has 18,15%.Criteria students activity in first cycle was very low and in the second cycle students activity was active

    Kemampuan Subject Specific Pedagogy Calon Guru Biologi Peserta Program Pendidikan Profesional Guru (Ppg) Yang Berlatar Belakang Basic Sains PRA Dan Post Workshop

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan/mendeskripsikan kemampuan Subjek Spesifik Pedagogi mahasiswa calon guru biologi yang mengikuti program Pendidikan Profesional Guru (PPG) angkatan 2012-2013 melalui pendekatan konsekutif. Hasil sementara menunjukkan bahwa Kemampuan Subject Specific Pedagogy mahasiswa calon guru biologi yang berlatar belakang Biologi murni program Basic Science masih minim, dapat dilihat dari hasil CoRes dan PaP-eRs buatan mereka sebelum mengikuti workshop. Setelah workshop semester I diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan peningkatan yang cukup baik.  This study aimed to describe / describes the ability of prospective students Subject Specific Pedagogy biology teachers who follow the Professional Teacher Education Program (PTEP) 2012-2013 armed consecutive approach. Preliminary results indicate that the ability of prospective students Subject Specific Pedagogy biology teacher who belongs to the pure Biology Basic Science program is minimal, it can be seen from the cores and pap-ers made ​​them before the workshop. After the workshop the first half of the obtained results that showed a pretty good improvement

    Angka Kematian Di Berbagai Propinsi Di Indonesia (Data Riskesdas 2007)

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    Mortality rate is sensitive indicator for evaluation of health program. The mortality data could befound by many methods, one of them is by using Riskesdas data 2007. Thru the Riskesdas mortality data was collected from households with the period of one year before the Riskesdas implementation. Mortality rate could be counted by using indirect method thru child still live and died child by categories of mother age stated in Susenas data 2007. By direct method, it can be stated that crude death rate of Indonesia in general is 4.6 per mil, 5.3 per mil for men and 3.9 for women, then, infant mortality rate is 22 per mil. By using indirect method, it can be found that mortality rate for child under five year-old is 41 per mil. The finding of this analysis: there is linier causal between crude death rate and ratio of public health center by 100,000 people, but is not significant by hospital, medics and non medics. Variation of mortality rate by provinces can't be described by ratio health facility, but increasing the ratio of public health center by population is to improve reporting event of mortality

    Perbandingan Efektifitas Relaksasi Autogenic dan Music Therapy terhadap Tingkat Nyeri Setelah Insersi Vaskuler Pasien yang Menjalani Hemodialisa

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of autogenic relaxation and music therapy to the level of pain in HD patients when insertion of vascular access. This study used Quasy experiment study with Post Control Only Control Group Design, which was conducted on 99 HD patients with total sampling. The results, using  independent t test analysis, showed that there were similar pain levels in each group. There was no difference in the effectiveness of pain levels between HD patients who were given autogenic relaxation with HD patients who were given music therapy when access insertion (p value = 0.896, alpha = 0.05). The average level of pain in the music therapy group is (5.00), autogenic relaxation with an average level of pain (5.27) and the average level of pain in the group combined between autogenic relaxation and music therapy namely (5.06) . Music therapy has a low level of pain compared to autogenic relaxation because during music therapy does not require a large mental effort for the patient to remain in focus. Keywords: Hemodialysis, Pain Level, Autogenic Relaxation, Music therapy
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