14 research outputs found

    Strength training to prevent falls in older adults: A systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    We performed a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to assess the effects of strength training (ST), as compared to alternative multimodal or unimodal exercise programs, on the number of falls in older adults (=60 years). Ten databases were consulted (CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EBSCO, EMBASE, PEDro, PubMed, Scielo, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science), without limitations on language or publication date. Eligibility criteria were as follows: RCTs with humans =60 years of age of any gender with one group performing supervised ST and a group performing another type of exercise training, reporting data pertaining falls. Certainty of evidence was assessed with Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE). Meta-analysis used a random effects model to calculate the risk ratio (RR) for number of falls. Five RCTs with six trials were included (n = 543, 76% women). There was no difference between ST and alternative exercise interventions for falls (RR = 1.00, 95% CI 0.77–1.30, p = 0.99). The certainty of evidence was very low. No dose–response relationship could be established. In sum, ST showed comparable RR based on number of falls in older adults when compared to other multimodal or unimodal exercise modalities, but evidence is scarce and heteroge-neous, and additional research is required for more robust conclusions. Registration: PROSPERO CRD42020222908

    Entre a modernidade e a tradição: a iniciação sexual de adolescentes piauienses universitárias

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    A sexualidade, enquanto fenômeno que propicia momentos singulares de descobrimento de si e do outro, permite a realização de práticas permeadas por simbolizações adquiridas na adolescência. Por sofrer influência de fatores genéticos, sociais e culturais, o comportamento sexual adolescente é, por vezes, permeado por situações conflituosas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo desvelar comportamentos sexuais de acadêmicas de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Piauí, bem como seus mecanismos de influência, e compreender os aspectos que envolvem a iniciação sexual, considerando os entraves desencadeados pela formação tradicional e aspirações modernizantes. Adotou-se o método etnográfico, aplicando-se entrevistas em profundidade a 12 estudantes, nos meses de outubro e novembro de 2009. As entrevistas relevaram interseção entre comportamento sexual e cultura, permitindo visualizar o poder exercido pelos sistemas de representação social. É importante pontuar sobre a necessidade de mais olhares sobre o assunto por ser emergente nos diversos cenários do existir humano.La sexualidad, como el fenómeno que proporciona momentos singulares de descubrimiento de la propia persona y del otro, permite las prácticas permeadas por símbolos adquiridos en la adolescencia. Por sufrir influencia de factores genéticos, sociales y culturales, el comportamiento sexual adolescente es, muchas veces, permeado por situaciones llenas de conflictos. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo descubrir comportamientos sexuales de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidade Federal do Estado do Piauí, así como sus mecanismos de influencia y comprender los aspectos que envuelven la iniciación sexual, considerando las barreras desencadenadas por la formación tradicional y por las aspiraciones de la modernización. Se adoptó el método etnográfico, aplicándose entrevistas con profundidad a doce estudiantes, en los meses de octubre y noviembre de 2009. Se han revelado cosas en común entre el comportamiento sexual y cultural permitiendo visualizar el poder ejercido por los sistemas de representación social. Es importante poner en punto sobre la necesidad de mirar meticulosamente sobre el asunto, pues son emergentes en los varios escenarios del existir humano.Sexuality as a phenomenon that provides unique moments for people discover each other, it means oneself and another, allowing the realization of permeated practices by acquired symbolizations in adolescence. Being influenced by genetic, social and cultural rights factors, adolescent sexual behavior is often permeated by conflict situations. This study aimed to disclose sexual behaviors of Nursing University female students from Federal University of Piauí, as well as their mechanisms of influence and understanding the aspect that surrounds sexual initiation, considering the obstacles caused by the traditional training and modernizing aspirations. We adopted an ethnography method, by applying profound interviews with twelve students in the months of October and November, 2009. Interviews stood out intersection between sexual behavior and culture, allowing you to see the power exercised by the systems of social representation. It is important to emphasize the need for more importance and attention to the subject for being emergent in several scenes of human existence

    Translation and validation of the Parent-adolescent Communication Scale: technology for DST/HIV prevention

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    OBJECTIVES: accomplishment of the transcultural adaptation of the Parent-adolescent Communication Scale, which evaluates the frequency of communication between parents and children concerning the subjects related to sex, condom, DST, HIV and pregnancy. METHOD: Methodological research of quantitative approach, accomplished with 313 adolescent pupils of the feminine sex in the 14 to 18 year age group in Fortaleza-CE. The content validity was carried through by means of the initial translation, back translation, pre-final version and final version, being analyzed by a committee of specialists; the reliability was verified by the Cronbach's Alpha and ascertained by testing the hypotheses and test-retest within five weeks. The scale was applied via computer in the online modality in the period November/2010 to January/2011. RESULTS: The version of the instrument in Portuguese presented an Alpha of 0.86 regarding the validity of the structure, was partially verified since the testing of the hypotheses of the contracted group was not confirmed. CONCLUSION: The version of the instrument adapted for Portuguese is considered valid and reliable in the study sample