60 research outputs found

    Perinatal Mortality in Eastern Uganda: A Community Based Prospective Cohort Study

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    To achieve a child mortality reduction according to millennium development goal 4, it is necessary to considerably reduce neonatal mortality. We report stillbirth and early neonatal mortality risks as well as determinants of perinatal mortality in Eastern Uganda.A community-based prospective cohort study was conducted between 2006 and 2008. A total of 835 pregnant women were followed up for pregnancy outcome and survival of their children until 7 days after delivery. Mother's residence, age, parity, bed net use and whether delivery took place at home were included in multivariable regression analyses to identify risk factors for perinatal death.The stillbirth risk was 19 per 1,000 pregnancies and the early neonatal death risk 22 per 1,000 live births. Overall, the perinatal mortality risk was 41 [95%CI: 27, 54] per 1,000 pregnancies. Of the deaths, 47% followed complicated deliveries and 24% preterm births. Perinatal mortality was 63/1,000 pregnancies among teenage mothers, 76/1,000 pregnancies among nulliparous women and 61/1,000 pregnancies among women delivering at home who, after controlling for potential confounders, had a 3.7 (95%CI: 1.8, 7.4) times higher perinatal mortality than women who gave birth in a health facility. This association was considerably stronger among nulliparous women [RR 8.0 (95%CI: 2.9, 21.6)] than among women with a previous live birth [RR 1.8 (95%CI: 0.7, 4.5)]. All perinatal deaths occurred among women who did not sleep under a mosquito net. Women living in urban slums had a higher risk of losing their babies than those in rural areas [RR: 2.7 (95%CI: 1.4, 5.3)].Our findings strengthen arguments for ensuring that pregnant women have access to and use adequate delivery facilities and bed nets

    Disruption of the MDM2–p53 interaction strongly potentiates p53-dependent apoptosis in cisplatin-resistant human testicular carcinoma cells via the Fas/FasL pathway

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    Wild-type p53 has a major role in the response and execution of apoptosis after chemotherapy in many cancers. Although high levels of wild-type p53 and hardly any TP53 mutations are found in testicular cancer (TC), chemotherapy resistance is still observed in a significant subgroup of TC patients. In the present study, we demonstrate that p53 resides in a complex with MDM2 at higher cisplatin concentrations in cisplatin-resistant human TC cells compared with cisplatin-sensitive TC cells. Inhibition of the MDM2–p53 interaction using either Nutlin-3 or MDM2 RNA interference resulted in hyperactivation of the p53 pathway and a strong induction of apoptosis in cisplatin-sensitive and -resistant TC cells. Suppression of wild-type p53 induced resistance to Nutlin-3 in TC cells, demonstrating the key role of p53 for Nutlin-3 sensitivity. More specifically, our results indicate that p53-dependent induction of Fas membrane expression (∼threefold) and enhanced Fas/FasL interactions at the cell surface are important mechanisms of Nutlin-3-induced apoptosis in TC cells. Importantly, an analogous Fas-dependent mechanism of apoptosis upon Nutlin-3 treatment is executed in wild-type p53 expressing Hodgkin lymphoma and acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines. Finally, we demonstrate that Nutlin-3 strongly augmented cisplatin-induced apoptosis and cell kill via the Fas death receptor pathway. This effect is most pronounced in cisplatin-resistant TC cells

    Microfluidic Perfusion for Regulating Diffusible Signaling in Stem Cells

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    Background Autocrine & paracrine signaling are widespread both in vivo and in vitro, and are particularly important in embryonic stem cell (ESC) pluripotency and lineage commitment. Although autocrine signaling via fibroblast growth factor-4 (FGF4) is known to be required in mouse ESC (mESC) neuroectodermal specification, the question of whether FGF4 autocrine signaling is sufficient, or whether other soluble ligands are also involved in fate specification, is unknown. The spatially confined and closed-loop nature of diffusible signaling makes its experimental control challenging; current experimental approaches typically require prior knowledge of the factor/receptor in order to modulate the loop. A new approach explored in this work is to leverage transport phenomena at cellular resolution to downregulate overall diffusible signaling through the physical removal of cell-secreted ligands. Methodology/Principal Findings We develop a multiplex microfluidic platform to continuously remove cell-secreted (autocrine\paracrine) factors to downregulate diffusible signaling. By comparing cell growth and differentiation in side-by-side chambers with or without added cell-secreted factors, we isolate the effects of diffusible signaling from artifacts such as shear, nutrient depletion, and microsystem effects, and find that cell-secreted growth factor(s) are required during neuroectodermal specification. Then we induce FGF4 signaling in minimal chemically defined medium (N2B27) and inhibit FGF signaling in fully supplemented differentiation medium with cell-secreted factors to determine that the non-FGF cell-secreted factors are required to promote growth of differentiating mESCs. Conclusions/Significance Our results demonstrate for the first time that flow can downregulate autocrine\paracrine signaling and examine sufficiency of extracellular factors. We show that autocrine\paracrine signaling drives neuroectodermal commitment of mESCs through both FGF4-dependent and -independent pathways. Overall, by uncovering autocrine\paracrine processes previously hidden in conventional culture systems, our results establish microfluidic perfusion as a technique to study and manipulate diffusible signaling in cell systems.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant No. EB007278)Swiss National Science FoundationSwiss National Science Foundatio

    A review of data needed to parameterize a dynamic model of measles in developing countries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dynamic models of infection transmission can project future disease burden within a population. Few dynamic measles models have been developed for low-income countries, where measles disease burden is highest. Our objective was to review the literature on measles epidemiology in low-income countries, with a particular focus on data that are needed to parameterize dynamic models.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We included age-stratified case reporting and seroprevalence studies with fair to good sample sizes for mostly urban African and Indian populations. We emphasized studies conducted before widespread immunization. We summarized age-stratified attack rates and seroprevalence profiles across these populations. Using the study data, we fitted a "representative" seroprevalence profile for African and Indian settings. We also used a catalytic model to estimate the age-dependent force of infection for individual African and Indian studies where seroprevalence was surveyed. We used these data to quantify the effects of population density on the basic reproductive number <it>R</it><sub>0</sub>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The peak attack rate usually occurred at age 1 year in Africa, and 1 to 2 years in India, which is earlier than in developed countries before mass vaccination. Approximately 60% of children were seropositive for measles antibody by age 2 in Africa and India, according to the representative seroprevalence profiles. A statistically significant decline in the force of infection with age was found in 4 of 6 Indian seroprevalence studies, but not in 2 African studies. This implies that the classic threshold result describing the critical proportion immune (<it>p</it><sub>c</sub>) required to eradicate an infectious disease, <it>p</it><sub>c </sub>= 1-1/<it>R</it><sub>0</sub>, may overestimate the required proportion immune to eradicate measles in some developing country populations. A possible, though not statistically significant, positive relation between population density and <it>R</it><sub>0 </sub>for various Indian and African populations was also found. These populations also showed a similar pattern of waning of maternal antibodies. Attack rates in rural Indian populations show little dependence on vaccine coverage or population density compared to urban Indian populations. Estimated <it>R</it><sub>0 </sub>values varied widely across populations which has further implications for measles elimination.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It is possible to develop a broadly informative dynamic model of measles transmission in low-income country settings based on existing literature, though it may be difficult to develop a model that is closely tailored to any given country. Greater efforts to collect data specific to low-income countries would aid in control efforts by allowing highly population-specific models to be developed.</p

    Molecular and pathological signatures of epithelial–mesenchymal transitions at the cancer invasion front

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    Reduction of epithelial cell–cell adhesion via the transcriptional repression of cadherins in combination with the acquisition of mesenchymal properties are key determinants of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT). EMT is associated with early stages of carcinogenesis, cancer invasion and recurrence. Furthermore, the tumor stroma dictates EMT through intensive bidirectional communication. The pathological analysis of EMT signatures is critically, especially to determine the presence of cancer cells at the resection margins of a tumor. When diffusion barriers disappear, EMT markers may be detected in sera from cancer patients. The detection of EMT signatures is not only important for diagnosis but can also be exploited to enhance classical chemotherapy treatments. In conclusion, further detailed understanding of the contextual cues and molecular mediators that control EMT will be required in order to develop diagnostic tools and small molecule inhibitors with potential clinical implications

    miRNA expression profiling of 51 human breast cancer cell lines reveals subtype and driver mutation-specific miRNAs

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is a genetically and phenotypically complex disease. To understand the role of miRNAs in this molecular complexity, we performed miRNA expression analysis in a cohort of molecularly well-characterized human breast cancer cell lines to identify miRNAs associated with the most common molecular subtypes and the most frequent genetic aberrations. METHODS: Using a microarray carrying LNA™ modified oligonucleotide capture probes), expression levels of 725 human miRNAs were measured in 51 breast cancer cell lines. Differential miRNA expression was explored by unsupervised cluster analysis and was then associated with the molecular subtypes and genetic aberrations commonly present in breast cancer. RESULTS: Unsupervised cluster analysis using the most variably expressed miRNAs divided the 51 breast cancer cell lines into a major and a minor cluster predominantly mirroring the luminal and basal intrinsic subdivision of breast cancer cell lines. One hundred and thirteen miRNAs were differentially expressed between these two main clusters. Forty miRNAs were differentially expressed between basal-like and normal-like/claudin-low cell lines. Within the luminal-group, 39 miRNAs were associated with ERBB2 overexpression and 24 with E-cadherin gene mutations, which are frequent in this subtype of breast cancer cell lines. In contrast, 31 miRNAs were associated with E-cadherin promoter hypermethylation, which, contrary to E-cadherin mutation, is exclusively observed in breast cancer cell lines that are not of luminal origin. Thirty miRNAs were associated with p16(INK4 )status while only a few miRNAs were associated with BRCA1, PIK3CA/PTEN and TP53 mutation status. Twelve miRNAs were associated with DNA copy number variation of the respective locus. CONCLUSION: Luminal-basal and epithelial-mesenchymal associated miRNAs determine the subdivision of miRNA transcriptome of breast cancer cell lines. Specific sets of miRNAs were associated with ERBB2 overexpression, p16(INK4a )or E-cadherin mutation or E-cadherin methylation status, which implies that these miRNAs may contribute to the driver role of these genetic aberrations. Additionally, miRNAs, which are located in a genomic region showing recurrent genetic aberrations, may themselves play a driver role in breast carcinogenesis or contribute to a driver gene in their vicinity. In short, our study provides detailed molecular miRNA portraits of breast cancer cell lines, which can be exploited for functional studies of clinically important miRNAs

    Optimal therapy of pubertal disorders in precocious/early puberty

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    . The possibility of progression of premature thelarche into precocious puberty, the pathogenesis of organic and idiopathic precocious puberty, the criteria for decision to treat and to stop treatment and the utility of an association with GH treatment will be better understood in the future. Follow-up of patients after stopping therapy includes frequency and characteristics of menses, the possible higher incidence of polycystic ovary-like syndrome and the correct achievement of a normal peak bone mass and body composition. In this review we discuss some of these points, with particular attention to precocious puberty in girls