159 research outputs found
Speech profile of patients undergoing primary palatoplasty
Objetivo: caracterizar o perfil e a fala de pacientes submetidos à palatoplastia primária em um hospital escola de São Paulo, levando-se em consideração a idade do paciente no momento da cirurgia (precoce até os 2 anos de idade e tardio após 2 anos). Método 97 indivíduos, de ambos os gêneros, com diagnóstico de fissura de palato associada ou não à de lábio, divididos em dois grupos: 1) grupo precoce (GP), composto por 43 indivíduos operados até o segundo ano de vida; 2) grupo tardio (GT), composto por 54 indivíduos operados após o segundo ano. Os participantes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica fonoaudiológica. Os parâmetros avaliados e considerados para o estudo foram: classificação da ressonância, presença de ronco nasal audível, ocorrência de fraca pressão intraoral, ocorrência de emissão nasal, classificação da inteligibilidade de fala e presença de distúrbios articulatórios compensatórios (DACs). Uma porcentagem randomicamente selecionada de participantes (30%) foi reavaliada por mais duas fonoaudiólogas e a comparação entre os juízes indicou alta concordância. Resultados (nível de significância de 5%): os grupos não se diferenciaram em relação à classificação da ressonância (p=0,067), grau de hipernasalidade (p=0,113), presença de ronco nasal (p=0,179), ocorrência de fraca pressão intraoral (p=0,152), ocorrência de emissão nasal (p=0,369) e classificação da inteligibilidade de fala (p=0,113). Em relação à presença de DACs, os grupos se diferenciaram (p=0,020), com maior ocorrência de fonemas alterados no GT. Conclusão foi possível caracterizar o perfil geral e de fala dos pacientes submetidos à palatoplastia primária do referido hospital escola. Concluiu-se que a realização da cirurgia precocemente traz melhores resultados em relação à fala.Purpose: to characterize the profile and speech characteristics of patients undergoing primary palatoplasty in a Brazilian university hospital, considering the time of intervention (early, before two years of age; late, after two years of age). Methods Participants were 97 patients of both genders with cleft palate and/or cleft and lip palate, assigned to the Speech-language Pathology Department, who had been submitted to primary palatoplasty and presented no prior history of speech-language therapy. Patients were divided into two groups: early intervention group (EIG) – 43 patients undergoing primary palatoplasty before 2 years of age and late intervention group (LIG) – 54 patients undergoing primary palatoplasty after 2 years of age. All patients underwent speech-language pathology assessment. The following parameters were assessed: resonance classification, presence of nasal turbulence, presence of weak intraoral air pressure, presence of audible nasal air emission, speech understandability, and compensatory articulation disorder (CAD). Results At statistical significance level of 5% (p≤0.05), no significant difference was observed between the groups in the following parameters: resonance classification (p=0.067); level of hypernasality (p=0.113), presence of nasal turbulence (p=0.179); presence of weak intraoral air pressure (p=0.152); presence of nasal air emission (p=0.369), and speech understandability (p=0.113). The groups differed with respect to presence of compensatory articulation disorders (p=0.020), with the LIG presenting higher occurrence of altered phonemes. Conclusion It was possible to assess the general profile and speech characteristics of the study participants. Patients submitted to early primary palatoplasty present better speech profile
Age at Primary Cleft Lip Repair:A Potential Bellwether Indicator for Pediatric Surgery
Background:. The bellwether procedures described by the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery represent the ability to deliver adult surgical services after there is a clear and easily made diagnosis. There is a need for pediatric surgery bellwether indicators. A pediatric bellwether indicator would ideally be a routinely performed procedure, for a relatively common condition that, in itself, is rarely lethal at birth, but that should ideally be treated with surgery by a standard age. Additionally, the condition should be easy to diagnose, to minimize the confounding effects of delays or failures in diagnosis. In this study, we propose the age at primary cleft lip (CL) repair as a bellwether indicator for pediatric surgery.
Method:. We reviewed the surgical records of 71,346 primary cleft surgery patients and ultimately studied age at CL repair in 40,179 patients from 73 countries, treated by Smile Train partners for 2019. Data from Smile Train’s database were correlated with World Bank and WHO indicators.
Results:. Countries with a higher average age at CL repair (delayed access to surgery) had higher maternal, infant, and child mortality rates as well as a greater risk of catastrophic health expenditure for surgery. There was also a negative correlation between delayed CL repair and specialist surgical workforce numbers, life expectancy, percentage of deliveries by C-section, total health expenditure per capita, and Lancet Commission on Global Surgery procedure rates.
Conclusion:. These findings suggest that age at CL repair has potential to serve as a bellwether indicator for pediatric surgical capacity in Lower- and Middle-income Countries
Posição no veículo, uso de cinto de segurança e suas conseqüências nas fraturas de face em ocupantes de carros
INTRODUCTION: Trauma caused by traffic accidents is among the main etiologies involved in the occurrence of facial fractures throughout the world. However, the trauma mechanisms involved are different according to the location where the study was performed, due to different conditions of development, legislation, and culture. A retrospective study was done between February 2001 and July 2006, with the purpose of determining the epidemiology and the mechanisms involved in the occurrence of facial fractures among car occupants in the metropolitan area of São Paulo. METHODS: Data were collected from 297 patients admitted with facial fractures to the emergency room of the Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo University Medical School. Within this period, 151 individuals had been involved in traffic accidents, among which 56 (37.08%) were inside passenger cars. These were grouped based on the seating position that they were occupying at the time of the accident and the wearing of seat belts. Data concerning the number and location of fracture lines were obtained from the different groups, and a fracture/patient index (F/P I) was calculated to compare and make reference to the impact energy among these groups, for subsequent analysis and discussion. RESULTS: 323 fracture lines occurred among 56 patients who were car occupants. By applying the F/P I, we obtained higher values in the group of rear-seat passengers who were not wearing seat belts (7.23 fractures per patient), followed by the group of drivers not wearing seat belts (6.33 fractures per patient), the group of front-seat passengers not wearing seat belts (5.58 fractures per patient), the group of drivers wearing seat belts (5.54 fractures per patient) and, finally, the group of front-seat passengers wearing seat belts (4.00 fractures per patient). None of the rear-seat passengers was wearing seat belts. CONCLUSION: The data collected indicate that the driver position shows a high incidence of facial fractures, not being effectively protected by the seat belt, although the wearing of seat belts seems to have a protective role against the occurrence of facial fractures in front-seat passengers. It was not possible to evaluate the wearing of seat belts among rear-seat passengers, even though the high incidence of fractures in this group showed its high susceptibility to the occurrence of facial fractures, which highlights the need of taking protective measures against this situation.INTRODUÇÃO: Os traumatismos devidos a acidentes de trânsito estão entre as principais etiologias na ocorrência de fraturas de face em todo o mundo. No entanto os mecanismos de trauma são diferentes, conforme o local onde o estudo foi realizado, devido a condições de desenvolvimento, legislação e cultura 1, 2, 3, 4. Com o objetivo de se conhecer a epidemiologia e os mecanismos envolvidos na ocorrência de fraturas de face em ocupantes de automóveis na região metropolitana de São Paulo, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo entre Fevereiro de 2001 e Julho de 2006. MÉTODO: Foram coletados dados de 297 pacientes admitidos com fraturas de face na sala de emergência do HC-FMUSP. Destes, 151 indivíduos estiveram envolvidos em acidentes de trânsito sendo que 56 (37,08%) estavam dentro de automóveis. Estes últimos foram agrupados baseados na posição em que estavam sentados no veículo no momento do acidente e no uso de cintos de segurança. Dados referentes ao número e localização dos traços de fratura foram obtidos nos diferentes grupos e um Índice Fraturas/Paciente (IF/P) foi idealizado para comparar e avaliar o impacto nesses grupos, e para posteriormente serem analisados e discutidos. RESULTADO: Ocorreram 323 traços de fraturas nos 56 pacientes ocupantes de carros. Aplicando-se o IF/P obtivemos maiores valores no grupo de passageiros do banco traseiro sem cinto de segurança (7,23 fraturas/ paciente), seguido pelo grupo de motoristas sem cinto de segurança (6,33 fraturas/ paciente), passageiros dianteiros sem cinto de segurança (5,58 fraturas/ paciente), motoristas com cinto de segurança (5,54 fraturas/ paciente) e por último o grupo de passageiros dianteiros com cinto de segurança (4,00 fraturas/ paciente). Nesta amostragem, não houve ocupante do banco traseiro com cinto de segurança. CONCLUSÃO: Baseado nos dados dos pacientes e nos resultados do índice foi realizada uma análise comparando-se a incidência de fraturas de face em diferentes condições dentro de um carro, levando-se em conta a posição do ocupante e o uso do cinto de segurança. Os dados indicam que a posição do motorista apresenta uma incidência elevada de fraturas de face, não oferecendo proteção efetiva mesmo com o uso do cinto de segurança, que parece ter papel protetor contra a ocorrência de fraturas de face na posição do passageiro dianteiro. Não foi possível avaliar o uso do cinto de segurança na posição do passageiro traseiro, mas a alta incidência de fraturas no grupo de ocupantes do banco traseiro sem cinto de segurança mostrou a grande suscetibilidade desta posição à ocorrência de fraturas de face, alertando para a necessidade de se tomar medidas de proteção para esta situação
Oral motor and electromyographic characterization of adults with facial fractures: a comparison between different fracture severities
OBJECTIVES: To characterize the oral motor system of adults with facial injuries and to compare the oral motor performance/function between two different groups. METHODS: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in 38 patients presenting with facial trauma who were assigned to the Division of Orofacial Myology of a Brazilian School Hospital. Patients were divided into two groups: Group 1 (G1) consisted of 19 patients who were submitted to open reduction of at least one facial fracture, and Group 2 (G2) consisted of 19 individuals who were submitted to closed fracture reduction with maxillomandibular fixation. For comparison purposes, a group of 19 healthy volunteers was recruited. All participants underwent a clinical assessment that included an oral motor evaluation, assessment of the mandibular range of motions, and electromyographic assessment of the masticatory muscles. RESULTS: Clinical assessment of the oral motor organs indicated that G1 and G2 presented deficits related to the posture, position, and mobility of the oral motor organs. Patients also presented limited mandibular ranges of movement. Deficits were greater for individuals in G1, especially for maximal incisor opening. Additionally, patients in G1 and G2 presented a similar electromyographic profile of the masticatory muscles (i.e., patients with facial fractures presented lower overall muscle activity and significant asymmetrical activity of the masseter muscle during maximum voluntary teeth clenching). CONCLUSION: Patients in G1 and G2 presented similar functional deficits after fracture treatment. The severity of facial fractures did not influence muscle function/performance 4 months after the correction of fractures
Evaluation of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns by a public service in Brazil
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns. METHODS: An observational descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with patients who suffered burns to the head and neck and who were referred to the Division of Orofacial Myology of a public hospital for assessment and rehabilitation. Only patients presenting deep partial-thickness and full-thickness burns to areas of the face and neck were included in the study. Patients underwent clinical assessment that involved an oral-motor evaluation, mandibular range of movement assessment, and facial mimic assessment. Patients were divided into two groups: G1 - patients with deep partial-thickness burns; G2 - patients with full-thickness burns. RESULTS: Our final study sample comprised 40 patients: G1 with 19 individuals and G2 with 21 individuals. The overall scores obtained in the clinical assessment of oral-motor organs indicated that patients with both second- and third-degree burns presented deficits related to posture, position and mobility of the oral-motor organs. Considering facial mimic, groups significantly differed when performing voluntary facial movements. Patients also presented limited maximal incisor opening. Deficits were greater for individuals in G2 in all assessments. CONCLUSION: Patients with head and neck burns present significant deficits related to posture, position and mobility of the oral myofunctional structures, including facial movements
Hipertrofia idiopática bilateral de músculos temporal e masseter / Bilateral idiopathic hypertrophy of temporal and masseter muscles
A hipertrofia bilateral do músculo temporal é incomum e pode estar associada ao comprometimento de outros músculos do sistema mastigatório, como masseter e pterigóideo. Além de possíveis repercussões na estética facial, há relatos de disfunção da articulação temporomandibular, como dificuldade de mastigação, dor e trismo. O tratamento pode ser feito de forma conservadora, através de medidas não-invasivas ou por meio de procedimentos cirúrgicos. O presente trabalho objetiva trazer uma revisão da literatura e relatar o caso de uma paciente jovem com queixas exclusivamente estéticas relacionadas à proeminência bitemporal, diagnosticada com hipertrofia temporal e massetérica, e sua condução terapêutica
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