3,639 research outputs found

    Not just another aspect of pleasure: Functionality as a distinct component of emotions

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    According to Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT, Ellis, 1985; Ellis & DiGiuseppe, 1993) functionality is the central criterion when distinguishing between adaptive and maladaptive emotions. Hereby, adaptive emotions signify appropriate responses to an eliciting event, whereas, maladaptive emotions signify inappropriate reactions. This research examines relevant characteristics of emotions (i.e., pleasure, arousal, duration, influence on life, and typicality) as potential predictors of functionality. In Study 1 (N= 96) using single item measures results indicated that pleasure and arousal had a significant predictive value on functionality, whereas the predictive value of the other dimensions was limited. Study 2 (N= 240) widely confirmed these results by using different psychometrically more reliable scales. In both studies all predictors explained less than 30% of the variance of functionality. Functionality should be regarded as a predominantly independent characteristic of emotions, which is partially associated with pleasure and arousal

    Conditions for Equality between Lyapunov and Morse Decompositions

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    Let QXQ\rightarrow X be a continuous principal bundle whose group GG is reductive. A flow ϕ\phi of automorphisms of QQ endowed with an ergodic probability measure on the compact base space XX induces two decompositions of the flag bundles associated to QQ. A continuous one given by the finest Morse decomposition and a measurable one furnished by the Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem. The second is contained in the first. In this paper we find necessary and sufficient conditions so that they coincide. The equality between the two decompositions implies continuity of the Lyapunov spectra under pertubations leaving unchanged the flow on the base space

    Mensurando e avaliando a eficiência dos gastos nos cursos de graduação da UnB

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Economia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia, 2015.O objetivo deste trabalho é mensurar e avaliar a eficiência dos gastos nos cursos de graduação da Universidade de Brasília nos anos de 2008 a 2010. Para alcançar este objetivo foi utilizado o método não-paramétrico, denominado Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA). Os dados utilizados para a realização deste estudo foram extraídos do Sistema Integrado de Administração de Recursos Humanos do Governo Federal (SIAPE), Sistema de Graduação da Universidade de Brasília (SIGRA/UnB) e do sítio oficial do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP). Os insumos (inputs) utilizados foram a média de formação geral dos alunos ingressantes que fizeram o Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (ENADE); média salarial dos docentes com regime de dedicação exclusiva e a Relação Aluno Professor (RAP). Já como produto (output), utilizamos a média de formação geral dos alunos concluintes do Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (ENADE). Primeiramente, estimamos as fronteiras técnica e de escala, o que possibilitou ordená-los com maior eficiência técnica e de escala. Pelos resultados foi possível observar que os cursos de Relações Internacionais, Serviço Social, Enfermagem, Agronomia, Farmácia, Medicina, Odontologia e Design são os que apresentaram maior eficiência técnica, enquanto os cursos de Enfermagem e Serviço Social apresentam maior eficiência de escala.The objetive of this work is to measure and evaluate the efficiency of spending in undergraduate courses at the University of Brasilia in 2008 to 2010. To achieve the results and comparisons as the efficiency of public spending in analyzed courses was used the method not parametric, called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The data used for this work were extracted from the System of Human Resources Management of the Federal Govermment (SIAPE), System Graduate of the University of Brasilia (SIGRA/UnB) and the official website of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP). The inputs used were the average overall formation of the entering students who took the National Examination of Student Performance (ENADE); average wage of the professoriate with exclusive dedication and the Relationship Student Teacher (RAP), being compared with the output which is the average of the general education of the students who completed National Examination of Student Performance (ENADE). In the outcome was established a ranking of courses with higher technical efficiency and efficiency of scale, and after data analysis, it is evident that the undergraduate courses of International Relations, Social Work, Nursing, Agronomy, Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentistry and Design are the ones that showed technical efficiency, whereas the undergraduate courses of Nursing and Social Work present efficiency of scale

    Challenges for open educational resources on biotechnology

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    Open Educational Resource is any educational resources that are openly available for use by educators and students, without an accompanying need to pay royalties or license fees. There is a potential in the OER to change the educational reality. Some of the classic features about teaching and learning can change with the OER movement and some examples are teacher and student roles; reduction of the importance of the textbook with restricted rights to use; adoption of Open Education Practices (OEP). However, three challenges appear: get open educational resources on Biotechnology, choose the educational resources and plan its use in teaching and learning processes. The objectives of this paper are to present a survey of open educational resources on biotechnology and discuss aspects to guide the assessment of its quality

    Fermentação extrativa de xilanase em sistemas de duas fases aquosas

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    Orientadores: Elias Basile Tambourgi, Benicio Barros NetoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuimicaResumo: Nos últimos anos, os sistemas de duas fases aquosas (SDFAs) têm encontrado aplicações nas diferentes áreas da biotecnologia, especialmente no que se refere à utilização de sistemas alternativos e de baixo custo. Dessa forma é que o sistema constituído de polissacarídeo da goma de cajueiro e polietilenoglicol foi utilizado, no presente trabalho, para o cultivo do fungo Penicillium janthinellum e produção de xilanase. Inicialmente, foram avaliados cinco resíduos agroindustriais (bagaço de cana, casca de mandioca, casca de aveia, sabugo e casca de mi1ho) como indutores para a produção desta enzima. Estes resíduos foram hidrolisados e suas frações líquidas foram utilizadas para o cultivo. A cinética de crescimento do P. janthinellum foi acompanhada para todos os resíduos durante 12 dias. O sabugo de milho e a casca de aveia foram os melhores indutores da xilanase. De posse dos me1hores resíduos, procedeu-se um planejamento, no intuito de determinar as variáveis mais importantes, tanto para fermentação convencional como para a extrativa. O planejamento fracionário em dois níveis procurou avaliar a influência das seguintes variáveis: resíduo agroindustrial, tempo de cultivo, pH inicial, agitação, temperatura e composição do sistema de duas fases aquosas. A maior produção de xilanase no meio convencional foi de 142, 85 U/mL para o hidrolisado de aveia. Isto significou um aumento de 2,58 vezes em relação ao obtido anteriormente sem o estudo das variáveis. A xilanase produzida durante a fermentação extrativa no sistema PEG/polissacarideo da goma do cajueiro concentrou-se na fase superior. O maior valor da produção de xilanase na fase superior e seu rendimento foram 160,7 U/mL e 97%, para o hidrolisado de aveia no sistema PEG 8000/ goma. Assim, o crescimento do P.janthinellum e a produção de xilanase no SDFA foram superiores quando comparados ao sistema convencional. A atividade máxima da enzima no SDFA foi obtida no quinto dia, enquanto que para o meio controle esta foi encontrada no sexto diaAbstract: In recent years, aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) have found applications in several biotechnology areas, specially when utilizing altemative low-cost biphasic system. Therefore, in the present work, the aqueous two-phase system based on cashew-nut tree gum and polyethylene glycol was used for Penicillium janthinellum cultivation and xylanase production. lnitially five agricultural wastes (sugar cane bagasse, cassava peel, oat husk corn cob and corn husk) were evaluated for xylanolytic enzymes production by P. janthinellum. These residues were hydrolyzed and their liquid fractions used for cultivation; Growth kinetic was accomplished for all residues during twelve days. Corn cob and oat husk were the best inducers of xylanase. A factorial design was performed using corn cob and oat husk, which intended to determine the most important variables for conventional and extractive fermentation. Two level fractional factorial design evaluated the influence of the following variables: agro-industrial residue, cultivation time, pH initial, agitation, temperature and composition of aqueous two-phase system. The highest xylanase production was 142.85 U/mL in conventional medium of oat husk hydrolyzate. This mean an increase of 2.58 folds when compared to that obtained previously. Xylanase produced during extractive fermentation partitioned into the upper phase. The highest xylanase production in upper phase and its yield were 160.7 U/mL and 97%, respectively, using PEG 8000/gum with oat husk. P. janthinellum growth and enzyme production in ATPS was superior to that conventional system. Maximum xylanase activities were obtained on the 5th day for ATPS and on the 6th day for control mediumDoutoradoSistemas de Processos Quimicos e InformaticaDoutor em Engenharia Químic

    Dyes-environmental impact and remediation

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    Dyes are an important class of synthetic organic compounds used in many industries, especially textiles. Consequently, they have become common industrial environmental pollutants during their synthesis and later during fibre dyeing. Textile industries are facing a challenge in the field of quality and productivity due to the globalization of the world market. As the highly competitive atmosphere and the ecological parameters become more stringent, the prime concern of the textile processors is to be aware of the quality of their products and also the environmental friendliness of the manufacturing processes. This in turn makes it essential for innovations and changes in these processes, and investigations of appropriate and environmentally friendly treatment technologies or their residues. The large-scale production and extensive application of synthetic dyes can cause considerable environmental pollution, making it a serious public concern. Legislation on the limits of colour discharge has become increasingly rigid. There is a considerable urgent need to develop treatment methods that are effective in eliminating dyes from their waste. Physicochemical and biological methods have been studied and applied, although each has its advantages and disadvantages, with the choice being based on the wastewater characteristics, available technology and economic factors. Some industrial-scale wastewater treatment systems are now available; however, these are neither fully effective for complete colour removal nor do they address water recycling. This chapter outlines the background of dye chemistry, the application areas and the impact of dyeing effluents in the environment. The processes/techniques being implemented and developed for wastewaters remediation are revisited


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    RESUMO: O estudo apresenta os resultados do projeto de pesquisa bibliográfico e documental, elaborado no decorrer do Estágio Supervisionado II do curso de graduação em Serviço Social na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). A pesquisa buscou analisar a cobertura de atendimento da rede socioassistencial do município de João Pessoa que oferecem serviços a crianças e adolescentes. A metodologia da pesquisa foi norteada por uma dimensão técnica, ideológica e cientifica, buscando ultrapassar o senso comum, direcionado por um eixo investigativo e analítico no materialismo histórico dialético. Os dados coletados na pesquisa foram analisados de maneira quantitativa e qualitativa, possibilitando mensurar a informações e apreender os fenômenos envolvidos. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa revelaram uma visão ampliada dos serviços da rede socioassistenciais que estão distribuídos em João Pessoa e a capacidade desses serviços em atender as demandas de crianças e adolescentes conforme o Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS)

    Strategies for the bioremediation of azo dyes containing wastewaters

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    Publicado em "Book of abstracts of the 2nd Meeting of the Institute for Biotechnololgy and Bioengineering"Azo dyes are an important class of wastewater pollutants resulted especially from textile industry. Biological treatment based on the anaerobic azo bound reductive cleavage, followed by a second step for the transformation of the resulted aromatic amines, seems promising. In our studies, the surface chemistry of a commercial activated carbon (AC) was selectively modified by chemical oxidation and thermal treatments and tested as a natural redox mediator on chemical and biological anaerobic azo dye reduction [1]. Batch experiments with 0.1 g L−1AC demonstrated an increase of the first-order rates, up to 9-fold, as compared with assays without AC. Thermal treated samples gave better results due to their positively charged surface, favouring electrostatic attraction between the carbon and the anionic dyes tested. The low amount of AC used and the positive results demonstrated, constitutes a significant breakthrough in the field of redox mediated processes which will certainly open new perspectives for wastewater treatment processes. In order to investigate the fate of aromatic amines, two UASB reactors were operated under denitrifying conditions: R1 contained nitrate and R2 a nitrate and nitrite mixture as terminal electron acceptors [2]. The R1 results demonstrated that aniline could be degraded under denitrifying conditions while sulfanilic acid remains. The presence of nitrite in the influent of R2, caused a chemical reaction that led to immediate disappearance of both aromatic amines and the formation of an intense yellow solution. Based on the HPLC-MS analysis, the structures of possible products were proposed. Denitrification activity tests suggest some detoxification