2,491 research outputs found

    Constraints on cosmic strings from ultracompact minihalos

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    Cosmic strings are expected to form loops. These can act as seeds for accretion of dark matter, leading to the formation of ultracompact minihalos (UCMHs). We perform a detailed study of the accretion of dark matter onto cosmic string loops and compute the resulting mass distribution of UCMHs. We then apply observational limits on the present-day abundance of UCMHs to derive corresponding limits on the cosmic string tension GμG\mu. The bounds are strongly dependent upon the assumed distribution of loop velocities and their impacts on UCMH formation. Under the assumption that a loop can move up to a thousand times its own radius and still form a UCMH, we find a limit of Gμ5×108G\mu\le 5\times10^{-8}. We show, in opposition to previous results, that strong limits on the cosmic string tension are not obtainable from UCMHs when more stringent (and realistic) requirements are placed on loop velocities.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Uncertain Electric Vehicle Incentives :Does It Affect Vehicle Choice? An exploratory study on how uncertainty impacts the sale of new electric vehicles, using media intensity as a measure of uncertainty

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    This thesis explores whether uncertainty regarding electric vehicle incentives impacts electric vehicle sales. In the late 1990s, the first incentives for electric vehicles were implemented, and throughout the 2000s, more benefits were introduced. Since then, there have been several policy changes regarding the incentives, and there is an ongoing political and public debate about whether these incentives should be continued or not. To measure uncertainty, we constructed uncertainty indexes. The indexes are based on newspaper frequency, and they measure monthly uncertainty regarding various electric vehicle incentives. They are standardized and will take a value between 0 and 100. This uncertainty measurement was used in three case analyses to see if we could find any relationship between uncertainty and the sale of new electric vehicles. We conducted a time series analysis in an attempt to see how uncertainty regarding electric vehicle incentives, in general, has affected sales in the last decade. In this first attempt, we find no evidence that there is a relationship in the data. Furthermore, we conducted two specific case analyses with the difference-in-differences research method. In these analyses, we wanted to investigate how different levels of uncertainty regarding toll road fees and parking fees affected the sale. However, as in the first case, we do not get any statistically significant results, and we cannot conclude whether the uncertainty affects the sale. Despite the inconclusive results, the thesis provides a framework for decision-making and offers a thorough literature review of what influences consumers' vehicle choices. Furthermore, we use this insight to discuss possible explanations for our results both rational and psychological explanations. As far as we know, no previous empirical studies have been conducted on the relationship between uncertainty regarding incentives and sales. We hope this thesis will contribute with some insight and inspire to further research on the subject.nhhma

    Ensaio de Proficiência Interlaboratorial para Contagem de Células Somáticas em Leite.

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    Amostras Piloto no Controle da Qualidade dos Resultados da Composição Centesimal de Leite.

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    Caracterização da variabilidade genética de populações locais de pimenta dedo-de-moça, utilizando marcadores RAPD.

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    Cardiovascular morbidity and the use of inhaled bronchodilators

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    We used the Manitoba Health database to examine the relationship between use of inhaled respiratory drugs in people with chronic obstructive respiratory diseases and cardiovascular hospitalizations from 1996 through 2000. The drugs examined were beta agonists [BA], ipratropium bromide IB, and inhaled steroids (ICS). End points were first hospitalizations for supraventricular tachycardia, myocardial infarction, heart failure or stroke. A nested case control analysis was employed comparing people with and without cardiovascular events. Cases and controls were matched for gender and age, and conditional logistic regression was used in multivariate analysis considering other respiratory drugs, respiratory diagnosis and visit frequency, non-respiratory, non-cardiac comorbidities, and receipt of drugs for cardiovascular disease

    Divergência genética entre acessos do banco ativo de germoplasma de cebola da Embrapa Clima Temperado revelada por marcadores RAPD.

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