477 research outputs found

    Psychological Climate, Work Engagement, Intention to Leave and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour in Small Hospitality Businesses.

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    The aim of the current study was to examine the interrelations of important work related variables within small New Zealand based hospitality organisations in order to enhance the understanding of factors that contribute to success within these organisations. Of particular interest was the role of employee work environment perceptions (psychological climate) in relation to employee work engagement, intention to leave and organisational citizenship behaviour directed at the organisation (OCBO). Two theoretical models were tested to investigate the expected role of psychological climate. Model 1 was a mediation model wherein work engagement was expected to mediate between psychological climate, and intention to leave and OCBO. Model 2 took an alternative approach in which psychological climate was posed as a moderator of predicted work engagement-intention to leave and intention to leave-OCBO relationships. In total, 177 surveys were included in the data analyses. The results provided full support for Model 1, showing significant relationships between all psychological climate dimensions and work engagement. Work engagement in turn was negatively related to intention to leave and positively related to OCBO. Work engagement mediated the relationships between the psychological climate dimensions and intention to leave and OCBO. Little support was found, however, for Model 2. Although, as predicted, there were negative relationships between work engagement and intention to leave, and intention to leave and OCBO, intention to leave was not found to mediate between work engagement and OCBO. More importantly, no moderation effects were observed for the psychological climate dimensions. No causal inferences may be drawn from the results of this study. Nevertheless, the findings do suggest that psychological climate has an important role to play in determining levels of work engagement, which in turn impacts on employee intentions to leave their jobs and to voluntarily demonstrate behaviours that can enhance organisational effectiveness. Additionally, the negative correlations between intention to leave and OCBO indicate that employees who are seriously entertaining the idea of exiting the organisation may reduce their levels of OCBO. It is suggested that owner/managers of small hospitality organisations actively focus on modifying aspects of the work environment that are likely to promote favourable work environment perceptions and positively shape employees work-related affective-cognitive state


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    This research is an analysis of Hiroshima City Condition Before and After Bombed by United States as Depicted in John Hersey’s “Hiroshima”: Historical Approach. It is research has two specific objectives of this research, first is to find out the problems faced by the people of Hiroshima before and after the bombing. The second are to find out the facts of the historical facts after bombed. The methodology used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data would be gathered from primary source, which is the novel Hiroshima, and secondary sources from various sources, such as history books. The analysis of this study applies the historical approach of Hippolyte Adolph Taine (1872) which explains the race, milieu, and moment. The problem of the Hiroshima community before and after the bombing is proven where many of citizens in Hiroshima lived improperly because the condition of economic matters was paralytic. And the condition be apprehensive is many of citizen in Hiroshima died and were permanently disabled. Then historical facts are also found, namely the surrender of Japan on August 15, 1945 which is announced by the emperor Tenno and the construction of a national monument named the Institute of International Amity. With all these facts, the researchers then concluded that Hiroshima, written by John Hersey indeed contained facts about the fear and anxiety of the Hiroshima community before and after the bombings carried out by United States soldiers


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    This research discusses about apology strategies found in The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The aim of this research is to find out and describe the type of apology strategies based on Trosborg’s theory in Ellen DeGeneres talk show. The researcher used qualitative descriptive method. Data is collected based on utterances contained in Ellen DeGeneres show using non-participatory techniques. In gained the data, the researcher watches The Ellen DeGeneres show on YouTube, then read the subtitle and observe the subtitle to find out the data. Then, researcher used identity method in analyzing data. The finding is shown that there are three types from five types of apology strategies in this talk show. They are: 4 direct apology (expression of regret and offer of apology), 3 indirect apology (explicit explanation, lack of intent and explicit acknowledgment) and 3 remedial support (offer of repair, blaming someone else and concern for hearer).In conclusion, that direct and indirect apology the most frequent data found in the Ellen DeGeneres show. Keyword: pragmatics, speech act, apology strategie

    Efektivitas Project Based Learning Berbasis Ict Terhadap Kemampuan Critical Thinking Mahasiswa Efl

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    This research is based on the findings of the previous studies which show that there are still low quality of Critical Thinking of students. Therefore, it is necessary to apply ICT-based learning as well as to optimize the Critical Thinking ability of the students. One of the learning method in the 21st century is the Project Based Learning based ICT. The purpose of this study is to solve the problem concerning the are still low quality of Critical Thinking students as well as the problems faced by lecturers who teach in universities in Batam.This is a quasi-experimental research that want to find out the efectivenes of Project Based Learning bsed ICT towards Criical Thinking of EFL students in Batam. An eexperimental class is given a treatment used Project Based Learning based ICT with critical thinking theory. Then, control class is given a treathment used conventional method with critical thinking theory Then the researcher calculated the data using the normality test. The normality of control class L observed <L table (0.099 <0.165) and in the experimental class (0.133 <0.162). Thus, it can be concluded that all data is normally distributed. Then the homogeneity test is conducted where F observed is <F table (1.20 <1.88. So it can be concluded that all data is homogeneous. The last is the hypothesis test where T observed> T table (7.50> 2.00). Therefore, it can be concluded that the proposed hypothesis is accepted. Thus Project Based Learning based ICT method has a significant influence on the Critical Thinking ability of EFL students in BatamPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh hasil temuan tim peneliti dan studi terdahulu yang menunjukkan bahwa masih rendahnya kualitas Critical Thinking mahasiswa.Oleh karena itu diperlukan teknik pembelajaran yang berbasis ICT yang dapat diterapkan kepada mahasiswa pekerja Industri sekaligus mampu mengoptimalkan kemampuan Critical Thinking mahasiswa tersebut. Salah satu teknik pembelajaran di abad 21 ini adalah Project Based Learning berbasis ICT. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk pemecahan permasalahan menyangkut masih rendahnya kualitas Critical Thinking mahasiswa sekaligus permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh dosen yang mengajar pada perguruan tinggi di Batam.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuasi-experimental yang bersifat kuantitatif untuk menguji pengaruh independent variable terhadap dependent variable yaitu menguji evektifitas teknik pembelajaran Project Based Learning berbasis ICT terhadap kemampuan Critical Thinking mahasiswa EFL di Batam. Kelas experimen akan diberikan perlakuan yaitu teori critical thinking, dengan menggunakan teknik Project Based Learning berbasis ICT dan pada kelas kontrol akan diberikan teori critical thinking tanpa menggunakan teknik tersebut. Selanjutnya, tim peneliti melakukan penghitungan data dengan menggunakan uji normalitas dimana pada kelas kontrol Lobserved < Ltable (0.099 < 0.165) dan pada kelas eksperimen (0.133 < 0.162) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua data terdistribusi normal. Kemudian dilakukan uji homogenitas dimana Fobserved < Ftable (1.20 < 1.88) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua data homogen. Terakhir adalah uji hipotesis dimana Tobserved > Ttable (7.50 > 2.00) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan diterima. Dengan demikian, metode pembelajaran Project Based Learning berbasis ICT ini memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan Critical Thinking mahasiswa EFL di Batam


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji hubungan adversity quotient dan dukungan sosial dengan prokrastinasi akademik dalam penyelesaian skripsi pada mahasiswa yang bekerja. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa STMIK-STIE Mikroskil Medan yang belum lulus sejumlah 83 mahasiswa dari 2 angkatan yaitu 2008 dan 2009. Pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dengan total sampling. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan 3 (tiga) jenis skala yaitu skala prokrastinasi akademik, skala adversity quotient dan skala dukungan sosial. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh koefisien Freg=97,952 dimana p<0,05. Menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara adversity quotient dan dukungan sosial dengan prokrastinasi akademik dalam menyelesaikan skripsi pada mahasiswa yang bekerja di STMIK-STIE Mikroskil. variabel adversity quotient dengan prokrastinasi akademik memiliki nilai sebesar 0,276 dengan nilai p<0,05, artinya arah hubungan variabel negatif yaitu semakin tinggi adversity quotient akan semakin rendah prokrastinasi akademik. Sedangkan variabel dukungan sosial dengan prokrastinasi akademik memiliki nilai sebesar -0,787 dengan p<0,05, artinya arah hubungan kedua variabel negatif, artinya semakin tinggi dukungan sosial akan semakin rendah prokrastinasi akademik.Kata Kunci : Prokrastinasi akademik, Adversity Quotient, Dukungan sosia


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     Abstract The Form and Sectional Structure of “Alla Turca” Rondo Music by WA. Mozart. The basic method that will be applied in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. In addition, the approach method used was the library method so that it was found and produced the Sectional Forms and Structures of WA's Rondo "Alla Turca" Music. Mozart. famous for its characteristic piano music, its musical form has a distinctive classical Rondo structure pattern, A B C B A B' and Coda. In addition to the typical 'brilliant' Rondo Form structure in Baroque terms, the use of chord levels (harmony progression) and rhythmic playing makes Rondo's music more lively, fast, and joyful. The sectional structure in Rondo Alla Turca Music by W. A. Mozart, the basis of the scale is diatonic-tonality, the basis of harmony is tri- voice major and minor, the rhythmic basis is duple and triple and symmetrical patterns, while the cadence (V-I or I-V-I), (V- VII7), (IV-I), (V-VI), (IV6-V-II). Form and sectional structure of Alla Turca rondo music. needs to be analyzed to describe music through forms, melodic sequences, tones, rhythms and harmonies that form a unified composition. This is done because music analysis is an important part of music theory, directed towards an approach towards musical understanding to be able to lead to understanding. In the listening process, the ability to follow a melodic groove in a musical pattern in a musical composition becomes a very important fundamental thing. In order to gain an understanding and understanding of the form and sectional structure of Alla Turca's rondo music, one must start from musical grammar, compositional techniques, form, structure, harmony, musical style.Keywords: Form; Sectional Structure; Music; RondoBENTUK DAN STRUKTUR SEKSIONAL MUSIK RONDO" ALLA TURCA" KARYA W.A MOZARTAbstrakBentuk dan Struktur Seksional Musik Rondo “Alla Turca” Karya WA. Mozart. Teknik analisis data adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang merupakan metode penelitian yang menganalisis tentang persepsi untuk mendapatkan informasi lengkap tentang bentuk dan struktur seksional musik rondo “Alla Turca” karya WA. Mozart. Terkenal dengan ciri khas musik piano, bentuk musikalnya memiliki pola struktur Rondo Klasik yang khas, A B C B A B’ dan Coda. Selain pola struktur Rondo Form yang khas ‘brilliant’ dalam istilah Barok, penggunaan tingkat akor (progressi harmoni) dan permainan ritme menjadikan musik Rondo ini lebih lincah, cepat, gembira. Struktur seksional dalam musik Rondo Alla Turca Karya W. A. Mozart, dasar tangga nada adalah tonalitas-diatonis, dasar harmoni tri suara mayor dan minor, dasar ritmis adalah duple dan triple serta pola-pola simetris, sedangakn kadens (V-I atau I-V-I), (V-VII7), (IV-I), (V-VI), (IV6-V-II). Bentuk dan struktur seksional musik rondo Alla Turca karya WA. Mozart penting dilakukan analisis untuk menguraikan musik melalui bentuk, rangkaian melodi, jalinan nada, ritme dan harmoni yang menjadi kesatuan komposisi. Hal ini dilakukan karena analisis musik adalah ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan antar elemen musik yang memperhatikan unsur musik yaitu, melodi, ritme dan harmoni secara detail yang menyusun karya tersebut.Untuk memperoleh pengertian dan pemahaman tentang bentuk dan struktur seksional musik rondo Alla Turca harus bertitik tolak dari gramatika musik, teknik komposisi, bentuk, struktur, harmoni, gaya musik.Kata Kunci:  Bentuk; Struktur seksional; Musik; Rondo


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    The aim of this research was to analyze the type and reason of address terms in WhatsApp group of Putera Batam University Justice League (2017) movie. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The research used observational method non-participatory technique to collect the data. The data was analyzed by applying the theory of Wardaugh (2010). The results found that the type of address terms were 8 data in first name (FN) in Man, Alfred, Diana, Barry, Howard, Silas, Bruce, Victor, 2 data in last name (LN) in Allen, Lane, 2 data in title (T) in Queen, Soldiers, 1 data in title plus last name (TLN) in Ms. Prince, 4 data in pet name (PN) in Aquaman, Batman, Cyborg, Superman and 3 data in kinship term (KT) in Dad, Mother, Child. The research also found the reasons of address term with 12 data in intimacy in Ma, Children, Diana, Man, Victor, Arthur, Barry, Alfred, guys, Bruce, Mom, Superman, 5 data in power differential in Mr. Wilson, Master Wayne, ma'am, insects, Luthor and 3 data in equality in Clark, Steppenwolf and Kal-El. Based on the results, it can be concluded that first name (FN) is the most found type of address term and intimacy is the most in reason of address term


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    At present, the ability to write scientifically becomes an important skill mastered by students. Students need to have good writing skills using reasoning and logic that focuses on what must be believed or done based on mechanisms, such as doing conceptual analysis and arguments for problem solving and decision making. The concept of semantic mapping is an effective strategy to improve student writing skills. This study explores the effectiveness of the concept of semantic mapping in the development of students' writing skills in essay writing. This study was classified into a quasi-experimental design. In this study the population is students of Universal Batam University who are registered in the 2018-2019 academic year. The instrument of this research is a writing test. Data were analyzed with several analyzes, namely normality testing, homogeneity testing, and hypothesis testing. In testing the research hypothesis, the researcher used the t-test for the related sample and the Wilcoxon test. Based on the analysis it was found that the average score of students in the pre test was 7.89 and the average score of the students in the post test was 12. T-score count is t = 3.83 and a significant standard of 0.05. While t table is only 2,306. Because t count is greater than t table (tobserved> t table), so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Hi) is accepted. So, based on these results, it was concluded that there was a statistical difference between the pre-test at the 0.05 level. This means that learning argumentative writing based on the theory of semantic mapping has a significant influence on students' argumentative writing skills.At present, the ability to write scientifically becomes an important skill mastered by students. Students need to have good writing skills using reasoning and logic that focuses on what must be believed or done based on mechanisms, such as doing conceptual analysis and arguments for problem solving and decision making. The concept of semantic mapping is an effective strategy to improve student writing skills. This study explores the effectiveness of the concept of semantic mapping in the development of students' writing skills in essay writing. This study was classified into a quasi-experimental design. In this study the population is students of Universal Batam University who are registered in the 2018-2019 academic year. The instrument of this research is a writing test. Data were analyzed with several analyzes, namely normality testing, homogeneity testing, and hypothesis testing. In testing the research hypothesis, the researcher used the t-test for the related sample and the Wilcoxon test. Based on the analysis it was found that the average score of students in the pre test was 7.89 and the average score of the students in the post test was 12. T-score count is t = 3.83 and a significant standard of 0.05. While t table is only 2,306. Because t count is greater than t table (tobserved> t table), so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Hi) is accepted. So, based on these results, it was concluded that there was a statistical difference between the pre-test at the 0.05 level. This means that learning argumentative writing based on the theory of semantic mapping has a significant influence on students' argumentative writing skills

    Penerapan Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Berbasis Komputer di Puskesmas Jongaya Kota Makassar

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    Sistem informasi pelayanan kesehatan sebaiknya mengikuti kemajuan teknologi dengan menggunakan SIMPUS (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Puskesmas), dalam penerapannya di butuhkan review untuk mengetahui masalah yang ada. Berdasarkan observasi awal penggunaan SIMPUS di puskesmas Jongaya masih kekurangan SDM kualifikasi pendidikan teknologi informasi dan  jaringan yang tidak stabil. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi secara mendalam penerapan sistem informasi kesehatan berbasis komputer dari segi perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, basis data dan sumber daya manusia. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Informan di tentukan dengan teknik purposive Sampling dengan jumlah 7 informan. Pengumpulan dilakukan melalui teknik indepth interview (wawancara mendalam), observasi dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian ada 15 unit komputer di setiap unit pelayanan, terdapat 7 aplikasi yang digunakan yakni PRIMARY CARE, SISFOMAS, ESISMAL, DHIS, SIHA, SIMBAKDA, dan SIADINDA, aplikasi SISFOMAS dan P-CARE digunakan secara manual dan komputerisasi. Sumber Daya Manusia untuk operator SIMPUS belum sesuai dengan kualifikasi pendidikan. Kesimpulan kuantitas dan kualitas perangkat keras Komputer (Hardware) sudah cukup baik dan memadai, menggunakan Software (Perangkat Lunak) dengan 7 program aplikasi, penyimpanan data pasien menggunkan aplikasi SISFOMAS dan P-CARE dengan  cara manual dan komputerisasi, untuk penyimpanan data program dengan 2 cara manual dan aplikasi
