712 research outputs found

    Ultrassonografia duplex Doppler transcraniana em cães com hidrocefalia

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    Transcranial duplex Doppler ultrasound was performed in 32 conscious dogs presenting ventriculomegaly detected in B-mode, obtaining measures of lateral ventricles and resistance parameters of main cerebral arteries before and after 30 days of clinical treatment. The animals were distributed divided in two groups: group 1, dogs that presented remission or decrease of the neurological signs of the disease after clinical therapy; and group 2, dogs that displayed worsening of the neurological signs or clinical stability. The data were all presented in tables and were submitted to paired t test and to logistic regression models to evaluate the influence of the RI reduction on both groups. There was no significant influence of the variables in the B-mode. After the treatment, the mean resistive index (RI) was significantly lower for the group that presented clinical improvement. There was no significant difference of the mean RI reduction for the same artery when the right and left sides were compared. It could be concluded that transcranial duplex Doppler ultrasound is a method of cerebral hemodynamic assessment able to monitor more precisely the treatment of hydrocephalus in dogs and verify the responses.Foi realizada a ultrassonografia duplex Doppler transcraniana em 32 cães, conscientes, que apresentavam ventriculomegalia previamente detectada ao exame modo-B, para obter as medidas dos ventrículos laterais e os parâmetros de resistência das artérias cerebrais antes e depois de 30 dias de tratamento clínico. Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos: 1 - formado por cães que apresentaram remissão ou diminuição dos sinais clínicos após tratamento; 2 - por cães que apresentaram piora dos sinais neurológicos ou estabilidade do quadro clínico. Todos os dados foram dispostos em tabelas e submetidos ao teste t pareado e a modelos de regressão logística para avaliar a influência da redução do índice de resistividade (IR). Não foi observada influência das variáveis em modo-B. Após o tratamento, a média do IR foi significantemente menor para o grupo que apresentou melhora clínica; não houve diferença significativa da média de redução do IR para a mesma artéria quando comparados os lados direito e esquerdo. Concluiu-se que o duplex Doppler transcraniano é um métodos de avaliação hemodinâmica capaz de monitorar mais precisamente o tratamento da hidrocefalia em cães e verificar a resposta dos pacientes

    Traversable Wormholes Construction in 2+1 Dimensions

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    We study traversable Lorentzian wormholes in the three-dimensional low energy string theory by adding some matter source involving a dilaton field. It will be shown that there are two-different types of wormhole solutions such as BTZ and black string wormholes depending on the dilaton backgrounds, respectively. We finally obtain the desirable solutions which confine exotic matter near the throat of wormhole by adjusting NS charge.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, JHEP style, one reference adde

    Quantum Criticality via Magnetic Branes

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    Holographic methods are used to investigate the low temperature limit, including quantum critical behavior, of strongly coupled 4-dimensional gauge theories in the presence of an external magnetic field, and finite charge density. In addition to the metric, the dual gravity theory contains a Maxwell field with Chern-Simons coupling. In the absence of charge, the magnetic field induces an RG flow to an infrared AdS3×R2_3 \times {\bf R}^2 geometry, which is dual to a 2-dimensional CFT representing strongly interacting fermions in the lowest Landau level. Two asymptotic Virasoro algebras and one chiral Kac-Moody algebra arise as {\sl emergent symmetries} in the IR. Including a nonzero charge density reveals a quantum critical point when the magnetic field reaches a critical value whose scale is set by the charge density. The critical theory is probed by the study of long-distance correlation functions of the boundary stress tensor and current. All quantities of major physical interest in this system, such as critical exponents and scaling functions, can be computed analytically. We also study an asymptotically AdS6_6 system whose magnetic field induced quantum critical point is governed by a IR Lifshitz geometry, holographically dual to a D=2+1 field theory. The behavior of these holographic theories shares important similarities with that of real world quantum critical systems obtained by tuning a magnetic field, and may be relevant to materials such as Strontium Ruthenates.Comment: To appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Ye

    Competition for iron shapes metabolic antagonism between Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas marginalis

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    Siderophores have long been implicated in sociomicrobiology as determinants of bacterial interrelations. For plant-associated genera, like Bacillus and Pseudomonas, siderophores are well known for their biocontrol functions. Here, we explored the functional role of the Bacillus subtilis siderophore bacillibactin (BB) in an antagonistic interaction with Pseudomonas marginalis. The presence of BB strongly inf luenced the outcome of the interaction in an iron-dependent manner. The BB producer B. subtilis restricts colony spreading of P. marginalis by repressing the transcription of histidine kinase-encoding gene gacS, thereby abolishing production of secondary metabolites such as pyoverdine and viscosin. By contrast, lack of BB restricted B. subtilis colony growth. To explore the specificity of the antagonism, we cocultured B. subtilis with a collection of f luorescent Pseudomonas spp. and found that the Bacillus–Pseudomonas interaction is conserved, expanding our understanding of the interplay between two of the most well-studied genera of soil bacteria.Microbial Biotechnolog

    Black hole thermodynamical entropy

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    As early as 1902, Gibbs pointed out that systems whose partition function diverges, e.g. gravitation, lie outside the validity of the Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) theory. Consistently, since the pioneering Bekenstein-Hawking results, physically meaningful evidence (e.g., the holographic principle) has accumulated that the BG entropy SBGS_{BG} of a (3+1)(3+1) black hole is proportional to its area L2L^2 (LL being a characteristic linear length), and not to its volume L3L^3. Similarly it exists the \emph{area law}, so named because, for a wide class of strongly quantum-entangled dd-dimensional systems, SBGS_{BG} is proportional to lnL\ln L if d=1d=1, and to Ld1L^{d-1} if d>1d>1, instead of being proportional to LdL^d (d1d \ge 1). These results violate the extensivity of the thermodynamical entropy of a dd-dimensional system. This thermodynamical inconsistency disappears if we realize that the thermodynamical entropy of such nonstandard systems is \emph{not} to be identified with the BG {\it additive} entropy but with appropriately generalized {\it nonadditive} entropies. Indeed, the celebrated usefulness of the BG entropy is founded on hypothesis such as relatively weak probabilistic correlations (and their connections to ergodicity, which by no means can be assumed as a general rule of nature). Here we introduce a generalized entropy which, for the Schwarzschild black hole and the area law, can solve the thermodynamic puzzle.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in EPJ

    Hydrodynamics and Flow

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    In this lecture note, we present several topics on relativistic hydrodynamics and its application to relativistic heavy ion collisions. In the first part we give a brief introduction to relativistic hydrodynamics in the context of heavy ion collisions. In the second part we present the formalism and some fundamental aspects of relativistic ideal and viscous hydrodynamics. In the third part, we start with some basic checks of the fundamental observables followed by discussion of collective flow, in particular elliptic flow, which is one of the most exciting phenomenon in heavy ion collisions at relativistic energies. Next we discuss how to formulate the hydrodynamic model to describe dynamics of heavy ion collisions. Finally, we conclude the third part of the lecture note by showing some results from ideal hydrodynamic calculations and by comparing them with the experimental data.Comment: 40 pages, 35 figures; lecture given at the QGP Winter School, Jaipur, India, Feb.1-3, 2008; to appear in Springer Lecture Notes in Physic

    Distributed flow optimization and cascading effects in weighted complex networks

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    We investigate the effect of a specific edge weighting scheme (kikj)β\sim (k_i k_j)^{\beta} on distributed flow efficiency and robustness to cascading failures in scale-free networks. In particular, we analyze a simple, yet fundamental distributed flow model: current flow in random resistor networks. By the tuning of control parameter β\beta and by considering two general cases of relative node processing capabilities as well as the effect of bandwidth, we show the dependence of transport efficiency upon the correlations between the topology and weights. By studying the severity of cascades for different control parameter β\beta, we find that network resilience to cascading overloads and network throughput is optimal for the same value of β\beta over the range of node capacities and available bandwidth