497 research outputs found

    Interferometric detection of a single vortex in a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Using two radio frequency pulses separated in time we perform an amplitude division interference experiment on a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate. The presence of a quantized vortex, which is nucleated by stirring the condensate with a laser beam, is revealed by a dislocation in the fringe pattern.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Generation of vortices and observation of Quantum Turbulence in an oscillating Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We report on the experimental observation of vortex formation and production of tangled vortex distribution in an atomic BEC of Rb-87 atoms submitted to an external oscillatory perturbation. The oscillatory perturbations start by exciting quadrupolar and scissors modes of the condensate. Then regular vortices are observed finally evolving to a vortex tangle configuration. The vortex tangle is a signature of the presence of a turbulent regime in the cloud. We also show that this turbulent cloud has suppression of the aspect ratio inversion typically observed in quantum degenerate bosonic gases during free expansion.Comment: to appear in JLTP - QFS 200

    The Bogoliubov Theory of a BEC in Particle Representation

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    In the number-conserving Bogoliubov theory of BEC the Bogoliubov transformation between quasiparticles and particles is nonlinear. We invert this nonlinear transformation and give general expression for eigenstates of the Bogoliubov Hamiltonian in particle representation. The particle representation unveils structure of a condensate multiparticle wavefunction. We give several examples to illustrate the general formalism.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Theory of nonlinear Landau-Zener tunneling

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    A nonlinear Landau-Zener model was proposed recently to describe, among a number of applications, the nonadiabatic transition of a Bose-Einstein condensate between Bloch bands. Numerical analysis revealed a striking phenomenon that tunneling occurs even in the adiabatic limit as the nonlinear parameter CC is above a critical value equal to the gap VV of avoided crossing of the two levels. In this paper, we present analytical results that give quantitative account of the breakdown of adiabaticity by mapping this quantum nonlinear model into a classical Josephson Hamiltonian. In the critical region, we find a power-law scaling of the nonadiabatic transition probability as a function of C/V−1C/V-1 and α\alpha , the crossing rate of the energy levels. In the subcritical regime, the transition probability still follows an exponential law but with the exponent changed by the nonlinear effect. For C/V>>1C/V>>1, we find a near unit probability for the transition between the adiabatic levels for all values of the crossing rate.Comment: 9 figure

    Anomalous rotational properties of Bose-Einstein condensates in asymmetric traps

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    We study the rotational properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a rotating harmonic trap for different trap anisotropies. Using simple arguments, we derive expressions for the velocity field of the quantum fluid for condensates with or without vortices. While the condensed gas describes open spiraling trajectories, on the frame of reference of the rotating trap the motion of the fluid is against the trap rotation. We also find explicit formulae for the angular momentum and a linear and Thomas-Fermi solutions for the state without vortices. In these two limits we also find an analytic relation between the shape of the cloud and the rotation speed. The predictions are supported by numerical simulations of the mean field Gross-Pitaevskii model.Comment: 4 RevTeX pages, 2 EPS figures; typos fixed, reference adde

    Persistent currents in a circular array of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    A ring-shaped array of Bose-Einstein condensed atomic gases can display circular currents if the relative phase of neighboring condensates becomes locked to certain values. It is shown that, irrespective of the mechanism responsible for generating these states, only a restricted set of currents are stable, depending on the number of condensates, on the interaction and tunneling energies, and on the total number of particles. Different instabilities due to quasiparticle excitations are characterized and possible experimental setups for testing the stability prediction are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, REVTex

    Simple method for excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    An appropriate, time-dependent modification of the trapping potential may be sufficient to create effectively collective excitations in a cold atom Bose-Einstein condensate. The proposed method is complementary to earlier suggestions and should allow the creation of both dark solitons and vortices.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The ‘mosaic habitat’ concept in human evolution: past and present

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    The habitats preferred by hominins and other species are an important theme in palaeoanthropology, and the ‘mosaic habitat’ (also referred to as habitat heterogeneity) has been a central concept in this regard for the last four decades. Here we explore the development of this concept – loosely defined as a range of different habitat types, such as woodlands, riverine forest and savannah within a limited spatial area– in studies of human evolution in the last sixty years or so. We outline the key developments that took place before and around the time when the term ‘mosaic’ came to wider palaeoanthropological attention. To achieve this we used an analysis of the published literature, a study of illustrations of hominin evolution from 1925 onwards and an email survey of senior researchers in palaeoanthropology and related fields. We found that the term mosaic starts to be applied in palaeoanthropological thinking during the 1970’s due to the work of a number of researchers, including Karl Butzer and Glynn Isaac , with the earliest usage we have found of ‘mosaic’ in specific reference to hominin habitats being by Adriaan Kortlandt (1972). While we observe a steady increase in the numbers of publications reporting mosaic palaeohabitats, in keeping with the growing interest and specialisation in various methods of palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, we also note that there is a lack of critical studies that define this habitat, or examine the temporal and spatial scales associated with it. The general consensus within the field is that the concept now requires more detailed definition and study to evaluate its role in human evolution

    Austenite in Transformation-Induced Plasticity Steel Subjected to Multiple Isothermal Heat Treatments

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    The thermodynamic limit to the progress of the bainite reaction in steels containing a cementite inhibitor often leaves large quantities of thermally or mechanically unstable austenite. Such austenite is not effective in delaying the onset of plastic instabilities during the course of deformation. In such circumstances, it is useful to conduct isothermal transformation at a high temperature where the rate of reaction is relatively rapid, followed by a lower temperature step that permits more bainite to be generated. This in turn increases the stability of the refined austenite, which then transforms gently over a large range of strain during a tensile test. A significant corollary is that the two-step heat treatments are unnecessary in low-carbon steels, where the bainite reaction is able to proceed to a greater extent before reaching the thermodynamic limit. Furthermore, the two-step process can be counterproductive in low carbon steel, because the austenite content is reduced to a level below which it does not enhance the mechanical properties. Other circumstances in which multiple heat treatments are necessary are also discussed.The authors are grateful to POSCO for support through Steel Innovation Programme, and to the World Class University Programme of the National Research Foundation of Korea, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, project number R32-2008-000-10147.This is the accepted manuscript version. The final published version is available from Springer at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11661-014-2405-z
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