16 research outputs found

    Estudos em modalidades esportivas de combate: estado da arte

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    O objetivo do presente texto foi apresentar o estado da arte dos estudos sobre as modalidades esportivas de combate (MEC). Inicialmente, é destacada a relevância destas modalidades, tanto do ponto de vista histórico, quanto em relação à sua representatividade em competições internacionais, como os Jogos Olímpicos. Também são apresentadas as áreas mais comuns de atuação do profissional de Esporte nas MEC, bem como as iniciativas de organização de eventos, publicações, grupos de estudos e instituições científicas direcionadas às MEC. Posteriormente, estudos com possibilidade de aplicação em diferentes áreas de intervenção - preparação física, técnica e tática, gestão e organização - por parte do profissional do Esporte foram destacados. Finalmente, perspectivas de novos estudos e aspectos relacionados à preparação profissional são evidenciados.The objective of the present text was to present the state of art of studies related to combat sports (CS). Initially, it is presented the relevancy of these sports, from a historical perspective to its representativeness in international competitions, as the Olympic Games. The common areas of Sport's professional intervention, the initiatives of events, publications, research groups and scientific organizations related to the CS are also presented. Additionally, studies applied to different areas of Sport's professional intervention - physical training, technical and tactical preparation, management and organization - were also illustrated. Finally, perspectives of new studies and aspects related to professional preparation were reported

    Sexual dimorphism of anthropometrical measurements in judoists vs untrained subjects

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    Evaluation du dimorphisme sexuel de la composition corporelle et détermination du somatotype chez des judokas membres de l'équipe polonaise de judo avnat comparaison avec une population sédentaire. Des différences significatives ont été observées pour la masse grasse et le pourcentage de graisse

    Uchi-komi avec charge, une approche physiologique d'un nouveau test spécifique au judo

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    Elaboration et validation d'un test de terrain spécifique à la pratique du judo, proche de la compétition, pour évaluer l'état de forme physique du judoka. Comparaison avec les résultats du test progressif de Léger, du test de détente verticale, du test navette australien. Le test spécifique judo permet une bonne appréciation de la puissance anaérobie du judoka lors d'un exercice propre à sa spécialité et reflète significativement sa capacité anaérobi

    A comparative study of speed expressed by the number of throws between heavier and lighter categories in judo

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    Objective. - The objective of this work was to verify if there was a difference in throwing speed performance between heavier and lighter weight categories in judo. Methods and subjects. - Sixteen (16) judoists 18 +/- 3 years old, eight considered in the lightweight category (< 66 kg) and eight considered in the heavyweight (> 73 kg) category, participated in the study after signing a term of informed consent. A force-velocity test was used to determine the anaerobic power, strength, and pedal speed for each subject. In addition, three trials of Nage-komi exercise, each comprised of a set of Osoto-gari (15s), Uchi-mata (15s) and Seoi-nage (15s) throws were performed by each subject to ascertain throwing speed. Throws within the sets were intersected by one period of three minutes passive rest, while the trials were separated by one period of 10 minutes passive rest. Heart rate and the greatest number of throws within each set were measured for three trials. One-way analysis of variance (Anova) was used to compare the number of throws between the two weight categories and a ""Student"" test when the difference was significant. A correlation was used to examine the link between the different parameters. Results. - The force-velocity test did not show a significant difference in pedal speed between the two categories. However, there was a significant difference between the two categories when throwing speed was measured by the number of throws (p < 0.05) executed during the Seoi-nage (p < 0.01) and Uchi-mata (p <0.05) techniques. There was however, no significant difference between the two categories in Osoto-gari technique. Conclusion. - The throwing speed of judoists represented by the number of throws is significantly different between the two categories. The lighter category has more speed than the heavier category using the arm technique (Seoi-nage), while the heavier category has more speed using the leg technique with half turn of the attacker`s body (Uchi-mata). As a result, throwing speed is related to the type of technique used and not weight category. (C) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Reliability of the Uchikomi fitness test: a pilot study

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    L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner la reproductibilité d’un test intermittent simulant un combat de judo, Uchi komi Fitness Test (UFT) (Almansba et al., 2007 [1]). Sept judokas (20 ± 3 ans) présentant différents niveaux de performance (quatre de niveau départemental, deux régional et un national) ont réalisé ce test au cours de trois sessions, chacune d’elle étant séparée de la suivante par une période de 48 heures. Les résultats ont montré une reproductibilité modérée (ICC = 0,88) pour les valeurs moyennes du score combiné (a + b) correspondant aux deux meilleures séries. Toutefois, la reproductibilité du nombre total d’uchikomi (n) et des réponses de la fréquence cardiaque (FCmoy, FCmax et %FCmax) est très élevée (CCI > 0,90) et l’erreur intraclasse est très faible (< 2 %). Cette étude indique que les performances mesurées durant trois sessions successives sont significativement reproductibles. La FCmax, FCmoy et le %FCmax sont des indices physiologiques fiables pour apprécier la performance du système cardiovasculaire du judoka. En outre, le nombre total d’uchikomi (n) obtenu à l’UFT est un meilleur indicateur pour évaluer la condition physique spécifique du judoka, car il associe sollicitation musculaire et réponse cardiovasculaire à l’exercice (Almansba et al., 2007 [1]). Mots clés : Judo ; Test de terrain ; Fréquence cardiaque ; Reproductibilit

    Innovative photocatalytic luminous textiles optimized towards water treatment: Performance evaluation of photoreactors

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    International audienceThe photocatalytic removal of Flumequine (antibiotic) using a luminous textile which served as a support for the TiO2 and a light transmitter through optical fibers was examined in this study. Two configurations of luminous textile were investigated (Mono-Face and Double-Face) in terms of compounds degradation and mineralization. Photocatalytic performances of Double-Face configuration were found to be better than the one obtained with Mono-Face. Furthermore, to describe the kinetics of the reaction, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model was successfully applied and both reaction kinetic and adsorption/desorption equilibrium constants were determined. Double-Face configuration also showed better performances compared to the conventional process in the different water matrices tested (ultrapure water, synthetic solution simulating seawater and synthetic hospital wastewater). This configuration was tested for cetirizine (antihistamine) degradation as well, with a satisfying result obtained. Moreover, this technology showed good stability and reusability. On the other hand, the larger size of Double-Face retained its performance at pilot-scale. Finally, the irradiation analyzes showed a good light distribution homogeneity on the textile surface at both laboratory-scale and pilot-scale

    An engineering approach towards the design of an innovative compact photo-reactor for antibiotic removal in the frame of laboratory and pilot-plant scale

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    International audienceAdvanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), in particular heterogeneous photocatalysis, have been considered as a promising method to remove antibiotics without generating hazardous intermediates. In this work, an innovative compact photoreactor was designed and tested for the degradation of the antibiotic Flumequine. The system consisted of a textile woven from both luminous and photocatalytically active fibers. The luminous fibers consisted of LED-type optical fibers and the photocatalytic fibers consist of textile fibers impregnated with TiO2. This configuration allowed for optimization of contact between the catalyst, the pollutant, and the light source. The surface morphology, elemental composition and optical properties of this photo-active fabric were characterized by SEM-EDX and by irradiance measurements. The effectiveness of the luminous textile was compared with two conventional processes: suspended TiO2, and immobilized TiO2 on cellulosic paper. The specific degradation rate obtained with the light textile was 28 times higher than that observed with slurry photocatalytic reactor and 65 times higher than in the case of TiO2 supported on cellulosic paper. Luminous textile also showed efficient performance in terms of mineralization per Watt consumed with values exceeding 77 and 419 times than those obtained with suspended TiO2 and the cellulose paper, respectively. This new configuration also improved the compactness by 3 times compared to the cellulosic paper system. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood model showed that this optical fibers-based configuration reduced the mass transfer compared to the conventional TiO2 immobilization approaches. Additionally, the extrapolation of this process to pilot scale was successfully performed. The excellent performances in terms of degradation rate, mineralization per Watt consumed, compactness, energy consumption, and reusability make luminous textiles an attractive alternative to conventional photocatalytic reactors’ design for removal of antibiotics in water and wastewater

    Perceptions of Top-Level Judo Coaches on Training and Performance

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    The main goal of this project was to assess top-level judo coaches' perceptions on two capital elements in coaching: training and competition management. 41 experienced, high-level coaches from Europe, Asia and America agreed to participate. An open-ended questionnaire was selected as the assessment instrument. The two main topics (training and competition) were divided in two areas: methodology and access to high-level performance, and combat strategies and coaches' roles and tasks during combat, respectively. Results showed that in order to access high-level performance, judo training must consider the most effective techniques in competition, judokas must develop their special technique and they must work on physical, technical, tactical and psychological aspects. Regarding competition, combat strategy is determined by the opponent, and coaches must provide precise information to their judokas, focusing on their grip and body alignment