292 research outputs found

    Learning from health professionals: a user-centred approach to design a wound monitoring platform

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    Health professionals are able to improve the care quality of chronic wounds by monitoring and reporting the wound status. Resorting to visual representations of wound status enhances comprehension by facilitating knowledge transfer to all stakeholders. However, selecting appropriate healthcare data visualisations is a critical challenge and healthcare platforms must be designed to meet their users' needs and constraints. This article describes the methods used to identify the design requirements and inform the development of a wound monitoring platform through a user-centred approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vaccination Controversies: An Adult Case of Post-Vaccinal Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis

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    Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is a rare inflammatory demyelinating multifocal disease of the central nervous system that typically occurs in children following vaccination or exanthematous viral infections and conveys an elevated risk of neurological sequelae unless promptly recognized and treated. We describe an adult case of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis following vaccination against Mumps, Measles and Rubella, presenting with fever and progressive neurological deficits which improved under systemic corticosteroid therapy. Considering the ongoing public debate regarding universal vaccination and the surge of previously controlled infectious diseases, we aim not only to underline the need for a rigorous assessment of vaccination safety on adult patients in order to prevent misguidance of public opinion, but also to alert clinicians for an early diagnosis of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in these patients, the incidence of which we speculate may be rising

    Peroxidação lipídica e obesidade: Métodos para aferição do estresse oxidativo em obesos

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    ResumoA obesidade é uma doença cada vez mais comum, cuja prevalência já atinge proporções epidêmicas, por estar associada a inúmeras doenças crônicas tem sido alvo de muitas pesquisas. O estresse oxidativo, aferido pela peroxidação lipídica no plasma, é apontado como alteração marcante na obesidade; sendo, portanto, um distúrbio que deve ser detalhadamente estudado a fim de elucidar possíveis abordagens para essa condição. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar métodos que comprovam o aumento do estresse oxidativo na obesidade e sua influência nas comorbidades do obeso.AbstractObesity is an increasingly common disease, which prevalence has reached epidemic proportions, and extensive research has been done in many researches because of the association with many is associated with many important chronic diseases. Oxidative stress, measured through lipid peroxidation in plasma, has been pointed as a remarkable changing in obesity, and therefore, a disorder that should be thoroughly studied in order to elucidate possible approaches to this condition. The objective of this review is to present methods which confirm the increased oxidative stress in obesity and its influence on the comorbidities of the obese

    Classes de Equivalência: Efeitos do Elemento Redundante e da Ordem dos Testes

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    It was investigated the effect of the order of testing on equivalence class formation and stimulus control after teaching simple discriminations that included a redundant element (black spot). Nineteen college students were exposed to conditional relations training, as also testing of equivalence classes and stimulus control with mask. The order of testing variedin two experimental phases: (1) tests alternated with training, and (2) tests after training. A black spot was included in one of the compound stimuli. More accurate performances occurred when tests were conducted after training. Higher scores were related to control by S + and the S- and lower scores to multiple controls that included the black spot. These results suggest that the order of testing interact with the effects of the redundant element.Avaliou-se o efeito da ordem dos testes na formação de classes de equivalência e no controle de estímulos após ensino de discriminação simples simultânea com um elemento redundante (mancha preta). Dezenove universitários realizaram treino de relações condicionais, além de testes de equivalência e de controle de estímulos com máscara. A ordem dos testes foi alterada em duas fases experimentais: (1) testes intercalados com treinos e (2) testes após os treinos. A mancha aparecia em um dos estímulos de treino. Desempenhos mais precisos ocorreram em testes conduzidos no final dos treinos. Escores altos foram relacionados com controle pelo S+ e pelo S- e os mais baixos com múltiplos controles, principalmente pela mancha. Sugere-se que a ordem dos testes interage com efeitos do elemento redundante

    Adolescentes com DM1: conhecimento acerca da doença e dificuldades no autocuidado

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    Background: type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease increasingly prevalent in children, thus it is essential to encourage adherence to self-care and minimize the difficulties experienced. Objectives: characterize the knowledge of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus about their disease and identify their difficulties in self-care. Methodology: quantitative, simple descriptive study. Application of Knowledge Test of Adolescents with DM1 about the disease and the Inventory of Difficulties in Self-Care Roles by Flora & Gameiro (2016). Data collected between june and november 2021 at Diabetes Consultation of a Hospital in the central region of Portugal. Sample of 34 diabetic adolescents with a mean age of 14.9 (±2.3) years. Results: in overall knowledge, adolescents show a level of knowledge between reasonable and good, and it is in domain 1 (Nature of the disease/physiopathology) where they show the best level of knowledge. In the difficulties in the self-care roles, they show higher percentages of difficulty in maintaining a balanced diet, fighting stress and interventions when facing hypoglycemia. Conclusion: adolescents have difficulties in self-care roles, and the nurses\u27 intervention in the implementation of adjusted therapeutic plans is essential to overcome the knowledge gaps and reduce the identified difficultiesMarco Contextual: la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es una enfermedad crónica cada vez más prevalente en niños, por lo que es fundamental fomentar la adherencia al autocuidado y minimizar las dificultades que experimentan. Objetivos: caracterizar el conocimiento de los adolescentes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 sobre su enfermedad e identificar sus dificultades en el autocuidado. Metodologia: estudo quantitativo, descritivo simples. Aplicação de Test de Conocimientos de Adolescentes con DM1 sobre la enfermedad y el Inventario de Dificultades en los Roles de Autocuidado de Flora & Gameiro (2016). Datos recogidos entre junio y noviembre de 2021 en la Consulta de Diabetes de un Hospital de la región central de Portugal. Muestra de 34 adolescentes diabéticos con edad media de 14,9 (±2,3) años. Resultados: en el conocimiento global, los adolescentes muestran un nivel de conocimiento entre razonable y bueno, y es en el dominio 1 (Naturaleza de la enfermedad/fisiopatología) donde muestran el mejor nivel de conocimiento. En cuanto a las dificultades en las funciones de autocuidado, estos pacientes mostraron mayores porcentajes de dificultad para mantener una dieta equilibrada, combatir el estrés e intervenir ante una hipoglucemia. Conclusión: adolescentes tienen una dificultad para los en los roles de autocuidado, siendo fundamental la intervención del enfermero en la implementación de planes terapéuticos ajustados, con el fin de llenar los vacíos de conocimiento y reducir las dificultades identificadas.Enquadramento: a Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 enquanto doença crónica é, cada vez mais prevalente, em idade pediátrica, sendo fundamental o incentivo de adesão ao autocuidado e a minimização das dificuldades sentidas. Objetivos: caracterizar o conhecimento de adolescentes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 acerca da sua doença e identificar as suas dificuldades no autocuidado. Metodologia: estudo quantitativo, descritivo simples. Aplicação do Teste de Conhecimento dos Adolescentes com DM1 acerca da doença e o Inventário de Dificuldades nos Papéis de Autocuidado de Flora & Gameiro (2016). Recolha de dados de junho a novembro de 2021, na Consulta de Diabetes de um Hospital da região centro de Portugal. Amostra de 34 adolescentes com média de idades de 14.9 (±2.3) anos. Resultados: no conhecimento global, os adolescentes apresentam um nível de conhecimento entre o razoável e bom, sendo o domínio 1 (Natureza da doença/fisiopatologia) onde estes apresentam melhor nível de conhecimento. Nas dificuldades nos papéis de autocuidado, apresentam maior dificuldade na manutenção de uma alimentação equilibrada, combate ao stress e intervenções numa hipoglicemia. Conclusão: verifica-se dificuldade destes nos papeis de autocuidado, sendo fundamental a intervenção dos enfermeiros na implementação de planos terapêuticos ajustados, no sentido de colmatar falhas de conhecimento e dificuldades identificadas

    Transformar a pedagogia na universidade: condições de (im)possibilidade

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    No momento actual, são inúmeras as circunstâncias que exigem e dificultam a transformação da pedagogia nas universidades, importando compreender as condições de (im)possibilidade de mudança. O projecto apresentado neste texto – “Transformar a pedagogia na universidade: condições de (im)possibilidade” (UM, Centro de Investigação em Educação, 2004-2006) - é um exemplo de como a investigação pode servir este propósito, contribuindo simultaneamente para a legitimação da pedagogia como objecto de estudo no meio académico. Centrado na realidade da Universidade do Minho, tem como objectivos caracterizar representações e práticas de gestão da qualidade do ensino e de inovação pedagógica, desenvolver metodologias pedagógicas/investigativas facilitadoras da integração ensino-investigação-desenvolvimento profissional, e promover a valorização institucional da pedagogia pela divulgação e escrutínio interpares nos contextos de acção profissional. Embora tomando como campo de estudo uma única instituição, crê-se que aponta linhas de investigação pertinentes a outras instituições congéneres

    Efficacy of collagen-only scaffolds compared to polymer-associated collagen and nanomaterials in skin wound repair – a review

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    Wound healing remains a clinical problem, with cases of atrophic, hypertrophic, or keloid scars. Three-dimensional scaffolds have been used to restore skin function, facilitating cell migration, adhesion, and proliferation. Collagen is the most common, presenting low antigenicity, decreased inflammation, and replacement by autologous tissue. It is used as sheets/films, sponges, membranes, sprays, and hydrogels of various origins. This integrative literature review aimed to evaluate the application of unassociated collagen scaffolds for skin wound healing and compare them to collagen associations with nanomaterials and polymers. Properties such as applications in humans and other unconventional models cause burns, partial and full-thickness wounds, and others. Scaffold, biomaterials, collagen, wound, injury, repair, and healing were among the descriptors. We found 3,098 articles published between 1995 and 2022 (Mendeley platform), including clinical/experimental trials. After exclusion, 26 studies were identified and analyzed. Autologous and heterologous collagens are the most used in the clinic and favor wound closure by improving re-epithelialization and reducing inflammation but may present challenges in aesthetic acceptance and loss of repair function in the wound site. Furthermore, collagen integration with other nanomaterials improved wound repair and experimental models

    Exploring the saccharomyces cerevisiae volatile metabolome: indigenous versus commercial strains

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    Winemaking is a highly industrialized process and a number of commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains are used around the world, neglecting the diversity of native yeast strains that are responsible for the production of wines peculiar flavours. The aim of this study was to in-depth establish the S. cerevisiae volatile metabolome and to assess inter-strains variability. To fulfill this objective, two indigenous strains (BT2652 and BT2453 isolated from spontaneous fermentation of grapes collected in Bairrada Appellation, Portugal) and two commercial strains (CSc1 and CSc2) S. cerevisiae were analysed using a methodology based on advanced multidimensional gas chromatography (HS-SPME/GC×GC-ToFMS) tandem with multivariate analysis. A total of 257 volatile metabolites were identified, distributed over the chemical families of acetals, acids, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, terpenic compounds, esters, ethers, furan-type compounds, hydrocarbons, pyrans, pyrazines and S-compounds. Some of these families are related with metabolic pathways of amino acid, carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism as well as mono and sesquiterpenic biosynthesis. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used with a dataset comprising all variables (257 volatile components), and a distinction was observed between commercial and indigenous strains, which suggests inter-strains variability. In a second step, a subset containing esters and terpenic compounds (C10 and C15), metabolites of particular relevance to wine aroma, was also analysed using PCA. The terpenic and ester profiles express the strains variability and their potential contribution to the wine aromas, specially the BT2453, which produced the higher terpenic content. This research contributes to understand the metabolic diversity of indigenous wine microflora versus commercial strains and achieved knowledge that may be further exploited to produce wines with peculiar aroma properties