43 research outputs found

    Contribution of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for development: a case study in Brazil

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    The concept of development as freedom can be seen as an expansion process of real freedoms people enjoy, associated with their freedom of choices in social, political and economical spheres. Certain international agencies propose that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) allow this development to be reached more efficiently and quickly. While there are success stories galore, there is acknowledgement of not all investments in ICT bringing positive effects towards development. Following this development approach and choice framework, this paper discusses how the use of ICT can promote a more effective development, buy studying the case of Sudotec (an association for technological and industrial development in the southwest of the state of Paraná, in Brazil). It is a non-profit organization that saw in ICT the opportunity to change the local scenario. The results revealed positive effects of the use of ICT in social, economical and cultural spheres, not presenting political effect


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    The objective was to provide a framework that assists in understanding the phenomenon of university-industry technological cooperation in science parks. The research was of an exploratory and qualitative nature and its methodology was based on multiple case studies. As instruments of data collection, semi-structured interviews were conducted, supported by documental secondary data. The contentfor analysis was obtained from interviews and documentary analysis of secondary data. Field research was conducted with representatives of companies in the technology park Tecnopuc and with university researchers within PUC-RS, and comprised of three selected processes of cooperation, following six interviews. As a result, the conceptual model application allowed for the observation that there are still elements that can be added to the taxonomy proposed in respect of drivers, barriers/facilitators and the characterization of university-industry cooperation. The results demonstrate that it is possible to recognize the importance of informal ties occurring within the space and technology park and to demonstrate the conceptual model developed as a framework to be applied in future studies on the subject of university-industry cooperation.O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em apresentar um modelo conceitual que auxilie no entendimento do fenômeno de cooperação tecnológica Universidade-Empresa (U-E) em parques tecnológicos. A pesquisa se baseou na metodologia de estudo de casos múltiplos, de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, tendo como instrumentos de coleta de dados roteiros de entrevista semiestruturada, corroborados por levantamento de dados secundários documentais. Foram realizadas a análise de conteúdo dos dados obtidos nas entrevistas e a análise documental dos dados secundários. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada com representantes das empresas do parque tecnológico Tecnopuc e pesquisadores da universidade PUC-RS, e compreendeu três processos selecionados de cooperação, desdobrados em seis entrevistas. Como resultado, pode-se aplicar o modelo conceitual e observar que ainda existem elementos que podem ser adicionados à taxonomia proposta, no que diz respeito a motivadores, barreiras/facilitadores e à caracterização da cooperação U-E, bem como reconhecer a importância das ligações informais que ocorrem dentro do espaço do parque tecnológico e demonstrar o modelo conceitual desenvolvido como proposta para aplicação em estudos futuros sobre a temática de cooperação U-E


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    The objective was to provide a framework that assists in understanding the phenomenon of university-industry technological cooperation in science parks. The research was of an exploratory and qualitative nature and its methodology was based on multiple case studies. As instruments of data collection, semi-structured interviews were conducted, supported by documental secondary data. The contentfor analysis was obtained from interviews and documentary analysis of secondary data. Field research was conducted with representatives of companies in the technology park Tecnopuc and with university researchers within PUC-RS, and comprised of three selected processes of cooperation, following six interviews. As a result, the conceptual model application allowed for the observation that there are still elements that can be added to the taxonomy proposed in respect of drivers, barriers/facilitators and the characterization of university-industry cooperation. The results demonstrate that it is possible to recognize the importance of informal ties occurring within the space and technology park and to demonstrate the conceptual model developed as a framework to be applied in future studies on the subject of university-industry cooperation.O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em apresentar um modelo conceitual que auxilie no entendimento do fenômeno de cooperação tecnológica Universidade-Empresa (U-E) em parques tecnológicos. A pesquisa se baseou na metodologia de estudo de casos múltiplos, de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, tendo como instrumentos de coleta de dados roteiros de entrevista semiestruturada, corroborados por levantamento de dados secundários documentais. Foram realizadas a análise de conteúdo dos dados obtidos nas entrevistas e a análise documental dos dados secundários. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada com representantes das empresas do parque tecnológico Tecnopuc e pesquisadores da universidade PUC-RS, e compreendeu três processos selecionados de cooperação, desdobrados em seis entrevistas. Como resultado, pode-se aplicar o modelo conceitual e observar que ainda existem elementos que podem ser adicionados à taxonomia proposta, no que diz respeito a motivadores, barreiras/facilitadores e à caracterização da cooperação U-E, bem como reconhecer a importância das ligações informais que ocorrem dentro do espaço do parque tecnológico e demonstrar o modelo conceitual desenvolvido como proposta para aplicação em estudos futuros sobre a temática de cooperação U-E

    Institutos de investigación de Paraná y el uso de sus recursos en el desarrollo de relaciones cooperativas con empresas

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    Management use of resources in Research Institutes, to develop relations with companies was investigated. Consideration was given to financial, human, organizational, physical, technological and reputational resources. Based upon literature, management aspects analyzed were technological competence, formal and informal structure, identification of demands, institutional marketing, negotiation processes and transfer of technology were also included. The case study method was applied in two important research institutes of Paraná. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews, non-participant observation and analysis of documents. Results showed that the importance of a specific resource varies in accordance with the aspect of management considered. However, these resources are interconnected and contribute to more effective institute interaction with the productive sector. In order to develop new relations with companies, these institutes should continually seek to improve management processes by maintenance and expansion and of their resources.El presente artículo tiene por objetivo comprobar como la gestión de los institutos de investigación utilizan sus recursos en el desarrollo de relaciones con empresas. En la investigación realizada, fueron considerados los recursos financieros, humanos, organizacionales, físicos, tecnológicos y de reputación. Y, con base en la literatura, los aspectos de gestión analizados fueron: competencias tecnológicas; estructura formal e informal; identificación de demandas; marketing institucional; proceso de negociación; transferencia de tecnología. El método adoptado ha sido el estudio de casos múltiplos, realizado en dos de los principales institutos de investigación de Paraná. Los datos fueron colectados por medio de entrevistas con plan de trabajo semiestructurado, observación no-participante y análisis de documentos. Los resultados encontrados muestran que la importancia de determinado recurso cambia conforme el aspecto de gestión considerado. Entretanto, tales recursos están interconectados y contribuyen para que los institutos interactúen de modo más presente y efectivo con el sector productivo. Y, a la vista el objetivo de desarrollar nuevos relacionamientos con empresas, los institutos deben buscar continuamente mejorar sus procesos de gestión por medio de la ampliación y manutención de sus recursos.O presente artigo tem por objetivo verificar como a gestão dos institutos de pesquisa utiliza seus recursos no desenvolvimento de relações com empresas. Na pesquisa realizada, foram considerados os recursos financeiros, humanos, organizacionais, físicos, tecnológicos e de reputação. Com base na literatura, os aspectos de gestão analisados foram: competências tecnológicas; estrutura formal e informal; identificação de demandas; marketing institucional; processo de negociação e transferência de tecnologia. O método adotado foi o estudo de casos múltiplos, realizado em dois dos principais institutos de pesquisa do Paraná. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado, observação não-participante e análise de documentos. Os resultados encontrados mostram que a importância de determinado recurso varia conforme o aspecto de gestão considerado. Entretanto, tais recursos estão interligados e contribuem para que os institutos interajam de modo mais presente e efetivo com o setor produtivo. Tendo em vista o objetivo de desenvolver novos relacionamentos com empresas, os institutos devem buscar continuamente melhorar seus processos de gestão por meio da ampliação e manutenção de seus recursos

    Innovation In Universities: brazilian academic research in the period of 2001-2010

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    Universities play an important role in economic development and in the network to improve innovation in organizations. Besides the acknowledged influence in innovation to the outside, is important to consider the ability of universities to innovate on the inside too, in its process and choices. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the academic research about innovation in universities, considering Brazilians journals in the period of 2001-2010. The research was exploratory and bibliographic, using thirty five journals classified by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) in the levels A1, A2, B1, B2 e B3. Between those, sixteen presented the total of thirty five articles about the main subject. The results revealed that the biggest part of articles is published in only five journals, mostly into evaluation level B3. Most of those were writing by two authors, usually from different institutions, and there is a growing tendency in the number of publications, especially in the evaluation level B3. The most frequent subject was de University-Industry relationships, with lower participation from the subjects: patenting, incubators, Center for Technological Innovation (CTI), academic spin-offs, technology transfer, and innovation adoption. The study concludes that almost all of the publications deals with the perspective of innovations produced by university for external environment, and the innovations for the internal environment have poorest publication, which leads on to the need of development of an innovation culture in universities, in order to improve its innovative and entrepreneurial abilities.Universities play an important role in economic development and in the network to improve innovation in organizations. Besides the acknowledged influence in innovation to the outside, is important to consider the ability of universities to innovate on the inside too, in its process and choices. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the academic research about innovation in universities, considering Brazilians journals in the period of 2001-2010. The research was exploratory and bibliographic, using thirty five journals classified by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) in the levels A1, A2, B1, B2 e B3. Between those, sixteen presented the total of thirty five articles about the main subject. The results revealed that the biggest part of articles is published in only five journals, mostly into evaluation level B3. Most of those were writing by two authors, usually from different institutions, and there is a growing tendency in the number of publications, especially in the evaluation level B3. The most frequent subject was de University-Industry relationships, with lower participation from the subjects: patenting, incubators, Center for Technological Innovation (CTI), academic spin-offs, technology transfer, and innovation adoption. The study concludes that almost all of the publications deals with the perspective of innovations produced by university for external environment, and the innovations for the internal environment have poorest publication, which leads on to the need of development of an innovation culture in universities, in order to improve its innovative and entrepreneurial abilities


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    Public Research Institutes (PRI) in Brazil have played a considerable role in the development of the country given the design and creation of specific usable knowledge in their areas. To this process is important the knowledge’s systematization created through patents, since it allows that the ‘best’ knowledge is practically implemented and what benefits are obtained for such institutions and for the country. Through the survey of patent applications, this paper demonstrates the technological development promoted by PRI. Based on deposits of patents in Thomson Innovation data, is performed a quantitative approach, from the collection of secondary data, based on frequency analysis, regression and chi-square test. We conducted a survey of patent deposits by PRI from 2004 to 2013, proving the joint and individual technological development, the most frequente types of partners promoters of deposits. Thus, we propose a presentation and signaling technological development of PRI by production of patente deposits and this becomes the basis for further analysis

    Inside the Black box of the Social Innovation: Proposing a Theoretical-Explanatory Model on its Development Process and Suggestions for Future Research

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    A inovação social vem sendo considerada como uma resposta aos problemas que afligem a sociedade, como a pobreza, a fome e os desafios relacionados aos limites dos recursos ambientais. Embora um considerável número de pesquisas tenha sido realizado, há espaço para contribuições que se dediquem a compreender o que ocorre dentro dessa “caixa preta”, em referência ao termo utilizado por Rosenberg (1982), a fim de melhor esclarecer o processo de inovação social. Nesse sentido, este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar o processo de inovação social e propor um modelo teórico-explicativo. Para tanto, é feita uma revisão das contribuições presentes na literatura sobre modelos utilizados para explicar o processo de inovação social. Uma vez constatada falta de consenso, foi sugerido um modelo teórico-explicativo como principal contribuição deste estudo. O modelo proposto apresenta o processo de inovação social como sendo composto por sete fases: investigação, análise e proposição de soluções, formalização e projeto piloto, manutenção, avaliação, escalabilidade, mudança social sistêmica. Além disso, este estudo chama atenção para o modo coletivo com que a inovação social é desenvolvida, embora os modelos publicados não revelem tal especificidade. A partir da perspectiva processual proposta, novas possibilidades de pesquisas podem ser desenvolvidas na tentativa de melhor compreender a trajetória de projetos de inovação social por meio de um olhar mais específico.Social innovation has been considered as a response to the problems that afflict society, such as poverty, hunger, and challenges related to the limits of environmental resources. Although a considerable number of researches have been carried out, contributions are still needed to better understand what happens inside this “black box”, in reference to the term used by Rosenberg (1982), in order to clarify the process of social innovation. In this sense, this study aims to analyse the process of innovation and propose a theoretical-explanatory model. Therefore, a review of the contributions present in the literature on models used to explain the process of social innovation was developed. Once there was a lack of consensus, we suggested a theoretical-explanatory model as the main contribution of this study. The model proposed presents the social innovation process as being composed of seven phases: research, analysis and proposition of solutions, formalization and pilot design, maintenance, evaluation, scalability, systemic social change. In addition, this study draws attention to the collective way in which social innovation is developed, although the published models do not reveal such specificity. From the proposed procedural perspective, new research possibilities can be developed in an attempt to better understand the trajectory of social innovation projects through a more specific look

    Ecopreneurs and the Entrepreneurial Life Cycle Stages: A Multicase Study In Environmental Businesses

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    Purpose – This study proposes to analyze the adaptation of ecopreneurs in each stage of the entrepreneurial life cycle. Design/methodology/approach – Based on a qualitative approach of a descriptive nature, a multiple case study was conducted comprising four entrepreneurs from environmental enterprises. The data collection was performed through semi-structured interviews and documental analysis, and analyzed using the content analysis technique. Findings – The results demonstrated that two stages demand common adaptations regardless of the context of the business, and the other one requires specific adjustments. Thus, a framework was proposed to present the adaptations ecopreneurs need to make during each stage of the entrepreneurial life cycle. Originality/value – This study is expected to contribute to the literature regarding entrepreneurs and the stages of the entrepreneurial life cycle, as well as to ecopreneurs, specifically, by providing them with empirical data regarding possible adaptations they may face during each stage of the entrepreneurial life cycl


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    The improvement of the environmental administration in the organizations has led companies to adopt technological innovations to this end. However, few studies seek to relate the adoption of these innovations with positive posterior financial results. This article, part of the master dissertation, presents the process of the adoption of technological innovations directed toward the improvement of environmental administration and its observed financial results in the Company of Sanitation of Paraná State (Sanepar). For the accomplishment of the descriptive research the case study method was used, and the information was collected during in depth interviews. The results showed, in addition to the actions promoted by the adopted technological innovations, allowing the company to contemplate various environmental commitments, the proportionate financial return on the so-called “Waste Reduction Project”O aperfeiçoamento da gestão ambiental nas organizações tem conduzido empresas a adoção de inovações tecnológicas para esse fim. No entanto, poucos estudos procuram relacionar a adoção dessas inovações com positivos resultados financeiros posteriores. Esse artigo, produzido a partir de dissertação de mestrado, apresenta o processo de adoção de inovações tecnológicas voltadas para a melhoria da gestão ambiental e seus resultados financeiros observados na Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (Sanepar). Para realização da pesquisa descritiva utilizou-se o método estudo de caso, em que as informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas em profundidade. Os resultados demonstraram, além das ações mitigadoras promovidas pelas inovações tecnológicas adotadas, permitindo que a empresa contemplasse diversos compromissos ambientais, também o retorno financeiro proporcionado pelo denominado “Projeto de Redução de Desperdícios”