17,323 research outputs found

    Physical properties of the Schur complement of local covariance matrices

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    General properties of global covariance matrices representing bipartite Gaussian states can be decomposed into properties of local covariance matrices and their Schur complements. We demonstrate that given a bipartite Gaussian state ρ12\rho_{12} described by a 4×44\times 4 covariance matrix \textbf{V}, the Schur complement of a local covariance submatrix V1\textbf{V}_1 of it can be interpreted as a new covariance matrix representing a Gaussian operator of party 1 conditioned to local parity measurements on party 2. The connection with a partial parity measurement over a bipartite quantum state and the determination of the reduced Wigner function is given and an operational process of parity measurement is developed. Generalization of this procedure to a nn-partite Gaussian state is given and it is demonstrated that the n1n-1 system state conditioned to a partial parity projection is given by a covariance matrix such as its 2×22 \times 2 block elements are Schur complements of special local matrices.Comment: 10 pages. Replaced with final published versio

    Uniform approximation for the overlap caustic of a quantum state with its translations

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    The semiclassical Wigner function for a Bohr-quantized energy eigenstate is known to have a caustic along the corresponding classical closed phase space curve in the case of a single degree of freedom. Its Fourier transform, the semiclassical chord function, also has a caustic along the conjugate curve defined as the locus of diameters, i.e. the maximal chords of the original curve. If the latter is convex, so is its conjugate, resulting in a simple fold caustic. The uniform approximation through this caustic, that is here derived, describes the transition undergone by the overlap of the state with its translation, from an oscillatory regime for small chords, to evanescent overlaps, rising to a maximum near the caustic. The diameter-caustic for the Wigner function is also treated.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Universal quantum signature of mixed dynamics in antidot lattices

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    We investigate phase coherent ballistic transport through antidot lattices in the generic case where the classical phase space has both regular and chaotic components. It is shown that the conductivity fluctuations have a non-Gaussian distribution, and that their moments have a power-law dependence on a semiclassical parameter, with fractional exponents. These exponents are obtained from bifurcating periodic orbits in the semiclassical approximation. They are universal in situations where sufficiently long orbits contribute.Comment: 7 page

    Semiclassical Evolution of Dissipative Markovian Systems

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    A semiclassical approximation for an evolving density operator, driven by a "closed" hamiltonian operator and "open" markovian Lindblad operators, is obtained. The theory is based on the chord function, i.e. the Fourier transform of the Wigner function. It reduces to an exact solution of the Lindblad master equation if the hamiltonian operator is a quadratic function and the Lindblad operators are linear functions of positions and momenta. Initially, the semiclassical formulae for the case of hermitian Lindblad operators are reinterpreted in terms of a (real) double phase space, generated by an appropriate classical double Hamiltonian. An extra "open" term is added to the double Hamiltonian by the non-hermitian part of the Lindblad operators in the general case of dissipative markovian evolution. The particular case of generic hamiltonian operators, but linear dissipative Lindblad operators, is studied in more detail. A Liouville-type equivariance still holds for the corresponding classical evolution in double phase, but the centre subspace, which supports the Wigner function, is compressed, along with expansion of its conjugate subspace, which supports the chord function. Decoherence narrows the relevant region of double phase space to the neighborhood of a caustic for both the Wigner function and the chord function. This difficulty is avoided by a propagator in a mixed representation, so that a further "small-chord" approximation leads to a simple generalization of the quadratic theory for evolving Wigner functions.Comment: 33 pages - accepted to J. Phys.

    Alternate islands of multiple isochronous chains in wave-particle interactions

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    We analyze the dynamics of a relativistic particle moving in a uniform magnetic field and perturbed by a standing electrostatic wave. We show that a pulsed wave produces an infinite number of perturbative terms with the same winding number, which may generate islands in the same region of phase space. As a consequence, the number of isochronous island chains varies as a function of the wave parameters. We observe that in all the resonances, the number of chains is related to the amplitude of the various resonant terms. We determine analytically the position of the periodic points and the number of island chains as a function of the wave number and wave period. Such information is very important when one is concerned with regular particle acceleration, since it is necessary to adjust the initial conditions of the particle to obtain the maximum acceleration.Comment: Submitte

    Quantization of multidimensional cat maps

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    In this work we study cat maps with many degrees of freedom. Classical cat maps are classified using the Cayley parametrization of symplectic matrices and the closely associated center and chord generating functions. Particular attention is dedicated to loxodromic behavior, which is a new feature of two-dimensional maps. The maps are then quantized using a recently developed Weyl representation on the torus and the general condition on the Floquet angles is derived for a particular map to be quantizable. The semiclassical approximation is exact, regardless of the dimensionality or of the nature of the fixed points.Comment: 33 pages, latex, 6 figures, Submitted to Nonlinearit

    Periodic orbit bifurcations and scattering time delay fluctuations

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    We study fluctuations of the Wigner time delay for open (scattering) systems which exhibit mixed dynamics in the classical limit. It is shown that in the semiclassical limit the time delay fluctuations have a distribution that differs markedly from those which describe fully chaotic (or strongly disordered) systems: their moments have a power law dependence on a semiclassical parameter, with exponents that are rational fractions. These exponents are obtained from bifurcating periodic orbits trapped in the system. They are universal in situations where sufficiently long orbits contribute. We illustrate the influence of bifurcations on the time delay numerically using an open quantum map.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, contribution to QMC200