174 research outputs found

    Velle malum ex pura libertate: Duns Scoto e la banalitĂ  del male

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    Hannah Arendt e Hans Jonas highlight one specific aspect of Duns Scotus's thought: the wide autonomy that the Franciscan theologian allows to human will. In particular, Scotus admits that the very aim of human behaviour can be freely chosen by man, rather than being (as it was commonly believed at that age) a natural and cogent propensity towards good. In Arendt's opinion Scotus opens the way to modernity, an age in which man is both the producer and the defender of all values, creator of history and responsible for it. Arendt's interpretation is acceptable, however it is necessary to highlight with great care the limits of human freedom, in particular if an evil goal can be found among the freely chosen aims. Scotus strongly denies that evil can be desired for itself: creation is intrinsically positive because being and good can be converted into each other; thus Scotus holds a conception of evil actions that appears surprisingly modern. When Scotus maintains that for man the worse fault is to choose evil for his own freedom, the Franciscan theologian takes leave from the ethical conceptions of his age which blamed sins on the weakness of human will, prone to the external temptations of an errant reason or to the urge of physical passions: in Scotus’s conception, human will has in itself the reasons of sin, traceable in a sort of indetermination due to the constitutive finity of man, which has the power of leading man astray in spite of his autonomy naturally directed towards good. However, with this operation Scotus denies any grandiosity of the evil behaviour. Evil does not prove itself at the highest degree in rationally evil projects; instead, as our experience nowadays shows, evil reflects the senseless emptiness of a human being ready to commit evil actions for the vain achievement of himself as free

    LibertĂ  e contingenza della fruizione beatifica nello scotismo del primo '300

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    Este estudo tem como objeto a recepção da teoria scotista da vontade no início do século 14. Interesse precípuo é o modo como autores, sobretudo franciscanos, a partir das Universidades de Paris e de Oxford, discutiram sobre a possibilidade de uma escolha livre ou de um ato da própria vontade, por parte dos bem-aventurados, quando da visão de Deus. Para tanto, pressuposições gerais da teoria scotista da vontade são apresentadas, bem como as inovações dos filósofos influenciados por Scotu

    A variational technique for the computation of the vibration frequencies of mechanical systems governed by nonsymmetric matrices

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    AbstractIn this paper an algorithm for the solution of linear eigenvalue problems governed by ill-conditioned nonsymmetric matrices that are typical in dynamic structural analysis in the presence of nonconservative loads is proposed. The real eigenpairs (x,λ) are formulated as the minimizers of a suitable non-negative functional, which plays a role analogous to that of the Raleigh quotient for positive definite matrices. The proposed method, which is similar to a Rayleigh iterative scheme, has proven itself to be substancially unaffected by extremely high dispersions of the real eigenvalues. The method is illustrated by means of examples that correspond to beams subject to nonconservative loads

    Quando Duns Scoto ha cambiato idea sulla volontĂ ? La causa del volere secondo la quaestio 6 delle Collationes parisienses

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    The paper deals with the question of the development of Duns Scotus’ thought on the causes of the will: is the intellect a contributory cause of the choice (as claimed in the writings of the Oxford period), or is it only an occasion for it (as stated in the last works, written in Paris)? The collatio 6, probably discussed in 1301, immediately after the arrival of the Scottish theologian in Paris, still defends the doctrine of the intellect as a contributory cause of the will, and therefore represents the last text preceding the turn of Scotus towards the theory that assigns to the intellect the role of mere causa sine qua non. This theory was widespread in Paris and supported by the Master of Scotus, Gonsalvus of Spain, who probably heavily influenced the doctrinal change of Scotus

    A variational Bayesian method for inverse problems with impulsive noise

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    We propose a novel numerical method for solving inverse problems subject to impulsive noises which possibly contain a large number of outliers. The approach is of Bayesian type, and it exploits a heavy-tailed t distribution for data noise to achieve robustness with respect to outliers. A hierarchical model with all hyper-parameters automatically determined from the given data is described. An algorithm of variational type by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the true posteriori distribution and a separable approximation is developed. The numerical method is illustrated on several one- and two-dimensional linear and nonlinear inverse problems arising from heat conduction, including estimating boundary temperature, heat flux and heat transfer coefficient. The results show its robustness to outliers and the fast and steady convergence of the algorithm.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in J. Comput. Phy

    De centro in circumferentia. Metafore spaziali del rapporto tempo-eternit\ue0 in Tommaso d'Aquino

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    Volontarismo e mercatio: un nesso necessario?Il caso di Francesco di Meyronnes.

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    L'articolo studia la giustificazione filosofica della propriet\ue0 privata e della liceit\ue0 del guadagno in Francesco di Meyronnes. Il francescano si mostra autonoma rispetto alla dottrina del maestro Giovanni Duns Scoto

    Scientia transcendens. Duns Scoto e la nuova metafisica

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    Capitolo su Duns Scoto all'intero di un volume di Storia della Metafisic
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