3,683 research outputs found

    TRANSPARÊNCIA DAS INFORMAÇÕES PÚBLICAS À LUZ DA LEI DE ACESSO À INFORMAÇÃO: um estudo survey em câmaras municipais brasileiras

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O estudo investigou a transparência de Câmaras Municipais à luz da Lei de Acesso à Informação, a partir de evidências empíricas dos maiores municípios brasileiros. Para tanto, foi formulada a seguinte questão problema: Em que medida os portais eletrônicos de Câmaras localizadas em municípios brasileiros com população superior a duzentos mil habitantes promovem construção da transparência à luz da Lei de Acesso à Informação? Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, realizada por meio de um estudo survey, com abordagem predominantemente qualitativa. O objetivo foi verificar se os portais eletrônicos atendem ou não as exigências da Lei de Acesso à Informação e se existem ferramentas web além das previstas na lei que ampliam a transparência das informações públicas. Os dados foram coletados mediante observações nos portais eletrônicos e registrados com auxílio de um protocolo de observação (modelo de análise) composto por 18 indicadores de transparência. A investigação dos portais revela que a maioria deles atende parcialmente aos indicadores de instrumentos de transparência das informações públicas. Os resultados apontados na pesquisa refletem, de modo geral, a necessidade de uma redefinição das práticas de gestão da informação nesses legislativos e do desenvolvimento de uma cultura organizacional mais voltada para princípios como transparência e participação. Nesse contexto, é relevante destacar as possibilidades e os impactos das tecnologias de informação e comunicação como instrumentos para ampliar a transparência das informações de interesse social e garantir o direito de acesso previsto na Constituição Federal e regulamentado na Lei de Acesso à Informação. Coordenar estratégias e ações para aumentar o acesso e interação no mundo virtual e promover a responsabilização dos agentes públicos que violarem os dispositivos da LAI são condições básicas para a construção de meios de accountability efetivos na sociedade

    Market analysis and strategic plan for the implementation of a sports innovation hub for the FIFA World Cup 2030 application

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    In this market analysis and strategic plan, we examine the potential for a sports innovation hub to support the shared application of Portugal, Spain and Ukraine for the World Cup 2030. We conduct a thorough analysis of the sports industry, narrow down potential partners and stakeholders, and develop a strategic plan for implementation. Our plan includes a detailed budget and financial model, a marketing and communication strategy, and recommendations for overcoming challenges and risks

    Leadership distributed as a key factor for the implementation of preventive school mental health programs

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    El propósito de esta investigación fue indagar los efectos del liderazgo distribuido sobre la implementación de programas escolares preventivos. A través de un diseño cualitativo se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 15 involucrados en la supervisión y ejecución del programa Habilidades para la Vida desarrollado en escuelas chilenas. Se encontró que aquellas escuelas en donde se distribuye con mayor institucionalización del liderazgo, a través de dispositivos como reuniones de planificación y evaluaciones continuas, las dimensiones de implementación asociadas a la exposición de la intervención se ejecutan con mayor calidad. Así mismo, la articulación de objetivos entre el programa y la escuela favorece el desarrollo de una cultura escolar en donde se valora el fortalecimiento de habilidades emocionales como condiciones de posibilidad para el anclaje y desarrollo de aprendizajes. Se discuten implicancias teóricas y prácticas sobre este hallazgoThe aim research was to investigate the effects of distributed leadership on the implementation of preventive school programs. Through a qualitative design semistructured interviews were applied to 15 participants, supervisors and professionals of the Skills for Life program in Chilean schools. We were found that those schools where it is distributed with greater institutionalization of leadership, through devices such as planning meetings and continuous evaluations, the implementation dimensions associated with the intervention exposure are executed with higher quality. Likewise, the articulation of objectives between the program and the school favors the development of a school culture where the strengthening of emotional abilities is valued as conditions of possibility for the anchoring and development of learning. Theoretical and practical implications of this finding are discusse

    PV Assessment and Analysis for Deploying a Municipality–wide Energy Community

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    Renewable energy communities (REC) are an instrument that empowers consumers and helps them become prosumers in the energy transition to decarbonize the energy grid. The European Commission introduced the concept through the Renewable Energy Directive (RED2) in 2019. Many energy communities lobbied during the elaboration of the amendment to have it introduced. In so doing, their experience and hardships were considered to facilitate their implementation. Rivas-Vaciamadrid (RIVAS) is a municipality in Spain that aims to convert itself to a REC. One of the first steps to accomplish this goal has been assessing its PV potential. In January 2022, RIVAS launched the project, and Research to Market Solutions (R2M) won the tendering process by offering a thorough proposal to perform the PV assessment and define a strategy to deploy the REC. The thesis work is focused on evaluating the potential of RIVAS REC by creating the buildings' stock through the use of geographical information systems. The analysis creates building archetypes to individually create the energy demand profiles and obtain the annual energy demand. The archetypes are also used to evaluate the PV area available in each building. Through the use of a simulation engine from the company IES, the simulation of the energy community is performed. The results show that RIVAS REC has an electricity consumption of 271.32 GWh/year. The cost of this electricity is 75.9 m€. Its PV potential capacity is of 292.81GWh/year. The annual PV produced generates a 41% self-sufficiency and 38% self-consumption. The municipality is composed of 4 sectors, residential, commercial, tertiary and industrial. The residential sector consumes 51% of the total electricity. The REC benefits itself by a 42% reduction in its annual electric tariff. The business model proposed consists of using the municipality buildings and deploying PVs on their roofs. These buildings will serve as hubs to create 17 energy communities. The electricity produced is self-consumed, reducing their electricity bill by 42%. The surplus electricity is sold to the members obtaining a profit that can be reinvested to support the additional PV deployment. The REC can achieve complete PV deployment from 10 to 17 years according to its operating expensesGemenskaper för förnybar energi (REC) är ett instrument som ger konsumenterna inflytande och hjälper dem att bli prosumenter i energiomställningen för att minska koldioxidhalten i energinätet. Europeiska kommissionen införde konceptet genom direktivet om förnybar energi (RED2) 2019. Många energisamhällen lobbade under utarbetandet av ändringen för att få det infört. Därmed beaktades deras erfarenheter och svårigheter för att underlätta genomförandet. Rivas-Vaciamadrid (RIVAS) är en kommun i Spanien som vill omvandla sig själv till en REC. Ett av de första stegen för att uppnå detta mål har varit att bedöma dess potential för solceller. I januari 2022 inledde RIVAS projektet, och Research to Market Solutions (R2M) vann anbudsförfarandet genom att erbjuda ett grundligt förslag för att utföra bedömningen av solcellerna och definiera en strategi för att införa REC. Avhandlingen är inriktad på att utvärdera potentialen hos RIVAS REC genom att skapa ett byggnadsbestånd med hjälp av geografiska informationssystem. Analysen skapar byggnadsarketyper för att individuellt skapa profiler för energiefterfrågan och få fram den årliga energiefterfrågan. Arketyperna används också för att utvärdera den tillgängliga solcellsytan i varje byggnad. Genom att använda en simuleringsmotor från företaget IES simuleras energisamhället. Resultaten visar att RIVAS REC har en elförbrukning på 271,32 GWh/år. Kostnaden för denna el är 75,9 miljoner euro. Dess potentiella solcellskapacitet är 292,81 GWh/år. Den producerade solcellselen täcker 41 % av efterfrågan. 38 % av den producerade solcellselen är självförbrukad. Kommunen består av fyra sektorer: bostäder, handel, industri och högteknologi. Bostadssektorn förbrukar 51 % av den totala elektriciteten. REC gynnar sig själv genom en 42-procentig minskning av sin elavgift. Den föreslagna affärsmodellen går ut på att använda kommunens byggnader och installera solceller på deras tak. Dessa byggnader kommer att fungera som knutpunkter för att skapa 17 energisamhällen. Den producerade elen är självförbrukad, vilket minskar deras elräkning med 42 %. Överskottsel säljs till medlemmarna och ger en vinst som kan återinvesteras för att stödja ytterligare installation av solceller. REC kan uppnå fullständig installation av solceller på 10-17 år beroende på kostnaderna för att driva de

    General theory of swimming in curved spacetime

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    Swimming in curved spacetime is a phenomenon in which free bodies in curved spacetimes are able to propel themselves by performing cyclic internal motions. Most surprisingly, it has been suggested that, in the limit of fast cycles, the effective motion would not depend on the rapidity of the internal motions but only on the sequence of shapes assumed by the body, just like a swimmer in a non-turbulent viscous fluid. Since a rigorous treatment of this problem was still missing, in this paper we present a general, covariant theory of swimming in curved spacetime. We show that the effect can indeed take place, but it only displays this geometric-phase character in special circumstances (even within the limit of fast cycles). Our methods are fairly general, providing a technique to study the motion of free small articulated bodies in general relativity by mapping the problem to an analogue in special relativity.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Diseño y Desarrollo de un Índice Basado en Hiperplanos para Búsqueda en Espacios Métricos

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    109 p.La constante evolución de los datos en los últimos tiempos ha provocado que organizar la información con los métodos tradicionales se vuelva muy dificultoso. Es por esto que la investigación en esta área ha crecido bastante. Uno de los problemas más importantes al momento de administrar bases de datos con los métodos tradicionales, es que existen algunos conjuntos de datos donde la búsqueda exacta no tiene mayor sentido. En estos casos es necesario considerar la búsqueda por proximidad o similitud. Para enfrentar este nuevo problema los datos se pueden modelar como un espacio métrico (EM), que se de ne como el par (X; d), en que X denota el universo de objetos válidos y d una función de distancia (no negativa) entre cualquier par de objetos, que generalmente es costosa de calcular. Es por esta última razón que los EM se indexan con estructuras que permiten reducir el número de cálculos de distancia al momento de realizar búsquedas por similitud. Existen índices que permiten resolver consultas por similitud de forma exacta. Sin embargo, hay varios espacios métricos de interés práctico donde el rendimiento de estos índices decae. En estos casos existen alternativas no exactas, como por ejemplo el índice basado en permutantes (IBP). Este índice permite cambiar el espacio del problema a uno en donde es más barato calcular la distancia y de esta forma de finir un orden de revisión promisorio al momento de resolver las búsquedas. En esta memoria se proponen dos índices no exactos que utilizan una estrategia basada en el particionado por hiperplanos. En ellos cada elemento se representa con una firma binaria que es una secuencia de bits que se calcula a partir de los elementos que constituyen los hiperplanos. Similar al caso del IBP, al representar los elementos con firmas binarias se puede definir un orden promisorio de revisión. Una característica importante de este trabajo es la utilización de poco espacio de memoria. Para evaluar los índices propuestos, se realiza una comparación de rendimiento a mismo espacio de memoria utilizada con respecto al IBP. Los resultados obtenidos para el primer índice muestran un mejor comportamiento al momento de realizar búsquedas. Por su parte, aún cuando el segundo índice no logró superar a los permutantes es importante continuar con su investigación, ya que podría ser útil para categorizar a los elementos

    Htr2a Gene and 5-HT2A Receptor Expression in the Cerebral Cortex Studied Using Genetically Modified Mice

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    Serotonin receptors of the 5-HT2A subtype are robustly expressed in the cerebral cortex where they have been implicated in the pathophysiology and therapeutics of mental disorders and the actions of hallucinogens. Much less is known, however, about the specific cell types expressing 5-HT2A receptors in cortex. In the current study we use immunohistochemical and electrophysiological approaches in genetically modified mice to address the expression of the Htr2a gene and 5-HT2A receptors in cortex. We first use an EGFP-expressing BAC transgenic mice and identify three main Htr2A gene expressing neuronal populations in cortex. The largest of these cell populations corresponds to layer V pyramidal cells of the anterior cortex, followed by GABAergic interneurons of the middle layers, and non-pyramidal cells of the subplate/Layer VIb. We then use 5-HT2A receptor knockout mice to identify an antibody capable of localizing 5-HT2A receptors in brain and use it to map these receptors. We find strong laminar expression of 5-HT2A receptors in cortex, especially along a diffuse band overlaying layer Va. This band exhibits a strong anteroposterior gradient that closely matches the localization of Htr2A expressing pyramidal cells of layer V. Finally we use electrophysiological and immunohistochemical approaches to show that most, but not all, GABAergic interneurons of the middle layers are parvalbumin expressing Fast-spiking interneurons and that these cells are depolarized and excited by serotonin, most likely through the activation of 5-HT2A receptors. These results clarify and extend our understanding of the cellular distribution of 5-HT2A receptors in the cerebral cortex