21 research outputs found


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    Peningkatan konsumsi produk-produk kosmetik menuntut tanggung jawab para pelakunya terhadap industry yang berkelanjutan. Sayangnya IKM Kosmetik belum memiliki pengetahuan untuk melakukan penilaian kinerja berkelanjutan, dan penelitian-penelitian tentang subyek tersebut terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu para pelaku bisnis IKM Kosmetik dalam melakukan penilaian kinerja berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) dan Root Cause Analysis (RCA), dengan ruang lingkup penilaian adalah dari pengadaan bahan baku di supplier hingga distribusi ke customer. Hasil penilaian LCA untuk 316 kg sabun wajah secara end point analysis adalah 19.7 Pt. Kontributor dampak terbanyak adalah dari penggunaan bahan baku Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) dan konsumsi listrik. RCA dengan teknik brainstorming mengungkap penyebab utamanya adalah konsumsi bahan baku SLES yang mencapai 10% dari komposisi formulasi. Sebagai strategi perbaikan, peneliti merekomendasikan penguatan aktivitas riset dan pengembangan terkait formulasi material, pencarian alternatif material pengganti, dan peremajaan peralatan elektronik dan monitoring penggunaannya


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    The increase in car market 17% in 2020, and ASEAN Free Trade policy only 5% for imported products, cause tightened competition in the automotive market. Car manufacturing companies face problems in selecting their performance indicators related to competitive challenges. The purpose of this research is to develop productivity key performance indicators in car manufacturing that conform to stakeholder requirements as a strategy to win the market. The conditions are manifested in a mapping of manufacturing symbols using the Integrated Performance Measurement System (IPMS) method. That manufacturing productivity indicators will become the focus of the top management to be controlled. There are four stages to go through, starting with the identification of stakeholder requirement, which produces six criteria and 12 stakeholder requirements and mapped into 16 goals and 24 key performance indicator (KPI). The second stage is benchmarking, and preparation of KPI hierarchy and the third stage is the description of each KPI in the form of KPI specification table. The fourth stage is the weighting of the six main criteria that result in 3 priority criteria which must be reported monthly between the manufacturing division (painting), finance and administration. Those are employee safety, manufacturing process effectiveness (painting) and waste elimination activities. The priority is obtained based on questionnaires answered by ten stakeholders (experts) processed with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach and has been tested consistency in the number 0.09. These three criteria are described in 15 KPIs: performance rate, availability rate, quality rate, trained operator ratio, training value ratio> 80, delay ratio, attendance ratio, downtime losses, setup and adjustment losses, idle time, defect losses, yield losses, manpower efficiency, environmental impact and work accident ratio.

    The Selection of Productivity Key Performance Indicators for Car Manufacturing Companies Using Integrated Performance Measurement System

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    The increase in car market 17% in 2020, and ASEAN Free Trade policy only 5% for imported products, cause tightened competition in the automotive market. Car manufacturing companies face problems in selecting their performance indicators related to competitive challenges. The purpose of this research is to develop productivity key performance indicators in car manufacturing that conform to stakeholder requirements as a strategy to win the market. The conditions are manifested in a mapping of manufacturing symbols using the Integrated Performance Measurement System (IPMS) method. That manufacturing productivity indicators will become the focus of the top management to be controlled. There are four stages to go through, starting with the identification of stakeholder requirement, which produces six criteria and 12 stakeholder requirements and mapped into 16 goals and 24 key performance indicator (KPI). The second stage is benchmarking, and preparation of KPI hierarchy and the third stage is the description of each KPI in the form of KPI specification table. The fourth stage is the weighting of the six main criteria that result in 3 priority criteria which must be reported monthly between the manufacturing division (painting), finance and administration. Those are employee safety, manufacturing process effectiveness (painting) and waste elimination activities. The priority is obtained based on questionnaires answered by ten stakeholders (experts) processed with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach and has been tested consistency in the number 0.09. These three criteria are described in 15 KPIs: performance rate, availability rate, quality rate, trained operator ratio, training value ratio> 80, delay ratio, attendance ratio, downtime losses, setup and adjustment losses, idle time, defect losses, yield losses, manpower efficiency, environmental impact and work accident ratio

    Energy Audit Analysis by Business Intelligence Application

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    Energy audit is one of the first tasks to be performed in the accomplishment of an effective energy cost control program. To obtain the best information for a successful energy audit, the auditor must make some measurements during the audit visit. One of the tools that primarily used in audit visit is the portable Power Quality Analyzers (PQA) for measuring single to three-phase lines with a high degree of precision and accuracy. It is utilized for monitoring and recording power supply anomalies. For most survey applications, changing currents makes it mandatory for data to be compiled over a period of time with enormous amount of electricity data. Hence, this paper proposed a Business Intelligence approach that can facilitate the auditor to quickly analyze the PQA data. There are five Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to be displayed for analyze in form of dashboard. The method that uses to construct the dashboard is classification and association rules with the help of orange dataminer tools. Classification method is utilized to display the data distributions by frequency on a bar chart. Once we got the frequent sets, they allow us to extract association rules among the item sets, where we make some statement about how likely are two sets of items to co-occur or to conditionally occur. The result of this paper is a dashboard of five scorecards, namely unbalanced voltage, unbalanced currents, voltage harmonic, currents harmonic, and power factor

    Modelling the Price Forecast for Construction Steel: A Case Study in EPC Company

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    The EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction) industry is one of the most dynamic industries. The problems faced are related to market conditions that often change, short construction periods, and fluctuations in material prices that are difficult to predict. This dynamic requires an appropriate forecasting model, which can predict the pattern of material price movements and anticipate the occurrence of fluctuations in the future. This research aims to get the best price during the project tender process. This study model the forecasting of construction iron prices in the future by considering the historical pattern of construction iron price data, the value of foreign exchange rates, and the price of billets as raw materials for construction iron. The forecasting procedure used is nonparametric, which involves several statistical tests such as cross-correlation, linearity, and error assessment. The results of this study can be a firm reference for the price value of construction iron, which makes it easier for management to determine an accurate and competitive project value

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Berbasis Inteligensi Personal Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Kognitif Kimia dan Kecerdasan Inter-Intrapersonal Peserta Didik SMA.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) ada atau tidaknya perbedaan prestasi kognitif kimia dan kecerdasan inter-intrapersonal antara peserta didik yang diajar dengan model inkuiri terbimbing berbasis inteligensi personal dengan peserta didik yang diajar dengan model direct instruction pada materi larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit, (2) sumbangan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis inteligensi personal pada materi larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit terhadap prestasi kognitif kimia dan kecerdasan inter-intrapersonal peserta didik, (3) profil prestasi kognitif dan kecerdasan inter-intrapersonal peserta didik yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis inteligensi personal. Penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu dengan menggunakan post-test only control group design. Sampel pada penelitian ini sejumlah 68 peserta didik yang terbagi 34 peserta didik di kelas eksperimen dan 34 peserta didik di kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah soal pilihan ganda materi larutan elektrolit dan non-elektrolit dan angket kecerdasan inter-intrapersonal. Hasil validasi secara teoretis dan empiris menunjukkan semua butir soal dan butir pernyataan fit dengan Model Rasch serta reliabel. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan ada perbedaan prestasi kognitif kimia dan kecerdasan inter-intrapersonal, prestasi kognitif kimia, dan kecerdasan inter- intrapersonal yang signifikan antara peserta didik di kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol. Rata-rata nilai peserta didik di kelas eksperimen lebih baik. Model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis inteligensi personal memberikan sumbangan terhadap prestasi kognitif kimia dan kecerdasan inter-intrapersonal peserta didik sebesar 13,9%; prestasi kognitif kimia peserta didik sebesar 7,2%, dan kecerdasan inter-intrapersonal peserta didik sebesar 6,4%. Penguasaan domain kognitif dan materi larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit peserta didik yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis inteligensi personal sudah merata. Kecerdasan interpersonal dalam mendengarkan orang lain, mengolah empati, memberikan umpan balik, dan menginvestigasi sudah berkembang cukup baik, namun kecerdasan intrapersonal yang kurang berkembang adalah merefleksi diri


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    Era globalisasi dan keterbukaan informasi di masa kini telah menuntut rumah sakit untuk semakin giat dalam upaya memberikan pelayanan terbaik. Keterbatasan anggaran dan sumber daya secara umum yang dihadapi rumah sakit membuat rumah sakit harus lebih produktif dengan cara menghilangkan semua jenis pemborosan yang ada. Untuk itu rumah sakit membutuhkan pelatihan Lean Hospital, sebagai bentuk konsep berpikir lean untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi pelayanan. PelatihanLean Hospital dilaksanakan di RS Umum Jatisampurna Bekasi. Pelatihan ini bersifat pelatihan dasarĀ  untuk menciptakan sebuah proses pelayanan yang ramping yang berorientasi pada kepuasan pelanggan. Dalam pelatihan ini, peserta akan diberikan pemahaman mengenai konsep Lean Hospital dan dikenalkan dengan teknik dasar lean berbentuk identifikasi 8 jenis pemborosan. Peserta akan diberikan latihan-latihan melalui beberapa tabel cara mengidentifikasi pemborosan di area kerja masing-masing. Hasil evaluasi dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 100% peserta memahami konsep leanĀ  hospital dan teknik identifikasi pemborosan, dan termotivasi untuk menerapkan hal-hal yang didapatkan selama program pelatihan

    Analysis of Defect and Quality Improvement for O Ring Product Through Applying DMAIC Methodology

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    To control the quality of a product to meet standards, a reliable measurable technique is needed with the company's business strategy. This research raises case studies identifying quality problems and effective ways of improvement of O Ring products using DMAIC (Define-Measures-Analyse-Improve-Control) quality control methods. Company X found the problem in the form of an average O Ring product defect ratio reaching 1.50% (the company's target is 1.30%). DMAIC is a systematic methodology that focuses on the key factors that control the performance of a process, set it at the best level and keep it at that level. Statistical tools combined with quality principles are applied to each of the DMAIC phases. In the define phase, flowcharts, critical to quality trees, and voice of customer lists are used which produce five types of defects in curing process. In the measure phase, the sigma value combined with pareto diagram are used and shows that the current sigma value is 4,178 with the biggest defect is flow-mark for the O Ring type ZZ00000123. In phase analysis, the root causes of the problem are searched using the why-why analysis and cause-effect diagrams and finds out that the causes are un-sticky rubber tip and unstandardized rubber cutting length. In the improve phase, DOE-based experiments are conducted to get the ideal rubber tip and cutting length conditions. Finally, the work standard is revised in the control phase and monitored by check sheets and control charts. The result of this DMAIC implementation was the O Ring products defect dropped to 0.83% and the sigma value rose to 4,363.Keywords: quality, DMAIC, O Ring, defect, sigma, standar


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    ABSTRACTEnergy audit is one of the first tasks to be performed in the accomplishment of an effective energy cost control program. To obtain the best information for a successful energy audit, the auditor must make some measurements during the audit visit. One of the tools that primarily used in audit visit is the portable Power Quality Analyzers (PQA) for measuring single to three-phase lines with a high degree of precision and accuracy. It is utilized for monitoring and recording power supply anomalies. For most survey applications, changing currents makes it mandatory for data to be compiled over a period of time with enormous amount of electricity data. Hence, this paper proposed a Business Intelligence approach that can facilitate the auditor to quickly analyze the PQA data. There are five Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to be displayed for analyze in form of dashboard. The method that uses to construct the dashboard is classification and association rules with the help of orange dataminer tools. Classification method is utilized to display the data distributions by frequency on a bar chart. Once we got the frequent sets, they allow us to extract association rules among the item sets, where we make some statement about how likely are two sets of items to co-occur or to conditionally occur. The result of this paper is a dashboard of five scorecards, namely unbalanced voltage, unbalanced currents, voltage harmonic, currents harmonic, and power factor.Ā  Keywords: PQA Data, Classification, Association Rules, Dashboard


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    Dengan adanya beberapa tingkatan manajemen, dibutuhkan suatu laporan efisiensi proses operasi yang tepat guna dan tepat sasaran untuk setiap tingkatan manajerial yang berbeda. Riset ini bertujuan melakukan perancangan bentuk dashboard untuk pihak manajemen PT. X berdasarkan indikator-indikator efisiensi yang dibutuhkan dan riset ini hanya pada 3 divisi, yaitu divisi Welding, Painting dan Assembly untuk produk mobil yang sifatnya repetitive dan diproduksi masal. Dashboard yang dirancang sesuai kaidah dashboard management yaitu dengan perancangan untuk tingkat operasi yang disebut operational dashboard, untuk tingkatan manajerial disebut tactical dashboard dan untuk tingkat eksekutif atau direktorat disebut strategic dashboard. Dari hasil riset diperoleh visualisasi laporan indikator efisiensi produksi sebanyak lima visualisasi. Visualisasi yang dirancang sesuai dengan kebutuhan informasi di setiap tingkatan serta memperhatikan skala waktunya. Model visual berupa grafik, gauge (speedometer), histogram, clock bar, dan tabel yang dapat digunakan untuk analisis. Setiap efisiensi diberi indikator berupa warna hijau, kuning dan merah sebagai level indicator kinerja efisiensi yang telah dicapai