573 research outputs found
Perlaksanaan latihan industri dalam meningkatkan kebolehkerjaan : satu kajian kes pelajar-pelajar bidang perhotelan di Politeknik Johor Bahru
Kajian ini merupakan kajian penilaian perlaksanaan Latihan Industri dalam
meningkatkan kebolehkeijaan pelajar-pelajar dalam kursus Pengurusan Hotel dan Katering. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pelajar dapat mengaplikasi ilmu teori dan praktikal semasa menjalani Latihan Industri. Selain daripada itu, kajian ini juga melihat sejauh mana Latihan Industri ini dapat meningkatkan kebolehkeijaan dari aspek kemahiran generik dan pengurusan perhotelan. Dalam pada itu, kajian ini juga melihat perbezaan antara pelajar lelaki dan perempuan dari kedua-dua aspek yang ditunjukkan. Kajian telah dijalankan di Politeknik Johor
Bahru dalam Jabatan Hospitaliti dan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai data kuantitatif dan disokong oleh data kualitatif dari sesi temu bual semi berstruktur dalam memperolehi dapatan kajian. Seramai 147 sampel daripada 231 populasi yang disasarkan telah menjawab soal selidik yang dijalankan. Tiga orang pensyarah juga telah ditemu bual bagi menyokong dapatan kajian ini. Kesemua dapatan kajian telah dianalisis menggunakan SPPS versi 13.0. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan, pelajar-pelajar dapat mengaplikasi ilmu teori dan praktikal semasa menjalani Latihan Industri. Ini
berdasarkan purata skor min yang ditunjukkan iaitu 3.74 dan 3.88. Kajian ini juga membuktikan, Latihan Industri dapat meningkatkan kebolehkeijaan dari aspek kemahiran generik dan pengurusan perhotelan dengan skor min mencapai tahap yang tinggi iaitu 4.08 dan 3.82. Selain daripada itu, tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara pelajar lelaki dan perempuan dari aspek kemahiran generik. Berbeza pula dengan aspek pengurusan perhotelan di mana terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara pelajar lelaki dan perempuan
Model Pendisiplinan Santriwati pada Dayah Salafiah Aceh
Model pendisiplinan santriwati adalah salah satu pola atau rancangan konseptual dalam mendisiplinkan santriwati menjadi anak yang penuh kepatuhan dan ketaatan terhadap segala peraturan dan ketertiban yang diberlakukan dalam di dayah. Disiplin merupakan salah satu sikap dan prilaku yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap santriwati yang patuh dan taat terhadap peraturan. Ada empat pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini; bagaimana kebijakan pendisiplinan santriwati pada Dayah Salafiah Aceh?, bagaiamana pola pendisiplinan santriwati pada Dayah Salafiah Aceh?, apa saja hambatan dalam pendisiplinan santriwati pada Dayah Salafiah Aceh? Apa saja Implikasi pendisiplinan santriwati terhadap proses belajar mengajar pada Dayah Salafiah Aceh? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana model pendisiplinan santriwati di dayah salafiah Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian Pimpinan dan staf/pengajar Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan yang terakhir adalah analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, Kebijakan pendisiplinan, dayah putri Mudi melalui, a) bagian Humas, b) gotong royong, c) pendidikan, dan d) ibadah. Adapun kebijakan pendisiplinan dayah Ashabulyamin meliputi, a) bagian Humas, b) bagian gotong royong, c) pendidikan/pengajian, d) shalat jamaah, dan e) muhadharah. Pola pendisiplinan yang dilakukan di dayah putri mudi meliputi, a) pola pendisiplinan ketakwaan, b) ketertiban, c) pembiasaan hidup bersih, d) keamanan, dan e) rasa tanggung jawab. Adapun pola pendisiplinan dayah Ashabulyamin meliputi; a) pola pendisiplinan ketakwaan dan pembiasaan, b) pola pendisiplinan melalui aturan dan tata tertib dayah, c) pola pendisiplinan melalui bimbingan hidup bersih dan sehat, d) pola pendisiplinan melalui penerapan sanksi
Relevansi Pendidikan Di Era Society 5.0 Dengan Motivasi Belajar Fiqih Siswa di Kelas VII MTSN 1 Langkat
This research is a type of quantitative research using primary data. The population in this study amounted to 200 students. The sample and sampling in this study used a non-probability sampling technique using a random sampling method with a total sample of 30 respondents. The data processing technique uses a regression test with the product moment formula. The conclusion results from the calculation of the education questionnaire in the era of society 5.0 which has a mean result of 51.9, a median of 54.8, a mode of 53.4, a variance of 26.04 and a standard deviation of 5.10 is acceptable with significant tolerance limits. This shows a positive and significant relationship. Students' motivation to study jurisprudence has an average result of 53.4, median of 53.7, mode of 53.2, variance of 18.19 and standard deviation of 4.26 and can be accepted with significant tolerance limits. This shows a positive and significant relationship. There is a positive and significant relationship between education in the era of society 5.0 and students' motivation to study jurisprudence with the regression line Y=19.76 +0.66 X There is a significant correlation between education in the era of society 5.0 with students' motivation to study jurisprudence in fiqh subjects at MTs Negeri I Langkat after the regression test was carried out using the product moment formula with a calculated result of 0.818 with a strong or high level of relationship
Wrist flexion rehabilitation device using arm mbed microcontroller for post-stroke patient
Rehabilitation is a process of recovery of an individual from disabling or functionally limiting condition, whether temporary or irreversible, participates to regain maximal function, independence, and restoration [1]. The purpose of rehabilitation is to prevent and slow down the loss of function of the body, improve and restore the function, compensation for the lost function, and maintenance of the current function
Hubungan Antara Karakteristik Pekerjaan Dan Sikap Terhadap Lingkungan Kerja Dengan Kebosanan Kerja
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hubungan antara karakteristik
pekerjaan dan sikap terhadap lingkungan kerja dengan kebosanan kerja. Variabel
bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah karakteristik pekerjaan dan sikap terhadap
lingkungan kerja, sedangkan variabel tergantungnya adalah kebosanan kerja.
Hipotesis yang diajukan yaitu ada korelasi antara karakteristik pekerjaan dan sikap
terhadap lingkungan kerja dengan kebosanan kerja.
Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT Timatex Salatiga yang
berjumlah 70 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah simple
random sampling, yaitu pengambilan sampel yang ditentukan secara sederhana
dimana masing-masing anggota populasi mempunyai kesempatan yang sama untuk
dapat dipilih menjadi subjek penelitian.
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi R = 0,487,
Fregresi = 10,399; p < 0,01, hal ini berarti ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara
karakteristik pekerjaan dan sikap terhadap lingkungan kerja dengan kebosanan kerja.
Peranan atau sumbangan efektif karakteristik pekerjaan terhadap kebosanan kerja
(SE) = 2,143%, sedangkan peranan atau sumbangan efektif sikap terhadap
lingkungan kerja (SE) terhadap kebosanan kerja = 21,546%. Total sumbangan efektif
antara karakteristik pekerjaan dan sikap terhadap lingkungan kerja terhadap
kebosanan kerja (SE) = 23,7% ditunjukkan oleh R2 = 0,237. Hal ini berarti masih
terdapat 76,3% faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kebosanan kerja di luar variabel
karakteristik pekerjaan dan sikap terhadap lingkungan kerja.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis data penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada
hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara karakteristik pekerjaan dan sikap terhadap
lingkungan kerja dengan kebosanan kerja, dengan demikian variabel karakteristik
pekerjaan dan sikap terhadap lingkungan kerja dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor
untuk memprediksikan kebosanan kerja
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), postpartum depression may include any nonpsychotic depressive disorder during the first four weeks of postpartum, according to research criteria during the first year after birth. The exact cause of postpartum depression is not yet known, and most researchers believe that postpartum depression is a bio-psycho-social problem. So far, the biological aspect of the disease is explained by changing the levels of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy, and by decrease of hormone levels after birth. Psychological correlates are often associated with low selfesteem, pessimism as a personality trait, bad strategies of coping with stress, mood swings and emotional reactions. The social aspect of the disease is associated with the existential conditions of pregnant woman, support of partners and education level. This paper will include issues like hereditary causes and possible psychological factors of postpartum depression prevention. Nowadays, it is estimated that on average 15% of women, regardless of the pregnancy outcome, are suffering from postpartum depression. However, this information includes only those women who were diagnosed with postpartum depression and who themselves reported about it. Almost every woman receives basic care during pregnancy to prevent complications in the physiological level. This paper has shown possible psychological factors of postpartum depression prevention, the impact of optimism, self-esteem and coping skills
War Monuments: Instruments of Nation-building in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This article gives an overview of the three main mutually exclusive ethnonational narratives developed during and after the war (1992–1995) in Bosnia and Herzegovina through one of the main instruments of memory politics, i.e., monuments, which have been erected in large numbers in the last two decades. Through the analysis of symbols, shapes and inscriptions, the aim is to show how war monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina serve as instruments of nation-building processes, i.e., strategies of identity consolidation and how they function as “containers of symbolism”. Unlike in the other Yugoslav successor states, in Bosnia and Herzegovina there is more than one nation-building project, with two being related to the “outside motherlands”, Serbia and Croatia, and one to the state. After a general overview of the memorialization process in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its political and legal frameworks, the author focuses on war monuments and narratives of the three ethno-national groups and gives some examples of monuments that represent the fourth, civic, or “unconstituent” narrative, which is very rare and marginal
Analysing directed network data
The topology of undirected biological networks, such as protein-protein interaction networks, or genetic interaction networks, has been extensively explored in search of new biological knowledge. Graphlets, small connected non-isomorphic induced sub-graphs of an undirected network, have been particularly useful in computational network biology. Having in mind that a significant portion of biological networks, such as metabolic networks or
transcriptional regulatory networks, are directed by nature, we define all up to four node directed graphlets and orbits and implement the directed graphlet and graphlet orbits counting algorithm. We generalise all existing graphlet based measures to the directed case, defining: relative directed graphlet frequency distance, directed graphlet degree distribution similarity,
directed graphlet degree vector similarity, and directed graphlet correlation distance. We apply new topological measures to metabolic networks and show that the topology of directed biological networks is correlated with
biological function. Finally, we look for topology–function relationships in metabolic networks that are conserved across different species.Open Acces
Blended Learning: Institutional Frameworks for Adoption and Implementation
Blended Learning in education is the future for higher education. The rapid changes in technology combined with a demand for a more agile environment is transforming the traditional classroom and challenging learning models. Higher education has been adapting by moving classroom time into purely online environments. However, the literature suggests the new wave of learning is extracting the best practices from traditional and online models and infusing them into a blended environment. The agility and use of technology allows the non-traditional student to balance a professional career and life demands while still gaining the benefits of face-to-face time in the physical classroom. Universities also benefit from these models by staying competitive in student recruitment and the ability to increase class demands by forfeiting classroom space. The definition of blended learning for this study is combination of face-to-face instruction (25-75%) with online (various technological) self-guided modalities. The purpose of this study is to analyze frameworks for blended learning adoption and implementation among U.S. business schools that are accredited through the AACSB and ACBSP. The goal was to understand the overall blended learning framework of US business schools and the maturity of these options. A quantitative data collection instrument was adapted from the qualitative BLAF study by Graham et al. (2013) and administered to a total of 814 AACSB or ACBSP accreditation business schools during the summer of 2016. The total response rate was 55% and after omitting incomplete responses, a sample size of 227 was analyzed. The overall results indicated that BL is available throughout various levels within business schools, however due to lack of institutionalization; the respondents lacked the knowledge to gauge the maturity of BL options within their university. Finally, results from the study demonstrate an emerging trend and confirm that before assessing BL maturity, institutions should adopt a common framework for comparison to other institutions as a way to measure success and growth
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