3,270 research outputs found

    A 1 mm Scintillating Fibre Tracker Readout by a Multi-anode Photomultiplier

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    This note describes a prototype particle tracking detector constructed with 1 mm plastic scintillating fibres with a 64 channel Hamamatsu H8500 flat-panel multi-anode photomultiplier readout. Cosmic ray tracks from an array of 11 gas-filled drift tubes were matched to signals in the scintillating fibres in order to measure the resolution and efficiency of tracks reconstructed in the fibre-based tracker. A GEANT4 detector simulation was also developed to compare cosmic ray data with MC results and is discussed in the note. Using the parameters measured in this experimental setup, modified fibre tracker designs are suggested to improve resolution and efficiency in future prototypes to meet modern detector specifications.Comment: Laboratori Nazionali Di Frascati SIDS-Pubblicazioni LNF - 10 / 21(P) October 26, 201

    A new proposal: A digital flow for the construction of a haas-inspired rapid maxillary expander (HIRME)

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    Maxillary expansion is a common orthodontic treatment used for the correction of posterior crossbite resulting from reduced maxillary width. Transverse maxillomandibular discrepancies are a major cause of several malocclusions and may be corrected in dierent manners; in particular, the rapid maxillary expansion (RME) performed in the early mixed dentition has now become a routine procedure in orthodontic practice. The aim of this study is to propose a procedure that reduces the patient cooperation as well as the lab work required in preparing a customized Haas-inspired rapid maxillary expander (HIRME) that can be anchored to deciduous teeth and can be utilized in mixed dentition with tubes on the molars and hooks and brackets on the canines. This article thus presents an expander that is completely digitally developed, from the first moment of taking the impression with an optical scanner to the final solidification phase by the use of a 3D printer. This digital flow takes place in a CAD environment and it starts with the creation of the appliance on the optical impression; this design is then exported as an stl extension and is sent to the print service to obtain a solid model of the device through a laser sintering process. This "rough" device goes through a post-processing procedure; finally, a commercial expansion screw is laser-welded. This expander has all the advantages of a cast-metal Haas-type RME that rests on deciduous teeth; moreover, it has the characteristic of being developed with a completely digitized and individualized process, for the mouth of the young patient, as well as being made completely of cobalt-chrome, thus ensuring greater adaptability and stability in the patient's mouth

    TCP throughput guarantee in the DiffServ Assured Forwarding service: what about the results?

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    Since the proposition of Quality of Service architectures by the IETF, the interaction between TCP and the QoS services has been intensively studied. This paper proposes to look forward to the results obtained in terms of TCP throughput guarantee in the DiffServ Assured Forwarding (DiffServ/AF) service and to present an overview of the different proposals to solve the problem. It has been demonstrated that the standardized IETF DiffServ conditioners such as the token bucket color marker and the time sliding window color maker were not good TCP traffic descriptors. Starting with this point, several propositions have been made and most of them presents new marking schemes in order to replace or improve the traditional token bucket color marker. The main problem is that TCP congestion control is not designed to work with the AF service. Indeed, both mechanisms are antagonists. TCP has the property to share in a fair manner the bottleneck bandwidth between flows while DiffServ network provides a level of service controllable and predictable. In this paper, we build a classification of all the propositions made during these last years and compare them. As a result, we will see that these conditioning schemes can be separated in three sets of action level and that the conditioning at the network edge level is the most accepted one. We conclude that the problem is still unsolved and that TCP, conditioned or not conditioned, remains inappropriate to the DiffServ/AF service

    Ecosystem functioning and ecological status in the Venice lagoon, which relationships?

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    The implementation of management measures for improving the ecological status within an Ecosystem Based Management approach represents one the of the main challenges in coastal and transitional water environments. In general terms, ecological status and ecosystem functioning are expected to be positively associated, being good ecological processes a sort of prerequisite for the ecosystem health, but often relationships between ecosystem functioning indicators and the metrics used to define ecological status resulted to be rather puzzling. Moreover, the Biological Quality Elements (BQEs) do not show a consistent response to the changes in the ecosystem. This situation does not allow to recognize where interventions are really needed, hindering the definition of effective management strategies. In the present paper, a spatially explicit food web model of the Venice lagoon (with the resolution of 300 m) is used to simulate changes in the ecological status and related them to different management scenarios. Functional changes in the food web were investigated by comparing values of a set of 12 indicators derived by the ecological network analysis. In general, results highlighted on one hand the need for more discussion about the implementation of the WFD, at least in complex and spatially heterogeneous transitional waters environments, as the Venice lagoon; on the other, results remark the opportunity to support the BQEs monitoring with an ecological modelling approach. These models are certainly not the panacea for addressing questions about the environmental management, as they have inherent uncertainties (on parameters, structure, processes etc.); however, they can prove useful for selecting among different policy choices, since they offer the opportunity to simulate the mean effects, preliminarily verifying the efficacy of the proposed interventions

    Development of high grade seamless pipes for deepwater application by metallurgical design

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    New solutions for the metallurgical design of high performance quenched and tempered (Q&T) seamless pipes of high grades from X65 up to X80 were found throughout a systematic work involving metallurgical modelling, laboratory tests, pilot and industrial trials. Both linepipes and risers for deepwater offshore fields such as Gulf of Mexico were considered. The target microstructure in the asquenched condition has been identified as refined low-C bainite/martensite matrix (> 70%). This is promoted through the control of austenite grain growth during the heating stage (austenitization before quenching), proper alloy additions and through a very effective quenching. Promising low-alloy steels and suitable quenching and tempering conditions identified by metallurgical modelling were verified by laboratory heats (80 kg ingots) that were processed at a pilot scale and submitted to microstructural examination and mechanical testing. The best solutions were used in preliminary industrial trials, also utilised for a fine tuning. The Ni-Cr-Mo-Nb-V alloy system showed very interesting combinations of strength-toughness and field weldability, suitable for the production of heavy wall X65 grade linepipes for sour service and X80 top tension risers

    Measurement of the neutron detection efficiency of a 80% absorber - 20% scintillating fibers calorimeter

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    The neutron detection efficiency of a sampling calorimeter made of 1 mm diameter scintillating fibers embedded in a lead/bismuth structure has been measured at the neutron beam of the The Svedberg Laboratory at Uppsala. A significant enhancement of the detection efficiency with respect to a bulk organic scintillator detector with the same thickness is observed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Multi-GeV Electron Spectrometer

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    The advance in laser plasma acceleration techniques pushes the regime of the resulting accelerated particles to higher energies and intensities. In particular the upcoming experiments with the FLAME laser at LNF will enter the GeV regime with almost 1pC of electrons. From the current status of understanding of the acceleration mechanism, relatively large angular and energy spreads are expected. There is therefore the need to develop a device capable to measure the energy of electrons over three orders of magnitude (few MeV to few GeV) under still unknown angular divergences. Within the PlasmonX experiment at LNF a spectrometer is being constructed to perform these measurements. It is made of an electro-magnet and a screen made of scintillating fibers for the measurement of the trajectories of the particles. The large range of operation, the huge number of particles and the need to focus the divergence present unprecedented challenges in the design and construction of such a device. We will present the design considerations for this spectrometer and the first results from a prototype.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to NIM

    Measurement of neutron detection efficiency between 22 and 174 MeV using two different kinds of Pb-scintillating fiber sampling calorimeters

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    We exposed a prototype of the lead-scintillating fiber KLOE calorimeter to neutron beam of 21, 46 and 174 MeV at The Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala, to study its neutron detection efficiency. This has been found larger than what expected considering the scintillator thickness of the prototype. %To check our method, we measured also the neutron %detection efficiency of a 5 cm thick NE110 scintillator. We show preliminary measurement carried out with a different prototype with a larger lead/fiber ratio, which proves the relevance of passive material to neutron detection efficiency in this kind of calorimeters

    Orari di lavoro e sonno nel personale infermieristico impiegato in sistemi di turnazione rapida "23x8" e "2x12"

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    Obiettivo dello studio \ue8 di verificare, in un campione di 200 infermieri turnisti, l\u2019impatto sul sonno della diversa tipologia di lavoro (\u201cemergenza/urgenza\u201d vs. \u201cdegenza\u201d) nell\u2019ambito dello stesso schema di turno, e di due diversi schemi di turnazione a rotazione rapida (\u201c2x12\u201d e \u201c3x8\u201d), nell\u2019ambito della stessa area di lavoro (\u201cemergenza/urgenza\u201d). Il turno notturno e quello del mattino risultano interferire maggiormente con il sonno, sia in relazione ai due tipi di turno che alle due aree operative considerate. Emerge l\u2019importanza di considerare, nella strutturazione dello schema dei turni, le modalit\ue0 di rotazione tra i turni e il carico di lavoro in relazione alla durata del turno stesso

    Performance of ALICE pixel prototypes in high energy beams

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    The two innermost layers of the ALICE inner tracking system are instrumented with silicon pixel detectors. Single chip assembly prototypes of the ALICE pixels have been tested in high energy particle beams at the CERN SPS. Detection efficiency and spatial precision have been studied as a function of the threshold and the track incidence angle. The experimental method, data analysis and main results are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, contribution to PIX2005 Workshop, Bonn (Germany), 5-8 September 200
