733 research outputs found

    Study of mechanisms controlling the ultraviolet photochemistry of associated and polymeric systems

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    Vacuum ultraviolet photoionization and photodissociation of associated and polymeric systems of liquid water and alcohol

    Self-hypnosis for anxiety associated with severe asthma: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Management of asthma can be complicated by both medical and psychiatric conditions, such as gastroesophageal reflux, chronic sinusitis, and anxiety. When symptoms of asthma are interpreted without regard to such conditions treatment may yield a suboptimal outcome. For example, anxiety-associated dyspnea, tachypnea, and chest tightness can be mistakenly interpreted as resulting from an exacerbation of asthma. Medical treatment directed only for asthma may thus lead to overuse of asthma medications and increased hospitalizations. CASE PRESENTATION: The described case illustrates how a systemic steroid-dependent patient with asthma benefited from receiving care from a pediatric pulmonologist who also was well versed in the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety. By using self-hypnosis, the patient was able to reduce her dependence on bronchodilators. Following modification of her medical therapy under supervision of the pulmonologist, and regular use of hypnosis, the patient ultimately was weaned off her systemic steroid therapy. CONCLUSIONS: This report emphasizes that anxiety must be considered as a comorbid condition in the treatment of asthma. Self-hypnosis can be a useful skill in the treatment of a patient with anxiety and asthma

    Early Childhood Teacher Job Satisfaction in Terms of Technostress and Work-Family Conflict in Indonesia

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    Teachers have an important and primary role in the education system. The achievement of the teacher's role in education will have an impact on job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the job satisfaction of Early Childhood Education teachers in terms of variables of technostress and work-family conflicts among teachers who are married. This study was designed with a correlational quantitative design. Data collection is done online with the assistance of Google forms-distributed throughout Indonesia. One hundred and fifty-seven teacher respondents who fit the criteria became the research sample. The data analysis technique uses hierarchical regression. The results of the analysis stated that there was a relationship between technostress and job satisfaction. The findings show that two of the five aspects of technostress that techno-overload and techno-insecurity have a negative correlation with job satisfaction, while techno-uncertainty has a positive correlation. In addition, two aspects of technostress namely techno-invasion and techno-complexity do not correlate with job satisfaction. next to the relationship between work-family conflict with job satisfaction. The findings show that one of the two aspects of work-family conflict is strain negatively correlated with job satisfaction while time and behavior do not correlate with job satisfaction. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that early childhood teachers are more affected by their job satisfaction technostress/techno-overload compared to work-family conflict. Keywords: early childhood teacher, job satisfaction, technostress, work-family conflict References:  A Suh, JL (2017). Understanding teleworkers' technostress and its influence on job satisfaction. Internet Research, 27(1), 140–159. https://doi.org/10.1108/IntR-06-2015-0181 1. Dwi Putranti, A., & Achmad Kurniady, D. (2013). 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    Adsorption of HO_x on Aerosol Surfaces: Implications for the Atmosphere of Mars

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    The potential impact of heterogeneous chemistry on the abundance and distribution of HO_x in the atmosphere of Mars has been assessed by combining observational data of dust and ice aerosol distributions with an updated photochemical model. Critical parameters include the altitude distributions of aerosols, and the surface loss coefficients (γ) of HO_2 on dust and ice in the lower atmosphere, and H on ice above 40 km. We find that adsorption of HO_2 on dust (γHO_2 ≥ 0.01), or ice near 30 km (γHO_2 ≥ 0.1), can deplete OH abundances in the lower atmosphere by 10% or more. Such depletions approach those obtained by lowering the water vapor abundance by an order of magnitude below the global average observed by Viking (≈ 25%). Since the oxidation of CO is catalyzed by HO_x in the lower atmosphere via the reaction CO + OH → CO_2 + H, loss of OH due to adsorption of HO_2 on dust or ice at low altitudes could have a significant effect on the ratio CO : CO_2. The adsorption of H on ice at 50 km (γ_H ≥ 0.01) can result in even larger OH depletions. However, this effect is localized to altitudes > 40 km, where CO oxidation is relatively unimportant. Laboratory data suggest that γHO_2 ≈ 0.01 is a reasonable estimate for adsorption on dust. Larger values are plausible, but are not strongly supported by experimental evidence. The reactivity of HO_2 on ice is unknown, while γH on ice appears to be < 0.001. There is a need for measurements of HO_x adsorption on surfaces representative of Martian aerosols at temperatures < 220 K

    Using Natural Stable Calcium Isotopes to Rapidly Assess Changes in Bone Mineral Balance Using a Bed Rest Model to Induce Bone Loss

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    Metabolic bone diseases like osteoporosis result from the disruption of normal bone mineral balance (BMB) resulting in bone loss. During spaceflight astronauts lose substantial bone. Bed rest provides an analog to simulate some of the effects of spaceflight; including bone and calcium loss and provides the opportunity to evaluate new methods to monitor BMB in healthy individuals undergoing environmentally induced-bone loss. Previous research showed that natural variations in the Ca isotope ratio occur because bone formation depletes soft tissue of light Ca isotopes while bone resorption releases that isotopically light Ca back into soft tissue (Skulan et al, 2007). Using a bed rest model, we demonstrate that the Ca isotope ratio of urine shifts in a direction consistent with bone loss after just 7 days of bed rest, long before detectable changes in bone mineral density (BMD) occur. The Ca isotope variations tracks changes observed in urinary N-teleopeptide, a bone resorption biomarker. Bone specific alkaline phosphatase, a bone formation biomarker, is unchanged. The established relationship between Ca isotopes and BMB can be used to quantitatively translate the changes in the Ca isotope ratio to changes in BMD using a simple mathematical model. This model predicts that subjects lost 0.25 0.07% ( SD) of their bone mass from day 7 to day 30 of bed rest. Given the rapid signal observed using Ca isotope measurements and the potential to quantitatively assess bone loss; this technique is well suited to study the short-term dynamics of bone metabolism

    Transcriptional Silencing of Multiple Genes in Trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica

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    In a previous work we described the transcriptional silencing of the amoebapore A (AP-A) gene (Ehap-a) of Entamoeba histolytica strain HM-1:IMSS. The silencing occurred following transfection with a plasmid containing a 5′ upstream region (473 bp) of Ehap-a that included a truncated segment (140 bp) of a short interspersed nuclear element (SINE1). Silencing remained in effect even after removal of the plasmid (clone G3). Neither short interfering RNA nor methylated DNA were detected, but the chromatin domain of Ehap-a in the gene-silenced trophozoites was modified. Two other similar genes (Ehap-b and one encoding a Saposin-like protein, SAPLIP 1) also became silenced. In the present work we demonstrate the silencing of a second gene of choice, one that encodes the light subunit of the Gal/GalNAc inhibitable lectin (Ehlgl1) and the other, the cysteine proteinase 5 (EhCP-5). This silencing occurred in G3 trophozoites transfected with a plasmid in which the 473 bp 5′ upstream Ehap-a fragment was directly ligated to the second gene. Transcriptional silencing occurred in both the transgene and the chromosomal gene. SINE1 sequences were essential, as was a direct connection between the Ehap-a upstream region and the beginning of the open reading frame of the second gene. Gene silencing did not occur in strain HM-1:IMSS with any of these plasmid constructs. The trophozoites with two silenced genes were virulence-attenuated as were those of clone G3. In addition, trophozoites not expressing Lgl1 and AP-A proteins had a significantly reduced ability to cap the Gal/GalNAc-lectin to the uroid region when incubated with antibodies against the heavy (170 kDa) subunit of the lectin. Lysates of trophozoites lacking cysteine proteinase 5 and AP-A proteins had 30% less cysteine proteinase activity than those of HM-1:IMSS strain or the G3 clone. Silencing of other genes in G3 amoebae could provide a model to study their various functions. In addition, double gene-silenced, virulence-attenuated trophozoites may be an important tool in vaccine development

    Global marine redox changes drove the rise and fall of the Ediacara biota

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordThe role of O2 in the evolution of early animals, as represented by some members of the Ediacara biota, has been heavily debated because current geochemical evidence paints a conflicting picture regarding global marine O2 levels during key intervals of the rise and fall of the Ediacara biota. Fossil evidence indicates that the diversification the Ediacara biota occurred during or shortly after the Ediacaran Shuram negative C-isotope Excursion (SE), which is often interpreted to reflect ocean oxygenation. However, there is conflicting evidence regarding ocean oxygen levels during the SE and the middle Ediacaran Period. To help resolve this debate, we examined U isotope variations (δ238U) in three carbonate sections from South China, Siberia, and USA that record the SE. The δ238U data from all three sections are in excellent agreement and reveal the largest positive shift in δ238U ever reported in the geologic record (from ~ −0.74‰ to ~ −0.26‰). Quantitative modeling of these data suggests that the global ocean switched from a largely anoxic state (26%–100% of the seafloor overlain by anoxic waters) to near-modern levels of ocean oxygenation during the SE. This episode of ocean oxygenation is broadly coincident with the rise of the Ediacara biota. Following this initial radiation, the Ediacara biota persisted until the terminal Ediacaran period, when recently published U isotope data indicate a return to more widespread ocean anoxia. Taken together, it appears that global marine redox changes drove the rise and fall of the Ediacara biota.NASADanish Agency for Science, Technology and InnovationNational Science Foundation (NSF)National Key Basic Research Program of ChinaNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)Natural Science Foundation of Chin

    A procedural development for the analysis of <sup>56/54</sup>Fe and <sup>57/54</sup>Fe isotope ratios with new generation IsoProbe MC-ICP-MS

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    We have developed a procedure for iron isotope analysis using a hexapole collision cell MC-ICP-MS which is capable of Fe isotope ratio analysis using two different extraction modes. Matrix effects were minimised and the signal-to-background ratio was maximised using high-concentration samples (~ 5μg Fe) and introducing 1.8 mL/min&lt;sup&gt;-1&lt;/sup&gt; Ar and 2 mL/min H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; into the collision cell to decrease polyatomic interferences. The use of large intensity on the faraday cups considerably decreases the internal error of the ratios and ultimately, improves the external precision of a run. Standard bracketing correction for mass bias was possible when using hard extraction. Mass bias in soft extraction mode seems to show temporal instability that makes the standard bracketing inappropriate. The hexapole rf amplitude was decreased to 50 % to further decrease polyatomic interferences and promote the transmission of iron range masses. We routinely measure Fe isotopes with a precision of ± 0.05 ‰ and ± 0.12 ‰ (2σ) for δ&lt;sup&gt;56&lt;/sup&gt;Fe and δ&lt;sup&gt;57&lt;/sup&gt;Fe respectively

    Rapidly Assessing Changes in Bone Mineral Balance Using Natural Stable Calcium Isotopes

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    We demonstrate that variations in the Ca isotope ratios in urine rapidly and quantitatively reflect changes in bone mineral balance. This variation occurs because bone formation depletes soft tissue of light Ca isotopes, while bone resorption releases that isotopically light Ca back into soft tissue. In a study of 12 individuals confined to bed rest, a condition known to induce bone resorption, we show that Ca isotope ratios shift in a direction consistent with net bone loss after just 7 days, long before detectible changes in bone density occur. Consistent with this interpretation, the Ca isotope variations track changes observed in N-teleopeptide, a bone resorption biomarker, while bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, a bone formation biomarker, is unchanged. Ca isotopes can in principle be used to quantify net changes in bone mass. Ca isotopes indicate an average loss of 0.62 +/- 0.16 % in bone mass over the course of this 30-day study. The Ca isotope technique should accelerate the pace of discovery of new treatments for bone disease and provide novel insights into the dynamics of bone metabolism