46 research outputs found

    Bone sialoprotein plays a functional role in bone formation and osteoclastogenesis.

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    International audienceBone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN) are both highly expressed in bone, but their functional specificities are unknown. OPN knockout ((-/-)) mice do not lose bone in a model of hindlimb disuse (tail suspension), showing the importance of OPN in bone remodeling. We report that BSP(-/-) mice are viable and breed normally, but their weight and size are lower than wild-type (WT) mice. Bone is undermineralized in fetuses and young adults, but not in older (>/=12 mo) BSP(-/-) mice. At 4 mo, BSP(-/-) mice display thinner cortical bones than WT, but greater trabecular bone volume with very low bone formation rate, which indicates reduced resorption, as confirmed by lower osteoclast surfaces. Although the frequency of total colonies and committed osteoblast colonies is the same, fewer mineralized colonies expressing decreased levels of osteoblast markers form in BSP(-/-) versus WT bone marrow stromal cultures. BSP(-/-) hematopoietic progenitors form fewer osteoclasts, but their resorptive activity on dentin is normal. Tail-suspended BSP(-/-) mice lose bone in hindlimbs, as expected. In conclusion, BSP deficiency impairs bone growth and mineralization, concomitant with dramatically reduced bone formation. It does not, however, prevent the bone loss resulting from loss of mechanical stimulation, a phenotype that is clearly different from OPN(-/-) mice

    [Organoids: mini-organs at the service of biomedicine]

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    L'approche globale multi-échelle du vivant est mise en oeuvre par les industries de la santé pour lever les verrous qu'elles rencontrent actuellement dans la découverte et le développement de nouvelles thérapies, ainsi que pour la médecine régénérative dans sa démarche de reconstruction d'organes. Un des goulets est celui de la prédictibilité limitée qu'offrent les systÚmes animaux modÚles dans les différents domaines du développement du médicament, de la médecine de précision, de la pharmaco génomique et de la médecine régénérative. Cette faible prédictibilité est une des explications d'un taux d'attrition important de molécules en développement, entre autres. Les systÚmes modÚles actuels sont mis en question et l'utilisation potentielle de substituts tissulaires, ou organoïdes, en complément des modÚles animaux couramment utilisés est désormais largement prise en compte dans l'évaluation des candidat

    Les cellules souches en ingénierie des tissus ostéoarticulaires et vasculaires

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    Les lĂ©sions tissulaires ou les pertes d’organes provoquent des changements structuraux et mĂ©taboliques qui peuvent ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine de graves complications. L’ingĂ©nierie tissulaire (IT), dont l’objectif thĂ©rapeutique est de recrĂ©er, rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer ou restaurer la fonction d’un tissu lĂ©sĂ©, est la coalescence de trois Ă©lĂ©ments : un biomatĂ©riau d’origine synthĂ©tique ou biologique, dĂ©gradable ou non, des cellules rĂ©paratrices et des signaux (hypoxie, contraintes mĂ©caniques, morphogĂšnes, etc.). Le cartilage articulaire, l’os et les vaisseaux font partie des tissus pour lesquels l’IT s’est dĂ©veloppĂ©e considĂ©rablement, de la recherche fondamentale jusqu’aux essais cliniques. Si les biomatĂ©riaux doivent prĂ©senter des propriĂ©tĂ©s diffĂ©rentes en fonction du tissu Ă  rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer, la composante cellulaire de l’IT est majoritairement reprĂ©sentĂ©e par les cellules souches, au premier rang desquelles les cellules souches mĂ©senchymateuses adultes prĂ©levĂ©es Ă  partir de la moelle osseuse ou du tissu adipeux. Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, des progrĂšs ont Ă©tĂ© accomplis dans la comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes biologiques qui rĂ©gissent la diffĂ©renciation des cellules souches et dans le dĂ©veloppement de matĂ©riaux aux propriĂ©tĂ©s biologiques et physicochimiques contrĂŽlĂ©es. Cependant, de nombreux verrous technologiques et rĂ©glementaires devront ĂȘtre levĂ©s avant que l’ingĂ©nierie tissulaire puisse passer du laboratoire Ă  la clinique et entrer dans l’arsenal thĂ©rapeutique de la mĂ©decine rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratrice. Cette revue a pour objectif de souligner les progrĂšs rĂ©cents accomplis dans l’utilisation des cellules souches en ingĂ©nierie des tissus ostĂ©oarticulaires et vasculaires

    Ingénierie tissulaire osseuse en chirurgie buccale et maxillo-faciale : applications cliniques

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    L’ingĂ©nierie tissulaire osseuse a pour objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de repousser les limites des mĂ©thodes conventionnelles de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration osseuse en utilisant les progrĂšs des connaissances dans le domaine de la biologie, de l’ingĂ©nierie, de la physique ou encore de la robotique. Quatre Ă©lĂ©ments sont associĂ©s dans cette dĂ©marche d’ingĂ©nierie : un matĂ©riau support pour la croissance tissulaire (scaffold), des cellules autologues, des facteurs de croissance et une pĂ©riode de maturation in vitro ou in vivo. Dans la sphĂšre buccale et maxillo-faciale, il s’agit de rĂ©pondre au problĂšme de la vascularisation des greffons de grande taille sur un terrain fragilisĂ© et de remplacer les autogreffes osseuses qui peuvent provoquer une morbiditĂ© importante du site donneur. L’objectif de cet article est une mise au point sur les applications cliniques humaines de l’ingĂ©nierie tissulaire osseuse pour la cavitĂ© buccale et la face. La mĂ©thode utilisĂ©e comporte une recherche bibliographique sur Pubmed et Medline avec des mots clĂ©s spĂ©cifiques. De plus, des critĂšres d’inclusion et d’exclusion des articles recueillis ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finis. Quarante-huit publications internationales ont Ă©tĂ© retenues et classĂ©es en fonction de leur domaine d’application. Il s’agissait de reconstruction mandibulaire (19 articles), de reconstruction osseuse dans le traitement des fentes faciales (6 articles) ou de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration osseuse prĂ©-implantaire (23 articles). L’analyse de ces publications a montrĂ© qu’il s’agissait essentiellement d’études de faible puissance, Ă  l’exception de 6 Ă©tudes prospectives randomisĂ©es dans le domaine de la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration osseuse prĂ©-implantaire. L’association d’un scaffold Ă  des facteurs de croissance (BMPs) semble constituer la combinaison qui donne les meilleurs rĂ©sultats. Pour la reconstruction mandibulaire, la mĂ©thode de prĂ©vascularisation in vivo des produits d’ingĂ©nierie tissulaire est une technique complexe mais prometteuse pour les patients en Ă©chec thĂ©rapeutique. L’ingĂ©nierie tissulaire osseuse a montrĂ© son efficacitĂ© dans la chirurgie prĂ©-implantaire. Elle permettra peut-ĂȘtre bientĂŽt d’envisager des techniques moins invasives

    Influence of External Beam Radiotherapy on the Properties of Polymethyl Methacrylate-Versus Silicone-Induced Membranes in a Bilateral Segmental Bone Defect in Rats

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    Introduction: Standard care for malignant tumors arising next to a bone structure is surgical removal with safety margins, followed by external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). Complete tumor removal can result in large bone defects. A two-step bone reconstruction technique using the induced membrane (IM) technique has proven its efficacy to bridge gap nonunion. During the first step, a spacer is placed in the bone gap. The spacer then is removed and the IM around it is filled with autologous cancellous bone graft. However, the feasibility of this technique with the addition of adjuvant EBRT between the two reconstruction steps has not yet been studied. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) used to be the standard spacer material for the first step. Silicone spacers could replace them owing to their good behavior when submitted to EBRT and their easier removal from the surgical site during the second step. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of EBRT on the histological and biochemical properties of IM induced using PMMA or silicone as spacer.Materials and methods: The analyses were performed on PMMA- or silicone-IM with and without EBRT in a 6-mm bilateral femoral defect in 32 rats. Thickness and vessel content were measured in both groups. Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) content in lysates of the crushed membranes were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Finally, alkaline phosphatase activity was analyzed in human bone marrow stromal cell cultures in contact with the same lysates.Results: EBRT did not change the histological structure of the cellular internal layer or the fibrous outer layer. The nature of the spacer only influenced IM thickness, PMMA-IM with external radiotherapy being significantly thicker. EBRT decreased the vascular density of IM but was less effective on VEGF/BMP2 production. In vitro, IM could have an osteoinductive potential on human bone marrow stem cells.Conclusion: EBRT did not modify the histological properties of IMs but decreased their vascular density. VEGF and BMP2 production within IMs was not affected by EBRT. Silicone spacers are able to induce membranes with similar histological characteristics to PMMA-IM

    Grafting of RGD peptides to cellulose to enhance human osteoprogenitor cells adhesion and proliferation

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    Despite the controversy about the ideal properties of bone replacement materials, it seems that the concept of tissue engineered constructs, materials pre-colonized with autologous bone cells before implantation gathers most of favorable opinions. Cellulosic materials possess osteoconductive properties but have no intrinsic osteoinductive capacity..

    Grafting RGD containing peptides onto hydroxyapatite to promote osteoblastic cells adhesion

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    Ceramics possess osteoconductive properties but exhibit no intrinsic osteoinductive capacity. Consequently, they are unable to induce new bone formation in extra osseous sites. In order to develop bone substitutes with osteogenic properties, one promising approach consists of creating hybrid materials by associating in vitro biomaterials with osteoprogenitor cells..

    Bone Regeneration in Small and Large Segmental Bone Defect Models after Radiotherapy Using Injectable Polymer-Based Biodegradable Materials Containing Strontium-Doped Hydroxyapatite Particles

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    International audienceThe reconstruction of bones following tumor excision and radiotherapy remains a challenge. Our previous study, performed using polysaccharide-based microbeads that contain hydroxyapatite, found that these have osteoconductivity and osteoinductive properties. New formulations of composite microbeads containing HA particles doped with strontium (Sr) at 8 or 50% were developed to improve their biological performance and were evaluated in ectopic sites. In the current research, we characterized the materials by phase-contrast microscopy, laser dynamic scattering particle size-measurements and phosphorus content, before their implantation into two different preclinical bone defect models in rats: the femoral condyle and the segmental bone. Eight weeks after the implantation in the femoral condyle, the histology and immunohistochemistry analyses showed that Sr-doped matrices at both 8% and 50% stimulate bone formation and vascularization. A more complex preclinical model of the irradiation procedure was then developed in rats within a critical-size bone segmental defect. In the non-irradiated sites, no significant differences between the non-doped and Sr-doped microbeads were observed in the bone regeneration. Interestingly, the Sr-doped microbeads at the 8% level of substitution outperformed the vascularization process by increasing new vessel formation in the irradiated sites. These results showed that the inclusion of strontium in the matrix-stimulated vascularization in a critical-size model of bone tissue regeneration after irradiation

    Influence of the three‐dimensional culture of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells within a macroporous polysaccharides scaffold on Pannexin 1 and Pannexin 3

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    Because cell interactions play a fundamental role for cell differentiation, we investigated the expression of Pannexin 1 and Pannexin 3 in human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (HBMSCs) in a three-dimensional (3D) microenvironment provided by a polysaccharide-based macroporous scaffold. The pannexin (Panx) family consists of three members, Panx1, Panx2, and Panx3. The roles of Panx large-pore ion and metabolite channels are recognized in many physiological and pathophysiological scenarios, but the role of these proteins in human physiological processes is still under investigation. Our study demonstrates that HBMSCs cultured within 3D scaffolds have induced Panx1 and Panx3 expression, compared with two-dimensional culture and that the Panx3 gene expression profile correlates with those of bone markers on mesenchymal stromal cells culture into the 3D scaffold. We showed that Panx1 is involved in the HBMSCs 3D cell-cell organization, as acting on the size of cellular aggregates, demonstrated by the use of Probenecid and the mimetic peptide 10panx1 as specific inhibitors. Inhibition of Panx3 using siRNA strategy shows to reduce the expression of osteocalcin as osteoblast-specific marker by HBMSCs cultured in 3D conditions, suggesting a role of this Panx in osteogenesis. Moreover, we evaluated Panx1 and Panx3 expression within the cellularized scaffolds upon subcutaneous implantation in NOG (NOD/Shi-scid/IL-2RÎłnull ) mice, where we could observe a more intense expression in the constructs than in the surrounding tissues in vivo. This study provides new insights on the expression of pannexins in HBMSCs on a 3D microenvironment during the osteogenic differentiation, in vitro and in vivo